Demonstration by Eritrean activists in Göppingen-Germany November 6, 2014 12:15 amassenna302033Views SHARE
Bilen November 7, 2014
HamadeE ,HGDEF, nay 35 Amet meAlti deqi anstyo ab Goppingen keKhbra yshebasheba alewa ilomen. ezi selamawiselfi antsaru diyu zkayed zelo?
Berhe Tensea November 7, 2014
The demand must be the arrest and conviction of the modern day Wube the Tembenay who is the worst enemy of the Eritrean people.
zigeremo November 8, 2014
nay Australia tequamerti dma reaywom bzeyTeQma genzeb kibeasu ywelu. Amanuel Iyasu qdmi Hiji (aami) akibwom nieru. entekhone qumneger kemzeyblom shiuu qob abilwom eyu keydu.