Eritrea did not fly arms to al Shabaab last Oct: UN
By Aaron Maasho ADDIS ABABA (Reuters) - Eritrea did not airlift arms to Islamist militants in the Somali town of Baidoa late last year, a preliminary U.N. report has found, pouring cold water on a charge

By Aaron Maasho
ADDIS ABABA (Reuters) – Eritrea did not airlift arms to Islamist militants in the Somali town of Baidoa late last year, a preliminary U.N. report has found, pouring cold water on a charge that sparked a diplomatic row between the two countries.
Kenya accused Eritrea in November of delivering caches of weapons to al Shabaab, an al Qaeda-linked group battling to overthrow the Western-backed government in Mogadishu and fighting Kenyan troops in the south of Somalia.
Eritrea has repeatedly denied the accusation and said it is no enemy of Kenya’s
“The monitoring group’s preliminary assessment is that these reports were incorrect and that the alleged deliveries to Baidoa probably did not take place,” The U.N. Monitoring Group on Somalia and Eritrea said in its latest report for December.
The U.N. Monitoring Group on Somalia and Eritrea (SEMG) was established to keep an eye on violations of a two-decade old arms embargo on the lawless Horn of Africa nation.
“The SEMG will, however, continue to probe this matter and is awaiting additional information from the Kenyan authorities before reaching a final determination,” it said.
Nairobi said at the time it had intelligence that consignments of arms were flown to rebel-controlled Baidoa from Eritrea, and used the alleged deliveries as a pretext for launching air raids on rebel bases.
Kenyan officials have said that Eritrean denials are not enough, and that it should go further and denounce al Shabaab.
The east African country rolled into Somalia in mid-October to fight the Islamist insurgents, whom it blames for a slew of kidnappings on Kenyan soil. Ethiopia, too, has sent troops across its border, opening up a third front against the rebels.
“I urge all Muslims to start fire in Nairobi, Garissa and Addis Ababa. This time, the Christians are weak,” al Shabaab spokesman Sheikh Ali Mohamud Rage told reporters at a press conference held outside Mogadishu.
Britain believes Islamist militants are completing plans to attack Kenyan institutions and sites popular with expatriates and tourists.
SINGAPO-ERITREAN January 17, 2012
ADDIS ABABA (Reuters) – Eritrea did not airlift arms to Islamist militants in the Somali town of Baidoa late last year, a preliminary U.N”……….
My Eritrean govt. has told me that the UN is a liar and ….is US dominates……based on that the UN report is crap , I believe my govt. than the imperialist UN. Which means the opposite is true ..ERITREA “DID”AIRLIFT WEAPONS TO ALSHABAB……..
Confused…? .It is called sarcasm…you still did not get it ….?Well ask our president…he is good at it .
Almaz January 17, 2012
Singapo-Eritrean, AYE ENDA HIGI-GIDEF. KITMEKAN BIDKA KIKEFAKAN BIMANKA EKO AYKONEN. It is the same monitoring group who accused the wild-beasts (HIGI-GIDEF) reporting that the latest accusations by Kenya are baseless.
The bottom line is there will not be a place for the best friend of Kazzaffi any more.
JEGANU AB GUDGAD ERAERI BERBIKUM, Consitution AB KEBHI SENDIKUM, BIHGI ARAWIT HAGER MIMRAH AYKEALN. Haile Drue, Petros Solomon, Jermano Nati told you openly and clearly….evantually you will be overthrown in shame.
Abdi January 17, 2012
Hrr belu, we believe our mengstna PIA dew ybel,as for you puppets you believe only what favours your lords woyane with out leaving any thing for doubt,the truth is woyane are also know that you are metaqaeti and you can’t overthrow PIA cos we are all with him against you and your lords agametat.
Singapo-Eritrean don’t hide your identity, man up and comment as agame,cos we all know who you are from the first line you write,or do us a favour and off to
jemal January 19, 2012
Responding to Abbadi (abdi )
Ata- baria they brain washed you. they make you believe to say Gotaie ; Negstay ; Issias abkesaday kehengereka dew-belallay and so on… .But what you didn’t understand is that you ; me ;your son and my son and some other eritrean cetizen are cabable of leading denkorooooo.
Who teached you Sofia tesfamariam anta ashaaaaa….how may times do they have to fool you .i think time for you to get up from the soundless sleep .
