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BREAKING NEWS: 3 Eritrean asylum seekers who left Israel executed by ISIS

The Hotline for Refugees and Migrants reported on Tuesday that three asylum seekers who left Israel for a third country over the past year have been executed by the Islamic State in Libya. According to

The Hotline for Refugees and Migrants reported on Tuesday that three asylum seekers who left Israel for a third country over the past year have been executed by the Islamic State in Libya. According to the report, the victims were identified by family members and friends.

The three Eritrean asylum seekers were probably kidnapped together with a group of Christian Ethiopians. The group’s gruesome execution was filmed and distributed by ISIS on Sunday.

At least one of the three asylum seekers, T., was held in the Holot detention center in the Negev before leaving Israel. T.’s relative, Mesi, told Haaretz that the family identified him in the ISIS video. “He appears in the video and in the photographs, definitely,” she said. “He had been in Israel since the end of 2007. He decided to go back after the [Israeli[ Ministry of Interior told him he would be better off.”

According to Mesi, T. “went back to Uganda or Rwanda – I think Rwanda – where they are not accepted. From there he went on to Sudan, and from Sudan to Libya.” She said that he was not able to remain in Libya, and tried to reach Europe by boat. “I understood that the boat was returned to Libya,” she said, “where they were arrested. Rumors have it that the extreme Islamic group snatched them from the jail itself.”

Mesi said she tried to dissuade T. from going to a third county. “They told him he would be better off if he flies. I asked him not to. He didn’t tell us he had signed [papers] to leave.” She added that she and other friends of T. tried to tell him things could change for the better, “that [asylum seekers] would be released from Holot.”

Mesi added that she did not keep in touch with T. after he left Israel, but received updates from his brother, who resides in Norway. “He told me that T. arrived in Sudan and Libya and that he hadn’t spoken to him in a long time because he was in Libyan prison.” She said T.’s brother saw the images of ISIS’ execution, but did not think his brother was among the group of Ethiopian Christians.

T_isis_victimLast month, the Interior Ministry’s Population and Immigration Authority confirmed a report in Haaretz that the authority intends to begin deporting asylum seekers from Eritrea and Sudan to third countries in Africa, even without their consent.

The authority is not disclosing the identity of those countries or the nature of the agreements, but they are apparently Uganda and Rwanda, where about 1,500 asylum seekers have already been sent over the past year after signing a statement that their departure was voluntary.

Under the new policy, asylum seekers from Eritrea and Sudan will be able to be deported without their consent. Those who refuse will also be placed at the Saharonim Prison in south Israel for an indefinite period.

Haaretz link: 3 Eritrean asylum seekers who left Israel executed by ISIS

Review overview
  • Selamawi April 21, 2015

    ነዞም ሰይጣናውያን ሰባት ዝቐተሉዎም ኣሕዋትና፥ መንግሥተ ሰማይ የዋርሶም። ኣብ ምድሪ ኣይጠዓሞምን፥ ብሰማይ ይኽሓሶም። ንሥድራቤቶም ድማ ጽንዓት ይሃቦም። ኩላትና ንበኽየሎም ኣለና፥ ጽንዓት ይሃበና፥ ካብ ዳግማይ ሓዘን ይኸውለና ፈጣሪ።

    እዞድም ደቂ ሰይጣን፥ ንዝረኸቡዎ ክርስትያን እዮም ዜሳድዱን ዝቐትሉን ዝዕምጹን ዘለዉ። ቃሕ ክብሎም ከሎ ነስላምውን ኣይንሕፉዎምን እዮም። ስም ኣምላኽ እናጸውዑ ንደቂ ኣምላኽ ብዘይ ገለ ምኽንያት ዝቐትሉ ጸረ ኣምላኽ እዮም።

