Breaking News: ኣብ ሊብያ፣ ከተማ ትሪቡሊ፣ ኣብዚ ሰዓት’ዚ ውግእ ሕድሕድ ኣብ ዝካየደሉ ዘሎ ቦታ ኣስታት 700 ኤርትራውያን ስደተኛታት ብኹሉ ዙርያኦም ብውግእ ተኸቢቦም ኣብ ከቢድ ራዕዲ ይርከቡ ኣለዉ።
ኣብ ሊብያ፣ ከተማ ትሪቡሊ፣ ኣብዚ ሰዓት’ዚ ውግእ ሕድሕድ ኣብ ዝካየደሉ ዘሎ ቦታ ኣስታት 700 ኣብ ቤትማእሰርቲ ዝጸንሑ ኤርትራውያን ስደተኛታት፣ ብኹሉ ኩርናዓት ብውግእ ተኸቢቦም፣ ህይወቶም ንምድሓን ናብ ዘብሉዎ ጠፊኡዎም ኣብ ከቢድ ራዕዲ ይርከቡ ከምዘለዉ ኣብቲ መዋጥር

ኣብ ሊብያ፣ ከተማ ትሪቡሊ፣ ኣብዚ ሰዓት’ዚ ውግእ ሕድሕድ ኣብ ዝካየደሉ ዘሎ ቦታ ኣስታት 700 ኣብ ቤትማእሰርቲ ዝጸንሑ ኤርትራውያን ስደተኛታት፣ ብኹሉ ኩርናዓት ብውግእ ተኸቢቦም፣ ህይወቶም ንምድሓን ናብ ዘብሉዎ ጠፊኡዎም ኣብ ከቢድ ራዕዲ ይርከቡ ከምዘለዉ ኣብቲ መዋጥር ዝርከቡ መሳኪን ኤርትራውያን ግዳያት ብቴለፎን ኣብ ዝሃቡና ሓበሬታ ኣፍሊጦም።
ንሳቶም ልዕሊ 300 ካብኣቶም ነብሶም ንምድሓን ፈቖድኡ ከምዝተበታተኑ ክገልጹ ከለዉ፣ ሓያለ ደቀንስቶ ከምዝተዓመጻ፣ ልዕሊ 20 ደቂ ኣንስትዮ በቶም ነቲ ቤትማእሰቲ ዝተቖጻጸሩዎ ተቓወምቲ ምስተወስዳ ድሃየን ከምዘይፍለጥ ኣገንዚቦም። ኣብ ዝተፈላለየ ኩርናዓት ዘለኹም ግዱሳት ኤርትራውያን ነዚ ህጹጽ ኩነታት ኣመልኪትኩም ንመንግስታውያንን ዘይመንግስታውያንን ማሕበራት ብምሕባር እዞም ግዳያት ዑቕባ ዝረኽቡሉ ኩነታት ኣብ ምፍጣር ክተሓባበሩ ንጽውዕ።
እቶም ግዳያት ናይ ደቀቕትን ከቢድ ብረትን ቶኽሲ ኣብ ከባቢኦም እናተሰምዐ ቅድሚ ሒደት ደቓይቕ ዝሃቡና ናይ ቃል ምስክርነት ጸኒሕና ብድምጺ ከነቕርብልኩም ኢና።
robel megos August 16, 2014
Tselot ngberelom ahwat
Berazio August 16, 2014
i wish i did not know about this, i am all depressed and can not do anything about it.Now all i hear is the scream of helpless ladies been raped by the dirty bastard Bodoinis (this merciless bastards will eventually pray after this horrible crime to ask Allah for mercy )where is Jesus or Allah ???????, please Jesus,or Allah if you are hearing this news, save the helpless .All i can say.
Asghedom Woldeghiorghis August 17, 2014
even , read history of eritreans under the italians, most of them they wher askaris after the itslians. Read the history of EMBYALE WOLDU he was used by the Egyptian Turkish to kill and weaken his brothers, look the history of BAHETA SEGHENEITI who helped Itialans to conquest eritrea when all the Tigrians was fighting the MAHEDISTS AND EGYPTIANS.
Eritreans have fuoght together with italians against Ethiopia, Libia, Somalia . My father fiught in Libia, and then taken back to eritrea to fight against his brothers in Tigray and ethiopia , and the war was over.
The young brother went to ethiopia and he brought him back, and he was always pro-italia.
During the italian colonislizem no eritrean have been in school except protestants and catholic priests.
The British time have improved to give school to eritreans, and it has been continued by the ethiopian regime.
Haile Selasie was better for eritreans than Tigrians, Gonderians, begemdrians.
those who was going ti school was only the nobile famlies of all ethiopia and the small eritrean capitalists and nobile families.
If you count all the eritrean leaders, they were nobikes under the imperor Haike Selasie,count them and go to thier father, you will find them they war sons of ethiopian sudites and got benefites from the ethiopian nobiles including all those whi are in jail.
In eritrea every one was joking some one with Ethiopians, dome one with the arabs, some one with europeans isultig themselves and thier Tigrian btothers.
