Denigrating ‘Fa’: Exculpating ELF crimes
Just recently Sryyet Addis, the alleged liquidation by ELF leaders of the 200-300 Christian-highlanders from Addis Abeba universities, one of the most controversial yet less talked about topics from the ghedli era, has been a
Just recently Sryyet Addis, the alleged liquidation by ELF leaders of the 200-300 Christian-highlanders from Addis Abeba universities, one of the most controversial yet less talked about topics from the ghedli era, has been a hot-button issue as Awate staff posted an article entitled Sryyet Addis: Blatant Lie?. The article was part of a three-part series wherein Awate team tried to present possible pieces of exculpatory evidence, such as the claimed first-hand testimony of Gebremedhin, in an effort to surmise the allegation of the manifesto Nihnan Elamanan, a watershed in the Eritrean politics, which among other things claimed the killing of the recruits. Consequently this last article ensued a huge debate, albeit civilly, among some readers, and between some of us readers and the staff of Awate. One of the sticky points was the disparaging comment mouthed off by Awate editorial regarding the ‘Falul’- insurgents who called for pact of unity with Sabe, according to Yosief Ghebrehiwet, and misguided mutineers with ambition to bring their idols to power, according to Awate staff. I believe that there are at least two things that are wrong about the article, thus my rational motive to write this rejoinder. However, I would like to stress from the outset that I don’t intend to defend EPLF’s horrendous crimes, their propaganda and lies to divide the people, in any way at all.
One of the things that raised my eyebrows has been the overmuch zeal, fervor, and weight the Awate team has shown towards Gebremedhin’s article\book. Since the release of the article by Gebremedhin, Awate almost has proclaimed ‘Eureka!’. After the discovery they leapt out of their bathtub, just like Archimedes did, and run through the streets of cyberspace naked, as if the article provided all the missing info. Indeed Gebremedhin must be praised profusely for taking the initiative to write about his experience allowing us new generation to have a piece to read specially on the era between late 60s to late 70s. This is the history being obscured in the mists of time as the few surviving first hand witnesses, and most particularly, the then movers and shakers of the Eritreans politics, who have kept silent all along, have been making off one by one to meet their maker. As much as Gebremedhin’s effort deserves compliment, it also nudges us to bear in mind that it as well is, just like the many afore-contributed articles- one person’s outlook. One cannot help but notice, like the shortcoming in almost all testimonies and articles of the ghedli era, the emotional and extremely subjective views of the writer throughout the story as translated by Awate.
One of the things one automatically notices is Gebremedhin’s use of a third-person omniscient narration as if he has psychic talent of reading and understanding what the leaders, mutineers, splinters were contemplating. At times he gets to the minds of the people (leaders, nationalists, anarchists, splinters etc…) he talks about and tells us what they were thinking and at other times he leaves out information. To just keep to the Sryyet Addis incident, Gebremedhin in his article writes that after the dissenters intention was discovered, 17 members were picked up and were accompanied (securely guarded?) by 12 fighters in Debir Sala. While under detention, he further explains, the members knew that their intrigue was discovered, and planned to take arms forcibly from the guards, kill them and escape and surrender to the enemy. When they attempted that derring-do but failed to succeed, he writes, the news spread and the majority of Sryyet Addis members assigned in other places fled and surrendered to the enemy, and the rest joined Selfi Natsinet. What is interesting is that, of all the members of Sryyet Addis, none was caught and given due punishment by ELF leaders, according to the writer. They all somehow escaped he wants us to believe. Here he had either ‘inattentionally blinded’ himself then or is leaving out some pieces of information intentionally. A witness who knew the mind-set and intricacies of the mutineers should have known what had happened to those who did not manage to escape. I believe that his article should not be viewed and considered to have contained more important and unwavering evidence than all the other articles written before.
Furthermore, the article does not tell what kind of position he had; whether he had access to important documents or not; and whether he had interviewed important people allowing him the freedom of relating the story in that manner. Thus, it becomes very hard to take what he claims at face value just like all similar other pieces written by others before. At this juncture of our history we need much more objective writings with substantive sourcing so that we don’t fall into the pitfall of misleading people- an action EPLF\PFDJ have undertaken and abhorred by all of us.
