CNN Wins IRE’s Tom Renner Award
Recognizing the most outstanding watchdog journalism of the year, the Investigative Reporters and Editors awarded CNN with the 2011 Tom Renner award for its documentary, "Death in the Desert." Fronted by CNN's Berlin-based correspondent Fred Pleitgen,

Recognizing the most outstanding watchdog journalism of the year, the Investigative Reporters and Editors awarded CNN with the 2011 Tom Renner award for its documentary, “Death in the Desert.”
Fronted by CNN’s Berlin-based correspondent Fred Pleitgen, “Death in the Desert” uncovered horrific evidence confirming some refugees – mostly from Sudan, Eritrea and Ethiopia – journeying to Israel had their organs harvested before being buried in the desert. This documentary aired as a part of the CNN Freedom Project, the multi-platform initiative launched last year to shine a spotlight on modern-day slavery.
Judges’ Comments:
CNN’s team faced great personal risk in crossing the dangerous badlands of Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula to expose a network of human trafficking and organ sales in “Death in the Desert.” The team managed to persuade the hostile, clannish Bedouin tribesmen of the region to talk about their organized kidnapping for ransom and trafficking in African immigrants trying to cross from Egypt into Israel. The team also procured photographic evidence, reviewed by coroners, that suggested some immigrants had their organs harvested before being buried in the desert. The final scene of nameless immigrants buried in unmarked graves almost within sight of their final destination in Israel provided an emotional finish to a dramatic, difficult and important story.
Go here to see the IRE’s official press release announcing the winners and finalists in the 2011 IRE Awards.
Cambo April 4, 2012
Congratulations to correspondent Fred Pleitgen for the award and recognition to his caurage in uncovering the horror in Egypt and Sinai in his investigative report of “Death in the Desert”.
This is also a victory to many Eritreans directly involved with the plight of the enslaved Eritreans and many subSaharan Africans suffering in the hands of the Egyptian doctors, Rashaidas and Arab Bedeunes.
Many people have worked hard to get this horror story this level of international spotlight, such as Aba Mussie, Elsa Chyrum, Assenna, Asmarino, Erena, Meron, Dr Yebio and many others. Because of this report the UNHCR, Anthonio Guterez, the European parliament were forced to discuss this issue.
Shame to the Arab media including Aljazeera for deliberately ignoring this story of death and slavery taking place under their noses, despite all the reminders sent to them. Except the young brave Egyptian woman reporter who risked her life to report from the site.
… and the biggest shame goes to the State of Eritrea!
Here is the link:
Senai&TheJews April 5, 2012
Stop with these hypocratical stories!
How can one congratulate Fred Pleitgen for his allegedly courage in uncovering the horror in Egypt and Sinai…report of “Death in the Desert” ? We saw no fruits at all as usual !
The torture/ransom is even worse now!
And how can this be a victory to many Eritreans directly involved with the plight of the enslaved Eritreans and many subSaharan Africans suffering in the hands of the Egyptian doctors, Rashaidas and Arab Bedeunes? .
Yes, many people have worked hard to get this horror story this level of international spotlight, such as Aba Mussie, Elsa Chyrum, Assenna, Asmarino, Erena, Meron, Dr Yebio and many others did a lot for the investigationn!
Why do not the UNHCR, Anthonio Guterez, the European parliament take stil NO Actions ?
Are they themelves quasi the perecutors together with the others behind the curtain?
Why no reactions from the head/State of Eritrea yet?
Every thing seems to run/go in a planed way even the consiously/deliberately killings of victim Eitreans?
Why was the money collected in Esrael (the friend of Hitler) and the killings took/take place infront of their doors in Sinai (Guatanamo)?
Who are the stakeholders of the killings, ca. Israel, USA, Germany, DIA,…etc?
The killing have not stoped stil, why???????????
Where is the international court that ought take its job in Cairo aleady last year?
The conspiracies are not solved yet and why? I see no solution at all since 4 years!
kabbire April 5, 2012
One day our Egyptian and Sudanese brothers will send brave Jihadi commandos to liberate the 25,000 Eritrean prisoners in Israel.
May god bless our Arab friends 😉