The Tigrian brothers have helped thier eritrean brothers in difficult moment , until now these eritrean brothers are still insulting them and the became enemy number one against thier brothers and sisters of Tigrai.
we know in the high land of eritrea spescially the Hamasien peopke are mixed with Tigrisn people but most of them are half cast from Amhara and tigrai.
we can see it in Asmara itself, some names like Geza Brhanu Aba Shawel are good exampls.
Eritrean of new Generation are victims of thier fathers, they never teach thier children thier history, except rember Asmara is like Rome.
How can the eritreans love Rome and heat thier brothers?
In any case to come back to these actuall disaster of eritreans is not caused by ethiopians or another enemy, but from thier own brothers and sisters. Actuall we can acuse etitreans against thier people and thier nation.
It was very easy to injoy and work in our country if we oursekves ( eritreans ) in peace with ourselves we can be in peace with the others.
Eritrean big problem is luck of harmoney and intelligence.
we have to pray hard God come to our help, otherwise no one will come to rescue us.
Bhdma hager badima August 16, 2014
The issue her is am tired of sympathising about the people suffering to come to Europe and Israel. This 700 people could have changed the government at home. Intead of dying in dignity fighting against the regime, people are dying in trying to come to Europe. The will no be future in Eritrea unless this mentality is killed.
It should have been the libians who should be coming to Europe. Shameful to be an Eritrean these days.
Berazio August 16, 2014
I agree, time to take a stand and discourage condemn people who take this kind of risk for the unknown future. i know it will sound hypocrisy but there is no way around it.
Daniel August 16, 2014
Really? Do you realize these are young people who were 8-10 years when you left the country the same way they are trying to. Do you think they even know about change regime or any thing like that except the daily lies that TV eri tells them. I bet they are driven by the pictures you post on face book and the financial help you are delivering to your family back home, while their’s can’t afford to live any more. Please stop being a hypocrite.
Berazio August 16, 2014
Daniel, Really? Yes I am for real, if it is your way, here you go, this is what they getting, then we should not worry about this. According To your idea this suffering and humiliation is normal for those who want to come to where i live. Do not mislead people. I wonder how many suffering you endured to get to where you are. Thousands are migrating to west as legitimate refugees, from refugee camps, there is safe alternative.
rahwa August 16, 2014
oh my God! we need to alert governments, human rights organizations and opinion makers about this ordeal our brothers and sisters are in. let’s do something, please.
ahmed saleh August 16, 2014
I hope the rest think twice before they take same journey to Libya and other risky illegal crossings .
abraham August 16, 2014
Ata ezom 650 elka qdmi salsti 7 kabuom qosilom elka awxikayom zneberka dyom wey kaluot hadesti eyom
abraham August 16, 2014
Ata ezom 650 elka qdmi salsti 7 kabuom qosilom elka awxikayom zneberka dyom wey kaluot hadesti eyom begakum ngeruna
tes August 16, 2014
If the next would-be refugees could not take a lesson from this horible event happening to eritrean refugees in libya, there is nothing much eritreans living abroad can do for them. Even though living in eritrea right now is very un attractive, its much better to stay home in safety than being raped by arab bedewins. Sooner or later the eritrean regime is gone implode from inside.The very idea somebody else’s daughter,sister or wife is beibg raped mercilessly by arab savages in trying to emigrate to europe and america shakes me to the core of my soul.
Tamrat Tamrat August 16, 2014
I see the Picture thorouhly. And some one says why eritreans dont fight instead of leaving their land to the unknown.
The libian dictator at least gave his People some thing to die for. You see the Picture again. These People prefer to die fighting the enemy than leaving for Europa. They are not better than us. They are given something to die for.What has given for the 30 years and under eritreans to die for? You have to have a reason to die for? Has noe to die for so that his or her leaders have their way while those sacricice themeselves live on ration?
Look the tigrians! Do they die for the unity of Ethiopia! You bet! Tigrians were victims of eplf for destroyning Ethiopia. Now ask them if they listen eplf ever again. Na, na na na. NAAAAA!
ahmed saleh August 16, 2014
” Tigreans were victims of EPLF for destroying Ethiopia ” When? Hmm !
Ziaklen tihinen si baaele Mariam yibla
khoynu iti negheru izi hawna .
desbelel August 16, 2014
Kab ezi kulu sik elka msmaen mirayin wey dima mis kone weye mibal aykonen nhibi eritrean zihigzena mensey eritrea bihaki diyu tehaguiska bezi zeytekim tirekbo zeleka hiwet hahwatka zikezif zelo genb endie ayteredanin kab tsibuk libsi lebiska ab faceboo siltat mitka mihsab yedliyena alo mensey erey hagerna kabzi zelo digtater mengsti kemey geyrna hara newtseaa mis kona kabzi ab sidet nirekibo zele kibrka zeward genb ab hagerna mis kibretnan habtanan hizbnan kinebr nikil ena kemau dma tekawemti party mealtawi nab hizbi yedlyekum alo kemey geyrna hagerna selam zasela democracy zelewa hagern kigebra nikil. That’s the only way we can save our sisters and brothers and peopls live and have our dignityy