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EPDP Questions Italy’s Latest Moves to Engage Asmara Regime EPDP report

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  • Simerrr2012 July 11, 2014

    There is a bit in common with the Italian and Higdef governments. In both countries mafai affiliate the government but the Italian one is smart mafia and the Asmara one is damn mafia.

    • Saba July 15, 2014

      mafia is alway mafia, there is no smart mafia.

  • ERITREAN UNCLE July 13, 2014

    Individuals have friends ,governments have interests.Let me teach EPDP the ABC of the situation ,pathetic parties could not move even one inch to solve the situation in Eritrea. wHAT CHOICE DOES ITALY HAVE IN THE ISSUE ???
    To bribe the Eritrean government so that more Eritreanws do not pour to Italy again.If Eritrean govert. can assure Italy ,it will take care of the refugees in Italy & situations appear to improve ,then Italy can start to deport Eritreans that are overcrowding Italy.
    EPDP is transferring our responsibility to Italy !!! Instead of defending Eritrean corpses inj Bologna ,EPDP & others should work out on how to defend the living.Or shut the f**k up.Stand up for the youth or keep q u i e t please !!!!