    ኩላትና ኤርትራውያን (ከምኡውን ኢትዮጵያውያን) ሓቢርና ነዚ ሕማቕ ግዜ መታን ክንሰግሮ፥ ኣብ ዘዘለናዮ ንተሓጋገዝ፥ ንጸናናዕ። ክእለት ዘለዎም ወገናትናን ፈተውትናን፥ በብዓቕሞም ምስ ዝምልከተን መንግሥታት ኮይኖም መታን ክሕግዙና፥ በብዘለናዮ ንጠረፍ፥ ንተኣከብ።

    ሓበሬታ ብቕልጡፍ ከም ዝበጽሕ ንግበር። ማእከላይ ምብራቕ፥ ብሕልፊ ድማ ሊብያ ንዓና ዝኸውን መገዲ ኣይኮነን። ካብዞም ደቂ ሰይጣን መገዲ ዓመት ክንሃድም ኣለና!

    ኣብ ሱርያን ኣብ ዒራቕን ዘለዉ ክርስትያን ይኹኑ ካልኦት ዝረኽቡዎ ዘለዉ ግፍዒ ዝገርም ኢዩ። ልዑል ተጣሪ ነዞም ደቂ ሰይጣን ኢዶም ማይ ከምዝዓሙኩ ይግበሮም።

    ኣብ ሃገርና ድማ፥ ልቢ ዘለዎ፥ ክብረትና ዝመልሰልና መንግሥቲ ይሃበና ፈጣሪ።

    ነዞም ደቂ ሰይጣን ግን፥ ሓንቲ ብዓልቲ ቅናት ዝኾነት ኢትዮጵያዊት ኣስላመይቲ ዝበለቶም ኣብዚ ጠዊቕኩም ስምዑ፥

    ናይ ልበይ ንኢደ ንዝንእዱ ክህባ እደሊ። ቦቚባቚን ተባዕን! ኣምላኽ ይኽሓስኪ፥ የኽብርኪ!

    • Kemal Ahmed April 22, 2015

      እዞም ሰባት ሃይማኖት የብሎምን ብስም ሙስሊም ተጠቂሞም ስም እስልምና ዘጽልምቱ ዘለዉ ጽላእቲ ሃይማኖት እስልምና እዮም። ካብ ክርስትያን ንላዕሊ ንሙስሊም እዮም ዝቀትሉ ዘለዉ። ካብ 6 ግዜ ንላዕሊ ናይ ጅምዓት ጽሎት ዝገብሩ ዝነበሩ ምእመናን ብቦምብ ዘጥቅዑ ጃንዳ ኣራዊት እዮም። ንስድራቤት ስዉኣት ጽንዓት እሃብኩም እብል።

  • Selamawi April 21, 2015

    Please the link below for the above reference (it has been removed from the above) Thanks

  • Sam April 21, 2015

    These coward animals they hide their faces. That means they don’t even have a cause , religious or political, other than thirst for human blood.
    The world community, Christians and Moslems, moralists and atheists, and believers and non believers, must unite and eradicate this evil group from the face of the planet. The world should hear ISIS’s undertone, read between the lines of their evil statements. They are not bound by political territories. Their ultimates goal is to put the whole planet under their heel. The so called sunnism ideology is a means to an end. One may say this is not in my corridors. But it is a matter of time, it will come to every one of us; unless we work together to destroy them now at the bud.
    I am writing this because I know and understand the whole geopolitical and religious matrices of the Middle East and eastern Africa. ISIS claims that sunnism is its ideology. It is a pretext. A person of sound mind would know that their religious ideology and acts are inconsistent or diametrically opposite; however we should not forget that they can still find supporters from among the Sunni Moslems. So it scares me to death to know also that almost all the Moslem population of the Horn of Africa is Sunni.
    So, please lets unite our voice and power against ISIS before they extend their network In the Horn of Africa. I ask every peace loving individual and countries to help Ethiopia and all countries of the horn fight these Isis before it gets into their territories.
    Thank you.

  • wediare April 21, 2015

    Almighty God Rest their soul in Peace and my condolence to the family. I CONDEMN the killing of innocent Eritreans and Ethiopians by ISIL.

