Egyptian politicians caught in on-air Ethiopia dam gaffe – BBC
Egyptian politicians are embarrassed after being caught suggesting hostile acts against Ethiopia to stop it from building a dam across the Blue Nile. They were inadvertently heard on live TV proposing military action at a meeting

Egyptian politicians are embarrassed after being caught suggesting hostile acts against Ethiopia to stop it from building a dam across the Blue Nile.
They were inadvertently heard on live TV proposing military action at a meeting called by President Mohammed Morsi.
Ethiopia last week started diverting the flow of the river in preparation for the $4.2bn hydroelectric dam.
The Blue Nile is one of two major tributaries of the Nile.
On completion, the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam would be Africa’s largest.
It is expected to produce 6,000 megawatts, and its reservoir is scheduled to start filling next year.
As the participants did not know that the meeting was being aired live by state TV, they spoke their minds unreservedly.
Their suggestions centred around military action as a decisive response to what one of them called a “declaration of war”.
One of the politicians suggested sending special forces to destroy the dam; another thought of jet fighters to scare the Ethiopians; and a third called for Egypt to support rebel groups fighting the government in Addis Ababa.
“This could yield results in the diplomatic arena,” liberal politician and former presidential candidate Ayman Nour told the gathering.
Muhammad Anwar al-Sadat, the leader of the secular Reform and Development party, said the presidency should have warned the participants in advance that the meeting would be broadcast live.
“I am afraid most of the politicians who attended the meeting were not well informed about such a sensitive topic,” he told the BBC.
“But the statements made during the meeting do not represent the Egyptian official stance. It was just a chat between politicians who were angered by the Ethiopian plans.”
A presidential adviser apologised for failing to warn politicians.
“I am sorry for any unintentional embarrassment,” Bakinam al-Sharqawi said in a statement.
Egypt is the most populous country in the Middle East and highly dependent on the water of the world’s longest river.
Ethiopia’s decision to construct the dam challenges a colonial-era agreement that had given Egypt and Sudan rights to the Nile water, with Egypt taking 55.5 billion cubic metres and Sudan 18.5 billion cubic metres.
That agreement, first signed in 1929, took no account of the eight other nations along the 6,700km (4,160-mile) river and its basin.
Those countries have been agitating for a decade for a more equitable accord.
tef June 6, 2013
How many woyanes and woyanes dogs on this website? We real Eritreans will fight against Woyane. Our enemy is Woyane not Egypt because Woyane is not Ethiopian. Woyane is #1 Eritrea enemy, day and night works to destroy Eritrea n people. If was Ethiopia I would think twice but woyane not
concerned Eeritreawi June 6, 2013
Ter on
In case you are confused this is just news and Assenna has every right to bring news especially that close proximity out us and anything that could be an issue to our area. It seems that your vision can only see in a very narrow as is your mind. FYI I thinks you are your worst enemy, you do not seem to have a life and are pre-occupied by Weyanne. I think you need to move on and live life and take care of you direct Enemy who is destroying Eritrea from inside out.
Your #1 Enemy is the Regime in Eritrean and Eritrea’s #1 Enemy is the same! You are living sleepless nights dreaming about Woyanne, forget Woyanne and start thinks Eritrea!
Haben June 6, 2013
This is pure proof is an ethiopian website. Wo cares about egypt and ethio? Is assenna scared of the funds might be cut abraptly?
Tes June 6, 2013
Haben you are idiot! We care about our neighbor an like you. Why do you think next door neighbor in fire is ok unless you are fool. It will spread you loony. You Hate Ethiopia for no reason except to please your boss in asmara because you are one of the beneficial of HGDEF mendef. You Go to hell.
Obang June 6, 2013
Egypt can try by its own to stop Ethiopia. However, It is an insult to the intelligence of the people in the region when Egyptian Politicians openly declare they would be using Eritrea, Somalia and Djibouti to intimidate and scare Ethiopia not to build the Great Reaencence Dam in its effort to extericate itself from hunger and poverty. No doubt this is the advise of the demon in Asmara. The Egyptians and their ally Esayas should not forget that the battles of Gurae and Gundet against the invading Egyptian army in 19th century were fought and won in what is today Eritrea by Eritreans and Ethiopians.
petros June 6, 2013
I think Ethiopia has God given right to build the dam and feed its people. The previous administrations of Ethiopia were obsessed in fighting with Eritrea and wasted their resources in war. Thus, Ethiopia has been known in the world for the poverty and famine it had in the last 50 years. Thanks be to the late PM Meles, they are now heading in the right direction.
As Eritreans, we should be delighted by what our former comrades and brothers are doing in regards to the dam. We should not let hate or the current political situation govern our judgments. Had it not been for DIA and a handful narrow-minded TPLF leaders, our joint efforts could have been alleviated the peoples of Eritrea and Ethiopia from destitution. It was our joint effort that liberated Eritrea and the oppressed people of Ethiopia. We cannot deny this fact. In summary, let us be happy by what our brothers are doing.
Petros, Boston, MA
josef June 6, 2013
Zgerm neger yu, bgezae mayka keytitinkifo kibluka. Areb serekti leyabu, hasewti.
mickielle June 6, 2013
hgdef forokrok!
Tes bro, hgdefists are a clan within Eritrea. Issayas’ clan that is. Issayas wants to oust EPRDF and rule Ethiopia – in exchange for Eritrea as a gift to Ethiopia. that is why he is arming and training kinijit, demhit, oroms’ and so on. Eritrea is too small for this stupid dictator. the sad part is there are clan members like the tef.
Tes June 6, 2013
Thanks Mickielle you are right!
tef June 6, 2013
Do you know the difference between Woyane and Ethiopia?
Tecle June 6, 2013
There is no difference.
The Ethiopian economy is one of the 10 fastest economy in the world. Free market exists in Ethiopia, as a result of it Walmart and other big box companies are investing in Ethiopia. Yes I said it, Walmart, the bigest retailer in the world with 460billion in sales is investing in Ethiopia.
Awet June 6, 2013
Tef and Haben:
1. Anyone who is not concern about the well being our of Eritrea and Eritrean is a fake Eritrean. Eritrea under the dictatorial regime is suffering like no other nation in planet earth.
2. We care about our neighbors. You like it or not we have to work with one another for mutual benefits of our people. In HGDEF world, I know that doesn’t exist. After all HGDEF has started a war with all our neighbors.
3. The Eritrean people fully support Ethiopia on it’s endeavor to better it’s self and elevate it’s people from poverty.
4. Ethiopia and Weyane are not the enemy of the Eritrean people. HGDEF is the real enemy.Weyane is educating out youth at it’s different universities while HGDEF is shutting down our only university.
Tes June 6, 2013
Well said Awet! but those idiots have no sense of justice. They are animals ” Tiret HGDEF. They can not see what is in front of them. They don’t care about Eritrea or Eritreans but one head of losers the mad man. They day of racking is coming fast. I can not wait for that day….
tef June 6, 2013
I know u r a woyane. Woyane is not Ethiopia. Ask Ethiopians about woyane. Woyane is an enemy of Eritrea and Ethiopia.
Awet June 6, 2013
You idiot so what….
Can’t you see how Ethiopia is progressing while your dictator is getting hammered for human right violation at the UN.Go watch and type excuse for your master DIA.
Down to HGDEF
Victory to the Eritrean people.
Ben June 6, 2013
Hello all:
Time to refer dictator Isias Afeworki to ICC. Hearing nation after nation accuse the dictator of violating human rights issue is a signal that the rope will be around the dictator soon.