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Dear Eritrean woman

Mahmud Saleh As usual, I minded my business until my sons reminded me yesterday was March Eight, International Women's Day. They are good at remembering anniversaries and birthdays. So, we said "Happy March Eight" to the

Mahmud Saleh

As usual, I minded my business until my sons reminded me yesterday was March Eight, International Women’s Day. They are good at remembering anniversaries and birthdays. So, we said “Happy March Eight” to the only female we have in the house. I don’t think she cared. Women are intuitive and more realistic than men. They know it right away if you mean what you say. Her rolling eyes made me contemplate about this date.  I had to stop a project I was working on to write down my feelings about this date. Forgive me for this poorly edited piece, but I have to share it with you.

What Does The Date Mean To Me?

What does March Eight signify in Eritrean terms? Do we have to celebrate it? Why do we celebrate something, anyway? Is it because others do it, or we want to make that occasion a vehicle for impacting concrete changes in our society? Does talking about changes that other women of the world have registered supplant homegrown discourses? Do we have to carry the same slogans that the early twenty century women and leftists carried? Do their demands match ours? How do Eritrean women fare versus the aspirations they had fought for?

My poor brain had to sort out and prioritize many of the questions that had inundated it. I had to take a quip trip down the memory lane, back to the old days when March Eight enjoyed special treatment.

I remember during the golden days when we paraded, sang and danced, commemorating March Eight. An era full of energy and promise, the valleys of Sahel would light up, the birds would join the party, singing ” Happy March Eight.”

There were beautifully decorated placards carrying captivating slogans. Also, there were speeches loaded with ideological themes. It seemed we reached the heights of civilization where oppression in all of its forms was about to be wiped out. That was the story of yesterday; it was a story of the then prevalent leftist internationalism that gave little space to contextualizing women’s right within each given country’s sociopolitical setting. We repeated what foreigners had written. But we were happy for the happy spirit the festive atmospheres brought in amid the war.

If we celebrated it yesterday,  we had a reason. We were celebrating it primarily because we believed the struggle we were waging had an equally critical integral component to the task of liberating Eritrea from foreign occupation.  We believed the struggle’s goals went far beyond liberating Eritrea. We believed that liberating Eritrea was the first step for creating a domain where human rights would flourish and  be respected. That’s why women were more determined than men in ensuring that the liberation efforts went well. They saw a well placed investment in their blood and sweats that their daughters would enjoy equality ion future Eritrea.

Eritreans waged the armed struggle primarily because Ethiopia violated their constitutionally guaranteed rights that the constitution of 1952 enshrined. Ethiopian systematic  encroachment and the final measure of annexing Eritrea resulted in the breaching of rights including the right to govern, legislate, assemble, and the use of a flag and languages of choice.

Therefore, the armed struggle principally pivoted around civil and political rights. Although women were not granted to vote, the 1952 constitution of Eritrea embodied the requisite for change. As article 16 points out, it was ” based on the principles of democratic government,” signaling that citizens would have room for collective bargaining.  Issues concerning women’s rights, including the right to vote and occupy elected position, are fundamental questions of social justice and they would quickly gather speed under that budding democratic climate.

That being the case, Ethiopia’s response to the peaceful petitioning was brutal, triggering the launching of the armed struggle and what followed of war and destruction,  culminating in the establishment of independent Eritrea.  Thus, our martyrs,  men and women, had primarily died for human dignity, which includes women’s rights. So, have we retained the gains of yesterday, Or we squandered it all? Do we have our March Eight? Do we digest what it all means to be a woman in Eritrea? Let us see what the pioneers of March Eight mean when they celebrate it, I mean the American ones.

Recapping March Eight’s marching

The books foreigners wrote say it all began in 1909 when the women employed in the garment industry in New York got fed up with discriminatory practices and unsafe practices in workplaces. They agreed that women needed to organize for meaningful impact in the male-dominated workplace. Soon, leftist organizers picked it off and internationalized it.

Warning: No cultural filter has been applied. Some of you may not agree with the gains listed below that American women have registered. This topic deals with cultural as well as legal dimensions, and countries address it according to their constitutions. But there are universal human rights embodied in the gains that are applicable everywhere. I include victories that American women have registered because they concretize the discussion and entice us to think about what we could push for in Eritrean context.

