Conditional Unconditional Unity (half and half) against dictatorship By Fetsum Abraham//6/1/2003
Conditional Unconditional Unity (half and half) against dictatorship By Fetsum Abraham//6/1/2003 It has been a while since we started discussing unity in Assenna and I appreciate the involvement of brilliant individuals in the exchange. I was very
Conditional Unconditional Unity (half and half) against dictatorship
By Fetsum Abraham//6/1/2003
It has been a while since we started discussing unity in Assenna and I appreciate the involvement of brilliant individuals in the exchange. I was very impressed to read Adhanom’s SICK MOTHER example to our situation and I do not think it can be exemplified better. I encourage readers not to miss his creative and excellent analogical analysis of our situation in his last article to synchronize with the participants’ state of awareness on the issue of unity. In the mean time, I encourage Adhanom to continue his outstanding input in Assenna and God bless you!!!!
Reality: Everything in life is conditional on something. The existence of God as we understand it would have been impossible with out the existence of the Satan or Satan was the condition for the significance of God’s spiritual value, although God could have ignored creating the Satan with a consequence. We would not have known the concept of badness or evil had we been denied knowledge about the Satan.
This article will clarify my position on the question of UNCONDITIONAL UNITY and try to negotiate with the advocates of CONDITIONAL UNITY on uniting our forces all over the place. How about comprpmising on certain conditions to integrate the two complementary ideas into something called Conditional Unconditional Unity against dictatorship? I will start this subject acknowledging that it originated from many ideas in the forum.
From the FORUM
Some things are predictable and some are not. Afwerki’s rigidity on any issue and his anti-peace and democratic reactions are predictable, for example as has been the vulgarity of his blind supporter Asmara 2/3. This dude is the product of Afwerki: well seasoned to reflect the backward mindset of our leaders in all aspects of life; the reason he is fighting against us alone like his boss is doing it against the universe. But lately, he appears in transition from perversion to civility. He has at least started to ask questions of course in the condition the answers are exactly the way he expects them to be with no room for other ideas to stand independent on. I welcome his development although he is miles away from understanding the meaning of justice, freedom and independent mind.
Some things are predictable and some are not. Afwerki’s rigidity on any issue and his anti-peace and democratic reactions are predictable, for example as has been the vulgarity of his blind supporter Asmara 2/3. This dude is the product of Afwerki: well seasoned to reflect the backward mindset of our leaders in all aspects of life; the reason he is fighting against us alone like his boss is doing it against the universe. But lately, he appears in transition from perversion to civility. He has at least started to ask questions of course in the condition the answers are exactly the way he expects them to be with no room for other ideas to stand independent on. I welcome his development although he is miles away from understanding the meaning of justice, freedom and independent mind.
One of the people who noticed the difference is Genet, an individual partially responsible for educating him at least to this point of decency. With a little help from others, it looks like there may be hope for civilizing the many people like him cultivated by the unethical regime after it leaves us alone one way or another.
Genet wrote “Asmara2, What a change, you are asking questions. That is a big change from your usual airhead and filthy mouth rants. Now, start to run your filthy mouth 1,2…. You are so predictable.”
I congratulate him for picking up a lesson and wish him be a better man if he continues attending his classes but guess what: he reacted as she predicted in his next forum appearance. Is Geni a Psychologist that has already figured out his mentality inside out? Enjoy the show!!!
On the question of conditional or unconditional unity
Please pay attention to the texts in bold
Genet : “Dear Petros; This endless bickering between the opposition parties, as well as between intellectuals (Petros & Fistum) is costing us our future. As you stated, Fistum is offering “populist propaganda” correct me if I am wrong. You know populist propaganda, when it is used appropriately, it can be useful to awaken the sleeping mass. Without the participation of the Eritrean people, no opposition party will succeed.
When it comes to the opposition’s current status, you said, Fistum, advocates for unconditional unity; You Petros, think it should be about a great deal of compromising and give and take. I think a great deal of compromising and give and take will lead to unconditional unity for the sake of our future.
What do you think the motivating factors should be for intellectuals like you and Fistum to endure a great deal of compromising or unconditional unity?”
Comment: Genet clearly says that compromising can produce unconditional UNITY.
Ghenet: ”Dear Fitsum, I have been following the discussion and from what I see there are people who actually are fixated on Ethiopia and our issues with it. This is taking the discussion off the main track of our demand for democracy. Our Issues with Ethiopia are different from our issues with PFDJ. Our issues with PFDJ/DIA are about our rights and democracy. Our issues with Ethiopia are half solved. What is left is the on ground demarcation of the boarder. The Eritrean people have been denied their rights and there is no rule of law in the land. We actually cannot talk to DIA about our rights and democracy without ending up in dungeons. This by default means we have no right to talk about the boarder. So you see, for us to talk about boarder we should have the right to talk first and make decision as people.
