Eritrea Focus statement on Independence Day
We join with the people of Eritrea in celebrating the anniversary of our liberation and the establishment of Eritrea as a free nation. The entry of our fighters into Asmara was greeted with the greatest

We join with the people of Eritrea in celebrating the anniversary of our liberation and the establishment of Eritrea as a free nation. The entry of our fighters into Asmara was greeted with the greatest outpouring of joy our nation has ever known.
rezen May 23, 2020
1. “The entry of our fighters into Asmara was greeted with the greatest outpouring of joy our nation has ever known”
VERY TRUE. Not a single word out of the 20 words is superfluous.
2. “…celebrating the anniversary of our liberation”
Let us be honest. What is the ultimate definition of “liberation” ?
3. “…establishment of Eritrea as a free nation”
Question: Again, let us be deeply honest. Can we really and honestly say that our Eritrea is a FREE nation against a glaring fact that Eritrea is a PRISON to the entire people of Eritrea — at a dictate of a single mortal absolute dictator?
Hidat May 24, 2020
ርሑስ በዓል መበል 29ዓመት ናጽነት ኤርትራ ንመላእ ሕዝቢ ኤርትራ ኣብ ዉሽጥን ወጻእን ዓወት ንሓፋሽ
rezen May 24, 2020
Dear Eritreans
Young and Old
Female and Masculine
Scholars and quasi-educated who can read MY DIATRIBES
1. The Preparation Behind the Curtain
In thirty (30) years war (1961 – 1991) Eritreans, heroicaly with world-wide admiration, succeeded in getting what it set out to do: THE SEPARATION OF ERITREA from ETHIOPIA. Note: The six words were selected for specific purpose for the narration of what follows
Twenty – nine (29) years ago Eritreans dedicated the date of 24 May 1991 as the “LIBERATION” DAY only to be JOLTED three years later that they have actually awaken from their deep sleep to the REALITY on the GROUND, which was hatched by a single mortal ever since he joined the Liberation Struggle in 1963 (or there about). He succeeded in his evil goal and dedicated 24 May 1991 as HIS OWN REMEMBRANCE OF HIS OWN achievement. It will not be a surprise if his son — whio is being groomed — takes over the dynasty of Dictatorship of the Afewerki >Abraha > Miratch dynasty.
2. Act ONE Behind the Open Curtain
By now the intent is not a secrete. The preparation for Eritrea to be part and parcel of Ethiopia is on its way to formalize it in open air. It is NOT a secrete, any more. After all, didn’t Issayas said it openly in a gathering with two words — addressing it to the Prime Minster of Ethiopia in open gathering >>> “LEAD US” There was no immediate open reaction from Eritreans — inside the country, nor in the FREE outside World where Eritreans LIVE in tranquility and attracting their people who are flooding to be away from their birth place. It is NOT blaming them; it is only addressing the facts.
In any case, was there any automatic and obvious natural reaction from “independent” Eritrea? NOT A SINGLE WORD. In fact, Issayas have been travelling to Ethiopia about half a dozen times. Have you noticed? Issayas seems to like the rich land of South Ethiopia Hmmm…………… why not!?! Everyone is entitled to his/her own dreams. And have you also noticed that Issayas had not been, nor is he now, wasting his time to ameliorate Eritrea in every aspect of development??? On the contrary, Eritrea is regressing backward in the direction of disintegration. To put it even more bluntly: Eritrea is being DELIBERATELY destroyed out of recognition in front of ERITREAN HISTORICAL GALLANTRY.
There is something, mysteriously wrong with Eritreans!!!!!!! But it is NOT really mysterious. WE ERITREANS know it ALL. And Issayas knew it all. Without that knowledge, Issayas would NOT have attempted to do what he set out to do. He knew the historical weakness of Eritreans. We are free to deny it. We are free to cover it up by insulting others on the Internet. We are free to establish multitude of parties for — laughingly — the same aim. Issayas will keep on ‘smiling’ . We can, of course, call him “Agame” and label him with all kinds supposedly to be insults. Note: “Agame” is NOT an insult; it is the name of a tribe in Tigrai. It is like saying …………….never mind. WE ERITREANS have a long way to go in socio-archiological understanding. What a pity, in a society admirably known for so many technical matters and bravery. It seems the old adage to be true: GOD DOES NOT BESTOW THE WHOLE TO HIS CREATURES { stand to be corrected, gladly and thankfully]
3. A word of appreciation and gratitude
As always, I wish to appreciate my appreciation to for the provision of space to enable me to express my FREE opinion, as an Eritrean, THE END
ዴምህት May 31, 2020
ኤርትራውን ዴምህት ተመሊሱ ናብ ኤሪትራ አትዩሎ ብዝቐልጠፈ አዕጢቕኩም ከም ትሕግዝዎ ኸምታ ንወያነ ተሸኪምኩም አራት ኪሎ ከፍ ዘበልኩሞ አይኮነን ትግራይና ነፃ ንኽትወፅእ እዩ እና ንስኻትኩም ጥዑይ ጎረቤት ረኺብኹም ኢትዮጵያን ኤሪትራን ሰላም ጉርብትናን ብልፅግናን ክረኽባ