Canada taking steps to expel Eritrean diplomat, Baird says – Incl Bereket Yohannes’s intv with CTV News
Canada is taking steps to expel Eritrea's consul general in Toronto, Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird announced Wednesday. "Canada has taken steps to expel (declare persona non grata) Mr. Semere Ghebremariam O. Micael, consul and head
Canada is taking steps to expel Eritrea’s consul general in Toronto, Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird announced Wednesday.
“Canada has taken steps to expel (declare persona non grata) Mr. Semere Ghebremariam O. Micael, consul and head of the Eritrean Consulate General in Toronto, effective immediately,” the Foreign Affiars department said in a short news release.
“Mr. O. Micael must leave Canada no later than noon Eastern time on June 5, 2013.”
The expulsion comes amid allegations from the Eritrean community in Toronto that O. Micael had been using his position to fundraise for the Eritrean military, demanding that expatriates living in Canada offer “contributions” to help the country fund its war against Ethiopia.
“That is not allowed under international sanctions, because the Eritrean military is believed to have links to African al Qaeda affiliate,” CTV’s Mercedes Stephenson told CTV News Channel minutes after the announcement was made.
The United Nations imposed sanctions in 2009, and again in 2011, calling on Eritrea to “cease using threats of violence, fraud and other illicit means to collect taxes outside of Eritrea.”
Stephenson says members of the Canadian Eritrean community were complaining that those rules were being violated and they were being told that they had to pay “dues” or “taxes” to the Eritrean government.
The Department of Foreign Affairs issued the Toronto consulate several warnings to stop its fundraising activities and to respect international sanctions and Canadian law.
Baird said in his written statement that “today’s actions speak for themselves.”
“The Eritrean government is welcome to propose another candidate to represent it in Canada, but that person must be prepared to play by the rules,” the department said.
“Our resolve on this matter should not be further tested.”
Asmara2 June 4, 2013
What is up with the “My Brother in Law is in prison….” stuff he said in the interview? I don’t think the interviewer is dump enough to see the conflict of interest right there – but hey, this is not about right or wrong – this is about perfecting “a lie” this is about mastering and promoting “injustice”
Those who knew this Bereket Yohannes dude in his university days, say if you are unlucky enough to sit next to this guy to eat food, you would be doomed for life – you would hate eating food! They say he criticizes everything and anything – so much so that you would start to imagine worms swimming in the food in front of you. The reason he does those staff is because he is simply born-bad, some kind of twisted personality and they say, everyone used to run away from this dude during lunch time. Now, this dude is talking about Eritrea? Lord have mercy on us!
The fact that his sister is in prison – should not give this dude the green card to lie about this 2% right on our faces!
A lie is a lie, no matter how you try to justify or twist it
TwoWayStreet June 4, 2013
“Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people” Eleanor Roosevelt.
So Asmara2, I will leave it for you to put yourself which group you belong to.
This is about 2%, this is about Canadian authorities expelling and Eritrean diplomat, this is about a UN sanction. I would like to see you write about those. Weather you are pro or against the issues doesn’t matter, because that will lead to a healthy conversation.
Asmara2 June 4, 2013
Really? There is idea to be shared here? Seriously? What is there to discuss about the 2%? If you are an Eritrean true to yourself (And of course God fearing), you would know the 2% is an Eritrean law done legally. So, what is there to discuss? If you are an Eritrean true to yourself and God fearing, you would know there is no cohesion or force or intimidation involved with this 2%, so what is there to discuss? And if you are an Eritrean, true to yourself and God fearing, you would also know this in no way is going to change anything. Eritreans in Canada have to find a way to pay that 2% through other means. So what is there to discuss?
The only thing I can think of discussion is how severe should the punishment be for treason. People are lying to harm their country, so what should be the punishment? I guess you discuss those types of things with Eritreans who care for Eritrea, though – it is not a thing you discuss on this forum which is the “Menaharia Nay Anatsu Nay Woyanie” – full of twisted people with woyanie’s sheet covering their eyes
So, dude cut the crap!
Besides, the title says “Canada taking steps to expel Eritrean diplomat, Baird says – Incl Bereket Yohannes’s intv with CTV News” . That dude is part of the subject and also that dude did the interview shamelessly lying to his teeth. See? You are not that smart after all.
And the following part of my previous comment say it all
“…….A lie is a lie, no matter how you try to justify or twist it…….”
So, you still want to go down that road with me…..?