The second point that raised my eyebrows was that in its endeavor to disproof Nehnan Elamanan through the article of Gebremedhin, Awate made a big mistake of denigrating the ‘falul’ victims. In fact that was when the debate flared. Awate team thinks that ‘Falul’ movement was ‘a rebellion by a mish-mash of small groups which included the rebellious reform-minded youth; the insubordinate troublemakers; the anarchists; and those who were misguided and misdirected by their political idols whom they wanted to bring to power’(emphasis mine). Awate did not have to go to that length of badmouthing the deceased- ‘falulawiyan’. They are heroes for some of us. I could not help but wonder if Awate team would ever write such denigrating comment about the ELM (Harakat), which was attacked at Ela Tsaeda by the decision of the ELF supreme council decision in 1965, or other groups who were liquidated by the decisions of ELF leaders as they demanded for reform.
By and large, I believe that exposing Isayas’ deception and betrayal cannot and will not exalt ELF leaders from the crimes they committed. Trying to do so is just like blowing a sucker punch on the faces of Eritreans, especially on the surviving ELF fighters who know the inns and out of ELF leaders. Isayas and his co. are criminals of no match, but so are also those ELF leaders who directly or indirectly were involved in purging different fighters in the ghedli time. Awate failed to read the sensibilities of its readers. When I read the article I hoped against hope that Awate was playing the advocate of the devil. But when I further read the replies it wrote to readers’ comments, I was flabbergasted. When one professes on reconciliation, they should employ statements that reconcile us. We should be careful not to let our emotions betray us.
What is fishy is that Awate has not clearly and undoubtedly explained if sryyet addis has indeed happened. I would really love to hear from Awate if they believe or know whether the incident took place or not. One point worth making here is that the number of the fighter victims of the incident is just secondary. Whether they were only 2 or 3 victims, or 100 or 300 is one thing, and believing if it happened or not is something else. Awate has a clear stand on ‘falul’ but does not seem to have one on Sryyet Addis.
Last but not least, people who were in the ELF leadership owe it to the people of Eritrea and should know that it is their historic duty to write about the history of ELF in general and such incidents in particular. It is only when as many people who were first hand witnesses as possible record it in writing that we would be able to be closer to the truth. Articles like Ghebremedhin’s won’t be enough to exculpate ELF leadership, or EPLF’s for that matter, from the alleged killings they had committed. And highlighting the others’ crimes won’t also clear the other from its horrendous atrocities. Killings by leaders of both fronts are black spots in our history. Indeed presenting valid and acceptable evidence to keep the record straight should be everyone’s task.
Cambo April 3, 2012
The main difference between the ex Jebhas and ex Hgdefites, in general, is that the ex Hgdefites are willing to confront Shaebia’s past head on at different levels. But, the ex Jebha’s will do everything to hide, deny … even sometimes rewrite or whitewash Jebha’s dark past for better.
You will never find in most Jebha affilated websites about Jebha’s past crimes on the Kunama people, Dembelas, Barentu, Denkalia, Fallul, Ela Tsaeda, Ubelites, Harakas and ofcourse Sryet Addis, Abdela Idris …
A web site like Assenna or Asmarino will not stop attacking Shaebia’s past, mind you Amanuel Iyasu is himself a fomer Shaebia tegadalay, as it should be, but the likes of Awate web site will never confront Jebha’s past evil. Worse, some are rewriting the past to fit their agenda, just the way Ali Abdu does on his media.
This is called hypocrisy or duplicity.
Yonas April 3, 2012
I agree with you Cambo….Awate’s team simply lack the courage and honesty to pursue journalism with integrity.
Senait April 3, 2012
Don’t you have a life or you are just full time of wayanne government writing nonsense and garbage online. You are spending alot of time posting and reposting stuff make sense. Get a life would ya.
concerned Eeritreawi April 3, 2012
I see you need to get a life.
Most people but you are trying to provide information and their opinion. You on the other hand luck the decency, and you need to get a life. You sound one of the YPFDJ brats
X TEGADALAYE April 3, 2012
Senait we love you and i will pray for you to gate good life.
