Egyptian politicians caught in on-air Ethiopia dam gaffe – BBC
Egyptian politicians are embarrassed after being caught suggesting hostile acts against Ethiopia to stop it from building a dam across the Blue Nile. They were inadvertently heard on live TV proposing military action at a meeting

Egyptian politicians are embarrassed after being caught suggesting hostile acts against Ethiopia to stop it from building a dam across the Blue Nile.
They were inadvertently heard on live TV proposing military action at a meeting called by President Mohammed Morsi.
Ethiopia last week started diverting the flow of the river in preparation for the $4.2bn hydroelectric dam.
The Blue Nile is one of two major tributaries of the Nile.
On completion, the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam would be Africa’s largest.
It is expected to produce 6,000 megawatts, and its reservoir is scheduled to start filling next year.
As the participants did not know that the meeting was being aired live by state TV, they spoke their minds unreservedly.
Their suggestions centred around military action as a decisive response to what one of them called a “declaration of war”.
One of the politicians suggested sending special forces to destroy the dam; another thought of jet fighters to scare the Ethiopians; and a third called for Egypt to support rebel groups fighting the government in Addis Ababa.
“This could yield results in the diplomatic arena,” liberal politician and former presidential candidate Ayman Nour told the gathering.
Muhammad Anwar al-Sadat, the leader of the secular Reform and Development party, said the presidency should have warned the participants in advance that the meeting would be broadcast live.
“I am afraid most of the politicians who attended the meeting were not well informed about such a sensitive topic,” he told the BBC.
“But the statements made during the meeting do not represent the Egyptian official stance. It was just a chat between politicians who were angered by the Ethiopian plans.”
A presidential adviser apologised for failing to warn politicians.
“I am sorry for any unintentional embarrassment,” Bakinam al-Sharqawi said in a statement.
Egypt is the most populous country in the Middle East and highly dependent on the water of the world’s longest river.
Ethiopia’s decision to construct the dam challenges a colonial-era agreement that had given Egypt and Sudan rights to the Nile water, with Egypt taking 55.5 billion cubic metres and Sudan 18.5 billion cubic metres.
That agreement, first signed in 1929, took no account of the eight other nations along the 6,700km (4,160-mile) river and its basin.
Those countries have been agitating for a decade for a more equitable accord.
Awet June 6, 2013
By the way Tef when are you going to Eritrea and evict the Ethiopian army out of Badime?
asghedom June 6, 2013
awet, give your suggestion about the subject , and don’t divert the matter to other things.
Badme is ethiopian and eritrean if you can understand but , I know you are not able to distingush things like the egyptians.
look the egyptians new long time about the Dam, and they are diverting to destablise ethiopia,thriugh eritrea, they did it with Michael (ras) and now they will try if they can with Ras Isayas , who olready went to Cairo to support them and told them that Nile belong to them. Issayas will fail like the battele of Gura Like Michale faild with his Egyptian Master
A.Salim June 6, 2013
” who olready went to Cairo to support them and told them that Nile belong to them. ”
That is not true.
Aman June 6, 2013
This on-air gaffe is just as a scare tactic. How foolish are Egyptian politicians. By airing a supposedly “secret” meeting they are trying to scare Ethiopia. Wow that must be the joke of the year. How does a country such as Egypt fail to protect the airing of such important meeting? The person responsible for that also contradicted herself by saying that it was a trick when talking to some midlle eastern news agency. lool. Crazy stuff. These are the people who do not even care what is happening to innocent Eritreans in the sinai. I can not comprehend it when any sane Eritrean supports Egypt over Ethiopia when it comes to the Nile. If the horn of Africa (Esp. Eritrea and Ethiopa) are destabilized to the core to the extent that they can’t even sustain themselves, Egyptians would be extremely happy, and there would not be anything else they wish for on this earth, well…next to the destruction of Israel.
But I really have not seen any analysis from the Eritrean side on what they think. You see here and there some people in support of Egypt and some in support of Ethiopia. But what really benefits Eritrea as a nation?
Awet June 6, 2013
I don’t know how an Eritrean can justify of supporting the Egyptian cause. The brutal regime will support Egypt for the simple reason that they can’t stand Ethiopia. The regime will do similar to what they have done and continue to do in Somalia. They will do anything to hurt Ethiopia. The interest of the Eritrean people are not at heart.