TwoWayStreet June 4, 2013
So you called me dumb. Let me provide you my dumb ideas and discussion of issues. you might like them.
I believe, that the UN has no business in blocking the 2%. This is a national issue. If they want they can block aid, loan, arms…etc. The only person to block the 2% payment is the Eritrean himself/herself.
No body is going to force you to pay this, everybody is doing it willingly or because he wanted something (service) from the government.
As TwoWayStreet I don’t pay 2% or want to pay 2%, just because I believe duties/responsibilities go hand in hand with rights. I believe I am not getting all the rights that I deserve as a citizen. And also the Eritrean government has no transparent budget system, so I don’t really know where my money will go. If I have a way of knowing that and I am convinced that every penny I send will serve my people directly I would have a second thought.
I don’t expect you to support my stance, but to read your views on issues without calling names like “Dumb, Anatsu nay weyane,…”. This has no place in a civilized world.
Did you see/read/hear what happened in Swiss. That is what is happening here, except it is virtual. When you are face to face with another, you will start calling names, the other will react/respond, then you get your Swiss type fight unless the other guy refrains from being dragged into it, I mean unless the other guy is civilized.
Let us have a civilized discussion. Did you read or see what happened in Swiss.
Misghina June 4, 2013
Great idea …… twowaystreet ……. u managed not to be dragged into QOYQI.
It’s my hope that we start developing or integrating such civilized way of critisising one an other into our evergoing discussion so that those critiques would lay a foundation to promising political system in the future Eritrea. LETS KEEP IT UP ….. u both guys seem to be well educated and u also seem that u live in the western world …..then unless u and the people like you then who are going to be the leading individuals for catalising a political system that help not individuals but the people at large.
Asmara2 June 4, 2013
Is that supposed to be smart now?
Where is the idea?
Dude, like I said, the 2% is not a discussion point. Every Eritrean knows what it is. It is an Eritrean law and is legal and straight forward. If you want you pay, if you don’t want, no body forces you. Legal and simple!! If you are an Eritrean, then you don’t need anybody to explain that to you. You are living it.
Your “…I believe, that the UN has no business in blocking the 2%….” is not smart either. Had the 2% been an illegal act, done through coercion, intimidation and threat, as your “Anatsu Nay Woyanie”, claim it to be – then the UN is right to block it. BUT 2% is legal, voluntary and is an Eritrean law free of any intimidation. So, you should turn your arrows and shoot at those who are lying and make the 2% look like an illegal act. You have to shoot at those people who are giving our nation a bad name. These people are not doing the lying for the hec of it. This people are doing it against the country called Eritrea, purposely.
If you are smart, here is where you should focus. This is not about why you chose to pay or not to pay. This is about the simple fact that “YOU HAVE THE LIBERTY or freedom to choose TO PAY OR NOT TO PAY”
So if someone not only is lying to your face, but also is feeding foreign body with lies to harm your nation – then that is a serious issue. THIS IS ABOUT LYING TO HARM ERITREA. THIS IS ABOUT COMMITING A GRAVE CRIME AGAINST ERITREA
So, you expect niceties here? You can shove that dude.
Your “…I believe, that the UN has no business in blocking the 2%….” is not smart either. Had the 2% been an illegal act, done through cohersion, intimidation and threat, as your “Anatsu Nay Woyanie”, claim it to be – then the UN is right to block it..BUT 2% is legal, voluntary and is a Eritrean law free of any intimidation. So, you should turn your arrows and shoot at those who are lying and make the 2% look like an illegal act. These people are not doing the lying for the hec of it. This people are doing it against the country called Eritrea, purpossely.
So, you can shove that nicety carp
DEM Melash! June 4, 2013
Asmara – Gondaf Agame – Go to your tigrai on line wedi Komarit!
TwoWayStreet June 5, 2013
One – You have no proof if he is Agame or not,
Two – Nothing is wrong with being Agame or Tigraian, or other nationality or race. All individuals are born equal.
Three – You gained nothing, proved nothing by calling names
Just put what you think about the articles and the comments, and try to convince others. We will either conquer to your ideas or differ.
That is the path of civility.
The candid Truth June 4, 2013
When a twisted person call another a twist; I would have felt livid; but in PFDJ’s era nothing surprising me; because it’s a rotten organisation to the core; it’s a savage beast,and all the members and sympathisers like Asmara2 are cursed people who don not hesitate to see Eritrea burning to ashes. May God protect Eritrea from these savages dressed up as human beings.
