CNN: Eritrea violating human rights on massive scale, U.N. report says (incl Video Clip)
(CNN)The government of Eritrea is responsible for "systematic, widespread and gross human rights violations, forcing hundreds of thousands of refugees to flee the country," according to a United Nations investigation. "It is not law that rules

(CNN)The government of Eritrea is responsible for “systematic, widespread and gross human rights violations, forcing hundreds of thousands of refugees to flee the country,” according to a United Nations investigation.
“It is not law that rules Eritreans — but fear,” says the U.N. report.
The United Nations interviewed more than 500 confidential witnesses about the nation in the Horn of Africa, hearing accounts of sexual slavery, extrajudicial killings and forced labor. The report details the specific rights violations and the methods employed by the Eritrean government to control its population.
The Eritrean government did not respond to the United Nations’ requests for access or information, according to the commission, but Eritrean presidential spokesman Yemane Meskeltook to Twitter to criticize the report’s methods, describing it as a “vitriolic narrative cobbled up from 550 confidential interviews.” Meskel went on to say the report was “a case of ‘garbage in, garbage out’ par excellence.”
The Eritrean Ministry of Foreign Affairs later released a statement calling the report a travesty and saying that all accusations leveled against the government are “totally unfounded and devoid of all merit.” The statement claimed that the U.N. report will be used by some to “whitewash their transgressions against Eritrea and to seek pretexts for their acts of destabilization.”
According to the report, the Eritrean population is in “a state of permanent anxiety” because of the deprivation of human rights and the government’s invasion into all aspects of daily life. Here are some of the areas the United Nations highlighted:
Surveillance — right to privacy
According to the U.N. report, Eritreans live in constant fear they’re being monitored by security agents and that any information gathered may be used against them for “arrest, detention, torture, disappearance or death.” Witnesses told the United Nations they engage in self-censorship because it is impossible to know which of their activities are considered deviant.
Trapped — freedom of movement
The Eritrean government makes moving in and out of, or around, the country extremely difficult, to make sure members of the population fulfill their national service obligations. A “shoot to kill” policy was publicly implemented by the government in 2004 for a considerable period, and although the policy may have been revised, some of those interviewed for the U.N. report said they had been shot at. The report says Eritreans who travel near the border are severely punished and that anyone who returns to the country is detained and subjected to ill treatment and torture. Internally, individuals’ movements are restricted by a system of travel permits and identity cards, which must be produced on demand to verify their national service standing.
Silenced — freedom of expression
In 2001 the G-15 reform group and its supporters were either killed or disappeared, and since then Eritreans have been punished for asking any question of the government, the report says. It continues by saying that any attempt to peacefully demonstrate has been crushed by the government, with demonstrators detained and sometimes executed without trial.
Oppressed — freedom of religion
The Eritrean Orthodox Church, Catholicism, the Lutheran Church and Sunni Islam are authorized religions; since 2002 no other denominations have been allowed to formally exist. Jehovah’s Witnesses have been deprived of their citizenship, losing their right to work or to be recognized as persons before the law. The report says religious materials are regularly confiscated and followers killed or made to disappear.
The U.N. commission concludes that the “judiciary is not in a position to protect the fundamental rights of Eritrean citizens” and that there is no rule of law in Eritrea, making it impossible to receive a fair trial for any criminal charges.
The concern is amplified by testimonies of confessions forced by rape, beatings and torture through extreme forms of restraint, according to the report. Those arrested or detained often have no idea what law they’re accused of breaking, and many end up “disappearing,” according to the report, with relatives warned that any questions will lead to a similar fate.
National security, and in turn national service, is one of the root causes of suffering in Eritrea, the report says. The United Nations describes the situation as “the systematic violation of an array of human rights on a scope and scale seldom witnessed elsewhere in the world.”
In 1995 the Eritrean government issued a proclamation on national service that conscripted all 18-year-olds, and in 2002 the Warsai Yikealo development campaign was launched. This required all boys and girls to spend six months in military training by the time they were 18 years old.
The conditions at the military training camps are dire, the report says, with the sexual violence against women and girls so rampant that the United Nations says it amounts to sexual slavery. Outside military training, many underage students are subject to forced labor under the threat of death, with the commission concluding that “forced labor in this context is a practice similar to slavery.”
The forced labor, sexual slavery, arbitrary arrests, disappearances and torture led more than 357,000 Eritreans to flee their country by mid-2014, the United Nations says. It estimates 5,000 Eritreans leave each month, making them one of the largest groups of migrants trying to make their way across the Mediterranean.
The U.N. Commission of Inquiry on Human Rights in Eritrea will present its findings to the Human Rights Council in Geneva, Switzerland, later this month.
Yerhiwo June 9, 2015
The mafia group is in trouble finally and they are trying to lie to the world as if the world is blind. Lies, lies and lies is the eritrean fabric under Dictator Isaias Afwerki rule! He lied to Eritrean people for 40 years, enough is enough! This maybe the beginning of hope for oppressed Eritrean people who are suffering immensely under this brutal Dictator.