So, here we go.[source:]

  1. 1920: Women got their right to vote; it took them decades to participate fully.
  2. 1922: Women were allowed to marry foreigners and keep their citizenship; before that, they would be stripped of their citizenship if they married foreigners.
  3. 1960: They could buy birth control pill
  4. 1968; they got the right to have equal access to job listings. Before that, jobs were classified according to gender.
  5. 1970; Equal pay right
  6. 1973: The right to have legal abortion
  7. 1974: The right to have credit cards in their names, financial independence.
  8. 1978: No work discrimination based on pregnancy
  9. 1985: Can divorce their husbands without having to give “reason” simply by stating “because of irreconcilable differences.” Before that, the burden was on the wife to prove her husband was at fault.
  10. 1986: Women could seek damages for sexual harassment at workplace. Today’s movements of “Me too” and “Time up,” should thank the pioneers of women’s rights.
  11. 1993: Rape became a criminal offense in all states. Wow, that late!!
  12. 1998; Women could access the morning after pill to avoid possible pregnancy.
  13. 2009: Could file claims of pay discrimination
  14. 2013: Allowed to fight on the front lines. Eritrean women fought on the front lines along male, compare that with the experience of Eritrea women!! But that is the story of yesterday.
  15. 2015: Women can marry other women. Don’t ask me how; I have already warned you to expect this one.

Back To Eritrean March Eight

There is no doubt that Eritrean women sensed oppression long before many of their male counterparts did,  “Because,” says a female friend, ” they were born in it.”  That’s why they joined the trailblazers of our revolution in the sixties. Their numbers and contributions grew through the years of the liberation struggle.

We boast that they constituted a third of the liberation army, and contributed half of the liberation efforts. But we never ask ourselves if they are given half of the pie-  if there is any. We keep boasting, though. Still, we celebrate March Eight.

Eritrean Struggle Was For Social Justice.

Your struggle was for social justice. Your sacrifice was for restoring human dignity, which included the right of women to have equal access to education and health facilities. You fought for the right to have fair representation in decision-making bodies. You paid dearly to ensure that women would be considered independent citizens. The liberation of Eritrea was meant to be a vehicle for dignified life.  And until there is oppression of all citizens, it is ludicrous trying to split women’s emancipation from national emancipation. There could not be justice for women in an unjust society.

 The Women I Knew: an emotional flashback, a tribute to Eritrean female fighter.

You made Derg’s Generals freak out; pee and poop in their pants;  seeing you clutching your Kalashnikov rifle and beads of sweat running down your naturally beautiful faces, they begged for mercy.   You pulled them out of the foxhole and reassured them to calm down. Indeed, you made them realize you were different than the women they were harassing and abusing back in the barracks and city bars. Your tremendous courage, your sharp and focused demeanor made them say good things about you. “We never anticipated a woman would capture us,” they confided to their friends.

How can I forget the day you humiliated the Soviet officers at Afabet, after running Nadew Command? You made the commanding General wear women’s clothes and ride a camel to evade capture.

The story of your gallantry is very long for me to summarize it here. The images though keep coming back, giving me the energy to scribble whatever I could.  It is getting  late;  I feel sleepy, but your memory keeps me alert enough to keep writing….

I have seen models overusing cosmetic products. You never cared about wearing makeup, and I don’t think it was available. Even if it were, you did not have time for cosmetic touches.  You were in a war, deep in muddy trench-pockets; you were busy carrying out raids and surprise counterpunches. You were seized with a noble cause of liberating a nation, an object that was more significant to you than personal care.

You made male chauvinists swallow their pride, lose their nerves, and at the end surrender to reality: you commanded many of them. I remember you leading columns of brave men and women, with that walkie-talkie crackling off noises of commanders coordinating battles; I remember your high-pitched call sending shivers down the spines of your enemies. You were the commander, giving and executing orders…

You Overcame elements of nature, the heat and cold; hunger and thirst. The fear of pitch-dark nights was defeated; you got used to the thuds of shells and the lightning flashes of explosions. You conquered towering mountains and beat the sense of insecurity. I always wonder how you overcame the uncomfortable life in close quarters with your male-combatant comrades. You were their commander.