Joe June 4, 2013
Why don’t you shut the heck up? Just like any other regime supporters, you can’t justify the government actions, therefore, you attack the individuals instead of the content he has brought up. Why don ‘t you ask why his sister is jailed? Did she face the court? Oh I forgot it’s a one man rule, there is no rule of law in the country. Generals jailing people for no reason…… By the way who are “they?”. They said this, they said that……topical HGDEF personally assassination.
aba_chegora June 5, 2013
I fully understand your points regarding the issue as well as the guy who was interviewd. I stopped paying the 2% taks back two three years ago opposing some policies of the eritrean government. However I was never intimidated by any eritrean government official. I have even vistied Eritrea twice without any problem. Canadian leader own a big country but they have a little brin to expel a diplomat on the basis of false testimonies given by individuals who have persona vendeta agains the government,
Kiflom June 4, 2013
I am sorry to read very backward comments and using unhealthy words. Anyone who wants to comment on this issue of paying 2% must first understand the meanings of “CITIZENSHIP” AND ” NATIONALITY”. To be a national is one thing, but to be a citizen of another nation being a national of Eritrea is another thing. Citizenship is political. Therefore, if one is a citizen of Canada or any other nation being an Eritrean national, he/she is expected to respect the constitution, laws, rules and regulations of the nation. Eritrean nationals are no exception. This is a world wide respected law. Anyone who wants to double deal and support terrorists and terrorism must know that he/she will be a liability to the nation of citizenship. Therefore, Canada’s measure is appropriate and legal.Those who do not what to accept this internationally accepted legal norm are advised to renounce their Canadian citizenship and go back to their home or be registered in Canada as aliens. NO MORE NO LESS IS EXPECTED FROM THEM. This is not the banditry law of Sahel.
TwoWayStreet June 4, 2013
…and regarding the punishment for treason that you are thinking about, I believe every individual has his own idea/sentence. Your individual punishment idea should not have any place unless it is the collective idea/law or verdict of the Eritrean people.
Here in the country I live in, people will elect their district (zoba, kebele) representative. These representatives will gather in the capital city, and they right the laws i.e. they legislate. Rules like what to do with treason, Do we collect 2%tax from Eritrean abroad? Then it is written on journal and explained to the people. Then if somebody commits treason he will go to court, defend him/herself, be sentenced according to the laws if he/she is found guilty.
I am sure you know all of these. My question to you is do we have such system in Eritrea. I believe the answer is no.
So it is OK to think or day dream about what should happen at the government level, but no idea will be satisfied unless we create a system that will take each individuals idea into consideration, unless we create a government from the ground up, i.e. elected representatives, rather than appointed officers. If my district elect a person, his/her loyalty is to the people who elected him, if he/she is appointed then their loyalty is to the one who appointed them.
Asmara2 June 4, 2013
Like anybody here, you either failed to see or purposely avoid the POINT. Or worse, you try to jump to other subjects to suit what you set out to do in the first place.
The point is this:
Some people who claim to be Eritreans and their sponsors are fabricating lies and feeding the international body twisting facts, so as to harm our nation or give bad name to our nation
Guys like Berket and the Hagos guy – are shamelessly lying to us and to the international body..
This is not about your choice of not paying 2%. This is not about the Eritrean government either (though that is the pretext) – this is about LYING TO SERVE SOME PURPOSE. And the purpose cant be just either, otherwise why do you need to lie?
See, this is simple
Asmara2 June 4, 2013
Let me stress that again:
The fact that these “Anatsu nay Woyanie” are lying to their teeth about the 2% actually makes the Eritrean government to be the one who is JUST.
As for punishment, I am not talking about the current government to punish these idiots – I am saying this is big and the Eritrean people would definitely punish these fools for treason –. This is not about paying or not paying 2% – this is not about liking or not liking PFDJ – this is a treason that would hunt this anti-Eritrean elements, as long as they carry the Eritrean title
Asmara2 June 4, 2013
That would take us back to the question “Who are these people” and hence describing these people become necessary – and I gave you a clear description of the guy who did that interview and who told us “Aynikum yidefen”. That description tells a lot about that guy (Bereket) and hearing him talk about Eritrea knowing his credibility is well….
Besides, there was conflict of interest in his interview.
Got that?