  • Fanko April 21, 2015

    ኣዚ ቕንያት ብዙሓት ሰባት፣ ገለ ኤርትራውያን ግዳያት እውን ናይዞም እከያት ጀሃዳውያን-እስላማውያን ከምዝኾኑ ክሕብሩ ቀንዮም እዮም። ገለ ገለ ሰባት ግና ብዙሕ ቆላሕታ ከይገበሩ ወይ ክገብሩ ኣይደለዩን። መርበብ ኣሰና ነዚ ኣረጋጊጻ ምቕራባ ምስጋና ይብጻሓያ።

    ሕጂ ውን እዚ ተገሊጹ ዘሎ ቑጽሪ ከምዝበዝሕን፣ እዞም ጀሃዳውያን እስላማውያን ገና ሒዞሞም ዘለዉ ቁጽሪ ኤርትራውያን ምስቲ ኣብ ቤትማእሰርቲ ዳዕሽ ኣብ ሰሜንን ደቡብን ሊብያ ዘሎ ተራእዮ፣ ኣዝዩ ዉሑድ ስለዝኾነ፣ ኤርትራውያን ግዳያት ካብዚ ከም ዝበዝሑ ፍሉጥ እዩ።
    ብዓይኒ ደናቑር ጀሃዳውያን-እስላማውያን ይትረፍ፣ በቶም ተማሂሮም እዮም ዝበሃሉ ፖሊስ ዓረብ፣ በደዊንን ሓኻይም ዓረብን፣ ኣብ መንጎ ኤርትራውያንን ኢትዮጵያውያንን ኣመንቲ ክርስትና ፍልልይ ከምዘየለ ምፍላጥ የድሊ። እዚ ኣብ ኩሉ ሃገራት ዓረብ ፍሉጥ ሓቂ እዩ። ኤርትራውያን ኣብ ሃገራት ዓረብ፣ ብፍላይ ኣመንቲ ክርስትና ኣብ በዓል ሊብያ፣ ግብጺ፣ ሱዳን፣ የመን፣ ሱዑድያ፣ ኩወይት፣ ሊባኖን፣ ግብጺ-ሲናይ ዘጋጥሞም ሕሰምን መከራን ብፍላይ ኣብዘን ዝ ሓለፋ ዓሰርተ ዓመታት ምዝካር ይግባእ።

    እዚ ኢሰብኣዊ ጭካነ ናይ ጀሃዳውያን እስላማውያን ምስ ዘይተገዳስነት መንግስታት ዓረብን ዕሽነት መግንስቲ ኤርትራን ገለ ተቓወምቲ ኢና ዝብሉን ተሓዊሱ፣ ካብዚ ዘለዎ ኣናወሰኸ ዝኸይድ እምበር፣ ካብዚ ከምዘይንኪ ምግንዛብ ኣድላዪ እዩ።

    ትማሊ ሓደ ኤርትራዊ፣ “ሰራው” እዩ መስለኒ ከምዝበሎ፤ “ሎሚ ኢትዮጵያውን ይኾኑ፣ ጽባሕ ከኣ ንሕና ኤርትራውያን።” ኣብዚ ጉዳይን ሓዘንን ህልቂትን ኩልና ኤርትራውያንን እትዮጵያውያንን ኣብ ሓንቲ ንእሽቶ ጃልባ ምህላውና ፈሊጥና ንጠንቀቕ።


    • Shalom Shalom April 22, 2015

      Let us hope Eritrean muslims are not involved in this barbaric business.