The dictator grew up with his grandma Medhin Berad who use to sell “Suwa” traditional beer for living and as insulted “agame” as a kid and has a grudge against decent Eritrean people. This dictator came in disguise of liberating Eritrea, but in fact his mission was to destroy Eritrean people and Eritreanism! Originally from Tembien (Ethiopia) and from Yohannes IV Dynasty, he hijacked Eritrean freedom and Eritrean ambition for free and prosperous Eritrea into a living hell!!! He turned Eritrea upside down with his cousins Yemane Monkey and Hagos Kisha into an open prison!!! This man with his cousins is responsible for the death of many Eritreans.
UN Security council, the Eritrean people is waiting for you. Put a stop to the human right violation in Eritrea. Indict Isaias Afwerki in the ICC so that he face justice like Charles Taylor, Geddafi, or Sadam Hussien. Believe me, this dictator in Eritrea is worst than Geddafi or Idi Amin!!!
Kibrom June 9, 2015
This is very few,there is a lot of pain the report missed on what the government of Eritrea did to his own people.
Logo June 9, 2015
With this devastating hard report and the Europeans flooded with young Eritrean refugees seeking asylum in hundreds every month from the smallest nation in Africa, the UN sanctions on the Eritrean regime will not be lifted any time soon.
The late PM Meles Zenawi, may his soul rest in peace, had sealed the fate of Higdef and Issaias for ever and ever like a nail in a coffin. Even after death, Meles is still ruling Ethiopia and holding his ruling hammer on any nail that appears on Issias Afewerki territory, file and foreign policy.
Issaias is walking like a zombie, unfortunately he will also take Eritrea and its once bright future and proud history of the Bahre Negash people with him.
What a sad story!
Ibrahim June 10, 2015
Logo, you said…
“The late PM Meles Zenawi, may his soul rest in peace, had sealed the fate of Higdef and Issaias for ever and ever like a nail in a coffin.”
And for that reason the worshipers of DIA hate the entire people of Tigray to the degree of madness.
Kibrom June 9, 2015
This is very few,there is a lot of pain the report missed on what the government of Eritrea did to his own people.
Kibrom June 9, 2015
Need less to know issea’s family line; and is unethical to insult his innocent mother. ..!
Tes June 10, 2015
The Eritrean government has no shame in its bones. It lives on fabricates lies and perfected the art of deception. No more now it all open to enter world to see. It is funny the is crocked government issued a press statement in response to the UN findings only because they magnitude of crimes committed by those gangsters mounts crime against humanity. Wedi berad knew what it means and panicking and forced to respond. He never choose to keep silent as usual. Because he knows what will follow next. This is directed to him and as usual when the pressure increase he react to save himself. Not this time …time of judgement is near the corner.
Mengis Bariazgi June 10, 2015
It is for sure this zombie is taking this great young country and it’s people to the grave no matter what the UN report is.
Gezae June 10, 2015
If you are truly advocating for justice why do you start from Ali Abdu who was part and parcel of the so called inhuman and undemocratic acts of the PFDJ government. He is living freely in a democratic country without any conviction.
Gezae June 10, 2015
If you are truly advocating for justice why do not you start from Ali Abdu who was part and parcel of the so called inhuman and undemocratic acts of the PFDJ government. He is living freely in a democratic country without any conviction.
Reply ↓
Genet-orginal June 10, 2015
Finally, DIA and his supporters will no longer hide their crimes against our people and country. They have been trying to put lipstick on a pig. It is not going to work anymore. Justice seeker Eritreans, now is the time to speak up, be aggressive, we have the momentum. for the question why some Eritrean people in diaspora are silent? it is because of fear……
Let us advocate for our people and country.
Teclay June 10, 2015
The so called just seekers
You have welcomed the report .Right ? OK ,be consistent! I hope the UN will not stop there.If it continues to investigate all the crimes which have been conducted in Bahrenegash will you support also the report.For Example:
-The burnings and killings of Kunama PPL.
-The slaughter of Anseba farmers.
-The killings of Quhain -Denbelas.
-The round ups of about 40,000 poor peasant women,who most of them had been killed in the mine fields.
Some of the actors of the above crimes against humanity are for sure in the West enjoying unlimited freedom .
Kombishtato June 10, 2015
Teclay, well said. The next UN report on crimes committed in Eritrea should not stop at Issaias Afewerki and the Higdefistans alone. We are still waiting the crimes committed by other groups including Jebha and its minions to be fully investigated. Selective outrage, cover ups, white washing of history and hypocrisy have no place in a free and just Eritrea.
Either we live in our dirty past or we clean it up all now.
“-The burnings and killings of Kunama PPL.
-The slaughter of Anseba farmers.
-The killings of Quhain -Denbelas.
-The round ups of about 40,000 poor peasant women,who most of them had been killed in the mine fields.
Some of the actors of the above crimes against humanity are for sure in the West enjoying unlimited freedom “