Your strong muscles bent metals. I remember the female mechanic who got us across Anseba river. She brought in a utility truck from Zera and fixed our vehicle within minutes. We were so grateful and at the same time pleasantly humbled. We would have been an easy target for the fighter jets. They knew that killing zone, trucks got stuck in that ravine bed. The fighter jets made many kills there.

I also remember the female doctor who saved my life. At times, she was rumored to have not slept for days as battle casualties kept arriving, under heavy bombardment and screeching jet fighters, her hands stayed steady, her mind focused, she kept slicing up human flesh to get to that shrapnel lodged somewhere in the poor patient’s ribcage.  She tried to save the ones hanging on life by a thin thread, and there were many of them. Who would she save first? A tough challenge.

Anyway, She had to save lives. She never lost the focus. She was said to have saved thousands of lives.

Then you had the curious technician  who repaired and assembled electronics; the sound engineer, the editor, the teacher, the journalist, the administrator, and the community worker. Also, there were noncombatant women who contributed significantly, namely, clandestine agents, mothers who fed and cared for the liberation fighters and those from the Diaspora who devoted their time and money to the cause.

The night is progressing,  and I feel my mind and  fingers fatiguing. I can’t give you a full description; I hope you don’t blame me for trying…

Lastly,  I remember you, going through cycles of cheerfulness and depression, moments of hope and despair….but I never read on your face  signs of surrender….I reminisce all of the above without forgetting the heroines who gave their lives, and those of you who have suffered the worst of debilitating wounds.

Your smiles outshone the sweetness of a full moon; I dreamed how you would fare in free Eritrea….Yes, I remember many of you, and I ask myself: where are they now? I would like to see your story written by you, in your own words. Where are you, now?

We saw what American women have gained through their struggle. I bet you made more sacrifices than others. You got used to lip service discourses.  Would you then jot down your concrete gains, and compare it with your aspirations? Are we going to have an Eritrean March Eight next year,  based on Eritrean women’s experience? I expect your appraisal of women’s position and achievement will be different from the ones we hear from NUEW. That’s for sure, But you have to write your own story.

Happy March 8!


Review overview
  • k.tewolde March 10, 2018

    Grudgingly indeed,my favorite niece who we played house when we were kids joined the EPLF while I was summoned to leave by the Asmara fedayin to join ELF, she lost an eye in a fierce combat from her pretty face,I always thought about her when I was in the field remembering the days when we chased each other around the house,hoping we wont kill each other in the field during the “Hadhid Quinat”,sadly,she passed away from a stroke recently after several visits to the regimes clinics complaining of headache to be sent home with a pill.After liberation of the land,she returned to the village life rearing children and farm life assuming the subservient role to her husband till she died. It is a story of an Eritrean woman and a combatant.. “Are we going to have an Eritrean March Eight next year, based on Eritrean women’s experience?” Hopefully Mahmud.

    • rezen March 10, 2018

      Dear k.tewolde,

      I just finished reading your touching story. I am in a public place!!! And believe it or not I am an emotional person. Take it from there in your imagination
      The touching story of you and your niece is a glorious story of pure hearted heroes of Eritrea, a perfect reflection of countless young Eritreans who sacrificed their youth and life for what they believe – only to be shattered by devilish Houdini Act of Crime……………………

      • Dawit March 10, 2018

        Meskin rezen, do you have to complement and praise all the fake garbage talkative people all the time? It seems sadly that you are conditioned to just being a pussy cat.

        • rezen March 11, 2018

          I really ROARED INTO LAUGHTER at that “pussy cat” ending.

          I still believe and appreciate what k. tewolde writes. I love his clarity and depth of thinking. I have a humble suggestion for you, Dawit. Give him a chance, read him CRITICALLY but honestly and then make your judgment without polemic. After that, every body is to his/her own liking and live peacefully. Isn’t that what we are all looking for? Aren’t we ALL looking for THAT fundamental RIGHT?
          Have a Pleasant Week end and remember the Tigrigna wisdom: “ናብ ልብኻ ተመለስ” ። I say that with full respect for your freedom of expression.