What I am trying to say is, we need to prioritise our issues. Let us talk about what we can do to create a platform where we can have a say and the power to decide of what happens to the boarder. No matter what Ethiopia intends to do about it, the Eritrean people have to make the decision not DIA. So the basic thing, it seems, is to prioritise our problems and solutions. To me, it is unconditional unity to focus on the right of our people so that they can stand for themselves and they own land! Our questions now should be Do we all want to save this battered nation/people? Do we want to relieve our people from the yoke they are heaving?”
Comment: Ghenet in my understanding is advocating unconditional unity as a priority in order to answer the emergency call of our people.
Kalighe: “Brother Petros, I think Fistum has come with the idea of unconditional unity just to stress the importance of national unity. Nations are built on historical compromises, and as such, conditions and thorny issues are there, but mutual acceptance makes it easy to settle them for the sake of the country. At times, those who think can easily impose their preconditions, won’t give-in to popular pressure. They have 1001 ways and excuses to avoid national unity government. This is more true where the level of education of the people is low and the country has limited experience in party politics. Obviously,it’s in the interest of common good that politicians learn or are pressurized by their constituencies to compromise. Arm twisting and challenges are the worst way of doing national politics. Although, many Eritreans would like to see a functioning liberal democratic system in Eritrea as soon as the super brute leaves the stage, initial few years will require a lot of compromises and national governments based on national unity instead of competitive liberal democracy. As long as there is good will and justice there is no issue that cannot be tackled.”
Comment: this brother/sister sounds pro unconditional unity for very important reasons to my understanding (pls correct me if I read you wring): neither the resistance has the capacity and our people have the time to accomodiate endless conditions for unity from the forces, nor can we achieve democracy without a working period for organizing groups interested in political power through democratic election. That period to my understanding is Transitional Period and the central motion of the road to democracy runs under a Transitional Government that can only be secured by unity.
The three decent individuals above have been intact in the forum for me to find their comments important for what has been going on between brother Petros Haile and me on the question of unity. I want to mention the importance of Adhanom in this list as a strong advocate of unconditional unity. In the mean time, I found the following exchange of ideas important for us all to converge to a common thought on the burning question of our society
Petros: Dear Fistum & (Its apple and orange) , The political resistance of the federation era was purely against a foreign force where a minimum unifying grounds was necessary &. Ato Woldeab and Shek Ibrahim unified their struggle in defense of a foreign hostile involvement, in fact they clearly identified it as the independence block, there was no ideological differences except to be free from the Ethiopian threat, and the British partition plan , however on today’s crisis it is a little more complicated, for one thing it is a host of issues that requires heavy emphasis with the civil rights, and how to manage diverse conflicting local interest with in the confines of Eritrean soverngity & a simplistic formula of lets love each other, would not do it … the current dilemma requires a different strategy since it encompasses the rights of the citizens interest from all angels &and there is no forign element to blame !
Comment: Apple and orange are fruits that have equal significance in view of nature. There is no color or ethnicity of oppression but oppression and so is there no color or ethnicity of justice and freedom but justice and freedom. People can unite based on external threat or internal threat: the External enemy or threat was the unifying ground then for the two symbols of our unity and why cannot we unify on the grounds of the internal enemy? They united to safeguard Eritrea from external threat and we need to unify for our freedom from domestic dictatorship. Civil rights issues, the SAWA slavery, ignorance as State policy, the exodus, the Sinai crisis, the economic paralysis, the indefinite taxation for Eritrean identity, the injustice on our unlawfully caged prisoners and the suffocating absolute dictatorship (the worst of its type) as a package are the common elememts today for Eritrean unity as significant as the external threat that motivated the two fathers to unite had been. Cannot the question of democracy and the unbearable dictatorship unite us for now? Brother Petros has to provide his version of solution to the immediate problems of the society should he continue resisting unconditional unity based on the common factors that affect all Eritreans.
Petros says, “the current dilemma requires a different strategy since it encompasses the rights of the citizens interest from all angels &and there is no forign element to blame!”
Me: Can you please teach us your strategy pricesely? You have to have something to show to legitmately contradict our concept of unconditional unity towards a temporary government strictly aiming at allowing the diversion of political parties within to address social issues and compete for power in democratic Eritrea. Cannot the right of the parties to eventually diverge out of the united front and organize according to their national programs during the transition period for democratic election serve as a compromising factor of unity to the opposition forces? What else then?
Petros has previously mentioned the SANCTION and DISARMING THE OPPOSION FORCES as negotiating factors for unity. In my opinion, the view on Sanction should not be a divisive factor; it should be bypassed as difference in opinion and something irrelevant for our unity. I support the santion and Petros doesn’t, should this difference stand on the way of our unity? I do not think so.
As for disarming the forces, it is premature now and should produrally wait until the forces are united. We will give practical analysis for this part in the follow up material.
