Aykaalkiyon By Philmon Gebregziabher (New Song) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZJ9PGN3r4U&width=200&height=200 December 8, 2013 12:25 pmassenna2104907Views SHARE
tesfaldet December 13, 2013
the song by philmon discrabes the lion ESAYAS so you dont insolt him you jast tell evry thing what ESAYAS did to his ENEMYS ALL of his eyes the red eye that is the blood of all his enemys
tesfaldet December 13, 2013
iwish all this ather AFRICAN caountry have aleader like ESAYAS lion AFRICA CANOT become the play graund of the WEST
tesfaldet December 13, 2013
iwish all this ather AFRICAN caountry have aleader like ESAYAS lion AFRICA CANOT become the play graund of the WEST
tesfaldet December 13, 2013
WHAY is my comment posted 2 times i put only one comment so ASSENA can you cheak your website