      • k.tewolde March 11, 2018

        I tell it like it is from the heart,no sugar coating rezen.If I could see her again I would hug her tightly and relive the childhood memories again regardless of what happened between the two fronts.They indeed screwed us and our families and threw everybody under the bus and are laughing all the way to the foreign banks and sharing the loot among themselves.If we knew then what we know now,I would have kept on playing house with my niece and hold on to the innocence forever. How can somebody sleep peacefully at night after committing this heinous national crime?

        • k.tewolde March 11, 2018

          Sad thing is they still keep on stealing that innocence to feed their insatiable bestial greed.

          • rezen March 12, 2018

            Thanks k.tewolde.
            At the risk of abusing the free space generously provided by, I would say the above fifteen words reflect a VOLUME on Eritrea’s psyche, forged and shaped by more than a century of domination. And indigenous charlatans took — and will always take – advantage of the confused state of collective mind of “Eritreans”. It is the phenomenon of arresting the collective Mind of the entire Society. Let the Highly Educated Eritrean Scholars, with Doctor of Philosophy Degrees from Ivy League Universities in the Western Hemisphere PROVE IT WRONG and SAVE ERITREA. THE END

  • Kiki Tzeggai March 10, 2018

    Each of your writings makes me think, ponder and move forward – at times – from a lethargic situation. This writing, will make anyone – if needed – take interest in remembering “certain things” Eritrean women did for our freedom. All they did resonates, emphasize and identifies with feelings we carried during the war and to this day. Our female fighters were spouses, mothers, sisters and friends. They were never in need to “advocate their experiences” because they lived each of them. Their stories still capture everyone’s attention. You described all our female freedom fighters did, but you also refreshed our memory about each individual character and each of them is just fantastic! When tragedy occurred, our female fighters could not stop from shedding a tear, but only one! Because they immediately picked up their Kalashnikov and – as you well described it – made the enemy pee and poop and believe you me, some are still having diarrhea to present days, like the coward “soldier” hiding in Zimbabwe. Our female fighters made their scars part of their attire and they needed no makeup. They were built from fire and knew that they were strong for the journey and knew that this journey will be a long one.
    The stakes were high and now even higher for Eritrean women, but we will never disappoint. We are ready for the loss, the cost, and the sacrifices to forge our Eritrea based on unity and respect. We are positively unpredictable and if anyone dares to “touch” any member of our family, the enemy knows that we do not let a patina take over, we turn those moments into an unbearable pain for those against our people.
    I thank you.

  • shilan March 10, 2018

    Mr Mahmud Saleh,
    To have the arts of peace, but not the arts of war is to lack courage. To have the arts of war, but not the art of peace is to lack wisdom. It is neither right nor fair to compare and contrast the 8th International Women’s Day of America and Eritrea in terms of political, social, equality and economic achievements. Simply, Eritrea is unstable and a one man HELL to all country. However, after all the chaos and destruction there would be a new Habesha Agaizi Christian nation.

    • shilan March 10, 2018

      I don’t why but assenna moderators keep blocking/deleting my “sexy/truthful like” long comment!!!! Mr M.Saleh, you seem to exaggerate about celebrating the 8th, March of International Women’s Day in your so-called normal house. You backward jihadi muslims treat (mistreat) poor women as slaves and toys from the age of 9 as prescribed/practiced by your peadophille model father Mohammed, don’t you so why you showing off as a modern westernize or a civilized Christian???? Once a backward jihadi muslim then always the same old jihadi muslim.

      • shilan March 10, 2018

        correction/addition: poor girls get mistreated as toys/slaves from the age of 9………

        • shilan March 10, 2018

          further correction/addition with apology, poor “Muslim” girls……………….

          • March 11, 2018

            Excuse me street boy .
            what is exactly your problem with Moslems to act like
            idiot person non stop for the last couple of years ?
            If you have a grudge for starting armed struggle against
            Ethiopia , you better swallow facts .
            Game is over , we won . Now you better hold your breath
            and breeze to release the pressure in your head , CAPISH

          • shilan March 11, 2018

            Simple – ROOTLESS CANCEROUS savage evil muslim Arab dog, all the vicious rootless cancerous muslim mercenaries like yourself have to do is get the hell out of beautiful/civilized Habesha Christian Eritrea/Agaizian land and never ever covet for what is not your own – ever again. See, it is so simple really.
            All our metaHit land would be reclaimed and repossessed in near future from you parasite evil muslim land looters beasts.