Mr. T April 3, 2012
One thing people don’t realize is that many of those with the rotten opposition movements are themselves criminals of the past. The ELF was a killing machine that had never ceased from killing to the last days of its demise. Remember, the notorious Abdela Idris had killed Melake Tekle in cold blood, but you would never hear the taliban’s website ( even mentioning it. The owner of this website has a criminal history himself and his crimes while he stayed with the ELF for a short period of time are well documented and retold many times by first hand eye witnesses.
There is no doubt that the ELF had killed countless Christian Highlanders in the sixties and up to the late seventies. One thing Eritreans should understand is that the ELF had no record handling mechanisms. Things were done and not never documented at all. Can you imagine that the ELF had no written documents of the whole decade of the sixties and up to the middle of the seventies? One thing Eriteans should know is that the ELF which was led by Islamic extremists, tribalist and Arab and Baath wannabe gangsters was an extremely hostile to Christian highlanders. Anyone who tries to deny this fact must have a dirty history himself.
Viewer April 3, 2012
What is this ex Jebhas vs ex Hgdefites stuff, nothing better to say. People if you don’t have good thing to say don’t say a word. Stop saying blah blah blah blah, it is a waste of energy.
X TEGADALAYE April 4, 2012
Yes Cambo you are right this Diabetics head brings old story when our yang Brothers and Sisters gating kild day and night. This people are sick ho cares about 1967 or 1976 say somthing about right now or shut your mouth. Jest collect your food stamp and go tell that story to ALSHEBAB loser MALARIA INFECTED HEAD LOSER.
Ahmed saleh April 4, 2012
Gebremedhen published the book in Tigrigna (Aini meskr) long
time ago before Badme war to warn people about Issayas deceiving
and suspicious personality. He wrote courageously in detail his
observation on his experience in Gedli time . He was a regular
fighter until he lost sight around 1978 . To see some people
rather referring his article for healthy arguments they prefer
to incline more to increasingly disturbing emotions.
Reconsider what is important at this time what needs our
attention and action if you want change the course of of our
people sad situation.
Cambo April 3, 2012
Taken from “Part II – The Conveyor Belt of Death in Eritrea”
Thursday, 20 August 2009 Yosief Ghebrehiwet
(4) Selective outrage
i) Then there are those that have become adept at “selective outrage”; one they reserve to the pain of their own kind only. These are the ones who get “outraged” not because of the deed itself but of who has done it and to whom. In the case of the ongoing Kunama massacre, what matters to them most is the fact that Shaebia did it. Since putting Shaebia into a negative light is all they care, one wonders if they are not indeed happy that such atrocities are taking place, especially if such tragedies don’t come from a people they don’t consider their own. This “selective outrage” has been one of the main sources that sustain the tyrant, allowing him to target one group at a time as the rest remain silent (waiting for their turn or watching gleefully as their misfortune spreads to others).
The unfortunate Kunama, whom neither Shaebia nor Jebha consider them as “their own kind”, or, for that matter, whom neither the lowlanders nor the highlanders consider them as their own kind, find themselves in that difficult position of proving their “Eritreanness” where the very idea of Eritrea has been anything but fair to them. …
Cambo April 3, 2012
ii) After all, it was the very father of the movement, Idris Awate himself, that conducted an all out assault against the Kunamas. His feudal mind can only think of settling age-old tribal scores between the Kunamas on one side and the Beni-Amir and Baria on the other side. Shaebia is only following this proven path of death and destruction that Idris Awate and Jebha carved for it long ago.
So a good example of those who have become adept at selective outrage, and very pertinent to the Kunama case, would be those who absolutely deny that Jebha had nothing to do with the marginalization and victimization of Kunama but who are now shedding crocodile tears over their misfortune. Since such admitting cannot be done without sullying the name of their hero, Idris Awate, they are unwilling to take that first step that would reconcile them not only with the Kunama people, but also with their violent past.