  • noor April 21, 2015

    sorry entediaa 3 eritreawiyan koyunom etom 27 ke ethiopiawiyan mukanom teregagixu diyu mekiniyatu buzuhat eritreawiyan alewu ni eritrea keyimilesu ethiopiawan zibilu kisab hiji eritreawiyan tebihalom zelewu alewu dihan ezi nezom eritreawiyan ke diaa men eyu kizerabelom etiyopiawiyan nay hazen miaalti geremilom 2sebat eyom teregagixom zelewu ethiopiayawiyan kem zikonu tenegiru zelo keyeregagexu nay hazen miaaliti awijom eyom zibezihu eritreawian mukanom teragagixu zelo kisab hiji nay eritrea eyu mesileni 3 eritreawian kemzelewu teregagixu so neziaom men eyu zizarebelom aab radio erena tisemie guayila tisemie aaab kulu bi eritreawiyan zimihalalef kulu guayla wey nay fikiri derifi eka tisemie so miaas ena nihazinelom sorry

  • ali April 21, 2015

    There is no difference for isis whether you are ethio or eritrea,a chritian is a christian for them.The problem is with Ethio eri,speciallly eritrean gvmnt who helps terrorists and issu is happy for the daily death of ethioeritreans.Eritrean gvmn must be given the last warning to stop messing with its people and neighbors,if not immidiate action is required to eliminate this guy and form strong ethioeritrean forces.Ofcourse Ethiopia must stop its human rights violation too.The Ethioeritrean forces must act as go between to solve internal and external problems of the two countries.This is the only way we can survive the waves of the current situation.We are facing big external threat,time to be like the Somalians.Ethioeritrean need each other all the time.

  • Berhe Tensea April 21, 2015

    The ISIS people who kill refugees hiding their faces are just criminals who are filled with hate.
    Killing innocents is a cowardly act of first class.
    If they are men and have a reasonable cause,they must fight the governments face or commit suicide in fighting their alleged states.
    Death to cowards……

    • Shalom Shalom April 22, 2015

      Aren’t you the Berhe Tensea who dreams to import Jihadism to Eritrea in the name of democracy ?

      • Kemal Ahmed April 22, 2015

        MR.Shalom we know that there is a hand of your terrorist cuuntry (Israel). ISIS is a son of Israel.
        እዞም ቀተልቲ ስብ ሙስሊም ኣይኮኑን እዚኦም ስም ናይ እስልምና ንከጥፋኡ ዝተስኡ ጽላእቲ ሃይማኖት እስልምና እዮም። ንክርስትያን ጥራይ ኣይኮኑን ዝቀትሉ። ካብ 6 ግዜ ንላዕሊ ናይ ጅምዓት ጽሎት ኣብ ዝገብሩ ዝነብሩ ናይ እስልምና ምእመናን ቦምብ ዘፈንጀሩ ጃንዳ ግዙእት ኣረመናዊያን እዪም። ንሕና ሙስሊም ድርብ ሓዘን እዩ ተሰሚዑና 1- ብስምና እዚ ባርበራዊ ቅትለት ምፍጻሙ 2- ሞት ናይዞም ንጹሃት የሕዋትና።
        ንስድራቤት ስውእት ጽንዓት ይሃብኩም እብል።

      • AHMED SALEH April 24, 2015

        Berhe accused as Islamic terrorist by Shalom who is the source of Middle East
        conflicts to engage Eritreans on their wicked agenda of religious tensions among
        societies . Good try loser but you can’t win on Eritreans .

  • Berhe Tensea April 22, 2015

    PFDJ is much,worst or the unimaginable nightmare to the young people of Eritrea, than the misguided Jihad or ISIS. Thousands have perished in endless Isayas wars against Ethiopia and others.
    People are perishing in deserts, in seas, and crossing to Ethiopia, just out of hopelessness.
    The only solution to all the above agony is getting rid of the mafia regime that is ruling Eritrea without constitution and rule of law.

  • yohannes April 22, 2015

    It is sadistic and satanic to kill an innocent person in the name of religion,any religion. The sect the so called ISIS devils sect and its members are devils apostles they don’t have any religion other than destruction and killing. They are just incarnation of devil or its deeds, as it were. If they think they will go to heaven, they are mistaken. No God who created man in his image will tolerate the killing of innocents in cold blood. The fats, sooner or later, of ISIS is hell’s pit and its members the eternal damnation.