Petros: “The random observation conducted in Eritrea indicated a major rift in attitude and choices by the pro independence and unity with Ethiopia groups, purely on the basis of religion, region and ethnicity &.At that time our visionary leaders kept it together & this is what the art of diplomacy and far sighted leaders can be able to do , imagine if today’s Fistum try to tell Ato Woldeab and Shek Ibrahim Sultan not to organize themselves on the basis of their religion or ethnicity & that is what I call wisdom by the two pioneers of the colonial era , &”
Response: I believe in people organizing themselves in terms of religeon and ethnicity as long as they do not try to be exceptional in a given society. We are here because we belong to the same society and there is nothing wrong organizing ourselves as Eritreans as long as we don’t affect the international community negatively. So can our people organize in terms of religeon and ethnicity only to help their communities and defend their constitutional rights but only in the condition they do not negatively affect other communities in the country. Unconditional unity for a transitional government has nothing to do against people religeously or ethnically organizing themselves with equal recognition of other communities in the society. I certainly would not have discussed this matter with the fathers of unity since it is clear and within the circumference of democratic principles.
Petros: “Brother Fistum, please don’t forget we were given a highly conditional deal, when our constitution was drafted by U.N representative; to accommodate the diverse cultural setting of Eritrea, and the heavy emphasis of the Tigringna, christian , and highlanders of Ethiopia… by the way the independece blocks were composed of many parties, and the liberal party, led by Ato Woldeab, and the Islamic league by Ibrahim Sultan were among the five or six that constitute the block &. here the process was conditional, the application was a give and take, and the composition were very diverse & as you assume it was not a sham and unconditional unity….
Adhanom: “In my opinion, if the opposition parties are capable and mature enough to hold a constructive compromise, it can be a turning point in political development of Eritrea, but what we can do if the political elites fail to engage in. There are a lot of catalyst factors or elements that motivate and determine Eritreans to establish at least to stand up for unconditional unity to get rid of autocracy that could bear a fertile environment to saw a civilized seeds of compromise in the near future..”. This brothr gave nine reasons or conditions to support his argument of unity.
Response: The constitution was conditionally given to our political parties of the time in order to “accommodate the diverse cultural setting of Eritrea”. The question is: can we make a deal for unconditional unity on the following conditions?
Condition 1: It is only to form the transitional government in post Afwerki Eritrea. The so said unity ceases to apply after the transitional government completely plays its role of democratizing the country. The unity is not final but rather only for as long as the commonly agreed transitional period lasts. Therefore, it is time sensitive that expires after the transition period is experienced.
Condition 2: It allows and equally respects the healthy differences of all groups or people and forces within.
Condition 3: The so said unity would have a temporary constitution only focused on managing the nation until the point of democratic election, immaterial or useless otherwise. The temporary condition dies out with the transitional government in favor of a democratically elected government in the country.
Condition 4: The parties will then compete for power based on the national constitution that would be open for amendments during the transitional period if necessary.
Condition 5: Democratically elected people within the union would lead the temporary government until it completes its obligation under neutral international surveillance.
In conclusion, we can unite on the itemized conditions and more (half way) keeping the premature activities of the parties to unconditionally stay within their jurisdiction (half way) until we manage to form the so-visualized transitional government. They can then come out to the public and work on their issues during the transitional period based on the all-inclusive national constitution.
To be continued
Asmara2 June 2, 2013
Oh, goody!, funny hat is talking about me – I will definitely go to hell now!
The idiot Funny hat, is at his usual idiotic scavenging of people’s comments yet again!. This fuck face has some nerves!
Here is the deal: This idiot doesn’t even have the nerves to apologize for his comment regarding the border issue and the way he tried to bullshit his way around here. The fact that he has these zero – IQ cheer leaders and call girls doesn’t seem to help him either
Still, he have some nerves to keep on insulting the Eritrean people.
The problem here is, this idiot earned zero respect from any sensible Eritrean who has half the knowledge of Eritrea, the Eritrean people. The funny part is he doesn’t even have a shred of knowledge of the so called opposition – not even those who are kissing woyanies ass like him
Abdallah June 3, 2013
Brilliant, brilliant as always.
A.Salim June 3, 2013
Excellent! Fitsum Abraham doesn’t know the akhlabat Woyane, so-called oppostion very well.
Asmara2 June 2, 2013
Oh, goody!, funny hat is talking about me – I will definitely go to hell now!
The idiot Funny hat, is at his usual idiotic scavenging of people’s comments yet again!. This fuck face has some nerves!
Here is the deal: This idiot doesn’t even have the nerves to apologize for his comment regarding the border issue and the way he tried to bullshit his way around here. The fact that he has these zero – IQ cheer leaders and call girls doesn’t seem to help him either
Still, he have some nerves to keep on insulting the Eritrean people.