The story of Awate, as the Kunama relate it, is full of horror: entire villages burned down to ground, many houses with their inhabitants inside; men, women and children indiscriminately killed; entire fertile areas abandoned (later to be settled mainly by the Tigrignas), their cattle plundered and sold in Kessela; etc. Here is how the VK/ KAM team of the website puts it (“Why are the Kunama people always being accused, marginalized, persecuted and their land exploited?”):
Cambo April 3, 2012
iii) “To a very considerable number of Kunama, who had not only known Hamid Idris Awate personally, but they had also had to abandon their land and villages set ablaze by him and their entire cattle raided and sold in the market places of Kassala (Sudan), the news of this same Hamid Idris Awate, been chosen as the leader of a national liberation movement was not only very surprising but profoundly shocking.”
“Many Kunama have vivid memories of Hamid Idris Awate who had committed so many atrocities against them and eventually succeeded in emptying entire Kunama villages around the areas of Biakundi, Anali and Ugaro.
“These fertile Kunama areas are, today, mostly inhabited by the Tigrigna speaking highland Eritreans who are said to have, not only outnumbered and squeezed the Kunama into confined zones, but they have also the effrontery to chase out any Kunama person who travels back there to claim his or her lost ancestral land.”
What a neat division of labour: The Beni-Amir and the Baria, under the leadership of Idris Awate, clear a huge swath of land of its Kunama inhabitants in a Janjaweed-like massacre, and the Tigrignas come to settle on it and refuse to let its inhabitants return. This bizarre event alone makes a mockery of the dishonest dialog on land settlement that is going on right now.
Read the entire article:
DELAY NATSNET April 3, 2012
Mr. Zeykesene,
I think you are so angry with ELF and awate team. The liquidation by ELF leaders of the 200-300 Christian-highlanders from Addis Ababa universities was totally fabricated. I am sure this kind of things fabricated by the “Fanatic Andnet Party”. During the ELF struggle the Commandos (mostly the Christian highlanders) were against the Eritrean freedom struggle. They were saying and fighting for that purpose “Eritrea is part of big Ethiopia” Ethiopia is our mother land” these and many other slogans were their motivation. Whereas, if you see the MOSLEMS, from the very beginning said “Eritrea is a separate nation” freedom is our goal and many more. I really wonder when ever a Muslim talk or write something right, the fanatic Abyssinian orthodox Christian never stops insulting the Muslims. The 200-300 students you mentioned, there was nothing such number that tells the ELF killed them. These and other mockery was fabricated and invented to get the media attention during that time, because the Issaias and his bloody brothers were behind such accusations. The Eritrean struggle has recorded the black history of the commandos who helped the Ethiopian soldiers behind to kill the innocent Muslims in every corner of the Eritrean land, especially in the lowland. Eritrean mothers has been killed and slaughtered for just being the mother of Muslims freedom fighters.
Awel April 3, 2012
It gets worse when you raise your finger towards Christians. This man is impartial and trying to refute the article’s contents. However, people like you are cry babies. Try to raise your thought caliber may be talking to wise people.
DELAY NATSNET April 3, 2012
The Ethiopian government especially at the time of King Haile Selassie, trusted the Commandos very well to kill the ELF and they did the tough part of their process. There are many Muslims Villages has been vandalized and crushed by the Ethiopian government with the collaboration of the Commandos. Stop such propaganda that was fabricated by the Issaias and Commandos to misguide the people. There are thousands of conspiracies has been done against the innocent Muslims by the Ethiopian supporters. And now when someone from the Muslim Eritrean people starts to talk, people like ZEYKESENE wants to tell us that we were killers of the Christian highlands. It is a little bit strange Mr. Zeykesene!… We are at the 21st century you will never cheat us. Time is coming that everyone will be accounted soon in Eritrea.
Peace to the Eritrean People!
shetet aynibel April 3, 2012
Dear Zeykesene,
I am in the middle of confusion, if our Jebha tegadelti were all a fairy. No one can tell about a secret which has happened to over 200 fighters, but one and, only one, Ghebremedhin. Sorry I forgot, Issias is number two evidence.
Although, Siryet Addis have gone through many way, to be allegedly dead, no body knows, or no body remembers, one of their names.
1: I dond believe Solomon weldemariam was the only person who was keeping them separate. were are the rest of the tegadelti, who helped solomon to train them or what so ever?