      • Sol March 11, 2018

        I don’t think you posses any religious, national, social or family values the reason that drives you to be very vulgar with anybody that criticizes or exposes the mafia regime that is supported by street boys like you.

  • AHMED SALEH !!! March 10, 2018

    Merhaba Mahmud
    Reading your article made eyes a little bit teary because it remind me of my favorite cousin
    (radio operator) who died at that fierce war . She was always happy , funny and pretty .
    Long time ago some of her comrades wrote an article about her bravery in Haddas Eritrea
    which made her father proud before he passed way .
    Sometimes to think about Eritrean female fighters and the way they got treated bothers a
    conscious person . These cowards on higher government posts had exploited their heroic
    achievement for selfish political interest the same they did to other patriots .

    • shilan March 11, 2018

      The most ignorant MAHAYIM HARADI aslamay the mushmush ROOTLESS saHsah Yemeni nomad, spare us your vicious Islamic crocodile tears and your freaking never ending blame game. Learn to have a trace of humanity (may be an impossible plea for a life long criminal barbaric evil Islamic ELF mendef savage mercenary beast) in your otherwise inhuman (savage barking Arab dog) nature. Your Arab slave dogs masters have damaged you beyond repairs.
      You and your bloody savage evil barbarian Arab slave muslim dogs don’t freaking give a rat’s ass whether or not poor Eritrea is a free country as long as you are able to divorce it, once and for all, from its own proud Christian civilization, and reduce it to become a little Libyan/Somali/ Syria/Iraq or Afghanistan savage muslim jihadi killing field shitty. ROOTLESS HARADI MAHAYIM aslamay, halewlew, ajewjow aytebzih especially from your old fagnatura backside.
      Last but not least, where did your supposedly favorite cousin died then, where the freaking hell is “at that fierce war” supposed to mean???? Not at that Afghan fierce war, not at that Somali fierce war, not at that Iraq/Syrian fierce war then!!!! After all you freaking rootless savage evil muslims only fight for Jihad, Sha’ria law and vicious Islam’s expansion and destruction. Rot in your evil Islam HELL where you belong and where you come from in the first place.
      Mr M.Saleh must feel sorry of your sheer ignorance and arrogance when you pathetically try to impress him with your illiterate nomad “intelligence/brilliance” fake statement of ‘Sometimes to think about Eritrean female fighters and the way they got treated bothers a conscious person’ – mahayim HARADI aslamay, what exactly are you trying to say or imply???

      • AHMED SALEH !!! March 11, 2018

        Enjoy free speech but hatred and offensive remarks
        will not take us anywhere . A grown up person who
        represent himself in such manner must revisit his
        moral obligation in life .
        Stop acting like lost kid at your old age . Grow up pls.

        • Kiki Tzeggai March 11, 2018

          “When they go low, we go high”.
          Anyone having the “courage” to insult anonymously behind a computer and in cyberspace, should have the COURAGE to print his/her/its’ real name with contact. Then face the millions we are when it comes to faith issue in Eritrea. This is how we were raised and stay “I love Asmara because when my husband was arrested by the occupier Ethiopia, my best friend’s Mom came to my house and told me to follow her and we would go pray. We called her Umma{Mother/Adey} and she was holding her “Sejadah Al Salah” (prayer rug,) she walked me to the Cathedral. Umma prayed the Muslim way inside a Christian church. I love Asmara because Umma gave me a strong message and at the end of her prayer, she was crying but told me “He will come back home. Have faith habebtee {my love}.” Excerpt from “I love Asmara because..” article by this writer.
          Ahmed Saleh and all of us, we should ignore replying, because we have no obligations to “justify “how simply united we are in faith issue and when they go low, we refuse to descend to their muddy hell. If the owner of such comment is willing though, we are ready to hold hands and pray together whatever his/her faith might be. He/she can lead a prayer of peace; and we will stand beside, never behind!

