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Canada expelling Eritrean diplomat for using consulate to shake down citizens for ‘national defence’

TORONTO — Canada is expelling an Eritrean diplomat after he was caught using his consulate in Toronto as a fundraising front for the repressive African regime and its military in violation of international sanctions. Consul Semere

TORONTO — Canada is expelling an Eritrean diplomat after he was caught using his consulate in Toronto as a fundraising front for the repressive African regime and its military in violation of international sanctions.

Consul Semere Ghebremariam O. Micael was ordered home Wednesday after a government investigation confirmed his office was soliciting money from expatriates — some of it explicitly for the Eritrean armed forces.

The fundraising scheme was illegal because the United Nations Security Council has imposed sanctions on the Eritrean military over its support for armed groups in the Horn of Africa such as the al-Qaeda-linked Al-Shabab.

“Canada has taken steps to expel (declared persona non grata) Mr. Semere Ghebremariam O. Micael, Consul and head of the Eritrean Consulate General in Toronto, effective immediately,” Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird said in a statement.

Mr. O. Micael must leave Canada by noon on June 5. As is typical in such cases, the government gave no explanation for the expulsion. The statement said only that Ottawa had repeatedly told Eritrea to respect international sanctions and Canadian law.

“Today’s actions speak for themselves,” Mr. Baird said.

The expulsion is meant to send a message to the Eritrean regime that its illicit fundraising practices would not be tolerated in Canada. It comes after Foreign Affairs had repeatedly warned Eritrea in diplomatic notes to stop.

But the consul continued anyway and last week the National Post revealed that as recently as two weeks ago he was still using his office to pressure Canadians to hand over 2% of their wages to the regime, as well as an additional $300 to $500 for the country’s military.

“I think it had to happen. The consulate was warned and ignored the warning,” said David Matas, the Eritrean-Canadian Human Rights Group’s senior legal counsel.

“The people who were being victimized were Canadian dual nationals and permanent residents. It was essential that the government of Canada stand up for Canadians being victimized on Canadian soil by a foreign government.

In an interview Monday, Mr. Micael denied he was collecting taxes and insisted he was only providing “information” on how donate to his impoverished government. He also said he had not collected money for the military for “five, six years.”

But an internal letter distributed by the consulate last August explained how to send money collected in Canada to the regime’s military. “Victory to the masses!” read the one-page letter, obtained by the National Post.

It told consulate “representatives” how to use a German bank account to transfer “payments” from Canada meant for Eritrea’s Ministry of Defence. Dated Aug. 31, 2012, the letter was evidence of an organized attempt by the Eritrean consulate to fundraise for the state and its armed forces in defiance of Canada’s repeated demands that it stop.

Eritrean-Canadians had long complained about the taxation system, calling it extortion. The Eritrean-Canadian Human Rights Group recently provided new evidence of the ongoing fundraising scheme to the Post as well as to Foreign Affairs, which was already conducting its own investigation.

Mr. Micael was Eritrea’s only accredited diplomat in Canada. The government statement said Eritrea was welcome to send a replacement “but that person must be prepared to play by the rules. Our resolve should not be further tested.”

Since winning independence 20 years ago following a war with Ethiopia, Eritrea has fomented instability in the region by supplying weapons, training and cash to several armed groups. As a result, in 2009 the UN imposed sanctions on Eritrea.

A one-party state, the country is one of the world’s most repressive and impoverished. It has failed to develop a formal economy and is dependent on “diaspora taxes” imposed on the large number of expatriates who have fled the country.

The taxes are collected at embassies and consulates around the world, including until recently in Toronto. The UN reported that “threats, harassment and intimidation against the individual concerned or relatives in Eritrea” were used to extract tax payments.

National Post

Link: Canada expelling Eritrean diplomat for using consulate to shake down citizens for ‘national defence

Review overview
  • Wereket TaEsa May 29, 2013

    Good job Gezaee Hagos and your team. Please share the strategy how you made this possible. USA, Australia, Scandinavia should follow suite and deport pfdj extortion network

    • Salim May 29, 2013

      Gezaee Hagos? What did he do to you? Do you want to criminalize him, hold him responsible for an anti-Eritrea activity?