The problem here is, this idiot earned zero respect from any sensible Eritrean who has half the knowledge of Eritrea, the Eritrean people. The funny part is he doesn’t even have a shred of knowledge of the so called opposition – not even those who are kissing woyanies ass like him
Eritreawit June 2, 2013
Asmara2 or 3
Oh boy you are finished, done FINITO ,KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK.
awet June 2, 2013
HGDEF is on the run….
Viva our youth. We won’t rest until our people are liberated from the dictator in our beloved Eritrea.
Eritreans fought one another instead of celebrating in Zurich, Switzerland – 9 injured Translated from German
Breaking News Add comments Jun 032013 Hundreds of Eritreans gathered on Saturday night to a party in the town hall Dietikon. When a group of strangers to hard dazustiess, there were wild brawls. Nine people were injured, several arrested.
Several fights in Dietikon and a large deployment of Zurich cantonal police – as the organizer of a festival Eritrea have not presented their cause. Hundreds of visitors were expected on Saturday night at the Stadthalle Dietikon. Many festival-goers were already in place shortly after 18 clock when another group of strangers joined to.
A short time later it came between the fixed and participants of this group to a brawl that resulted in several injuries. When the Canton police intervened, some people fled towards the city center Dietikon where it was then in different places at other fights. The police, who had been with a bigger squad in action, had to summon up more patrols to bring the situation under control.Nine injured persons were rushed to nearby hospitals. In addition, the police arrested several parties and handed over to the prosecutor.
The background to the conflict are at the moment not yet known how the Zurich cantonal police announced. The ceremony was then restarted, but the police kept the environment in mind all night.
As a spokesman for the State Police said the surveys are not yet complete. One can therefore not give any information about the background of the attack. But be sure that a racially motivated attack could be excluded.
«Eritrean thugs financed from Ethiopia»
According to an eyewitness, there were Eritreans who were at each other mutually. Not an isolated case: Time and again in Switzerland skirmishes between pro-government and anti-government groups. The SRF reported in 2012 even by government spies disguised as asylum seekers who collect protection money from local Eritreans. According to Toni Locher, Honorary Consul of Eritrea, it should be the perpetrators of Dietikon an Eritrean thugs who would be financed from Ethiopia.“Since 2008, this group attempted to disrupt all major Eritrean events in Switzerland,” says Locher, who was also on site. ”They attacked even women and children.”
Kalighe June 3, 2013
Dear Fetsum ,
A national unity Government that takes care of transition to democracy (which could last for two or three years) is an obvious choice for any country that is coming out of an extended internal conflict period.
What is difficult to understand is how this will be possible when there is too much mistrust. Post conflict era requires primarily a lot of confidence building measures, so that all non-essential preconditions can be set aside by building trust, working for mutual acceptance and above all peace based on justice. These are fundamental conditions to start any political process that can take Eritrea from war to peace and democracy, and from poverty to prosperity. So, let’s work for a better future for our kids by working for justice and keeping at heart the interest of all Eritreans.
Zaul June 3, 2013
The Eritrean Covenant
“9. Arabic is the store of Muslim civilization. To Eritrean Muslims, it is an important part of their heritage and their medium of education since time immemorial. Furthermore, Arabic has been a matter of agreement among Eritreans in all their protocols, including the 1952 constitution. The current ruling regime has made it its task to weaken and destroy Eritrea’s Arabic heritage both as a medium and as a culture.
10. Eritrean Muslims do not appreciate the fact that their multi-layered identities and their choice of Arabic language as a medium is considered identity crisis by the ruling regime and those who subscribe to its values. Eritrean Muslims are aware that they are a product of many ethnic roots and use diverse languages and dialects that they want to preserve; but they do not accept their many dialects and languages to be tools for their disunity.
11. Taking into consideration the exception of the weighty major presence of Muslims in the Highlands, and of the counter-presence of Christians and adherents of indigenous belief systems in the Lowlands, the religious factor is primarily the major factor that defines the Eritrean person’s psyche together with ethnic or clan affiliations and geographic locations.”
Mejlis Ibrahim Mukhtar February 12, 2010
Zaul June 3, 2013
Zaul June 3, 2013
“As far as Tigrigna supremacy is concerned, we don’t want any ethnic supremacy, be Tigrigna or non-Tigrigna over any other ethnics or faiths. What we want is pluralistic democratic governance in which the rule of the majority is honored and the full right of minorities to be fairly represented and prosper is guaranteed under the law. Meaning everybody gets its faire share of the pie. If one ethnic group gets more than its fare share, there will be a grieving another ethnic group that has lost its faire share which makes Eritrea unstable. In peace time distribution of wealth, resources and services should reflect to the population of our regional and ethnic proportion. But it is not just the spoils of peace time the bigger ethnics and regions enjoy. Also in war time service to defend the country should reflect the same proportion. If Tigrigna Christians are 50% of the population, 50% of the fallen and maimed heroes should be Tigrigna Christians. And the rule of the majority is making the Ali Salims very uneasy. Let’s listen: ”
Semere Tesfai February 10, 2010
Saleh June 3, 2013
What is your message?
