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Canada expelling Eritrean diplomat for using consulate to shake down citizens for ‘national defence’

TORONTO — Canada is expelling an Eritrean diplomat after he was caught using his consulate in Toronto as a fundraising front for the repressive African regime and its military in violation of international sanctions. Consul Semere

TORONTO — Canada is expelling an Eritrean diplomat after he was caught using his consulate in Toronto as a fundraising front for the repressive African regime and its military in violation of international sanctions.

Consul Semere Ghebremariam O. Micael was ordered home Wednesday after a government investigation confirmed his office was soliciting money from expatriates — some of it explicitly for the Eritrean armed forces.

The fundraising scheme was illegal because the United Nations Security Council has imposed sanctions on the Eritrean military over its support for armed groups in the Horn of Africa such as the al-Qaeda-linked Al-Shabab.

“Canada has taken steps to expel (declared persona non grata) Mr. Semere Ghebremariam O. Micael, Consul and head of the Eritrean Consulate General in Toronto, effective immediately,” Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird said in a statement.

Mr. O. Micael must leave Canada by noon on June 5. As is typical in such cases, the government gave no explanation for the expulsion. The statement said only that Ottawa had repeatedly told Eritrea to respect international sanctions and Canadian law.

“Today’s actions speak for themselves,” Mr. Baird said.

The expulsion is meant to send a message to the Eritrean regime that its illicit fundraising practices would not be tolerated in Canada. It comes after Foreign Affairs had repeatedly warned Eritrea in diplomatic notes to stop.

But the consul continued anyway and last week the National Post revealed that as recently as two weeks ago he was still using his office to pressure Canadians to hand over 2% of their wages to the regime, as well as an additional $300 to $500 for the country’s military.

“I think it had to happen. The consulate was warned and ignored the warning,” said David Matas, the Eritrean-Canadian Human Rights Group’s senior legal counsel.

“The people who were being victimized were Canadian dual nationals and permanent residents. It was essential that the government of Canada stand up for Canadians being victimized on Canadian soil by a foreign government.

In an interview Monday, Mr. Micael denied he was collecting taxes and insisted he was only providing “information” on how donate to his impoverished government. He also said he had not collected money for the military for “five, six years.”

But an internal letter distributed by the consulate last August explained how to send money collected in Canada to the regime’s military. “Victory to the masses!” read the one-page letter, obtained by the National Post.

It told consulate “representatives” how to use a German bank account to transfer “payments” from Canada meant for Eritrea’s Ministry of Defence. Dated Aug. 31, 2012, the letter was evidence of an organized attempt by the Eritrean consulate to fundraise for the state and its armed forces in defiance of Canada’s repeated demands that it stop.

Eritrean-Canadians had long complained about the taxation system, calling it extortion. The Eritrean-Canadian Human Rights Group recently provided new evidence of the ongoing fundraising scheme to the Post as well as to Foreign Affairs, which was already conducting its own investigation.

Mr. Micael was Eritrea’s only accredited diplomat in Canada. The government statement said Eritrea was welcome to send a replacement “but that person must be prepared to play by the rules. Our resolve should not be further tested.”

Since winning independence 20 years ago following a war with Ethiopia, Eritrea has fomented instability in the region by supplying weapons, training and cash to several armed groups. As a result, in 2009 the UN imposed sanctions on Eritrea.

A one-party state, the country is one of the world’s most repressive and impoverished. It has failed to develop a formal economy and is dependent on “diaspora taxes” imposed on the large number of expatriates who have fled the country.

The taxes are collected at embassies and consulates around the world, including until recently in Toronto. The UN reported that “threats, harassment and intimidation against the individual concerned or relatives in Eritrea” were used to extract tax payments.

