Briton says he has been fighting alongside militants in Iraq
Abu Abdullah, a 20-year-old British Eritrean man who is a convert to Islam, told BBC Two's Newsnight programme he was "one of the few" British fighters to have fought in Iraq. Read More: BBC- Briton says he

Abu Abdullah, a 20-year-old British Eritrean man who is a convert to Islam, told BBC Two’s Newsnight programme he was “one of the few” British fighters to have fought in Iraq.
Read More: BBC- Briton says he has been fighting alongside militants in Iraq
Danny August 12, 2014
wey gud!
embasorya August 13, 2014
Freedom of faith; it is his natural and international right.
Asghedom Woldeghiorghis August 19, 2014
What kind of freedom, my br. Embasoyra religione is the
warest ideology of human being to make him slave of unkonwen creature.
john August 13, 2014
If I was stupid I would accept u & ur folowers as Eritreans but I’m not.
So u r the one acting here using d/t names but remember the Stage by it self judges u how bad u r. So live Ahmed Salih & Rahwa in peace, their words are much more witnes to make them real Eritreans.
Tekie August 14, 2014
john or more like Ali or Mohammed,
If you are not already a converted Muslim fanatic, then convert yourself to Islam as soon as possible and join your loser like Abu Abdullah in Iraq or Syria. Otherwise, you’ve just been barking and licking like a mad arab dog from a wrong place.
ahmed saleh August 14, 2014
We know who he is , very sick person.
I blame the mediators to let him trash
his filthy language in public forum .
Don’t give attention for low life guy.
rahwa August 14, 2014
shame on you tekie, hate monger!
Tekie August 14, 2014
ahmed saleh & rahwa(mekera Snake),
You two really and urgently need a psychatric treatment. If a person in 2014 says such a scrap should doubt his/her own health. I know you were long back sick thus hardly easy for you two to have an objective view. You two are our modern mockery, laughing stock or zombies that nobody takes seriously. I also know you are conditioned to repeat PFDJ’s cheap talking points, may be you are paid agents for the nonsence jobs. rahwa Snake simply teraira ayetebzihi ab tirah maAkoriki. ahmed saleh aregit leklaki diablos wahid cool down.
rahwa August 14, 2014
tekie you are not a garbage container you are the garbage itself. i already told you to check into a mental institute if it is not too late, you little hate monger. you have not done that yet? oh my! what a loser! don’t you know that you are abusing this forum? thank you Ahmed Saleh hawey, but this psycho is bored with his life. it is a good thing that we know who he is though. inferiority complex is dangerous. but why would tekie feel inferior to Eritreans? and why is he threatened by Eritreans who love their people and who are moderate and civil? because he is a fanatic? let’s think about that. but i really think he should go to aiga. he has nothing to do here on Assenna which is an Eritrean website. Assenna please ban tekie.
ahmed saleh August 14, 2014
Uwala bi azarareboun tegbarun ikha teleliyo .
Aytihazeley imber misana nikitezareb kibri iyu
niakha , hisret dima nikhemzi khemana bi sine
sireat ziabena . Kemou ziameselu wechramat
wudukat uko ab kebabina alewu waga zeynihibom
Silezi nezom kemziom iyriray niyew beliyom kab tikakhi , CIAO
ahmed saleh August 14, 2014
The words which come from your mouth are poisonous like a snake .
You have a reason to feel inferior and
jealous in front sisters like Rahwa .
Their comments speaks the volume to
earn recognition from respectful gentlemen not from street boys like you.
john August 14, 2014
Good job Brother, Keep it up & I really like ur words , but I a sure you not to read ur comment a gain.
”Asha Deksu Alo Zemed Asha Ke Kefewo Alo’` Negru
Amlak Ykre Belelka
Kemtxeyk Zeleka Weshtka Ykeseka Eyu
But Money talks,
Simon G. August 14, 2014
I used to think that you like Fitsum but you seem to hate the guy. I am a little surprised here. You also seem to be angry, most of the time. Calling someone a garbage doesn’t make you a lady, at least.
ahmed saleh August 14, 2014
In this forum we exchange ideas . For some with personal
emotions might take the matter personal to like or dislike
commentator which is stupid and uncivilized character .
By the way I see dishonesty to use Futsum name as a cover
but in reality some of us might have respectful relationship
with him outside this forum.
Simon G. August 14, 2014
ahmed saleh August 15, 2014
Teacher , I have a complaint .
Simon said one word ” Ahmed ” and you gave him high grade . Wake up , sir . What is up ?
Be careful one day Ammanuel Iyasu will fire you because of your lousy job .
Simon G. August 15, 2014
Actually, you should be happy for getting high mark. Don’t you think so.
BTW, you see it as a dishonesty but I don’t.
rahwa August 14, 2014
Simon G. i like Fetsum a lot. if you ask me this has nothing to do with liking or hating. i have always admired him for his dedication and his contribution until his last two articles caused war in this forum. then when he posted a comment accusing Assenna of censoring him and after i saw assenna’s response i went through the comments for his last two articles. at this point though my dear Mr Simon G., i must note that your comment does not particularly sound right. because if as you prove yourself, you could find out that i have at some point addressed Mr. Fetsum, it is very unlikely that you would miss some other comments of a very disturbing and destructive nature posted by the likes of tekie. is it possible that you have simply missed tekie’s insults and name calling targeting Wedihagher, John, Ahmed Saleh and myself while you could not miss my comment where i called him garbage?