Kalighe June 3, 2013
His message is : Arabs !!! Arabs !!!
Zaul June 3, 2013
And your message is : Arabic !!! Arabic !!!
Chasing Al-Arabiya: Somalia’s cultural genocide
Zaul June 3, 2013
ካሊግሀ ኣይትቀየም፣ ኣንጻርካ ኣይኮንኩን ዝጽሕፍ፨
ኩሉ ነገር ብጋህዲ ምዝራብ ይበልጽ ግና ፣ እንተ ተጋግየ፣ ጭብጢ ሒዝካ ኣብዝን ኣብዝን ተጋጊኻ በለኒ ክምሃር ፣፣
Kalighe June 3, 2013
You are right, at time I do say Arabic !!! Arabic !!!
because I love the language, I understand it’s importance, my ancestors used it to pray to God and communicate with their neighbors. And yet, I never felt I am an Arab.
In your case it’s about recital hatred of Arabs, a legacy of Janhoy the bastard. “Eritra le Areb attishetim”.
In your case it’s about racial hatred, in my case it’s about cultural affinity and knowing the important of the language.
There 22 Arab countries around us, 250 million people, with whom we share almost everything. Behind excessive Arab hate expressed by some, there is also a stupid idea that says: “all Arabs are Muslims”, which is wrong. A significant percentage of Israelis are Arab Jews. And by the way, their mother tongue is Arabic, but the Kibbuz system transformed them into Hebrew speaking Israeli. The old generation still speaks different Arab dialects.
Before the advent of Christianity, Judaism used to be the main religion across Arab world. The most important historical and religions resources of Judaism were written in Arabic.
Languages and cultures do not know borders. Even the most unique civilizations and cultures have not been completely free from foreign influences. Take for instance the Japanese: from Jimmu to Hirohito, the claim to have ten thousand years of civilization. Historically, the islands were isolated from outside world, and yet, if you take the Shinto (religion/culture) element out of it, the rest is Buddhism and Chinese culture. It’s difficult to find a Japanese culture that cannot be traced to China.
Zaul June 3, 2013
I support the idea of unconditional unity to take power after the fall of PFDJ, for the following reasons:
1. No opposition group seems to have any sense of urgency, they seem to ignore the plight of the people.
2. Power struggle between them, seems to come from the belief that they can manipulate and outmaneuver their competitors to take the reins of power. This to me is just like going back to “ዘመነ መሳፍንቲ”.
3. Just like in “ዘመነ መሳፍንቲ” different princes of small fiefdoms are seeking to dominate the others and searching for weapons and funding from foreign powers to achieve their goals. This is untenable if you want to form a modern democracy and an independent state in control of its own destiny.
4. We have Islamic opposition groups who seem to believe that the Highlanders are Ethiopians (a continuation of Haile Selassie and Mengistu Hailemariam) and not to be trusted. That this government in Eritrea is the true representative of all Highlanders, a highly irresponsible characterization that leads to unnecessary radicalization of a tolerant society.
A victim mentality has emerged, in my opinion because of the status of the Arabic language. I can understand that some smaller languages feel threatened by Tigrinya. But they must also understand that Tigrinya is threatened by Arabic and Arab cultural dominance. This is not a figment of my/our imagination, there is a history of invasion Ahmad ibn Ibrahim al-Ghazi (Somali: Axmad bin Ibrahim al-Ghazi, Arabic: أحمد بن إبراهيم الغازي ) “the Conqueror” (Gragn), Ottomans, Sudanese Mahdists, Egyptian attempts to control the source of the river nile (1832-1875) and the Arab world’s support and recognition of Eritrea as an Arab state during the struggle for Independence.
What’s the obsession of the religious parties about Eritrea being 75% muslim. Does it have any practical implications? Does uniting all muslims under the banner of Arabic have anything to do with the fact that they want to establish a caliphate, as soon as they have a majority? How do you expect to gain votes from the highlanders, you are just begging for polarization.
5. Eritrea is no less a natural nation-state than any of our neighbours, I would dare say that it is even more natural than a few other Non-African states, because the whole population contributed to its Independence. The problem is that we are trying to turn it into something it’s not.
It was liberated so that all its inhabitants could be who they are. No foreign power imposing his culture and language on them.
We should therefore give all our languages equal protection under the law (I know it’s PFDJ’s position, but they have not succeeded in full). I have no desire to see other Eritrean languages being replaced by Tigrinya either, the specific composition that Eritrea has is what makes it unique.
We Eritreans seem to believe, that we have to re-invent the wheel every generation. There are many examples of countries that has a formed a care-taker/transitional government after bloody wars. Do we need more bloodshed and suffering to come the negotiating table. What’s the worst thing that can happen? We already have a CONSTITUTION. If the constitution needs amendments, we can reform it step by step to better reflect the will of the people.