          • AHMED SALEH !!! March 12, 2018

            Dear kiki
            Let me share with you my pleasant childhood upbringing which lifts my spirit anytime I remember it .
            Me and next door neighbor SUWU’E Daniel (rest in peace) used to attend kinder garden Catholic school in a morning then to learn Koran in the afternoon . This is one example of our society that taught us about love , respect and tolerance .
            We are blessed to grow in such rich culture .
            One think that bothers me though is about our weakness to
            keep reluctant than confront wrongs before it tears down ERITREANS in diaspora .
            – ELF verses EPLF mentality.
            – MUSLIM verse CHRISTIAN mentality
            – HIGHLANDER VERSES LOWLANDER mentality
            – HAMASSIEN verses AKELEGHUZAY mentality
            – The worst of all ; opposition church verses HGDF church
            – in defiance of bible teachings.(Evil mission accomplished.
            Voluntarily to invite unnecessary stupid ideas seems that we have lost contact with the simplicity of life . We know better
            than that . Don’t take for granted , LIFE IS SHORT .
            For those who take it for granted , we say ‘ GOOD luck ‘ and
            enjoy to live for extra 100 years .

  • Luwam T/lidet March 11, 2018

    8th March, International Women’s Day celebrations in Eritrea will not mention how many girls and women quit education because they see no future in it as they will end up in the endless national service, and the final year of secondary school is delivered in military training/concentration camps.
    In Eritrea women act as mothers and breadwinners. The Eritrean government exploits our women poverty by sending some women to work in the Arab countries at cheap labour prices with a big portion of their income going to the government. After exhausting all the possibilities many women resort to begging activities.
    Is this social degration something for Eritrea to celebrate on International Day? This is the living hell Eritrea celebrates: International women-living-in-hell day.

    • Sol March 11, 2018

      The Ministry of Labor in the nineties has sent hundreds if not thousands of female tegadelti to Lebanon and other Middle East countries to work as house maids and the irony is these tegadelti women who are supposed relatively to be in some level of liberation and who were thrown to the worst type of exploitation were and are celebrating 8th march in the embassies of the mafia regime.

    • k.tewolde March 11, 2018

      “Is this social degration something for Eritrea to celebrate on International Day?”… yes indeed Luwam the epitome of social degradation,an insult for the Eritrean woman,a double standard and they don’t have shame to sensationalize an American story like Tiffany Hadish as Eritrean female model.

      • k.tewolde March 11, 2018

        In other words,leave that to Tinsel Town,they have a better press corps.

  • meretse March 12, 2018

    መጀመርያ ሓው ማሕሙድ ምስጋና ይብጻሕካ ስለ’ቲ ግዜካ ኣጥፊእካ ከም’ዚ ዝኣመሰለ ንኡድ እዋናዊ ጽሑፍ ንነበብቲ ምቕራብካ። ኩሉ እቲ ዘቅረብካዮ ሓብሬታ ዋላ’ዃ ኣብ ሓጎልካ ተቀሪጹ ካብ ዝጸንሐን ገና’ውን ክሳብ ሕጂ ዘሎን ይኩን’ምበር ንዕኡ ኣኪብካ ምቕራብ’ውን ቀሊል ኣይኮነን። “We need old friends to help us grow and new friends to help us stay young”
    ካብ ምስጋና ከይወጻእኩ ኣስማት ሓደ ክልተ ወሃብቲ ሪኢቶን// ጸሓፍትን ክጠቕስ ይደሊ።
    ጠቀሚ’ዩ ንዝበልዎ ሪእቶን ሓሳብን ኣብ ምቕራብን ምብርካትን ዓቢ እጃም ከበርክቱ ዘይሕለሎም ኣሕዋት ከም — ሓው ከ. ተወልደ ፣ ሳይሞን ጂ ፣ ረዘን ፣ ፍጹም፣ ዳኒሎ ፣ …..ወዘተ ብተናጸል ብድርብ ግን “ኩሉ”
    ኩቡራት ኣሕዋት ነቲ ንክንደይ ቀጥዒ ኣልቦ (ገስረጥ መስረጥ) ሪእቶታ ጸርኩም ንኩሉ ከከም ገጹ ክትከድዎ ምብቃዕኩም ንዓና ዓቢ ትምህርቲ’ዩ። ምክንያት እዚ ከኣ ኣሎ ኢዩ እምበኣር ኣቢሉና ኢዩ።
    መብዛሕተኩም ኣሕዋት ኣለይቲን፣ ደለይቲ ሰላም ሕብረትን ምዃንኩም ከኣ ዓቢ ብልጫ ኣሎዎ–እሞ የቀንየልና።
    ሓው ረዘን፡ ኢድና ክንህብ ኣይደለናን እምበር ኣኣብ ዝሃለፈ ግዜ ሪእቶካ ጸገምና ጽቡቕ ጌርካ ኣለሊካዮ ኢካ። ፈቲና ጸሊእና ጸገምና– ጸገም ወገንን ሃይማኖትን ኢዩ። ነዘን ክልተ ጸገም እዚኤን ክሳብ ጥራሕ ነብሰን ዘየውጻእናየን ከኣ ናብ ጽባህ ዘሰጋግር ገመድ የብልና መገዲ የብልና።