Aman June 6, 2013
Thank you for your reply!
I strongly believe that the construction of the dam benefits Eritrea. Imagine having a cheap source of electricity to supply a growing economy and its industries. With out a sustainable source of electricity, economic growth can not be imagined, and using fossil fuels is just unsustainable. Even geo-politically, changing the status quo on the Nile can only benefit Eritrea because it shares borders with Ethiopia not Egypt. There might be a problem with Eritrea and Ethiopia now, but this will pass and we have to be able look for the future. We can’t get stuck in the future. There are many ill wishers of our both people. I don’t know, but do you think any Arab nation gives a crap as to the destiny of Eritrea? let alone the destiny of Ethiopia. All they care about is how to make the horn, a strategic part of the world, an islamic caliphate. That’s their ultimate and ‘heavenly’ goal that they want to achieve at any cost. I am not advocating any hate against any religion, but that is the fact when it comes to foreign policies of Arab countries. This is a big problem. Unless we face this together, then we are in for a big surprise.
God Bless the people of Eritrea and Ethiopia…..and the world!
Aman June 6, 2013
….sorry we can’t get stuck in the past.
Awet June 6, 2013
You are right on, I couldn’t have said it any better. Like everything else in life, governments and individual leaders wont’ lost forever.However the people of Eritrea and Ethiopia as neighbors are there to stay. Economically like you stated above both country could benefit from the dam. Histrionically, culturally, economically we have so much in common with our Ethiopian brother and sister it’s only natural to support their cause. What in the world do we have to gain from supporting Egypt? After all they are on the side like as our youth are getting skilled. If our government does support Egypt it’s simply out of pure hate for the government of Ethiopia. If you think about it, look what Ethiopia is doing for our people. Taking our refugees in thousands. Accepting and educating our youth at their universities.I honestly think Ethiopia is in the right path in elevating their people out of poverty, hence, we should work with them not against them to better the lives of our people as well.
asghedom June 6, 2013
thuss is the way to naswer awet, the ethiopian wealth is even ertrian wealth indirectly, the eritrean wealth is an ethiopians wealth too. Egiptians seperate us and we accept it. the will of eritreans was justestis and freedom to fight against ethiopians but for egyptians was only water . today egyptians they said it laudly, to destablize ethiopia thurgh eritrea and the victims are eritrean and ethiopians , the egiptians the injoy the water of nile wwhile eritreans and ethiopians they give thier blood for the egiptians to injoy.
it is realy insulting to the people of erirea , somalia and dijubut to be used by egyptians to rivenge thier hate of ethioipia. This is realy very big mistake to underestimate the people of eritrea , somaly and Dijubuti and they will never do it. regarding the regim of eritrea he have ollready said and submitte is slavissim to his master Egipt
Tamrat Tamrat June 6, 2013
Did not htey Call isayas some Three weeks ago? 23 yrars ago they used to Call shabi and woyane? The foolishness of tigre People both in North and South. How come People fight one another just to become a victm?
Aman June 6, 2013
The very simple solution for Isayas’ support of Egypt is convincing the Eritrean people that works to their disadvantage for the future. Never underestimate the people. I see a lot of promising and positive outlooks from Eritreans as they seem to have realized that the government’s position and that the people’s are totally different. This is what we need if we are to look for ever lasting and sustainable peace. I am 100% sure that no army can defeat them if both countries work together. But if we become a tool used by others for their interest, then we are directing our power at a totally wrong cause. But I am very optimistic, and the dream of Egyptians to use Eritrea as a proxy will be extremely difficult and is highly unpopular amongst Eritreans, and that’s what we need. Forget Isayas.
A.Salim June 6, 2013
Eritrean muslims including those in the so-called opposition in Mekele support Egypt. The latter visit Egypt every now and then.
Aman June 6, 2013
OK good to know.
A.Salim June 6, 2013
I don’t know whether you are aware of that or not, the so-called Eritrean oppostion, just few months ago, sent a delegation led by the Jeberti Birhanu to EGYPT to explore possibilities to transfer their main office from Addis Abeba to Cairo. It is an open secret. Emmanuel Iyassu knows all of the information and he has dealt with it in his radio broadcast.