Cambo January 18, 2012
This one was a big deliberate lie they stuck on Higdef. There is no way that Eritrea can fly an aircraft loaded with armaments to Somalia’s al shabab passing through the most guarded military bases of the USA and France in Dijibouti and all the western naval ships in the Indian Ocean hunting for the Somali parates.
This lie was so elementary, it must have been invented by an amature diplomat in the State Department; this was not a CIA work. But, it did the work — impose sanctions!
michael January 18, 2012
BETRI HAQUIS TIKETIN EMBER AYTSIERIN…….sik elka midikar ….sik elka nihzbi kitetalil mifitan gin nay zeytemahre seb sirahin and nihager zeytekim sirah eyu ..;thanku
michael January 18, 2012
This is a big blow to those who were supporting for the sanction on eritrea and their people.It is a good start to see such articles in BETRI HAQUIS TIKETIN EMBER AYTSIERIN…….sik elka midikar ….sik elka nihzbi kitetalil mifitan gin nay zeytemahre seb sirahin and nihager zeytekim sirah eyu .emo pls.;thanku
sol January 18, 2012
We did support the sanction not because of Somalia but because of tge suffering of the Eritreans in the hands of our own Dictator.He deserved to be slapped in the face for his heavy handedness against his comrades, disabled veterans, the youth , parents and families of martyrs .
simon haile January 18, 2012
Eritrean 1- 0 UN ,USA, ETHIOPIA & (WEYANE ኣማኑኤል ኢያሱ)
ኣማኑኤል ኢያሱ EAT YOUR WORDS.
ahmed saleh January 18, 2012
Guys, with your poor mentality and arrogance,you do not understand that you are playing
cards on the expence of the suffering and disappearance of our people. Who cares about
outsiders in our internal issuses, they never been there only their dirty politics. How stupid
we could be to divert our main problems following their agenda, what a shame. WAKE UP
PEOPLE, if ther is not a will to change our thinking, trust me at the end all of us are losers.
kiflom January 18, 2012
Whoever gave this information is caught at it neck to disprove the allegation. Those of you who think this information valid and goes against the UN RESOLUTION will align yourselves at the wrong side as usual. You have no historical, political, diplomatic, social & what have knowledge, skill and potential. You are also not ready to learn form your errors. Neither are you ready to evaluate your stand which is founded on sand. The question in Eriteria is a question of popular sovereignty vs totalitarian dictatorship. IT IS A QUESTION OF PEACE VS WAR. It a question of having a political line that goes with the respect of the sovereignty of the broad masses. YOUR RACIALISM WILL HELP NO ONE. creating gaps between two neighboring peoples and countries so that your “beloved totalitarian dictator: will lead the people & the territory to complete elimination is pure madness! A bunch of ignorant and arrogants!!! Yes, the Kenyans will present their evidences. The one who gave this information will not be left aside once the issue is verified and re-verified. Just wait a few days. BY THE WAY DID YOU CONSIDER THE CURRENT KILLING OF TOURISTS?????
tesfaldet January 18, 2012
some people in this comment LIKE SOLE AHEMED ALMAZ THIS idiots are they dont care abaout the lie in eritrea delivering arm to alSHEBAB well you idiots eritrea was in sunction BY UN for arming ALSHEBAB not LIKE THIS DAMASS ALMAZ TALK abaut this G FACKING 15 HAILE DRUE SHERIFO so you meat head dont bring this shit eritrea dont get this suction in UN for HAILE DRUE SHERIFO PETROS SELOMONE SO please learn before you put comment
alex January 18, 2012
Your hard-core fanatism and stupid comments shows your arrogance. With your
silence on the sad incidents inside our country to call idiots to fair minded and
concerned Eritreans is pure trash. All the reactions is fueled by widespread
outrage and madness over the PRDF greed of power, killings, illegal lock-ups,
inequality and other unspeakable treatments. Betraying our GEDLI leaders in
calling them with your provocative language, I’m ashamed of you but we have
brave bro/sis who are voicing for their people and country who make us a little
proud and count on eachother.
ahmed saleh January 19, 2012
We care less about your engagement with Al-shebab , U.N. and
else, that is your call not ours. What we care most is our civil rights.
We want clean our own house from corrupted and evil- doers like
you. You scam-bugs, low lifes and class-less are lucky for the opportunity in this forum.