All we need for the moment is transitional constitution and I believe the ACCRA AGREEMENT that Liberia used is a good start. When that is done, we can attract the Silent Majority and remove PFDJ in no time. Someone suggested town hall debates where the political parties can get questions (in any 9 of the languages) and input from the public, that’s an EXCELLENT IDEA.
In my opinion this is the way to a sustainable democratic nation. If it is not possible, there is no shame in separating peacefully without bloodshed [look at Serbia and Montenegro]. But we have to try hard first.
It would advance this conversation if the authors of the Eritrean Covenant and others could join in.
fetsum abraham June 3, 2013
Hi zaul;
u have helped us very well with the Accra Accord for liberia and infact the next article will be on that. thank u for the information and keep researching other cases so that we can share it here in ur honor. can u work on the somalian democratic experience if u may? it would be great my friend!!!
ahmed saleh June 4, 2013
WOW , We are confused , frustrated and lost on how we can end the suffering of our people back home
and some so called Educated are fighting for future satisfaction of their ego of religious and regional
power of dominance .
Who cares of your nonsense if Eritrea governed with respect of law of order by good and principled people
regardless their background , TZEMAMAT .
ahmed saleh June 4, 2013
Our forefathers said ” KAM MUHRO SI AEMURO ” .
Reading the comments just reminded me .
MightyEmbasoyra June 4, 2013
That’s why we can’t do anything to remove the criminal – because of these nonsense stuff
Zaul June 4, 2013
“There 22 Arab countries around us, 250 million people, with whom we share almost everything. Behind excessive Arab hate expressed by some, there is also a stupid idea that says: “all Arabs are Muslims”, which is wrong. A significant percentage of Israelis are Arab Jews. And by the way, their mother tongue is Arabic, but the Kibbuz system transformed them into Hebrew speaking Israeli. The old generation still speaks different Arab dialects.
Before the advent of Christianity, Judaism used to be the main religion across Arab world. The most important historical and religions resources of Judaism were written in Arabic.”
Of course neither language nor culture is stagnant; Geez, Tigre and Tigrinya are good examples of that, so we don’t have to search in Japan. This happens organically, why force it, by making it official? I know very well that not all Arabic-speakers are Muslim. But your example about Arabic speaking Jews is not valid in this case, they moved to Israel and the country already had Hebrew as an official language. The original Arabian inhabitants (Palestinians), should on the other hand be able to learn in school in their own language and use it as they see fit in their own land.
If Eritreans consider it a religious duty to learn Arabic, Religious institutions can provide for that. A government can offer foreign languages as a subject like English or any other language that they think would benefit its citizens economically, but not at the expense of the indigenous languages. I would never dream of telling anyone in which language to pray.
እቲ ንኺድ ጥራይ ናበይ ኣይትሕተቱ እንድዩ ኣብዚ ዘለናዮ ጸገማት ኣብጺሑና ዘሎ
A.Salim June 5, 2013
“What’s the obsession of the religious parties about Eritrea being 75% muslim. Does it have any practical implications? Does uniting all muslims under the banner of Arabic have anything to do with the fact that they want to establish a caliphate, as soon as they have a majority? How do you expect to gain votes from the highlanders, you are just begging for polarization.”
You don’t have to take stupid people who say stupid things seriously. Kalighe, the ethno-racist who calls for ethnic-cleansing knows that your statements are correct. We do have religious extremists in Eritrea both Pentes and Jihadists. There is no point in denying the established facts.
Zaul June 5, 2013
A. Salim,
You have to be joking, Ethnic-cleansing? really? Nobody even mentioned that. Is there a political party called Eritrean Pentes Liberation Front? Do they have an armed wing? Or will they just proselytize us to death.
I’m no racist, but you on the other hand need to memorize this phrase when it comes to Tigreans.
ብመንፅር ክብርን መሰልን ኩሎም ሰባት እንትውለዱ ነፃን ማዕሪን እዮም፡፡ ምስትውዓልን ሕልናን ዝተዓደሎም ብምዃኖም ንሕድሕዶም ብሕውነታዊ መንፈስ ክተሓላለዩ ኦለዎም፡፡ “
Asmara2 June 5, 2013
A.Salim June 5, 2013
” Kalighe, the ethno-racist who calls for ethnic-cleansing knows that your statements are correct. ”
I am saying that Kalighe, the ethno-racist who calls for ethnic-cleansing knows that your statement about the obsession with 75% is true.
Never have I accused you of ethnic-cleansing. Sometimes ago Kalighe did vehimently complain about the presence of some Eritreans in Gahs-Barka.
Zaul June 5, 2013
ኣጽኒዒካያዶ እታ ዓንቀጽ ወዲ ሳሊም
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Article 1.
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
Read the whole thing here and pass it on to people you know.