Robel June 6, 2013
A. Salim:
Visiting Egypt has nothing to do with supporting Egypt’s stance on the Nile. No one can tell them not to visit Egypt. But the problem becomes if they start to implement Egyptian ideals in Eritrea or when dealing with HIGDEF. I am 100% sure that they would not like to put themselves in the middle of the Nile mess. So what ever you are trying to prove, it just does not have any merit.
A.Salim June 7, 2013
They have good contacts with the muslim brotherhood and Ayman Nur. The Egyptians are using them for intelligence gathering.
A.Salim June 7, 2013
They have good contacts with the muslim brotherhood and Ayman Nur. The Egyptians are using them for intelligence gathering.
Zaul June 6, 2013
I think you’re right, about it being a scare-tactic. It is also for domestic Egyptian politics. Morsi wants to show himself as the father of the nation, and deflect from the economic hardships ordinary Egyptians find themselves in. 40 million Egyptians live under the poverty line. Demanding Patriotism and Religiousity from the people does not cost anything. It is a way for the government to shield itself from further criticism.
Ye Abay Lijj huletenga ayrab'm June 6, 2013
The Egyptians know pretty well what happened to those who tried to invade Ethiopia, unless they were sleeping then and still are sleeping. This Dam doesn’t belong to a specific government in Ethiopia. It belongs to the 80+ million Ethiopians. It belongs to the yet unborn children of Ethiopia. Every Ethiopian has a stake in this dam, but the benefit is to all countries including the Sudan, Egypt and Eritrea. If ever any country tries to sabotage the Dam directly or through proxy, the price that country will pay will be unimaginable. We, the people can make the water useless with anything in our disposal and with that I mean it. When it comes to Abay, the Ethiopian people don’t need any guidelines from the government. It is the people who are the stakeholders.
And to you Eritreans, who are thinking after the butcher Issayas is gone, please continue with your noble works. Eritrea and Eritreans do deserve a better life after all the sacrifices you paid. You had an evil among you without knowing him. He too will be gone and you will prevail from your sufferings. Ethiopia and Eritrea will always remain neighbors, and hopefully very good neighbors. We don’t want walls that divide Ethiopia and Eritrea.
Peace to all
Kelkeltay June 6, 2013
Dear Eritreans, who are against this post, why do you label Assenna as woyane? As a news platform, Assenna has the responsibility to let us make aware of what is going on in and around Eritrea! We all would have forward our thanks for its extra mile contributions in all sorts of awareness be it social, political or economical! In regard to this post, what would your response be if Sudan resort to war against Eritrea for building a dam on one of our rivers and use for plantation in Teseney area? Is it fair for someone to ask you vanish while utilizing your resources for himself to flourish!
simerrr2012 June 6, 2013
Jut to refresh the mind of some traitors higdef supporters Ethiopia was the one who stood with Eritrean people when Isayas went to war with Yemen. Ethiopia gave fighter jets to Eritrea to send strong message to Yemen hey.. you can’t fool around cousins. We can argue who started the war but once you started it you have to face it. Can you imagine without having fighter jets how easier would be for enemies to attack you. But the Tritt higdef can only see one color and speak one word which is given to them from Eri TV , Yemane Monkey or from the big Chimpanzee Isayas. Isayas already locked their brain and threw the key in the red see. Damage beyond repair. Some want here to play the religion card but it has nothing to do with being Egypt predominant Moslem country rather about being right and wrong. You can’t demand what doesn’t belong to you. Imagine Egypt was in East Africa and Ethiopia in the North .Would Egypt think about the Ethiopians and share the water? I leave the answer for you.
Zeray June 6, 2013
As an Eritrean, I would choose to be on Ethiopian side, because not only is Ethiopia harnessing their own resources, they are also welcoming Eritreans, whereas Egypt is standing by as hundreds of Eritreans are perishing in Sinai. If they pay no attention to Eritreans why should I?
A.Salim June 6, 2013
Woyane is the enemy of the Eritrean people.
solo June 7, 2013
@A.Salim .do you have anther single song??
A.Salim June 7, 2013
You do not have anything to say.
Tamrat Tamrat June 6, 2013
It has been the same since elf recurited by egyptians. That is to make Brothers ethiopians and eritreans to fight endlessly. Let us stop Our enomisity. What Eritrea needs is With us what ethiopia needs is With Eritrea.
