Eritrea ‘continues support’ to Somalia’s Al-Shabab, says Ethiopia
By Tesfa-Alem Tekle - Sudan Tribune July 29, 2013 (ADDIS ABABA) – In fresh allegations made by Ethiopia on Monday, the East African nation said that efforts to maintain peace and stability in Somalia is taking

By Tesfa-Alem Tekle – Sudan Tribune
July 29, 2013 (ADDIS ABABA) – In fresh allegations made by Ethiopia on Monday, the East African nation said that efforts to maintain peace and stability in Somalia is taking longer due to Eritrea’s continued support of the Islamist militia group, Al-Shabab.
The Ethiopian government said despite ongoing efforts by regional governments and the African Union peace keeping force (AMISOM), Eritrea continues to undermine peace efforts in war-ravaged Somalia.
“Although relative peace and security is gained in Somalia, Eritrea didn’t reduce its support to Al-Shabab and remains to be a destabilising influence”, Ethiopia’s foreign affairs spokesperson, Dina Mufti, told Sudan Tribune.
“Eritrea continues to violate UN Security Council (UNSC) resolutions and the country absolutely remains to be a regional security threat”, he added.
The Ethiopian government said it has its own, as well as international evidence to support its latest allegations against the secretive Red Sea nation.
Mufti said there was a need for tightened sanctions to cripple Eritrea’s negative role across the volatile East African region.
Eritrean envoy to the African Union (AU) in Addis Ababa was on Monday unavailable for comment.
In 2009, the UNSC imposed sanctions against Eritrea for its role in financing, as well as providing arms and military training to the Al-Qaeda-linked group, Al-Shabab.
The sanctions also include an arms embargo, travel ban and assets freeze against the country’s senior political and military officials.
Asmara has repeatedly denied allegations of backing Al-Shabab, accusing the US and its regional ally Ethiopia of running “smear campaigns” aimed at tarnishing the country’s Image.
Eritrea has repeatedly demanded that sanctions be lifted, however, the UN monitoring group on Somalia and Eritrea – a panel which investigates violations of imposed sanctions, insists it is too early, arguing that Eritrea has shown little improvement.
Relations between Ethiopia and its former province remain tense after the two neighbours engaged in a 1998-2000 border war that killed an estimated 70,000 people.
Meanwhile, Mufti has dismissed unconfirmed reports that the Horn of Africa nation is planning to pull-out the thousands of troops it deployed in Somalia.
“There is no an immediate plan of withdrawing our troops from Somalia”, Mufti said
According to the Ethiopian official, troop pull-out depends on the pace of progress achieved in Somalia.