Genet June 5, 2013
Do you care about the urgent situation of our people in Eritrea? We have 35,000 Eritrean stranded in unforgiving country at this time. Why is that so important for you to discuss in detail, the # of Muslims in the world vs Arab conutries? I don’t think, the currrent ugly situation in Eritrea is because of languages, Arabs, Muslims, Christianity or which language to pray. Eritrea, under the dictator has many, many, many Eritrean Muslims in leadership positions as well as many, many, many Eritrean Muslims who are speaking out against the PFDJ’s crime.
Can you please explain to us, how your discussion of Muslims, Language, Arbs is going to help our people here and now? Your discussion would be appropriate at a time of luxury. I would like to discuss about Arabs, what language to use to pray, how many Arab countries are in the world, so, on and so, on, when our peoople are no longer in a helpless stuation.
Zaul June 6, 2013
Dear Genet,
I don’t think there is any Eritrean Family that is not affected by the dire situation our people are facing as refugees and within Eritrea.
If we really want to help the stranded refugees in Israel and elsewhere, the best way is to support the Human Rights advocacy groups, such as Dr. Alganesh, Elsa Chyrum, meron Estifanos and many other gallant Eritreans who are doing a tremendous job in a non-political, non-ideological fashion. Any individual or political party can join them and give them a helping hand.
To give you a little background of what has been going on since Eritrea’s independence.
Muslims, especially in the western areas bordering Sudan, have often been suspected of links with predominantly-Muslim armed Eritrean political opposition organizations based in Sudan which have received support from Sudan’s National Islamic Front government and the Sudanese Muslim Brotherhood. In particular, the Sudan-based Eritrean National Islamic Salvation Front (formerly the Eritrean Islamic Jihad Movement, EIJM) advocates an Islamic state and is part of the Eritrean National Alliance (ENA). According to reports, this Islamist group has been responsible for some violent incidents in Eritrea. Like the ELF, it has recruited fighters and supporters among Eritrean Muslim refugees in Sudan who had fled there many years previously but refused to return after independence when there was no reconciliation with the EPLF.
As a consequence of this armed conflict, the Eritrean security forces have conducted military operations in western Eritrea since the early 1990s and seem to have often profiled practising and activist Muslims as potential or suspected Islamist or ELF opposition members. Hundreds of suspected supporters of these two groups have been arbitrarily detained, tortured and “disappeared”, with some feared to have been extra-judicially executed. Some fighters may also have been captured and detained or extra-judicially executed.
Currently there are hundreds of long-term Muslim detainees in Eritrea who may be prisoners of conscience, arrested on suspicion of links with Islamist or ELF opposition forces but never charged or taken to court. Some may have been arrested simply because of their religion or for complaining against religious discrimination or being treated less fairly than Christians, for example in regard to permits to build religious buildings or raise funds for Muslim welfare or religious education.
Hundreds of young teachers were arrested in Keren and elsewhere on 5 December 1994 when Eritrea broke off diplomatic relations with Sudan. They were detained on suspicion of having links with Sudan, through the Muslim Brotherhood, or with the Eritrean Islamist opposition supported by Sudan’s Islamist government, many had trained there as Quranic, Arabic or ordinary teachers in Sudanese educational institutions.
I’m discussing the political parties’ efficiency to topple PFDJ. One of the triggering factors in the struggle for Independence was the diminishing role of Arabic and the brutal persecution of Muslims by Haile Selassie. The First students who formed ELM and ELF in Cairo were heavily influenced by the Pan-Arab movements of those days. These trends are clear even today among some of the major Eritrean opposition parties. One of the reasons why EPLF split from ELF was the role of religion and the role of the Arabic language. So there is a conflict whether Eritrea should be identified as an Arab country through the influence of neighboring Arab countries, especially now that most of our neighbors to the West and North are Islamist governments. On the other hand you have the hand of Ethiopia trying to force Eritrean parties to implement Article 39 “… self-determination up to secession”.
I think it’s important to topple the government, but it’s also equally important to dare speak on the thorniest issues, so we don’t keep repeating the same mistakes over and over again, because of superficial politeness and superficial unity, I want us to build a sustainable democratic nation, based on INDIVIDUAL LIBERTY & that takes pride in its INDIGENOUS CHARACTER rather than what meddling neighboring countries want Eritrea to be like.
We mUst pressure our political parties to come out in broad daylight and face the people to answer what they envision for our future, if they are truly working for us or another nation’s agenda.
Abdallah June 3, 2013
Brilliant, brilliant as always.
Kalighe June 4, 2013
“4.We have Islamic opposition groups who seem to believe that the Highlanders are Ethiopians (a continuation of Haile Selassie and Mengistu Hailemariam) and not to be trusted. That this government in Eritrea is the true representative of all Highlanders, a highly irresponsible characterization that leads to unnecessary radicalization of a tolerant society.”
“We have Islamic opposition groups who seem to believe that the Highlanders are Ethiopians (a continuation of Haile Selassie and Mengistu Hailemariam) and not to be trusted. ”
I think the above statement is completely false. I have been reading a lot about different opposition groups including Islamic, but I have never come across this.
