COMING SOON on Canadian TV CBC: Nevsun in Eritrea: Dealing with A Dictator (preview)
Nevsun in Eritrea: Dealing with A Dictator (preview) The Fifth Estate February 12, 2016 01:08 When a small Vancouver mining company struck gold in a remote corner of Africa, it started with so much promise. In remote Eritrea, Nevsun

Nevsun in Eritrea: Dealing with A Dictator (preview)
The Fifth Estate
When a small Vancouver mining company struck gold in a remote corner of Africa, it started with so much promise. In remote Eritrea, Nevsun built a mine that was generating $700 million in profits in its first four years of operation. But it was also generating a lot of controversy – because Nevsun was partnered with a brutal dictatorship that runs the country and controls 40% of the mine. That has led to allegations by the UN and Human Rights Watch that the regime has used conscripted military labour in the mine. The Eritrea government has also been accused of funnelling arms to the terrorist group al-Shabaab. Nevsun denies the allegations of human rights abuses and insists it is a “template for responsible international business.” What is the price of doing business with a dictator? Mark Kelley investigates.
Watch Preview on CBC: Nevsun in Eritrea: Dealing with A Dictator
sidi abdu February 11, 2016
All along NEVSUN now who are they are dealing with. They know they are sleeping with a blood thirsty tyrant. They are word-smithing and hiding behind the technicality. It is only the usual corporation greed that doesn’t allow them to do the right thing and get the hell out of our country to send a message to the tyrant and his cronies. They can come back when the rule of law is in place in Eritrea and we will welcome them with flowers in our hands.
By the way Eritrea does n’t even have an official budget to find out how much revenue did the so called government made. We don’t know who is pocketing the 2% that is being collected from the Eritrean Diaspora. To add salt to injury, they robbed every body’s saving under the pretext of currency changes, fighting corruption.
umer salih February 11, 2016
Where ever there is genocide profit in Africa ,there is a canadian firm.Is canada Dr. Jackyl and Mr. hyde ???
k.tewolde February 11, 2016
All the proceeds from the mining goes to fund the oppressive state machine and the rest is divided between him and his lieutenants for booth,prostitution,and gambling in SEGRETOTAT, these pack of wolves they have it good, why would they want anybody there to share their loot.If the poor Eritrean people ask questions,the classic armed struggle era answer,AYMLKETEKANYU! Is that ring a bell? We need a pack of hyenas to dismantle this gang.
teaghes February 12, 2016
The crops has gone and zero profit is the best profit as there is indirect income for Nevsun employees In Vancouver.
Amanuel G. Woldu and Bill Nelson may comment but Cliff Davis is in the Boat of compromise.
Fisehaye February 13, 2016
They are theifs
Coz they know that the dictator has no
They tought that they wiil profit too much
due to the young Eritreans/slaves/with out any payment.