“Ethiopian forces will remain in Somalia until AU peacekeepers and particularly the Somali government forces build up military capability that would fully enable them to defend existing security threats in their soil,” he said.
He reiterated that Ethiopia will continue to extend all necessary support to the Somali government until such time durable peace and stability is achieved.
rti August 1, 2013
A lot of frustration and confusion. Those of us who believe in prayer do so daily, in hopes that, the misery of our Eritrean citizens in Eritrea, Sinai and anywhere else end and that, the tyranny of the ruling party gets uprooted and demolished.
Deki adi September 23, 2013
The typical tigay tigrigna written by Portugess pop of the 17 centureis assure that ታሪክ ራሱን ይደግማል እንዲሉ ከአፄ ዮውሓንስ ሞት በኋላ ግማሽ አካለችን የሆነው ከምጽዋ እስከ መረብ ያለው አገር ዳግም ላይመለስ ተቆርሶ ሂዷል:: ጣልያኖች እና ምኒሊካውያን ኢትዮጵያን ማሸነፍ የሚቻለው የትግራይን ህዝብ እርስ በራሱ በማጣላት ካለሆነ በጦርንት እንደማይሆንላቸው በማወቃቸው ጥንታዊት ኢትዮጵያን ለሁለት በመገዝገዝ ግማሹን በጣልያን እጅ የተቀረው ደግሞ በሸዋ እጅ እንዲሆን የተሳካ ሴራ ጠንስሰው ኣሳክተዋል:: ከአድዋ ድል በኋልም የድሉ ባለቤቶች የነበሩት ራስ አሉላ አባነጋ: ራስ ሓጐስ ምርጫ (የኢሳያሰ አፈወርቂ ቅድመ ኣያት) እርስበርስ ተባልተው በመሞታቸው እነዲሁም ራስ መንገሻ ዮውሓንስ ወደ ሸዋ ተወስዶ ባልዋለው ውንጀላ በመገደሉ ምክንያት ትግራይ ያለ ተቆረቋሪ ኣባት (በዘይ ኣያ) ቀረታለች:: ይህንንም ተከትሎ በሸዋ ሰዎች አሻሸጭነት ሰራየ እና አካለ ጉዘይ በ 5 ሚሊዮን ሊሬ እንደተቸበቸበ ታሪክ አንብበን እብረዳ:: የሽሬ ኣካል የነበረው የአሁኑ ባርካ: የኣጋመ ኣካል የነበረው ደንከል ከትገራይ ተቆረጠው ወደ ትግራይ የነፍጥ መተላለፍያ ቀዳዳ ለመዝጋት በምስጠራዊ ውል ያለ ትግራይ መሳፍንት እውቅና ለጣልያን እንደተሰጡ እንረዳ:: ወልቃይት: ፀለምቲ: ፀገዴ: ታሕታይ አርማጭሆ: ሰቲተ ሑመራ: ጋሽ ሰቲት: ተሰነይ: ከሰላ ግማሹ ለጣልያን የተቀረው ከተከዜ በስተደቡብ ያለው ምንም ታሪካዊ ትስስረ ወደ ሌለው የቤገምድር ግዛት እንደተጠቃለለ ኣንርሳ:: እንዲሁም ከመስዋእቲ እስከ አለዋህ ያለው የትግራይ መሬት በወሎ ክፍለሃገር ስር እንደተደረገ እናስታውስ:: ውንድማችን የሆነው የዋግ ህዝብ ቋንቋውን እና ብሄራዊ ማንነቱን ትቶ ሳይሆን ኣማራ የሆነበት ሰበብ እናሰተውል:: ልብ እንበል እውነት ለመናገር እኔ ከአሉላ በስተቀር ከላይ የተዘረዘትን የትግራይ መሳፍንት በእኔ እበልጥ ለጠላት ስላጋለጡን ኣልወዳቸውም: ኣለከብራቸወም:: በእርግጠኛነት የምናገርው ግን መንገሻ ዮውሓንስ በህይውት እያለ ወንሞቻቸን የሰራየ እና አካለ ጉዘይ ሰዎች ኣይሸጡም:: ባይሳካ እንኳ ሙሉ በሙሉ በጣልያን እጅ ወድቃ ኣንድነትዋን ጠብቃ ነፃ ትሆን ነበር:: ቀድመው በውጫሌ ውል ኣንቀፅ 3 መሰረት ለጣልያን የተሰጡት ሓማሴኖችም መጨረሻ ይመለሱ ነበር::
ስለዚህ በኛ መካከል ለሚፈጠር አለመስማማት እዳው አንተም እኔም እንደምንሸከመው አንርሳ:: ስለዚህ ቢቻል የአንድ ሸሕ ዘመን የባርነት ዕዳ ያራገፈልንን ህዝባዊ ተጋድሎ ከንቱ እንዳይቀር ጠንቀቅ መሪዎቻችንን እንምከር:: በመጨረሻ የእስራኤል መሪ ቤነጃሚን ኔትንያሁ ባለፈው ዓመት የዒራን ሐገረ ፋርስ የኒኩሌር ውጥን ኣስመልክቶ በተመድ ጠቅላላ ጉባዔ ያለውን ላስታውሳችሁ “history will not give second chance to the Jew people; this is a chance that we have gotten in 2000 years, therefore we should not let the Iranians possess the devastating weapon” ብተመሳሳሊ ትግራይውን ታረክ ኣብ ሓደ ዘመን (1000 ዓመት) ዝረኸበቶ ዕድል ብከንቱ ከይኣጥፋእና ኣብዙርያ ጥንክርቲን ምዕብልቲን ትግራይ ንሓገረ ኢትዮጵያ ዳግም ንሀድሳ እብል:: ትግራይ ምስትደክም ኢትዮጵያ ሓቢራ ትደኽም: ትግራይ ምስትጥንክር ኢትዮጵያ ብምልእታ ትነቓቓሕ::
————————————–ወስብሐት ለእግዚአብሔር
Maryam June 2, 2014
I disagree with what is being said. How could Eritrea pass weapons to Somalia if Djibouti is right between it? Djibouti has a military base for the European troops (mainly french) Bab-el-Mandeb is secured by Djibouti. Gulf of Aden is secured by Yemen. Eritrea doesn’t even support Jihad/Salafism. They found ZERO weapons whatsoever. Its all propaganda