“That this government in Eritrea is the true representative of all Highlanders ..”
It’s true that many ethnic groups think the government of Eritrea is biased and it’s working or to be more precise, till recently was working for the interest of Highlanders only. This perception is very common. But the statement, “the true representative of all Highlanders” is a bit exaggerated. You are putting a little bit more salt in it.
Certain perceptions are created when a government seems to be very popular and supported by a social base. Till the Ethio-Eritrean border war, Iseyas was venerated like a demi-god, while in reality he has always been a murderer. Historically, his ideology was very popular among the Tigrigna, while from day one he purged Tigrigna intellectuals mercilessly. Till G-15 started to complain, “menghistna” was heard everywhere in Highlands.
The internal dynamics in Eritrea have been changing very fast after the case of G-15. The latter have contributed in explaining the true nature of the regime they had helped to build. Now, many ordinary Eritreans from all groups are gradually learned that Iseyas and his group are not working for any group. They are insensitive to the suffering of Eritreans regardless of their ethnicity or religion. Despite that, the way people look at this government will take some time to change. It’s supporters still think it’s “their” government, while some in the opposition are stuck in the old perceptions.
Kalighe June 4, 2013
“What’s the obsession of the religious parties about Eritrea being 75% muslim. Does it have any practical implications? Does uniting all muslims under the banner of Arabic have anything to do with the fact that they want to establish a caliphate, as soon as they have a majority? How do you expect to gain votes from the highlanders, you are just begging for polarization.”
” ..they want to establish a caliphate ..”
You must be kidding. The most extremist groups think more or less they way see it (privately, I should add): if we cannot live together, “there is no shame in separating peacefully without bloodshed”. Many such groups think Eritrea is a country where Christians and Muslims have lived for centuries in peace, but now Muslims are treated as second class citizens and denied basic rights in their own land. Starting from early nineties the government had targeted what it called extremist Muslims (or ztaxamat, beaded). It was hunting religious Muslims and ELF ex-Tegadelti, while other groups in the country were either indifferent or were supporting the Junta. Hundred where taken from their homes and are missing to this day. In late nineties, there was news in the internet that said, around 150 Muslims were taken from various prisons and extra judicially executed in two hours in a locality called ‘Desit’, north of Massawa. A credible source (a prison guard) who happens to be a Christian confirmed that something like that has happened. But many of those who had served with security services keep silent on the matter for fear of being implicated in the horrible crime.
You like to give things a historical framework or sensational touch, such as “they want to establish a caliphate..”. You forgot to mention the flying carpet, the Minaret, Alaaddin .. and all those fancy figures from the Arabin nights dreamed in a sleeping Bagdad.
Zaul June 4, 2013
Eritrean Mujahedeen/Freedom Fighters
I do not support extra judicially executions, I’ll not make excuses for that. And i hope you do not support the killing of forcifully conscripted youngsters.
Kalighe June 5, 2013
“And i hope you do not support the killing of forcefully conscripted youngsters”.
Every crime should be investigated and the perpetrators should face justice. Only when justice is done durable peace is achieved.
ahmed saleh June 5, 2013
Sometimes it is wise not to highlight their agenda by ignoring such theory which is against our belief and
our principle . We Eritreans in majority number know who we are and what we are capable for the good
of our people interest . Therefore it is better to flow with our trustworthy compatriots than wasting
time on nonsense issues . As far as my concern anyone who claim religious or regional sentiment is an insult to Eritrean patriotism and that make my reason on its to call them bunch of cowards with big mouth .
Do not forget such kind of tactics of the past divide our people to surrender on present unpredicted
situation on free Eritrea . Enough is enough , our youth should get out free from this negativity to
bring the anticipated UNITY among fellow nationals . We are not fools to be victims again and again .
ahmed saleh June 5, 2013
That was a good try , ya lekhbat wahd.
What is your purpose to bring the site of MUJAHEEDEN on this forum ?
I was very curious to open the video but I found out it is an old event before independence
in 1988 . Thanks God I understand Arabic otherwise I may end up your victim out of arrogance .
A.Salim June 5, 2013
Ahmed Saleh,
Why are you angry?
Zaul June 5, 2013
ኣየ ኣሕመድ
ሕራይ በል ንኺድ ጥራይ
Mad dash to power…
A.Salim June 5, 2013
Kalighe hates our Eritreans brothers and sisters from the Eritrean Highlands.
Zaul June 5, 2013
No, he seems cool, I actually like the guy. We only had a disagreement on an issue we both feel passionately about.
Aye Salim. Bye Salim
A.Salim June 5, 2013
Ahmed Saleh: “That was a good try , ya lekhbat wahd.”
What do you say to the insults by Ahmed?
A.Salim June 5, 2013
” ..they want to establish a caliphate ..”
That is true.