Eritrea opposition figure feared abducted in Sudan
An Eritrean opposition party official has been missing for two days in eastern Sudan and there are fears he may have been kidnapped by Asmara's security agents, the party alleged on Thursday. Mohammed Ali Ibrahim, a

An Eritrean opposition party official has been missing for two days in eastern Sudan and there are fears he may have been kidnapped by Asmara’s security agents, the party alleged on Thursday.
Mohammed Ali Ibrahim, a member of the People’s Democratic Party central council, left his house in Kassala town at 8:00 am (0500 GMT) on Tuesday and has not been seen since, the party said in a statement emailed to AFP.
Sudanese police and the Kassala hospitals had no word on him, it said.
“The big fear prevailing in Kassala is that he might have been kidnapped by security agents of the Eritrean regime, who enjoy free mobility in the region,” it said.
Eastern Sudan is home to tens of thousands of ethnic Eritreans.
The United Nations refugee agency in Sudan says about 2,000 asylum-seekers, mostly Eritrean, cross the border monthly, many to escape the Asmara regime’s compulsory military service.
There are around 80,000 people living in refugee camps near the border, some of whom began fleeing to Sudan four decades ago during their country’s independence war with Ethiopia.AFP
Kalighe February 18, 2012
Higdef runs an extensive network of informants throughout Easter Sudan. The kidnappers have connections with Sudanese security officials. The latter get huge bribes, thus play a critical role in the kidnapping process. The victim is detained briefly by Sudanese security agents while the kidnappers are ready with a car in a near by place. The 2% money collected from diaspora Eritreans is spent in this way to intimidate them or make them disappear even when they are trying to make a living in neighboring countries. All those involved in this crimes should face justice when the time of it comes.
tesfai February 19, 2012
Halengi shabia newih eyu n kula seb kerkbela eyu ynewh ember amanual eyasu kemaney zterfeka aytmesln eka mealtka tray tesebe ember wala kab london aygedukan eyom shabia
awet February 20, 2012
Tesfai, Suk Elka nay DONKORO zereba Gdefo. Temahar. Ab gzie Wube Ztsememe Wube Kbl mote key koneka. Teberber !!!!
sara February 19, 2012
according the recent news coming out of kessela sudan, recently the ethipian defense minister visited kessela and its environs, could this be a coincidence with the disappearance of Mr ibrahim of epdp. Normally when ethiopian leaders visit sudan the sudanese government takes security measures that will keep the visitors safe.I was told many years ago when mengistu visited khartoum , all eritreans were compelled to leave the city until megistue returns safe to ethiopia.In fact those who decided not to leave were caught by the police and deported towards kessela and gedarif. could this have happened again because the etiopian general was visiting kessela?
as for the halewlow …shaebia etc, forgive me… the eritrean defense and security forces are busy defending the country,,,are not a part for such dirty games… that is left to those under the pay of woyane…
Haqi February 19, 2012
It is most probable that the EPDP member is in a meeting with PFDJ officials in Asmara.
EPDP is an extension of PFDJ
ERITREAN / RAPE LANDIAN February 19, 2012
Haqi you are so inyelligent , you remind me of me !!!! I was thinking the same. Bravo ,atleast ,Isaias you & I 3 intelligent people .The only difference is you & I are not evil .
tesfay haile February 19, 2012
a tit for tat action is the only solution February 19, 2012
Do not worry they as the Tigrinya proverb goes ‘MELAXE TEWEHTEYA MEWXA TEKEFAKI’, He along many others in the dungeons of PFDJ will be liberated when the decaying regime falls. It is a matter of Months.
ERITREAN / RAPE LANDIAN February 19, 2012
Amanuel ,
Pfdj & Epdp are like coca cola & pepsi cola ,the same factory .He must be in a meeting.
HGDF February 20, 2012
The good thing about the opposition is they kill each other. They have done this since Jebha Abay days. No need for us to invest much time on them. Now EPDP is their target. They have sent Weyane agents to kidnap him and blame that on PFDJ. PFDJ wouldn’t waste any time in capturing a value less loser. After all we know either the woyane or the opposition themselves will do the job. Let them do it. Who cares when a devil kills another devil.