National Post

Link: Canada expelling Eritrean diplomat for using consulate to shake down citizens for ‘national defence

Review overview
  • Goitom Habtemariam Gebremeskel May 29, 2013

    Good job Canada & I am very happy to take action like Eritrean dictator & terrorist Goverment & they have a lot of supporters & not safe for Canadians & for us, should back to Eritrea

  • tesfay May 29, 2013

    It is a good decision however the Eritren government will never stop collecting 2%, they could replace him but the policy is still the same. They better to close the embassy if they are concerned. It is not only this they have to go deep down and investigate the mining companies if they are using the ‘ free slavery labor’ in eritrea. I am proud of Gezaie Hagos and others who really fought this ruthless dictatorial rehe balance is now changed to change in Eritrea. In the coming few months the Issais regime will falldown for ever and the Eritrean peop

  • tesfay May 29, 2013

    people will soon get the change they need.

  • Semere May 29, 2013

    Congratulations to the Eritrean Canadian Human Right Activists! Your efforts are paying. I wish the other countries follow suite. The delinquency of HGDEF is exposed. Lei has short legs!

  • simerrr2012 May 29, 2013

    Thank you Canada but I am not happy for giving another chance to the mafia government to send replacement.Do you expect from mafia group a holy man?I will bet the next mafia will start collecting money on arrival.Money already blinded this illegal entity to do all means to get the money of poor Eritrean. If you want to protect the victim, keep the offender PFDJ away from the Eritreans and make Canada non PFDJ Zone.For today I open my Champagne and say cheers to all peace loving Eritrean, BY the way , Thank You Eritreans who work day and night to expose this regime.

  • Semere May 29, 2013

    I am kindly requesting all to ignore Salim. He will get tired and quit his nonsense. He will learn that this page is for serious people not garbage like him.

  • Salim May 29, 2013

    “The people who were being victimized were Canadian dual nationals and permanent residents. It was essential that the government of Canada stand up for Canadians being victimized on Canadian soil by a foreign government.”

    Does it mean that the Negro Canadians and their families shouldn’t have any right in Eritrea? I mean like to owning property or sending money to Eritrea? For us the Negro Canadians are Africans.

    • Thomas May 29, 2013

      They have the right toi sende money to family but not to the dictator. Do not pretend as if you do not know the nature of that repressive barbaric leadership.

      This is a big blow and at the same time a lesson for the dictator who does not know the rule of law.

      He has learn that unless he stops silently killing his own people, a lot more punishement would follow

      • Salim May 29, 2013

        “They have the right toi sende money to family”???

        Are you sure about that??

    • Ali-lol May 29, 2013

      Do not include me … do not say ” us”;say I. this is your opinion and it doesnt include me. read the article and you will understand and if you are simply bluffing, you need to wake up by the bell of democracy. ring ring ring. death to the dictator and lesson to his supporters. Eritrea will be free and we will implement constitution and we will have a secular government by the people and for the people.

    • Genet May 29, 2013

      Negro Canadian?
      You are losing it. get a hold yourself. It is not the end of the world. Wait a minute, it is THE END OF THE WORLD FOR PFDJ OPERATIVES.
      Good luck Salim.

      • Salim May 29, 2013


        Negro Canadians= Black Canadians

      • tekeste May 30, 2013

        Genet, you are patriotic and your responses are genuine. These pro hegdef are trying to creat confusion with the aim of prolonging the eritrean misery. They have no single justification to support the monstervregime. It would best to ignore them.

  • Tamrat Tamrat May 29, 2013

    Good work Canad! And now the rest of the job shall be done by eritreans. First dont let be victim by letting the pfdj People use Your missery to stay in the west. Second at least the non-pfdj People must own their misseries.

  • Ali-lol May 29, 2013

    Thank you Canada and its citizens! this is why I love democracy to tyranny! I hope the Obama administration will do the same to the dictators puppets in Dc. Long Live Democracy and USA!

  • Thomas May 29, 2013

    great job by the the Eritrean human rights activists in Canada, congragulation on your victory over the dictator.

    Great news.

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