    ……………ሳዕሳዓ መስከረም
    “ሳሬት’ዶ ክልምን”
    ልበይን ሓንጎለይን – በበይኑ ኮይኑኒ
    ከራክቦ ደልየስ – ገመድ ሓጺሩኒ
    ከተኣሳስር ክብል – ትማሊ ምስ ዓሚ
    ሒሮ ወዲኡለይ – ስኢነ ንሎሚ
    ዋላ እንተመጠጥኩ – ኣልቦ ምንዋሕ
    ምርኣይ ስኢነያ – ኣማዕድየ ጽባሕ
    ምስ’ዚ ኩሉ ሃብቲ- ምስ’ዚ ኩሉ ጸጋ
    ገመድ’ዶ ትስእን – ደሊካ ኣብ ዕዳጋ
    ጸሓይ ዓረበት — ሰጊራ ኣጋ-ግዘ
    መራክቢ ፍሕሶ –ገመድ ከይተታሕዘ
    ኣየሪአና ዘሎ –ጸሓይ ኣብ ምዕራባ
    ምስርሳር ልቢ –ዓቕላ ምስ ጸበባ
    ኣቱም ሰብ ቀረባ– ኣቱም ሰብ ማዕዶ
    ገለ’ንዶ ወስ በሉ –እንተ ኣሎኩም ምዕዶ
    ድሕሪ ጸሓይ ዕራብ –ፋሕ ዝበለ ማእዶ
    ምእካቡ ሕረት’ዩ — ንፋስ ምስ ወሰዶ
    ኣብ ጥራሕ ባይታ– ኣእምሮ ምስ ተረፈት
    ንሳ’ውን ክትስዕብ’ያ– ፈትያ ከይፈተወት
    ምስማዕ ካብ ሰኣነ — እዝኒ ሰብ “ንኣቤት”
    ጸገመይ ሪእያ –ገለ እንተ ኣለመት
    ለመና ተሪፉኒ – ለመና ንሳሬት

  • meretse March 12, 2018

    መአረምታ ምስ ይቅረታ

    ምስማዕ ካብ ሰኣነ — “እዝኒ ሰብ ቤት”
    ጸገመይ ሪእያ –ገለ እንተ ኣለመት
    ለመና ተሪፉኒ – ለመና ንሳሬት

    • k.tewolde March 12, 2018

      ኣብ ጥራሕ ባይታ– ኣእምሮ ምስ ተረፈት
      ንሳ’ውን ክትስዕብ’ያ– ፈትያ ከይፈተወት…………I am floored Meretse,you don’t have to say much,your poetic lines pack so much punch,it leaves you dazed with concussion,I am doing nothing but state my honest view.Keep spreading the good news,jolting the refractory mind,evoking the deep emotional epiphany and inducing the stomach butterflies.My dear friend,I have nothing but respect for you.Your presence in this medium is a calling and timely.Million thanks.

  • amanuel March 12, 2018

    We talk too much, we write too much much of it nonsense. We could not even shorten the life of the cancer iseyas who is ravaging the human life in the country. One man and one bulet would be enough.

