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  • wedi tquabo2013 USA October 26, 2013

    Wedi Tquabo never ever liked, the DIA regime. May be at the initial stage like all of us did, but never afterwards. It was my observation, during the visit to our home land, almost every year. Even I met him in a night club few monthes back in Asmera, late night time , quasi drunk was he, but not proponent of hgdef or DIA , jockingly uttered to me. Welcome bro Wedi tquabo, where u belong, All the very best. Hope u change the lyrics of ur songs , sing them for us the opponents, of The diabolic DIA. Again, best withes wedi tquabo.

  • true October 26, 2013

    I have a QA to wedi tkabo and this QA will tell us if he is here to jone us.when the first time he came to USA , he talk to DIA face to face.i know what DIA tald him before he come to plz ask him what DIA EXACTLY said to him.thank you Amaniel

  • Kemal Ali October 26, 2013

    I wish you all the success Assenna foundation.

  • Wedi Tororonto October 26, 2013

    This is great news. Congratulations Assena. I can”t wait for Monday.

  • Berhe Tensea October 26, 2013

    Every one is waiting to hear Wedi Tukaboès voice.
    I am very proud of Wedi Tukabo, who had made history, in the US.

  • daliule October 26, 2013

    wdi tikabo kab keberet nabehasare do yehayesh elkayo. mes amanuel ezi kedae sheyati adiu interview ketgeber kabeta mhidamka zanaye hjii tigeded anyway tigerwaye do beqedemiu yemeniu bale 7 qurabisha ztebahele euko sqilka aykonen

    • Dawit October 26, 2013

      Eway HGDEFINOTAT Huh abilukim
      Hayal slezkone aewikn do.
      Wedi Tkabo gegna eyu.
      Nskatkum hgdefawian elama
      Zeyblkum sheyti adom ekum.
      Ember wedi tkabo kemaku ab leili
      Resatat nay ahwatu zeseisie aykonen
      Gegninetu dema melue hzbi Eritra
      Yefelto.Tewagieyu ab kuinat tewgiyu
      Nakum gin bebelek lekeaka tenebru
      Himakat fekosti.
      Kidu neti ekuy goitakum DIA enda
      Segedkum hasot tekenitkum ngeziyu wih belu
      Gizyekum keribu eyu.
      Wedi tkabo jigna eyu nskatkum
      HGDEF resehat.

      Dawit wedi keren

      • Google_ERI October 27, 2013

        dawit what did you write is it a poem or psalm mezmur dawit kkkkkkkk what a funny article i can’t stop laughing

    • mikael October 27, 2013

      Wedi Tkabo aykonen gena kulu eritrwee antsar Issayas kleal you
      Kemakha zmeselu resahat kedemte gna betarik kthetetu ekum…chenawee cadre .

  • daliule October 26, 2013

    who is wdi tikabo though? he is just a singer not more than that and there are a lot of youth who sing better than him. ezi gedaaye resahe gororo garie derbaye tederbeye hjiii

    • Yonas October 26, 2013


      I am sure, when Isaias abandons the country, you will say, qedemu do gda tigraway yEmenEu.

  • haben October 26, 2013

    gerwyna adig kida go work cleaner

  • Yonas October 26, 2013


    I say, the announcement was strategically flawed. This kind of high profile political “gains” should be taken seriously for the very fact that, the supporters of the regime can “strike” pre-emptively with in the next day or so. That is, they can be on the offensive to neutralize what Wedi Tkabo has to say on Monday. Assenna should have kept it a secret and announce the interview on Monday half an hour or so before the actual interview.

    • Wedi Tororonto October 26, 2013

      There is nothing , absolutely nothing, the Pfdj can do…except insults. Wedi Tkuabo has already made history and continues to do so. The thugs did not believe that he left them…we’ll what are they going to say once they hear it from him?

  • nasir October 26, 2013

    amanel you douing good job keep gouing people waiting to listing wadi tukabo weadi tykabo he make history in his life eriterian people all ways to remember you

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