      Withdraw the accusation immediately.

  • hussein sheka al amin May 29, 2013

    thank you to the Canadian government for good work final you hear our pain the rest job they will take care of it the people of eritrea

  • oromay May 29, 2013

    Terrific job Eritrean Human Rights Activists in Canada. Thank you Canadian Government. In the name of nation building and military, PFDJ gangs have been collecting money to deposit in their bank accounts. They are engaged in every illegal actvities and illicit human trading.

    • Salim May 29, 2013

      Meles Zenawi net worth: Meles Zenawi Asres was the former Prime Minister of Ethiopia who presided over the country from 1995 to his death in 2012. He was also the President of Ethiopia from 1991 to 1995. He was one of the most recent literate and forward thinking leaders of Africa. Zenawi had an MBA from the United Kingdom, and a Masters of science in economics from Netherlands. His net worth currently stands at $3 Billion.

  • Asmara2 May 29, 2013

    Here is the deal:

    Eritrean tradition, down to the family level, is based on Truth. Growing up parents tell theri children not to lie. There is also the traditional saying “Haki Tezaribkas Ab Mengedi Babur Dekis”. Check the Bible or the Koran, or any other religious doctrine – preaches the same “Lying is a sin”

    Now, Every Eritrean knows this 2% thing a straight forward thing. If you don’t want to pay you don’t pay. Actually those who pay are fewer than those who pay. And those who pay – are only obliged to pay if they want service from the Eritrean government. You don’t want to ask any service from the government, you don’t have to pay if you don’t want. You can still go to Eritrea, visit your family and do all other stuff like any other person. If you want some service from the government, you pay the 2% because it is the law. This law is out there in the open, and neither the Government nor the people try to hide it.

    So, what is being said about this 2% then is a total lie and fabrication.
    YOUR FAMILY NEVER GET HARMED BECAUSE YOU DID NOT PAY 2% (Lord have mercy – only an Enemy of Eritrea can come up with this kind of fabrication)

    It is all being done for the consumption of the foreign body (Those who don’t even know where Eritrea is, at that)

    So, why are people lying and fabricating such kind of utterly white lie then?

    Some cannot hide their hatred for the government, so much so that they don’t know what they are doing
    Some are definitely foreign body who are working hard to diminish Eritrea at every level
    And there are these new breed who would try to sell the logic that “Nitselaika Bizikone mengedi ika Tewdiko”…


    The good thing for Eritrea is, Eritreans never, never liked liars, double standards, and cheats!
    So, this 2% thing is actually good for the Eritrean people and the Eritrean government too. Because all of us are watching you fool cultivating lies, at the expense of us.


    This news only proves the following: That the Honorable President is right to say what he said in his speech last week –
    And will make the Eritrean people more closer to each other and also to their government.
    As for the 2%, it is the law in Eritrea and any Eritrean who needs service will pay – be it inside Canada, or wire it elsewhere, or even travel to Eritrea and pay.
    So, what is the basis of your joy?
    REMEMBER : Two things:
    1. The Eritrean people never like any liar or any cheat!
    2. You have to pass through us – the Eritrean people before you fool can reach at the government or HGDF. They call it “Over our dead bodies”
    3. Remember, HGDF is still standing, and counting, because its back bone is the ERITREAN PEOPLE!.

    • Ahmed May 29, 2013

      Asmara 2

      Well said, there is nothing I can say. I feel like you just read my mind. For those who think this is a good news, this will only make us stronger and no matter what Canada or USA said no government will stop us from paying 2 percent.

      God bless Eritrea and its president

      • Genet May 29, 2013

        You do any thing manky business, you will be deported if you are lucky. Or you will be held accountable. “no matter what Canada or USA said no government will stop us from paying 2 percent” You are talking about sending dollars to a foreign GOV. illegally. You know, the crackdown on the 2% is coming to the U.S.A. Go head pay dollars to foreign GOV; then you will see who is going to be on your tail.

    • tekeste May 31, 2013

      But the one who is a master of lies and deception is the regime in Eritrea. I donot think the majority of aritrean have any trust on the so called Eritrean Government. We are unfortunate to have this savage and immoral government. If you really love your country, you need to challenge your leaders to do the right thing.