    • Deglel March 12, 2018

      I absolutely agree with you brother 100%, all the time small men just empty/cheap talks, nonsense/meaningless poems shits and all just show offs. Only weak and hopeless/gutless resort to empty/cheap talks and garbage poems all the time. Small coward people who write so much shitty poems and nonsense comments must have lost their manhood and guts/courages for good.

  • rezen March 12, 2018

    Dear Meretse
    In simplicity but heart felt gratitude may I say THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for your kind and generous recognition of my minuscule literary contribution. In our WRITTEN language, derivative of Geez, with all its GRAMMAR — the ONLY language in the Continent of Black Africa — that we were psychologically forced to demean and reject during over one hundred years of colonial subjugation, let me say ክብረት ይሃበለይ።
    Our sordid pathetic history can never be told in its entirety, especially when one considers the fact that we even lost our indigenous IDENTITY, our NAME!!! With that background, we still squabble among ourselves – a perfect classical example of psychological trait of lost people.
    Once again, THANK YOU, Meretse. Please continue with your POETRY, keeping in mind the effect of the above sad reality!!!
    Post Script
    Let me share,with you a sad but relevant story. Let me start with the classical beginning >>> “Once upon a time”, an Eritrean gentleman with the top most Doctorate Degree, and years of work experience, decided to go ‘HOME’ to help the newly independent country called Eritrea. It was not unusual. After all, he is a full-fledged Eritrean, born in Asmara, from an Eritrean father well known in Asmara and the most dignified Eritrean mother born in Eritrea, loved and respected in the neighborhood of Asmara. I have the honour of knowing their eldest gentle son. Now, to relate the story to my above commentary, the gentleman was “shaky” [to put it mildly] in his mother tongue—Tigrigna, though confidently proficient in many other foreign languages!!! To me, looking at it broadly, it is a reflection of the entire society [baptized as “Eritrea” by foreign colonial power] who LOST ITSELF in a quagmire of international politics.
    By the way, to keep this story short, the gentleman [like multitude of others] decided [within less than a year] to return back to where he came from, with the most devastating scar on his Soul, never to see his birthplace again. I am in fact, ninety-nine (99) per cent sure that he will NOT read this commentary as he has NOTHING to do with anything associated with “ERITREA”. Full STOP.
    “Eritrea” is damaged so deeply we cannot fathom the depth of its agony and dysfunctional existence.
    .We don’t have to go too far to understand: just look at the squabbling [insults etc] we have in the Internet, supposedly for a COMMON cause. It is a perfect example of: መንገዲ ዝጠፍኦ፤ ዓቕሉ ዝጸበቦ ። [polish it for me, Meretse]

    • AHMED SALEH !!! March 13, 2018

      Selam Rezen
      First of all you seem to have high expectation from PH.D holders . By the way
      what does mean ” reflection of entire society baptized by foreign colonial power “?
      I might misunderstood your point of view but as a justice seekers we should
      concentrate on positive thinking than focus on negative influenced issues .
      For now Eritreans might find themselves on situations they do not deserve but do
      not forget that our people will rise one day . Their struggle for change won’t stop
      until it reached inside the country .
      incase of the few who hide their identities that preach hatred or empty dream of
      AGAZIAN , they sound foreign to majority of Eritreans ears . We observed unkind
      comments toward our martyrs from unknown online ghosts . They crossed the line
      at that point . Let them bark 24/7 . We tried to protect this forum from these intruders
      but myself I decided not to give them any attention
      For true patriotic Eritrean under any circumstances HOPE STAYS ALIVE .

  • meretse March 12, 2018

    Are you not a man then?. Why can’t you do the job yourself instead of asking others to do it.

    • Deglel March 12, 2018

      Yes, you are the biggest coward and hypocrite around and fuck off with your shitty boring poems. And why can’t you do the job yourself then, too busy with your garbage poems? Get real.

    • amanuel March 12, 2018

      U are acting like ignorant person and made me feel that i was respecting u for nothing. Read it again and tell me back if i excluded my self in my comment. I do not know how old u are but if an adult asking a teenagers question, to bad for u.