Egyptian politicians caught in on-air Ethiopia dam gaffe – BBC
Egyptian politicians are embarrassed after being caught suggesting hostile acts against Ethiopia to stop it from building a dam across the Blue Nile. They were inadvertently heard on live TV proposing military action at a meeting

Egyptian politicians are embarrassed after being caught suggesting hostile acts against Ethiopia to stop it from building a dam across the Blue Nile.
They were inadvertently heard on live TV proposing military action at a meeting called by President Mohammed Morsi.
Ethiopia last week started diverting the flow of the river in preparation for the $4.2bn hydroelectric dam.
The Blue Nile is one of two major tributaries of the Nile.
On completion, the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam would be Africa’s largest.
It is expected to produce 6,000 megawatts, and its reservoir is scheduled to start filling next year.
As the participants did not know that the meeting was being aired live by state TV, they spoke their minds unreservedly.
Their suggestions centred around military action as a decisive response to what one of them called a “declaration of war”.
One of the politicians suggested sending special forces to destroy the dam; another thought of jet fighters to scare the Ethiopians; and a third called for Egypt to support rebel groups fighting the government in Addis Ababa.
“This could yield results in the diplomatic arena,” liberal politician and former presidential candidate Ayman Nour told the gathering.
Muhammad Anwar al-Sadat, the leader of the secular Reform and Development party, said the presidency should have warned the participants in advance that the meeting would be broadcast live.
“I am afraid most of the politicians who attended the meeting were not well informed about such a sensitive topic,” he told the BBC.
“But the statements made during the meeting do not represent the Egyptian official stance. It was just a chat between politicians who were angered by the Ethiopian plans.”
A presidential adviser apologised for failing to warn politicians.
“I am sorry for any unintentional embarrassment,” Bakinam al-Sharqawi said in a statement.
Egypt is the most populous country in the Middle East and highly dependent on the water of the world’s longest river.
Ethiopia’s decision to construct the dam challenges a colonial-era agreement that had given Egypt and Sudan rights to the Nile water, with Egypt taking 55.5 billion cubic metres and Sudan 18.5 billion cubic metres.
That agreement, first signed in 1929, took no account of the eight other nations along the 6,700km (4,160-mile) river and its basin.
Those countries have been agitating for a decade for a more equitable accord.
Kabbire June 6, 2013
This only shows the savage Arabs disrespect to Africans. This is the reason the racist Arab regimes and their semi literate intellectuals and media kept their stinking mouths shut while half a million Darfurs perished nor did these Arab xenophobes say a word when the sub Saharan Africans were hunted like witches in Libya.
I did not even mention the slavery of my Eritrean brothers and sisters in Egypt’s Sinai and the deportation and jailing of thousands of Eritreans from Egypt, Libya and Sudan.
The sad and shameful part among some Eritreans who went on Sadam Hussien, Gadaffi and Gamal Abdel Nasser so called scholarship is when they pretend more Arab than the Arab and burned Eritrean languages. Some inferiority laced Eritrean monkeys or shall I say Abeed even said “we are Arabs”.
A Darfur man said once the selfish Arab comes to your village only to rape your wife and daughter, kill the man or take him to slavery and burn down your language, history and heritage, so as to wipe your identity.
The Arabs are so selfish they want the entire Abay Nile waters of which 85% comes from the Tikur Abay Blue Nile for their own use only while Ethiopians and other Africans are starving for lack if irrigation water. I have more respect to Meles Zenawi now than before for telling the savage and racist Arabs to get lost through his initiative on the Great Renaissance Abay dam is going to insure Africans get their fair share.
A.Salim June 6, 2013
“The Arabs are so selfish they want the entire Abay Nile waters of which 85% comes from the Tikur Abay Blue Nile for their own use only while Ethiopians and other Africans are starving for lack if irrigation water.”
That is true. The problem is not about the dam. You have understood it very well. They are saying ‘ we want all of the water plus we want to Woyane “. There is nothing that we can do.
A.Salim June 6, 2013
gaffe ????
It was not a gaffe. They were talking about how to deal with Woyane. The revelation of such serious matters is not a gaffe!! BBC tried to trivialise what is not trivial.
H.K. June 6, 2013
The unnecessary boolig for Ethiopia is not acceptable. Regardless of the unnecessary war created between Iseyas and Melles and not between Ethipians and Eritreans, as an Eritrean I strongly feel Ethiopia has the right to build a dam as much as it wants. It is practically as well as Ethically impossible for Ethiopia to close or stop the flow of the nile.
