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BREAKING NEWS: Ethiopia attacks rebel targets in Eritrea again

Sat Mar 17, 2012 2:08pm GMT * Ethiopia announced previous attack on Thursday * Eritrea says will not be "entrapped" by incursion (Adds background) ADDIS ABABA, March 17 (Reuters) - Ethiopian troops carried out more attacks on Ethiopian

Sat Mar 17, 2012 2:08pm GMT

* Ethiopia announced previous attack on Thursday

* Eritrea says will not be “entrapped” by incursion (Adds background)

ADDIS ABABA, March 17 (Reuters) – Ethiopian troops carried out more attacks on Ethiopian rebels inside Eritrea on Saturday, a day after Eritrea called for U.N. action against its neighbour for a previous incursion.

This week’s attacks were the first on Eritrean soil that Addis Ababa has admitted to since the end of a 1998-2000 war that killed 70,000 people. Eritrea says there have been others before.

“We’ve carried out further attacks on targets inside Eritrea. This time it’s in the north section around Badme,” a senior Ethiopian government official told Reuters on Saturday.

“We were once again successful. This strike was part of our plan to take proportional measures that included the attacks in Eritrea’s southeast.”

The official did not say who the troops had targeted, but said Ethiopia’s government would make a more detailed announcement later in the day.

Addis Ababa announced on Thursday its troops had raided three military bases in Eritrea which it said were used by the rebels. It also accused the Eritrean government weeks ago of planning to kidnap Western tourists.

Eritrea said on Friday it would not be “entrapped” by the military incursion, signalling its determination to avert another conflict with its bitter foe. It called on the U.N. Security Council to “take appropriate measures to rectify acts of aggression against Eritrea’s sovereign territories”.

A vicious row over the position of Eritrea and Ethiopia’s shared border was not resolved at the end of the war.

The Hague-based Eritrea-Ethiopia Boundary Commission ruled in 2002 that the border village of Badme belonged to Eritrea. But the village remains in Ethiopia, Washington’s main ally in the volatile Horn of Africa. (Reporting by Aaron Maasho; Writing by James Macharia; Editing by Alessandra Rizzo)

Review overview
  • hagos March 17, 2012

    slehager elna kndey gize kntalel iseyas ezi slezfelet endu ab resena dlau zgebr ztsenhe.atom fllyatna netsebeb elkum msmer dimokrasi keytkel henko wey dma helku n lewti thasbu wey dma thelnu zelekum plz gdefuna
    weyane zeykones nhena ina ahewatkum
    kemti kedem shebya weyane mesarihna eu zblo znebere nhna dma kem mesarhi ena ntekemelu zelena tray btegesti eti lewti ktreywo ekum
    keyeh welu ab afdege mot zelo selfi eplf ktefea alewo
    eritra neretrawyan etom hewas zere zelekum kem azmad iseyas kae bzelekumo mewetsea geberu keytetsabbulna
    dhan kum

    • SINGAPO-ERITREAN March 17, 2012

      Mr. HAGOS,
      It seems you do not really understand that our govt. is “holier than holy water.” Did you know our PFDJ officials go to church on sundays to mosque on fridays ??? It is even going to synagoges on saturdays ,to celebrate Judaism ……I mean if it were not the fault of the whole world ….Can you believe the whole world thinks our govt. is provocative !!!Ethiopia ,djibouti,Yemen & Sudan.I mean they provoked us by being our immediate neighbours. How come the UN SECURITY COUNCIL ,does not penalize this provocative countries that squeez the Eritrean space by suffocating it with useless policies ,such as friendly neighbour policy,regional stability,mutual market & building more higher education . The whole world & the UN are one sided. I would call all of them WOYANES !!!

      • Michael March 18, 2012


        Do no be carried away by Issayas propoganda. There is no way that the whole world could be Woyane. It is absolutely rubbish comment.

  • tegorba mereb March 17, 2012

    un was kicked out by isayas,why does he need help fom un now.

    • SINGAPO-ERITREAN March 17, 2012


      I agree with you ,our govt. not only chased away UN from Eritrea ,but also other minor ,unnecessary issues like RESPECT ,DIGNITY, HUMAN RIGHTS & PEACE.Why other people need them such issues is beyond my Eritrean logic !!!!

  • sami March 17, 2012

    PFDJ has weakened my country, the land of heroes. I am really sad to hear the military adventurism of Ethiopia. The sole responsibility of this lack self defendence rests on PFDJ. Because they were killing, torturing the youngesters for the last decade and howcome these youngesters now defend their country. Besides, there are no any shaebia that we know……the real shaebians are under arrest in ERAERO. Where are heroes like petros selomon, bitweded, General Euqbe abraha etc.
    wey hagerey…Issayas agame eritrawi temesilu tesawitulki !!!!