2) all of the Quialda Amma were in hishferay to meet siryet addis. no one of this so called Quida Al amma, remembers any one, or knows what happened to them later.
3) I believe the Quiyada Al Amma have met these guys with a bunch of fighters to keep the environment security. having atleast 50-100 fighters to secure the environment, where high officials are meeting some people with negative attitude ( according to the officials) knows no one out of 200 – 300 eritreans. I still consider, they came from addis.
4) eventually, the siryet addis were distributed to many siryets, according to the study. which makes me think, there was higher probability, to meet some one they know, or at least it was the opportunity this guys have acquainted them selves, to some one else.
Yet no one remembers any one, or denies to remember.
Truly and Truly, our Jebha fighters should have being fairys. No one dares to tell us the truth, even 30…
Cambo April 3, 2012
Outside of my mother’s village which is less than 40 kms from Asmara, one day a group of Fallul tegadelti were ambushed by Jebha; my own grandparents and the village burried more than twenty Fallul members who were killed that day. You will never find the names of these twenty Fallul members in any list, including the hundreds of Falluls murdered by Jebha elsewhere …
We do not have the list of the names of the hundreds of Kunamas massacred and burned by Jebha … or the names of ELM/Haraka members …
This does not mean that these crimes never took place.
aforhmed saleh April 3, 2012
It is your problem to have a hate toward ELF but please stop lying. There are people who were in that ugly war reading your remarks.
Kermahmah April 3, 2012
No one of the great veteran fighters mentioned this tragedy. For a simple reason, it is totally twisted story that was provided by the Isaias and his cronies at the Eritrean freedom struggle. It is 100% exaggeration. There is a a proverb in Tigrigna ” Hasu beluni kehesu, Hasu : Ezgi Araayeni KUMAL tedebiru kifesu” this is a typical example for the Eritrean old proverb. Where did you get this fabricated, false and exaggerated story?… If you consider that this tragedy had already happened ( which is totally fabricated in my opinion), this is not its time to mentioned right now. Tomorrow after throwing the DIA regime and when we get our FULL freedom, everyone of us would be accounted for what he did against this poor people.
Don’t be Isaias’s parrot to repeat his trashcan and envy words!
Peace and freedom will be prevail soon in Eritrea!
aradom April 3, 2012
You article about and the srryat addis is neither substantiative nor constructive. Criticising without a prove is nothing short of smear compagain. I am not here to deffend This artcle of yours shows that even the opposition media lacks unity and harmony, like the opposition parties your becoming disfunctional. If you have a different story about(srryat addis) we need to see it, prove it. WE THE PEOPLE ARE WAITING FOR THE TRUTH.
DELAY NATSNET April 3, 2012
Mr. Awel (First), I didn’t raise my finger to the Christian, rather I am pointing to the bad people like, Zeykesene who is one part of the so called Andnet Party. I don’t have any hatred to my fellow Christian country men. He did bring us a blind article that has no prove. This is an exaggeration.
Salam All
Peace to all the Eritrean poor people!
Haqi April 3, 2012
The so called Sryet Addis is a total fabrication by 03 department. why is this type of false allegations new to some?
We know the names of the MenkaE group, we know the names of the Yemin group, Names are available of those many other massacres by EPLF.
