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BREAKING NEWS: Ethiopian Airlines flight to Nairobi crashes with 157 people on board

Accident Bulletin no. 1 Issued on march 10, 2019 at 11:00am   Accident to Ethiopian Airlines flight number ET 302   Ethiopian Airlines regrets to confirm that its flight ET 302/10 March in schedule service from Addis Ababa to

Accident Bulletin no. 1

Issued on march 10, 2019 at 11:00am


Accident to Ethiopian Airlines flight number ET 302


Ethiopian Airlines regrets to confirm that its flight ET 302/10 March in schedule service from Addis Ababa to Nairobi was involved in an accident today around Bishoftu (Debre Zeit).

The aircraft B-737-800MAX with registration number ET- AVJ took off at 08:38 am local time from Addis Ababa, Bole International Airport and lost contact at 08:44am. At this time search and rescue operations are in progress and we have no confirmed information about survivors or any possible causalities. Ethiopian Airlines staff will be sent to the accident scene and will do everything possible to assist the emergency services.

It is believed that there were 149 passengers and 8 crew onboard the flight but we are currently confirming the details of the passenger manifest for the flight.

Ethiopian Airlines is establishing a passenger information center and telephone number will be available shortly for family or friends of those who may have been on flight ET 302/10 March.


Ethiopian Airlines will release further information as soon as it is available. Updated information will also be on Ethiopian Airlines website at

Review overview
  • simon simon mogos March 10, 2019

    intai agewgew iu zibel izi zehafai megemeria gebha nai ethiopia nefarit akazila aitefeleten 1968 nefarit nai ethiopia ab karachi pakistan ab gizie osman sale sebe kalai ab Aden yemen iwen ab ghizie osman saleh sabe iu neiru tareki mebalascheweti ab geza teaziom ni kalsi hizbi zefakusu fekewesi alewuna imer tegadelo harenet eritrea bea nikorei sebat mikuwana kiredeaka alewo

  • amanuel sahle March 10, 2019

    It breaks my heart to hear someone politicizing a tragedy that numbs the senses. It is only to a person with a heart of stone and a tortured mind that such a calamity conjures such ugly remarks as the ones presented by Uncle Sye

  • Sol March 10, 2019

    Mr. Many names Uncle Sye is present in assenna 24/7 for several years now with a sole mission to destroy this website by turning it into a platform of insults on bases of religion, region and ethnicity. He always strives to exploit the tragedy of our people to promote the divide and rule systematic policy of the mafia regime even his comment on the tragedy of Ethiopian airlines is on the same trend.

  • UNCLE SYE March 10, 2019

    Truly sorry,I was not thinking straight that was insensitive on my side ,I was hoping nobody died.
    Truly sorry

  • k.tewolde March 11, 2019

    UNCLE SYE,you are only a human being full of flaws like me,I am still alive,however,I accept your sincere apology and pass it on to the victims and their loved ones who deserve it.

  • UNCLE SYE March 11, 2019

    Simon simon mogos,

    እቲ ጌጋ ናተይ ብሓደጋ ህዝቢ ስምዒት ዘይሕሉ (insensitivity) ኔሩ መጥሓን ተሰኪመ ተጋግየ ኔረ ኢለ ተወዲኡ ,ብፖለቲካ ምቅጻል ኣየር ክንካታዕ መሊስና ነቶም ምናልባሽ ዝሞቱ ሰባት እንተሃለዉ ስምዒቶም ከይንሃስዮም ንግደፎ , ድሓር ብጣዕሚ ንኣሽቱ ኢና ኔርና ,ኣብ መንጎ ሳልሕ ሳበን ናስር መሓመድን ፍልልይ ኣይፈለጥናሰ ,ግን ብጠቕላልኡ ንኽትፈልጥ ድማ “ካብ ዝተማህረ ሻዕብያ ዝዓበደ ጀብሃ ከም ዝበልጽ” ተረድኣለይ.
    = ምስ ብዙሕ ከበሬታ