    • Richard June 1, 2013

      I am not Eritrean,however, I have a lot of friends who are from Eritrea. I asked many of them about the 2%. Everyone of them said the same thing that no one ever pressure them to pay the 2% or being threatened or harassed. In fact, none of them paid the 2%. They are still allowed to visit their family in Eritrea and return back to Canada freely. My opinion is that is only fair to pay if one require government services. Since when we do not need to pay for our Canadian passport, etc,,etc..

      A person should not make any assumptions or opinion about other countries until you know some facts first. The easiest way is to go to talk to the Eritrean people, as many as you can. Always remember , do not believe everything you read from newspapers or what you see on TV. Propaganda is just as bad in North America as any other countries in the world.

  • Asmara2 May 29, 2013

    What the heck! here is part of the beoutiful speech made by our beloved – THE HONORABLE PRESIDENT OF ERITREA, PRESIDENT ISSAYAS AFEWORKI. Enjoy:

    “…Ladies and Gentlemen,

    The games of hostile plot witnessed over the past 15 years were basically aimed at sapping the nation-building process through fomenting crises, and thereby trying to hold the nation hostage. Despite this, however, we were in a position to accurately and timely define our options. Our priorities have been focused on all-round and unrelenting nation-building tasks, while at the same time giving the necessary attention to safeguarding national sovereignty. However, such a stance caused apprehension among enemy quarters.
    • The major and open crime in this regard pertains to the fact that our sovereign territory under occupation still remains to fall outside the domain of development opportunities, in addition to the continued acts of military aggression resulting from the violation of agreements and supremacy of law. It is an open secret that the sole superpower of ‘the prevailing world order,’ i.e. the US Administration, has impeded the United Nations, including the Security Council, from taking the necessary measures towards ensuring Eritrea’s sovereignty. We are also well aware of the ploys designed to trap us in public relations gimmicks through the involvement of various collaborators so as cause confusion and buy time in a bid to give cover to such acts of crime and terrorism.
    • While the illegal sanctions resolutions imposed on Eritrea 4 years ago on the basis of defamation have already been laid bare, attempts to give them new lease of life through concocting cheap acts of lie are but in vain.
    • The organized crime of human trafficking with a view to draining the country’s human capital and diluting popular resistance to external conspiracies has, in open mockery, not only exposed many of our youths to loss of opportunities but also to miserable plight. Moreover, futile attempts have been made to portray as if the nation’s youths are resorting to migration in order to ‘avoid’ the National Service Program and economic hardships; and this not to mention the cheap acts of trying to implicate Eritrea with ‘accountability’ in connection with human trafficking.
    • Still more hostile attempts were made to expose the Eritrean people to poverty and other forms of hardship, and thereby incite acts of popular restlessness and sap the implementation of the country’s major development programs, besides trying to obstruct remittances to citizens inside the country.
    • It is also a usual enemy attempt to polarize the Eritrean society with a view to creating conflict and instability, and thus undermine the popular resistance drive against anti-Eritrea agendas. One can easily discern that such externally funded cheap acts have been abetted by paid agents and institutions, and that conspiracies of this kind are being fully exposed.
    • It is also worth noting that hostile psychological campaigns aimed at creating diplomatic isolation, imposing cultural contamination and undermining the popular resistance momentum, and the like, have but given rise to added strength to the national resistance drive.
    Ladies and Gentlemen,

    As I have already outlined, the value of our freedom and sovereignty is to be gauged not only in terms of the intensity of enemy conspiracies but also in light of the corresponding popular resistance against such a scenario. It is equally worth emphasizing at this juncture that we don’t need to pay undue attention to acts of sabotage and conspiracy but rather remain focused on strengthening our resistance and furthering all-round national development…..”

    • merhawie May 30, 2013

      anta anzar, this speech has also still told or spoken by the dectator and terany leadrer of syrian AL Asad, he is still saying this while he is killing thousands of syrian innocents. te same is true to this crocodile, he is tearing while he is jailing tens of thousands innocents and killed tens of thousands and make them to migrate to any just any country other than eritrea, this is your beloved and hero presidant, how ever it is up to you to love al gassal we al bassal.