Cambo April 3, 2012
1. Taken from “Romanticizing Ghedli” by Yosief Ghebrehiwet
ካብ “ምቅንጃው ገድሊ ” ብ ዮሴፍ ገ . ሂወት : እተወስደ ::
ትርጉም : “ድምጺ መሰልና ደሊና ”
ንጀብሃ ካብ ገበን ሓራ ምግባር
ንብዙሓት ጀብሃዊ ድሕረ -ባይታ ዘለዎም ተቓወምቲ : ኣብ መንጎ ሻዕብያ ንዝኽሰት ቅልውላው : ንመሐደሲ ሽም ጀብሃን ኣተሓታቲ ታሪኽ ዘለዎም ተጋደልታ -ነበርን እዮም ከም መሳርሒ ዝጥቀምሉ : ነዚ ንምፍጻም ድማ ምሉእ ግዜኦምን ዓቕሞምን የወፍዩ ::
እዚ ንገዛእ -ርእሱ ግን ካብቲ ህግደፋውያን ንሻዕብያ ኣብ ምክልኻል ዘርእይዎ ምስሉይነት ንላዕሊ እዩ :: እቲ ምነታይሲ : ቲፎዞ ጀብሃ : በቲ ሓደ ንኹሎም ሻዕብያ ዝፈጸሞም ግፍዒታት ክንዝክሮ ይደልዩና : ስእሊ ጀብሃ ንኽድወን ዘኸተሉ ረቛሒታት ክንዝክሮም ግን ዘየፈቕዱ ምዃኖም እዩ ::
እቲ ሓቂ ግን ጀብሃ ኣብ ምሉእ ታሪኻ ኣብ ውሽጢ ክልተ ዓበይቲ ጸገማት ተቐርቂራ ዝሓለፈት ውድብ ከምዝኾነት እዩ :: ዋላ እኳ ኣብ ኩሎም እቶም ድኽመታታ ምስ ድኽመታት ሻዕብያ ተመሳሳልነት እንተሃለዎ : ንጸላኢ ናይ ምግጣም ዓቕማ ግን ኣዝዩ ድሩት እዩ :: ምስ ዓቕሚ ሻዕብያ ዝወዳደር ክኣ ኣይኮነን ::
ግና ‘ኸ : እቲ ንጀብሃ ብልክዕ ዝገልጻስ : እቲ ጉጅለኣዊ ባህርያታ እዩ :: ብመሰረቱ እዛ ውድብ ዓሌታውን ሃይማኖታውን ስምዒታት ዓብሊልዋ : ብጉጅለኣዊ ኣተሓሳስባታት ተደሪኹ ዝተፈጥረ እዩ :: ኣብ ምሉእ ታሪኻ ከኣ : ኣብ ጉጅለኣዊ : ማለት ሃይማኖታዊ ኣውራጃዊ : ቐቢላዊ : ቋንቋውን ስነሓሳባውን ጭቅጭቅ ዝተዋሕጠ እዩ ኔሩ ::
ብሰሪ ጉጅለኣዊ ባህርያታ ዘበገሶ ጽልልኣት ድማ ዕምራ ክሓጽር ክኢሉ :: እቲ ኣብ 70ታት ክትገብሮ ዝፈተነት ጽገናታት : ብፍርቂ -ልቢ ዝተገበረ ምንባሩ ሰንከልከል ካብ ምባል ዓዲ ኣይወዓለን :: እቲ ቀንዲ ምኽንያት : ንነብሳ ካብ ጸቢብ ጉጅለኣዊ ኣተሓሳስባ ክተልግስ ብዘይምኽኣላን : ኣብ ጉዕዞ ቃልሲ ድማ ነቶም ጉጅላዊ ኣተሓሳስባ ዝነበሮም መራሕታ ንኽትኣልዮም ፍቓደኛ ብዘይምንባራ እዩ :: ሎሚ ‘ውን እንተኾነ : እቲ ካብ ሓሙኽሽቲ ጀብሃ ዝተረፈ ጃንዳ : ነዛ ውድብ ናብ ውድቀት ንኸተምርሕ ዝደረኸ ግጉይ መስመር ተኸቲሉ ክኸይድ ምርኣይ ዘገርም ኣይኮነን :: ኣብዚ እዋን ከኣ : ነቶም ናይ ሃይማኖትን ዓሌትን ካባታቶም : ካብቲ ተሓቢኦምሉ ዝነበሩ ከብሒታት ኣውጺኦም : ለቢሶሞም ናብ ናይ ኤርትራዊ ደሞክራሲያዊ ኪዲን ኣኼባታት ክኸዱ ንዕዘብ :: …