PURE - Hamassien June 4, 2013
I can see that you are attacking Bereket from winnipeg! Well I know him and I know his family very well and what you are saying is not true – but you are defaming it. Bereket Yohannes is the younger brother of the most famouse Eritrean figther – Aster Yohaness. and brother in law of petros solomon. You forgot that you master or boss couses havoc on their family. but you are telling us – he is men bla blabla – what is your problem – Now I can see that you want to deflect from teh main issue – do you know that – PFDJ is the most hated party in Eritrea – Isseya sis the most criminal person in Eritrean and talk about him – Gondaf Tigraway!
Now I have heard that a long list of Eritrean collaborators in canada for the criminal president are under investigation. I have hear that my frinds who live in Canada told me about their listed. For example, who is in charge of winnipeg chapter – calgary chaptert and montraila chapter and toronoto chapter – they will be deported or bring to justice for attacking innocent Eritreans in canada. I think you guys are desperate now.
Who is Lambros Kiriskos – teh president of Eritreans community in Winnipeg. I am not sure but I have heard that he is from Greek from his father side and Eritrean from his motehr side…. So who are YOU? are you from Congo father sid and Eritrean hammasien women from mother side. hahhahahahah
Wey hammsien tirekbo – Zikone seb hammsien eye eyu zibil hahhaha
tell us about you – DEFAI ARABIA
TwoWayStreet June 4, 2013
OK. This is what I see…. “BACK TO SQUARE ONE”.
Meles and the Ethiopian government seized an opportunity, Terrorism, to its advantage. Discussed this with the US, Convinced IGADD to pass a unanimous resolution, convinced African Union to pass a unanimous resolution, and brought it to the UN security council attention which resulted in the UN sanction, including the collecting 2%, while the Eritrean government couldn’t convince a single African nation, even Libya. That shows a diplomatic failure on the part of the Eritrean government. The Ethiopian government through the help of its friends is working to cut all resources destined for Eritrea.
The opposition group believe that Ethiopia is helping them for the sake of peace in the Horn of Africa. They don’t see that there is an ulterior Ethiopian motive.
If things go like the way they are going now, the Eritrean government can sustain itself, thus will disintegrate. Wala, a power vacuum is created. The only entity with power to fill the void is the Ethiopian government blessed by the international community. In the name of regional security their army will march to Eritrea, they might take one two or more opposition group with them to convince the world.
MightyEmbasoyra June 4, 2013
Can you imagine if Asmara2 was in charge of the country – even for one month?
This guy would wipe out the whole nation – worse than his criminal boss.
TwoWayStreet June 4, 2013
So “Liberty, freedom, choice…” I am sure that you know these terms very well.
you said “I have the liberty to pay or not to pay the 2%”. I got that liberty just because I live outside of Eritrea, where Liberty, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly … is respected, not because the Eritrean government believes in liberty. My turn to tell you to point your arrows at the government you are defending so much. All this issues and opposition wouldn’t have surfaced had the government respected Eritrean rights. (I dare you to give me one example where an Eritrean enjoys his/her civil right).
You said “these people are trying to harm their country by…”. It is the Eritrean government which is harming the country, the 22yr wrong political, diplomatic and economic policies of the party in power is the main reason for all these. The opposition in the diaspora is just a result of all those policies.
MightyEmbasoyra June 4, 2013
You should put this loser in ignore. He has undeveloped brain.
Asmara2 June 5, 2013
If I am to shop for a brain for my pig, I would look for you. Don’t deceive yourself trying to look equal with TwoWayStreet. There is a difference between you two. His mind works; yours is just a skull and doesn’t function.
I remember establishing your beardedness a while back, what do you need now?
Asmara2 June 5, 2013
MightyEmbasoyra June 5, 2013
Get out of welfare and try to do something for yourself – loser.
Truly truly i say to you June 4, 2013
Yes! It is true how hard it is for rich people to enter the kingdom of God! This is why my Lord Jesus says,” It is much harder for a rich person to enter in the kingdom of God than for a camel to go through the eye of a needle.”( Luke 18; 24- 25) So the rich Canada government may dare to say we deed that for the sake of justice to please be you call it the UN resolution or God´s will. But what the canada will answer, like a Jewish leader asked Jesus, what shall i do to receive eternal life, simillar question if they ask jesus, Definatly he will answer them, you know the commandments:
” Do not commit adultry; murder, steal ; do not accuse anyone falsely; respect your father and your mother,”
Definatly like the Jewish leader answered this, “Ever since i was young; i have obeyed all these commandment,” as they will also answer similarly. Like after jesus heard that answer if said to them well, “There is still one more thing you need to do. Sell all you have and give the money to the poor,and you will have riches in heaven.” like told if tells to Canadian fist stop mine dealing with illegal mafia regime if they told, do you think they will stop that? i don´t think so!