  • Asmara2 May 29, 2013

    And ZOOM in to:

    “…We are also well aware of the ploys designed to trap us in public relations gimmicks through the involvement of various collaborators so as cause confusion and buy time in a bid to give cover to such acts of crime and terrorism.
    • While the illegal sanctions resolutions imposed on Eritrea 4 years ago on the basis of defamation have already been laid bare, attempts to give them new lease of life through concocting cheap acts of lie are but in vain……”

  • Asmara2 May 29, 2013

    Zoom yet again at:

    “….• While the illegal sanctions resolutions imposed on Eritrea 4 years ago on the basis of defamation have already been laid bare, attempts to give them new lease of life through concocting cheap acts of lie are but in vain……”

    • Genet May 29, 2013

      What ever!
      Oh boy he is losing it. you are in a term oil.

  • Asmara2 May 29, 2013


    “….attempts to give them new lease of life through concocting cheap acts of lie are but in vain……”

    Ain’t he something? lovely!

  • Asmara2 May 29, 2013


    “….concocting cheap acts of lie are but in vain……”

  • Kabbire May 29, 2013

    Canada, job well done. But I doubt this will stop the Hgdef supporters from sending cash along with Hgdefites who often travel to Eritrea using couriers under US $ 10000.

    • Asmara2 May 29, 2013

      Better yet – we will take the money in person to our country.

      If you think you are fighting the Eritrean government, then think again. You are actually shooting your own foot. You are actually distancing your sorry ass further and further away from the Eritrean people

      And the Eritrean people would open their arms wide open and embrace their government – Because the government seems to be the only one on the right side of truth and justice.

      So, thank you!

      • Genet May 29, 2013

        What GOV???????????? There is no GOV. In Eritrea.

        • Salim May 29, 2013

          You have never been to Eritrea.

          • Genet May 29, 2013

            The last time I was in Eritrea, which is not long ago. I was shocked and disappointed with the destruction of our country. Our Eritrean mothers are begging on the street of Asmara. Never in our history our people have degraded like this ever.

          • Asmara2 May 30, 2013

            Genet ጠራዕራዕ,

            You said

            “….The last time I was in Eritrea, which is not long ago….”
            You also claim that 2% is illegal and if people don’t they can not travel to Eritrea, and their family would be killed, right?

            Now, let us hold you by your balls, so to speak.

            Does that mean?

            1. You do not pay, therefore your family are all killed?
            2. You did not travel to Eritrea, because you did not pay the 2%? That means you travel to Eritrea is a fake on?
            3. You paid 2%, you went to Eritrea, visited your mom, who you said was begging in streets of Asmara (Are you one of those losers who never help their family or what?, your mom is begging and you are wasting time here? what the hell!).

            So which one is it? Now, focus and give straight replies, don’t you go ጠራዕራዕ, on us now. Remember, I am holding your balls now, I will squeeze them tighter if you stray even a bit, got it?

            Cool! Go now…..

      • Ahmed May 29, 2013

        I think we can take care of this kind enemy ourself right . They will never face our government because we are here to take them down before they reach there our government can relax and keep doing the good work

        • Asmara2 May 29, 2013


          That is exactly right! they have to pass through us, the Eritrean people!

          The Eritrean government is firm and strong, because it has the blessing and full support of the Eritrean people. And that respect and support is an EARNED ONE!!!!

          • Genet May 29, 2013

            “They have to pass through us” who are you? where do you live? What ever you are planing, you will be held accountable within 24hrs. Mark my word. We Eritrean don’t get intimidated by confused zombies like you.
            Now, run your filthy mouth 1,2…

        • Genet May 29, 2013

          Are you proposing violent crime against other people, Where you live? You will not last a day after what ever you are planing. Canada or the USA is not Eritrea, under the dictator that people like you who can do what ever they want. There is rule of law here. You will be held accountable. Don’t say some thing that you are not going to do. Take it easy. What is going on is the PFDJ system crumbling in front of our eyes.

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