Death announcement – Ato Tekle Giorgis passed away
Our father and brother Ato Tekle Giorgis passed away on April 28, 2020. ኣቦናን ሓውናን ኣቶ ተኽለ ጊዮርጊስ ብዕለት 28 ሚያዝያ 2020 ዓሪፉ ኣሎ፡፡ Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the family cannot host a gathering to mourn this

Our father and brother Ato Tekle Giorgis passed away on April 28, 2020.
ኣቦናን ሓውናን ኣቶ ተኽለ ጊዮርጊስ ብዕለት 28 ሚያዝያ 2020 ዓሪፉ ኣሎ፡፡
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the family cannot host a gathering to mourn this loss. Thank you for your prayers and words of comfort at this time.
ብምኽንያት እዚ ምስ COVID-19 ተኣዊጁ ዘሎ ምድራት ምንቅስቓሳት፡ ከም ቤተሰብ ብሓባር ክንሓዝንን ክንብጻሕን ከምዘይክኣል ንገልጽ። ኣብ ዘዘለኹሞ ኮንኩምም ብጸሎትን ብቃላት ምጽንናዕን ትሕግዙና ንዘለኹም ኩልኹም ድማ ሕሰም ኣይትርከቡ፡ እናበልና ምስጋናና ነቕርብ።
Mulugeta Giorgis – (240) 305-1539 | Zecarias Tekle – (240) 535-5218
Azieb Habtemariam May 1, 2020
Rest in peace haweboy.
Tsegu May 1, 2020
RIPሓው ተኽለ፡ አግዚኣብሄር ኣብ ገነቱ ይቀበልካ ንስድራቤት ድማ ጽንዓት ይሃብ።
Tony May 1, 2020
Rest in peace. May the perpetual light shine upon you!
Efrem May 2, 2020
RIP his soul and God give strength to the family at this difficult time.
Berhane May 2, 2020
Rest in peace to you dear brother
and to the family TSINAT yihabkum.