Any war against Ethiopia is a war agains Eritrean people as well. I am not including the bandit governmet of Eritrea because it is rather bunch of bandits!!
Dear Egyptians, I kindly request you to use REASON and LOGIC about your wrong belief. We cannot allow Ethiopian starvation at the expence of the colonial and unrepresented TREATIES.
Please try to negotiate with Ethipia and not bully with no background as though you own an automic bomb!!
A.Salim June 6, 2013
If you were Eritreans you wouldn’t say such stupid things. Woyane is the enemy of the Eritrean people.
Hermon June 6, 2013
You are wrong and I think you are so rude and ignorant to call some one “stupid” ! Yes me too as Eritrean I support Ethiopia’s right to use the river as long as it make sure the Egyptians also get their fair share.
A.Salim June 6, 2013
If you were Eritreans you wouldn’t say such stupid things. Woyane is the enemy of the Eritrean people.
abel June 7, 2013
If you were Eritrean?You wouldn’t like to be called slave.The Egyptian was counting on his slaves to do the dirty job for them.Apparently Egypt was right,you are the leaving example, 21st century willing slave..
Taddesse June 6, 2013
No you idiot, HGDEF is the real enemy of the Eritrean people.Weyane is busy developing their economy. 4.2B to build the dam, that is just to build a dam. I wonder what Eritrean budget is? Opppps the Eritrean regime doesn’t release budgets, never mine.
Zola June 7, 2013
H.K and Hermon,
Thank you for standing with Ethiopia and its true cause concerning the fair use of the Nile.
Yours from across the border
abel June 7, 2013
When the Arabs (Egyptian) where saying we can use Eritrea just like their loyal dog/slave,they were referring to Muslims like you.
A real Eritrean would be ashamed by such treatment.If there was peoples government in Eritrea,he would have been furious for being taken for granted as their own slave.
A.Salim June 8, 2013
“The Arabs are so selfish they want the entire Abay Nile waters of which 85% comes from the Tikur Abay Blue Nile for their own use only while Ethiopians and other Africans are starving for lack if irrigation water.”
That is true. The problem is not about the dam. You have understood it very well. They are saying ‘ we want all of the water plus we want to Woyane “. There is nothing that we can do.
Youhannes Mehari June 6, 2013
Hi Salon
Please use your mind than emotion. Think twice before a write down about Eritrea. Forget about PFJD and WoYANE. Try to think how Eritrea can be benefited and influenced by the old treat.
Youhannes Mehari June 6, 2013
Hi Salim,
Please use your mind than emotion. Think twice before a write down about Eritrea. Forget about PFJD and WoYANE. Try to think how Eritrea can be benefited and influenced by the old treat.
Facts-ain't-Pretenders! June 6, 2013
H.K –
beautifully etcjhed it but in the sick Arab mindest, they call us all Africans. so Asking them to exhibit Reason & logic is to ask PFDJ do the simple thing, abide by rules and at least rule the people by rules. That is the simplest you can ask from PFDJ and its parrots and you ain’t get it. The Arabs way of treating Eritreans/Ethiopians house-maids is a reflection of how they portray us.
I think we should send A. salim to serve as their spokesperson to see if s/he can even make it to the house-maid status.
Ethiopia by anymeans necessary has to get what it ought to, rightly so, from a water that sources out of it. Can you believe that!?
by the way, this gaffe by Egypt could actually be a DELIBERATE scheme to systematically tell “intimidate” Ethiopia. Ethiopia has, in 22 years under Meles, surprisingly, surprised East & North Africans. No one, I mean none, has understood & scared Isaias Afewerki than Meles Zenawi. I wish, Eritrea HAD a shrewd, dynamic, flexible politician in meles. He left with Ethiopia in good position w..r.t Nile & many other areas. While many Ethiopians )non-Tigrayans) don’t like to be governed by Tigrayans, they still admire the sheer dynamism of meles and how they go on with their business as long as they don’t indulge into political tango. TPLF has shown time & again that it is territorial in its survival, and rightly so. Hyena even fights it out with the kimg of wilderness for territory. There you have it.
Hailu June 6, 2013
The current issue of dam construction and Egyptian politicians concern and what as an Eritrean we need to be curious of
The planned construction of the dam was news for long time and the Egyptians were continuously raising this issue more than those Ethiopians.