    • SINGAPO-ERITREAN March 17, 2012

      Dear Sami,
      The real Eritreans are the ones in ERAERO,…. heroes like petros selomon, bitweded, General Euqbe abraha etc.The real Shaebias are the ones doing what they do best, torturing ,killing,raping and penalizing Eritrean parents for their adult kids’ escaping banditry…they have been doing this forever. If You plant orange ,you do not get poison ,maybe it was a poison disguised us orange !!!

  • Samar March 17, 2012

    The TPLF has assisted Isaias to get power in Eritrea, now it is time to help the people of Eritrea to get rid of Isaias.

    I request from Meles Zenawi to wage a full scale war against the mafia in Asmara similar to that of NATO that we have seen in Libya. You can convince to be assisted by Kenya, Uganda and other African countries. The head of the snake that disturb you in Somalia is in Asmara, so don’t waste your time in striking the tail, strike the head of the snake that is in Asmara and you will get peace in Somalia and Eritrea. It is the proper time to do it now. Under the banner of the Horn of Africa strike the snake in Asmara.

  • GAmsagurdia March 17, 2012

    It is clear now Ethiopia feels emboldened to harass the Eritrean dictator. If their aim is simply to deny safe heavens to the armed groups hosted by Eritrea. He has no choicer but to ask them to vacate. Removing any armed resistance on the border they both share. If that is the out come the Asmara despot would lose. Since Ethiopia can still host armed groups against Eritrea with no concern for any retaliation. So he can be forced to swallow his pride and sue for peace on Weyane terms. Will the Weyane try to remove him from power? If that is their objective no one would be able to stop them. His conscripts will simply lay their arms and surrender. It is over time to hit the trail. If Ethiopia decides to escalate and use mechanized divisions will the Eritrean army simply stand by? He is a spent force. Now he could use some of the ultra patriotic blind followers of his to do the fighting and dying. Sadly they are busy enjoying all the comforts of life and above all living in peac were the rule of law is respected and individuals who abuse power are held accountable for their actions. But when you have a regime that does not care for it’s youth when they are trafficked for their organs, raped, branded and killed. Hundreds die and no one cares. They enslave their youth. Now they want people to do the dying and fighting for them. Well good luck. You hated your people and showed contempt. Let the blind followers do the dying.

  • Romel March 17, 2012

    Dear Grum and those venomous Higdefawian Eritreans;
    Let us understand one thing: the Woyanne or agame as you may wish to call them are our cousins and do not forget same gallant TPLF freedom fighters are the ones who saved EPLF from Derg’s Key Kokeb werar and many other operations: if there was no help that time from TPLF where many sacrificed for the Erirean cause, Eritrean Revolution could have gone back to 30 years and may have caused us more lives. Do not even cross your mind that they are to recapture Eritrea. If there is any party that supports Eritrean independence it is only the Woyanne (the revolutionaries”). Those of you who take the name Woyanne wrongly – it means “Revolutionaries”.
    If there is anyone who is committed to destroy Eritrea it is the mad man Esayas who is conspiring with the so called Ethiopian Opposition – who claim Ethiopia without Eritrea is nothing.
    Let us be rational guys: I want to see Esayas out with the help of our cousins.

    • SINGAPO-ERITREAN March 17, 2012

      You are so bright & courageous ,you remind me of ME.Except you are more articulate,organized logic..and definetelly more courageous ….I DO NOT EVEN LIKE TO GO OUT FOR PIPI after dark…..people trust PFDJ and doubt WOYANNES /ETHIOPIANS /OUR ANCESTORS & BLOOD BROTHERS & SISTERS .Even the opposition instead of teaching us real history, they are careful not to be considered Agame, and it is not the Bilen or Afar in the opposition ,but the very AGAMES ,like me given fake identity “HZBE TIGRINYA.”…please keep up your educating the people with identity crisis.MY DAD FROM HAMASIEN, MY MOM FROM SERAYE …MY IDENTITY ..TIGRAWAY,..NATIONAL IDENTITY ERITREAN. AFARS OR BILENS DO NOT REBAPTIZE THEIR IDENTITY…eg HIZBE AFARNYA ,OR HIZBE BILENINYA.

