Canada taking steps to expel Eritrean diplomat, Baird says – Incl Bereket Yohannes’s intv with CTV News
Canada is taking steps to expel Eritrea's consul general in Toronto, Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird announced Wednesday. "Canada has taken steps to expel (declare persona non grata) Mr. Semere Ghebremariam O. Micael, consul and head
Canada is taking steps to expel Eritrea’s consul general in Toronto, Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird announced Wednesday.
“Canada has taken steps to expel (declare persona non grata) Mr. Semere Ghebremariam O. Micael, consul and head of the Eritrean Consulate General in Toronto, effective immediately,” the Foreign Affiars department said in a short news release.
“Mr. O. Micael must leave Canada no later than noon Eastern time on June 5, 2013.”
The expulsion comes amid allegations from the Eritrean community in Toronto that O. Micael had been using his position to fundraise for the Eritrean military, demanding that expatriates living in Canada offer “contributions” to help the country fund its war against Ethiopia.
“That is not allowed under international sanctions, because the Eritrean military is believed to have links to African al Qaeda affiliate,” CTV’s Mercedes Stephenson told CTV News Channel minutes after the announcement was made.
The United Nations imposed sanctions in 2009, and again in 2011, calling on Eritrea to “cease using threats of violence, fraud and other illicit means to collect taxes outside of Eritrea.”
Stephenson says members of the Canadian Eritrean community were complaining that those rules were being violated and they were being told that they had to pay “dues” or “taxes” to the Eritrean government.
The Department of Foreign Affairs issued the Toronto consulate several warnings to stop its fundraising activities and to respect international sanctions and Canadian law.
Baird said in his written statement that “today’s actions speak for themselves.”
“The Eritrean government is welcome to propose another candidate to represent it in Canada, but that person must be prepared to play by the rules,” the department said.
“Our resolve on this matter should not be further tested.”
harnt June 5, 2013
thats whay u see pfdj the more they try to solve problem through fighting swearing blaiming and so on the more they atract more the same thing,only love can atract love ore u u can only castout hait with love, so what pfdj and wedi medhn berad are sowing is haitred among their people with their nebours and the world(MELHASOM TSLIE N BDIEN NIEKKETN TRAY EYU ZIZAREB) so instad of sowing positive they always sow negative to almost all nation no wonder eritrea is reaping every negative thing and gething from worest to worest.the big queston is what will be our future and who can save our country from the mess we are in and the more mess that which to come if we dont do some thing about it how about this uncivilised induvisuals who call them selves peoples front DEMOCRACY AND JUSTICE how we going to deal with then if they only know fight fight fight the answer is simple ASHA SEB BETRI EYU ZEDLYO NLEBAM TRAY EKA MIEDKA TESMIO but do it wisly as when we fight with the beast we dont just go and fight with the beast we have a mind aswell so
harnt June 5, 2013
when you figtht with this beast NIASH KEM ESHNETU MLESELU KEMUASHA KEYTKEWN GN KEM ESHNETU AYTMLESELU thats mean do it wisely because a beast has got nothing to lose a beast is a beast
open your mind July 7, 2013
Asmara 2 what kind of professionl lier you gave all the names to other people in order to make yourself a friend of Esayas? Or you just want to show your stupidity let me tell some
Who made the 2% as a law ? On which constitution.
Why do you have to pay free money for gangsters who want your money but dont care about your people?
I know you are kissing ass because incase if you travel home to avoid arrest.but how long are going to live like this without telling the truth .
Esayas has no friend including you.he will make you a friend just to use you for his plan , and make you commit crime then inorder to hide the crime done he will kill you that is how he survived for 50 years in power .and still continue the same tactic to finish DEKEBAT Eriteans.
Why is it important for you one man rule , no costitution, no democracy, and illiterate leader? Do you know Esayas had 2 F when he was a fresh student at AAU and was expelled ? Remember Asmera 2 you can lead Eritrea much better than this Ediot if you talk the truth.dont get scared you live once.if you live in Asmara continue adoring your GETA if not wake up .