It is a real concern to the Egyptians as it is the only source of water to the people and a large income generating mechanism of many businesses thru tourism.
However, there seems to luck fairness as how the Egyptians are trying to express their concern. They have to learn a very polite and respect way of handling the situation.
The recent news broadcast about the politicians which were thought caught in designing mechanism to sabotage the dam construction aggravates the issue into unnecessary emotions from Egyptians and Ethiopians.
The first reality which is difficult to grasp that need to be clear among the Egyptian politicians and people is, the Nile water belongs to Ethiopia and it has undeserved right to use the water properly without exaggerating to the extent it will damage the people downstream.
There is not any sentiment in Ethiopia to damage the people of Egypt, and the Egyptians should also need to develop positive thinking towards the Ethiopians instead of considering them as enemies.
The other reality is, the other African countries South Sudan, Kenya and Uganda will ultimately need this river for their people. The shortage of drink water in South Sudan is really indication what the future will hold.
The changing situations and the eagerness to development in the East African countries will need more water and will use more of the river than any time in history.
When it comes to Eritrea, a healthy and right government and people will think of supporting Ethiopia to construct the dam and make use of the water resources and also Eritrea to share the resources. A developed Ethiopia and improved living standard of Ethiopians will benefit first we Eritreans before any other people in the world.
So in principle Eritrea should strongly support the construction of the dam and stand against any plans that hinder this project.
The Egyptians must choose peacefully settlement of the situation, rather than planning a war zone in east African for their benefits. And Eritrean authorities should not be instruments for this evil agenda. As history tells also, Egyptians are not good for Eritreans and their dominance will not benefit us.
libona Yehabena June 6, 2013
Egypt will definitely plan to do something about the dam . No question about it.
Now, which country allowed or organized the first radio broadcast for the Eritrean liberation Movement? It was Egypt. Do you also know the place where the first liberation movement was formed …same it was in Cairo. Then through the BAAZ party solicitation of support from Iraq and Syria followed. Now. please don’t be naive to tell me that it was because Egypt loves Eritrea.
Egypt’s role and influence on the Ethio-Somalia issue through the Arab league is still a fresh memory for many. Somalia of course had its issue with Ethiopia and was among those who supported Eritrean movement for its own reason: to weaken Ethiopia so that it can push its territorial claim.
The politics associated with religion is too obvious to talk about it here. For Egypt and Sudan the issue of Nile was number 1 as territorial claim was for Somalia.
The center in this turbulent geo – politics is the Sudan. Without Sudan, Eritrean liberation would probably be unthinkable. Yet, the Sudanese never wanted to see a free Eritrea. As they had their own problem they never supported the issue of breakaway. What they wanted was a destabilized Ethiopia so that it can never imagine of thinking about the Nile.
The Eritrean movement however surpassed their expectation. While taking advantage of their desire to destabilize Ethiopia, it has pushed its own agenda and has managed to grown into a power that they can never control or dictate.
This time around, Egypt is going to follow exactly the same line. I suspect the plot is already in the making. Direct attack however is very unlikely. Egyptians are smart. They know what to do, when and how. They did it before.
I remember in one interview President Issaias saying that Eritrea supports the legitimate use of Nile by the Ethiopian people. I also remember about one month ago that Special presidential envoy was sent to Egypt to express Egypt’s position on Nile. These two statements seem to contradict but that is what politicians do. Yet it is not rocket science to figure out that a lot more is going on behind the screen and the Eritrean delegation did not return empty handed. And/or the delegation was not sent there to thank Morsi for what has already been received and what more is to come or perhaps to strategize further.
Without fight, I am sure they could work out something in such a way all people can benefit from Nile. Nile should never be a curse but a blessing. Neither Egypt nor Ethiopia can claim that Nile is their own property. I do not think God has meant it that way.
Peace to Eritrean people, Peace to Ethiopian people, Peace to Egypt, peace to Africa, Pteace to humanity. There is no fight or enmity among people. Weak, crooked and selfish politicians instigate fight and enmity among people so that they would reign in comfort on the misery others.
Eritrean June 6, 2013
Who cares about Ethiopia and Egypt. Talk about how to unit the divided people by regions, religion and tribe which is to be blamed to the opposition groups mainly, though partly to the government too.
Berhane June 6, 2013
We Eritrean’s we will STAND with our Ethiopian brothere’s all the way until they wine.
Original Eritrawe !!!