Hzbi June 4, 2013
Advancing as rebels against hgdef is the only solution in Eritrea. To restore law and order, clear design and planning is necessary before advancing to Eritrea. Marching to HGDF troops are the only solution that Eritrea can be free. These HGDF troops are not bright enough and are suffering, its better not to shoot any ballet to them before informing them and giving them advice, however if they can not do anything afterwards, marching to them is the only solution that would bring down hgdef and bring Eritrean back from the brick.
Semere June 4, 2013
HGDEF supporters are irritated by the decision of the Canadian government. They are consoling each other. As the Latin say goes “Asinus asinum fricat” – The donkey rubs the donkey. No offense meant. Instead of correcting their mistakes they are trying to find the culprit, as usual! They always bypass themselves. To admit ones mistakes is a sign of wisdom. They have to know that their leis and fraudulence are exposed not only to Eritreans, but to the whole international community. They should also understand that no one can rule a nation based on leis and deception. After 50 years, by now they should know the system of governance of Isayas and HGDEF. ሓሳዊ ይምሳሕ እምበር አይድረርን. Now is too late, let them surrender with honor.
shetet aynbel June 5, 2013
First, i would like to apploud all the ppl who worked hard to make this happen. Job well done!
What is the success for us, opposition camp, in here? We were not paying 2% anyways. We never believed semere and likes lies to decieve the ppl. So were is our real success here?
The first success is the fact that the opposition camp is much more capable to deal with international community. PFDJ’s deplomats not only failed to convience the intl community, but proved that they can’t use their old long whip for their own nationals.
Now it is practically proved, that thair whip is as short as they can’t hit their own hand. It is time to work hand to hand, fearlessly, to send all pfdj’s deplomats where they belong. And let’s keep up the hard work of the guys who would be eritrean deplomats, for they have done a tremendous job to hit the nail.
As to asmara2 shamelessly mentioned, 2% is legal.I hope we all have the same understanding about the term legal. Asmara2 continued to call that banditry action is voluntary. What a confusion, it is a law to pay 2% tax, but for those who may ask about how it works, it is voluntary. Asmara2 ,,,, ooops too much credit, my mistake, sorry asmara2 bosses are telling us it the law to pay but who ever wants to violate is even wellcome. What a cheap?
It is not funny, asmara2 is crying like my 2 years old does when I tell him time to go home from playground. What doesn’t make it funny is the pfdj dude could be grand or father to my little. What doesn’t make it funny is the next playground for asmara2 and likes will be behind the bars.
I can’t mention all the success we achieved from semere’s deportation from canada for his unlawfull practices. The enthausiasim, their defeatness, and afterall, the awareness of our ppl.
But the last achievement will be, that semere’s familly will join us soon. As we all know, semere’s punishment for his ineffectiveness will be arrested at meloti. Not necessarly in the compound but in its products. We all love beer, he is gonna be married to meloti. Then he will be put in a place that he will really curse meloti, not for the taste of the beer but for they are consuming more grains that could atleast be one bread for himself.
Asmara2 June 5, 2013
Sheyati Adu, or whatever your name is
If perfecting your lying skills can be considered a success, then you and your mentors are top of the bunch.
You see, the only way you can justify your COUSE or PURPOSE is through lying and deceit, therefore you don’t have a CAUSE.
MightyEmbasoyra June 5, 2013
Shtet aynbel,
You really make amhara2 (oops asmara2) cry. He doesn’t know law and he will never law at all. This guy, like his alikes know how to repeat what his criminal boss told him and curse. By the way, he is a welfare kid – and he never grew.
ahmed saleh June 5, 2013
I wonder if he was also a beneficiary of Canada system either in medical and financial assistance .
harnt June 5, 2013
like asmera2 there are a lot of people in eritrea who belives in swords,unless they change the way they think there will always be blood shed in eritrea becouse the blood shed is the result of their mind,all they belive is solving problem through fightig swearing intimidating etc and the law of atraction also cooperate with what they think .what they think manifest in outrer world,this kind of people is the most difficalt to deal with,u cant change them either this mentallity is in their blood and goes back to their forefathers ,thats the kind of people who are in power now and infesting the same mentallity to every new eritrean generation