Simon G. August 15, 2014
You said that you like Fitsum but your late comments are negative about him.
This is how I see it:
1. I don’t see anything wrong with his last articles. You may not like it but he didn’t wrote it to please all of us, because it is impossible. If you don’t like it, shrug it off or provide your input. Even better, come up with an article to disprove him.
2. You seem to are trying very hard to please Assenna on any action the team takes. It is ok to oppose their action, from time to time. If you don’t do that, you are not helping them at all. If you continue to be a blind supporter, you are pushing them to be like Haddas Eritrea’s newspaper. I know this is an exaggeration but I hope you get my point.
3. This is just an entertaining comment but if you guys are single, you have a chance to be a couple – you have a lot in common. Oh, scratch that, I forgot you are sensitive when it comes to religion. What was I thinking?
rahwa August 15, 2014
thank you for proving the point i was trying to make here Simon G. to begin with your comments have nothing to do with our comments being negative or anything.guess what? they have everything to do with dying to back up a hate monger like tekie and nothing is wrong with that, really. except for the fact that you are all devious about it if you don’t mind my saying so. if you want to know simon g we believe people are entitled to their own opinion. the thing is though having an opinion is one thing and constructive i might add, while insulting and name calling is entirely different and destructive. as to what you say about us trying to please assenna, as far as i am concerned these guys are trying everything they can to do their job right. what reason do we have to criticize them? nothing. however if you want us to criticize them for doing their job right you will have to wait like forever. oh no! i forgot! how could i? i criticized them for posting Mr Fetsum’s two last articles. yes i did. isn’t that sweet? you say, I don’t see anything wrong with his last articles Simon G. that is your problem not mine. i was talking about people like Ahmed Saleh and myself. yet your saying i don’t see anything wrong with his last articles make me see where you might be coming from. as for the rest, you are just showing us who you really are. nothing else. good luck with your deviousness.
Goitom August 16, 2014
Simon G,
To your earlier comment about rahwa I too wonder if she is really a woman let alone a ‘lady’. I feel she is far away from being called a lady or a respectable woman. She may be rahwa tanika that is an empty gerewogna making empty and lots of noises. Our fathers would say there is two sides to a story and that you first listen to both sides of the story before you make your jugdement or comments. However, our rahwa tanika has sided with assenna without even hearing/listening to Mr Fetsum’s side of a story or view. We all had to wait for Mr Fetsum’s side of a story and now that we’ve heard his side we can all conclude our own jugdements. Mr Fetsum has wisely adviced us to continue supporting assenna and that is exactly what we should continue to do in future no matter of other issues. God bless you brother Simon G and respected brother Mr Fetsum.
rahwa August 15, 2014
on more thing S G. why is that you want assenna to be criticized for nothing while you are pretty touche about the valid comments we made about mr fetsum’s two last articles and his recent comment? just wondering what criticism means to you.
Simon G. August 15, 2014
” if you want to know simon g we believe people are entitled to their own opinion.” these are your words. Exactly. That’s what I have been saying. Fitsum is entitled to have his own opinion. I am one of those Assenna Tifozos, probably the same as you. However, I was not happy Fitsum to be banned from this forum. Now that Amanuel has provided a response to that, I am waiting for Fitsum’s reply. If not, I will take Amanuel’s response as a valid reply.
I will agree with some of your comments and will disagree on some. I expect you to do the same. Case by case.
My advise to you though is, less on cursing and more on the subject analysis.
fetsum abraham August 15, 2014
Dear amanuel; just a little more may be
I thank u for this but I am sure you know that we could have compromised if you had given this a chance. Ur way of communication at one shot level is not good for any one. issues like this need to be seriously argued upon not shut off at one shot level of communication. The censored article was about gender and radical christianity, a different subject matter from gender and radical Islam. It was very important to assure our neutrality between Islam and christianity on the issue of gender. Therefore, I disagree with your comment.
I have a problem with “we have reassured you several times on our email communication” because we did not discuss the issue enough. You had no response to my last mail and you shut it off right there. You also said
“no one has censored your articles or banned you from assenna” but my question is what then did you do with the article? A disallowed article is censored to my understanding. I don’t believe we had topics of division but rather dealing with tabboos that stood in the way of our unity. The censored article was indeed something that would have helped said division because it was mainly on the opposite side of the topic (Radical christianity and women) for the most part. You did not want to continue the discussion after I explained how important it was but rather continued on closing the issue at that point of exchange. I would have done more in you position my brother and enjoy> I am open to discuss the article here upside down in public if you may my brother and God bless you for your hard work. What u censored, however, the Kunams found it the opposite and posted it in their website without a problem. With love and respect
Goitom August 16, 2014
Dear Mr Fetsum,
Nice to hear your side of view brother and I admire you for your principle and strong stand/stance. I’ve read your article at the Kunama Party site ( To put it simply Mr Fetsum, the grass is never greener on the other side meaning just come back home to (Assenna) where the grass is a lot greener with lots of responses of commentators of variety & spicey (colourful) comments. Alternatively, please try to post your articles to another greener site Indeed, the Kunama website is beautiful as well. Also Mr Fetsum, note that this woman ‘rahwa’ has betrayed you in a day light mercilessly. Bhaki she must be rahwa tanika kahadit hibey, the rest of your loyal admirers like Simon G have stuck by your side through and through credit to them all. In future, we never trust or listen to people like rahwa tanika with ‘kilite melihas (with two poisonous tongues). God bless you brother and come back to sooner than later.