Let us stop the war between us, let us stop outsiders as Our aliances, let stop enmizing both Peoples, let us start toalking, let us personalizing Our problems. Let us only focus on Our disagreement. What is Our disagreement? What is the problem if eritreans and ethiopians cross the border and do whatever the two countries can offer for both of us? What is the problem if Ethiopia has an Access of sea? Why must only one of us must be successful?
Let’s think about it. In the mean time we know that Our differnces helps only opportunities.
I prefer shabia than Egypt!!
A.Salim June 6, 2013
I support the calim of Ethiopia over Djibouti.
Tamrat Tamrat June 6, 2013
Dejibouti is like Assab between 1991-1998 for Ethiopians. I was in dejibouti in 2012. Except Language you feel at home. Specially the average Citizens they like ehtiopians. Our restaurants, shops, buisness center are accepted. The buisness is amazaingly growing faster in dejibouti.
A.Salim June 6, 2013
Tamrat Tamrat,
My answer was in reply to your question below.
What is the problem if Ethiopia has an Access of sea?
Kiflom June 6, 2013
The Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt, which is the key organizer, financier and operational mind of all terrorist activities in the world is now caught by its tail. The members of MB of Egypt, who took time to take state power before they lash their terrorism throughout the world, are not even able to clarify whether they are Arabs or not. Their warmongering against Ethiopia is not new and not Holy. They think that they would be blessed by all Arab countries and Eritrea even if they do not get it from Africans. The story about their hidden agenda and their origin, progress and connections is a long story. Now, they have started showing their true face although without being conscious of it. Let M. Morsi and all the others be reminded that Eritreans and other Africans of the Nile Basin region won’t sit quiet when they start dancing using their guns.Ethiopia will be defended and Ethiopians will show who they are. Eritreans are to stand shoulder to shoulder with their brothers and sisters – the Ethiopians. PERIOD!!! They killed our brothers and sisters. They tortured them. They butchered and took their organs for sale!! and a lot more. Is this their humanity????? Let THE MB of Egypt be warned that to play with fire is not the best solution. Absence of rain to their farmers is not the fault of Ethiopians or other Nile Basin region populations. Why don’t Morsi talk to his Allah!!! Egypt better WATCH OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
asghedom June 6, 2013
I am very sorry that eritrean webe sites could not give thier comment on Nile Issue , this means most of the eritrean web sites are pro Egyptian. I can understand Meskerem becauese it is the web site of the regime, but the other web sites they have never comment when the Egyptians said that they can use eritreans against ethiopia.
how it comes in thier mind to say sauch a word cosi easly with out ev en thinking twice. I wonder how the Egyptians underestimate the eritreans and the eritren regime. my be they have used it several times to weaken ethiopia , with out the knonwolege of the eritrena people of cuorse . I am sure the proud people of eritrea is not so chip to be monevred by these egiptian parties.
A.Salim June 6, 2013
Egypt is very popular among Eritrean muslims.Some are even prepared to attack Eritrea itself for the sake of Egypt.
Truly truly i say to you June 6, 2013
Despite i have a great resentment at Ethiopian action for holding our sovereign territories, despite i know to harm the Eritrean economy instead of in good relationship using through our Ports they chose Djibouti and other neighbors ports, despite i know they giving access Isayas in the name of border case to prolong his power while in other side i see when they playing a divided role, so that our oppositions not to be united, in other word despite generally know, most Ethiopians as don´t believe the Eritrean separation and they not like to see our success, i tell you in a matter of Nile dispute with Egypt my symphty goes 100% with Ethiopia. Now the question is for me, how to help my Ethiopian real brothers is only. But to defend that because all the matter it should go wiesly, first i would like to urge Ethiopians brothers, the separation of Eritrea from Ethiopia as it is very useful it is to defend their nation from possible Egypt attack. Because it is known Isayas like always whatever distractive role plans to play for prolonging his power, we Eritreans will never allow him and Egypt through our Red Sea or territories to attack Ethiopia. In this regard i tell you the Eritran separation is very blessing for both nation national security to defend. May be if Egypt plans to restrict Ethiopian ship not to pass through Swiss canal i tell you we also never let them their ships to pass through Eritrean Red Sea peacefully because Ethiopians are in deed blood related brothers.
A.Salim June 6, 2013
“blood related brothers.”??
Are you kidding?