Cambo April 3, 2012
2. ደገፍቲ ጀብሃ ዘርእይዎ ተገራጫዊ ሓሳባት ኣብ ኩሉ ጎሊሑ ይርአ እዩ :: ብንቕሓት ንሕሉፍ ታሪኽ ሻዕብያ ክፍትሹን ዓስከሬናታ ክጋልሁን ንዕዘብ : ክግበር ዜግብኦ እዩ :: ግና ‘ኸ ብተመሳሳሊ ንታሪኽ ጀብሃ ክንገልህ ምስ ‘ንፍትን – ማለት ኣብ ልዕሊ ፋሉል : ስርየት ኣዲስ : መንፈረ : ራስያን ኩሎም ቅድምን ድሕርን ዋዕላ ኣዶብሓ ዝተፈጸሙ ጭፍጨፋታት ምስ እተልዕለሎም : ኣዝዮም ይንድሩ :: ንኢሰያስ ብዝገበሮም ጌጋታትን ዝፈጸሞም ገበናትን እርይ ቁጽር ኣቢሎም ክነቕፍዎ ባህ ይብሎም : እዚ ‘ውን ክግበር ዝግብኦ እዩ : ግና ‘ኸ ነቶም ዘይምዕቡላት : ዘይደሞክራሲያውያን : ፈላለይትን ጨፍጨፍትን መራሕቶም ዝምልከት ዝኾነ ዓይነት ኣሉታዊ ነቐፌታ ክሰምዕዎ ኣይድልዩን ጥራይ ዘይኮነስ : ነዞም መራሕቲ ኮሓሒሎም ሂወት ክሶኽዕሎም ህርዱግ ይብሉ ::
ህዝቢ ኩናማ ኣብ ትሕቲ ሻዕብያ ዘጋጠሞ ምግላልን ግፍዕታትን ከይሰልከዩ የዘኻኽሩና : እዚ ‘ውን ክግበር ዝግብኦ እዩ : ግና ‘ኸ ኣብ ልዕሊ ህዝቢ ኩናማ ዝተፈጸመ ናይ ምግላልን ምግፋዕን በደል ነዊሕ ታሪኽ ዘለዎ ሙዃኑ : ብጀብሃ ብዙሓት ዓድታት ኩናማ ከምዘይነበራን ናብ ሓሙክሽቲ ከምዝተቐየራን : ብዙሓት ደቒ ኩናማ ‘ውን ከምዝተቐትሉን ከብቶም ከምዝተራሰያን እንተ ኣልዒልካሎም ርእሶም ይሓሙን ይቑጥዑኻን ::
ለይትን መዓልትን ብሻዕብያ /ህግደፍ ኣብ ልዕሊ እሱራት ዝፍጸም ኢ -ሰብኣዊ ተግባራት ክዝርዙርልካ ዝሰልክዮም ኣይኮነን : እዚ ‘ውን ክግበር ዝግብኦ እዩ :: ግና ‘ኸ ካብቶም ኣብ ታሪኽ ገድሊ ዝተፈጸሙ ኣዝዩ ዘስካሕክኽ ተግባራትሲ : እቲ ኣብ ሰብዓታት ኣብ ግዜ ምዝላቕ ብጀብሃ ኣብ ልዕሊ እሱራት ኢትዮጵያውያን ዝተፈጸመ ጃምላዊ ናይ ምርሻን ስጉምቲ እዩ :: በዚ መንጽር ክርአ እንከሎ : ሻዕብያ ‘ውን ነዚ ዝዳረግ ግፍዒ ዛጊት ኣይፈጸመትን ::
እቲ ዝርዝር ምደርደርክዎ : ብጀብሃ ዝተጀመረ ዘስካሕኽሕ ግፋ : ኣብ ልዕሊ ደቂ -ኣንስትዮ ዝፍጸም ዝነበረ ጾታዊ ዓመጽ (ብፍላይ በቶም ብልሽዋት ካድራትን ወተሃደራዊያን ሓለፍትን ): ለበዳዊ ብልሽውና መሪሕነትን ወ .ዘ .ተረፈን :: ኩሎም እዚኦም ዘሕንኹ ፍጻሜታትን ተግባራትን ቅድም ኢሎም ብጀብሃ ዝጠረዩ ተመክሮታት ኮይኖም : ጸኒሓ ሻዕብያ ከም ውርሻ ተቐቢላ ብዝበለጸ ኣገባብ ዝተራቐቐትሎም እዮም ::
ምሉእ ትሕዝቶ “ምቅንጃው ገድሊ ” ንምንባብ : ኣብዚ ተወከስ :