  • Cambo March 17, 2012

    ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ብጣዕሚ ዓቃል ህዝቢ እዩ። ስጋብሕጂ ድማ ነዚ ኹሉ መግዛእትን ኣደራዕን ህግደፍ ተጻዊሩ እዩ። ካብ ስርዓት ህግደፍ ዝኸፍእ ኣረሜናዊ ስርዓት ኣብ ኤርትራ እይተራእየን፣ ስለዚ ንስርዓት ህግደፍ ዝቐጽዕን ዘንቀጥቅጥን ዝኾነ ይኹን ሓይሊ ኤርትራውያን ኣይጸልእዎን እዮም።
    እቶም ስርዓት ህግደፍ ክጸንሕ ኣለዎ እትብሉ ኩላትኩም፣ ሕጂ ሕጂ ምስ ደቅኹም ኬድኩም ነዚ ቦኽባኽ ስርዓት ኣድሕንዎ። ጸወታ ትማሊ ኣኺሉ እዩ፤ ዘይኩርምትኻ ሑጻ ቆርጥመሉ ኣኺሉ እዩ። ብህግደፍ ትግደሱ ኩሉኹም ሕጂ እወ ክተቱ።
    ጴጥሮስ ሰሎሞን ድሩዕ ሸሪፎ “እዚ ሰብዚ ኣይረብሕን እዩ፤ ንኤርትራ ኣብ ዓዘቕቲ ኵውትፋ እዩ።” ኢሎም ኣጠንቂቖም እዮም። እነሀልኩም ዓዲ ኣብ ደልሃመት ኣትያ፣ ብኹሉ ዓለም ተፈንፊና።

    • Cambo March 17, 2012

      ነቶም “ተመኸር ዘረባ ለባማት ስማዕ ዝበሉ” በብሓደ ከም ጨው ኣሕቕቕ ኣቢልዎም፤ ይኹን እምበር ታሪኾም ድፍረቶም ንዘልኣለም ክንብር እዩ። ስርዓት ህግደፍ ግና ከም ስርዓት ገዳፊ ብሓደ ለይቲ ሃደሽደሽ ክብል እዩ።
      ሓደ ወታስ “ዓጋመ ዓጋመ” ይብል ኣሎ። ሎሚ ዓጋመ ማለት ጎይታ ኢትዮጵያ ጥራይ ዘይኮነስ ጎይታ ቀርኒ ኣፍሪቃ እዩ እሞ፣ ኣብ ዝመጽእ “የጋንየና” ድዩ ዝበለ ዓጋመታይ፤ እወ የጋንየና።

      • jgna March 17, 2012

        gusy, Tigrians (Agames) and Eritreans are brothers. They should respect each other. The civilized world is going to cooperation and economic integrity. how can two people speaking the same and having the same origin promote hostilties in this modern world? pleas think wisely . Tigray/ethiopia can never be enemy of Eritrea. We should rather work to support each other and stand strong in Africa.
        best wishs for our people

  • FAHIM MUSTAFA March 17, 2012

    Dictator Issayas hated his people and treated them like an animal of burden. I remember some of the donkey and horses where made to carry heavy loads and some of them would fall. The reasonable owner would untie the load and lighten the burden and help raise the donkey. The impatient one would beat the animal trying to coax him to get up. Issayaa and his criminal thugs are like the latter. They abused and used their people. Burdening them with hardships followed by another. The Eritrean people are tired. This criminal will get a taste of his own medicine. I hope they haul him to the International Criminal Court for the crimes he has perpetrated on his people. No one will save him or fight for him. This idiot is done.

  • sam March 17, 2012

    we mght be thru some rought times Eri-Ethi people & that is due to a luck of leadership but once Issaya is out of the way these two peples’s relationship will come to normal as it should be & will make our selfes noticed infront of the world, but that is all after Issayas I can’t wait for that day, as an Eritrean I do not care who gets rid this devil all I care is peace for both people.
    Awet nahafash

  • kulu March 17, 2012

    Even though domination by a foreign country is not something we appreciate, this time the people would prefer foreign domination than Shaebia’s rule. We fought for freedom, but we have been trapped in great bondage. A slave is well fed by his master, even though he might not enjoy freedoms. But what we see in Eritrea is scandalous, no food, no money, no work, no freedom. Angoise, fear, stress, torture, famine, division, are commonplace in Eritrae. Isaias was dreaming of making a name for himself by starving the people. He does not understand that strength comes from a people that willing wants to serve his country. He put his tactic above anything else. The nation was a pride nation, but now it became the most ugly nation, simply by the wrong short-sighted policy of the self-made leader. No one will fight at gun point for his nation. But the supporters will have still an excuse for the weakness of the nation. They will say, “Alem zeryatna” b/c they are under UN sanction for their provacative action.

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