ATV: News – ኣብይን ኢሳይያስን ኣብ ጽሙው ጎደናታት – ቶኽሲ ከቢድ ብረት ከባቢ ኣሰመራ – ምዕጻው ኮለጃት – Mon, March 04, 2019 March 4, 2019 11:41 pmassenna213620Views SHARE
Temesgen March 5, 2019
Bringing Abiy, Kenyan president or others to Asmara is not going to distract Eritreans from the danger that they are in. Eritreans will never rest until you and your political incubator PFDJ along with its eggs are destroyed.
ለውጢ March 6, 2019
አዚ ነቲ ድሮ ደርጊ ዝወደቀሉ አዋን የዘኻኽረካ
ወዲ መድህን ኣይትቅሰን መዓልትኻ ኣኺላ’ያ
ደመ ከልብ ክትከውን’ያ ደምካ ::ነሕዋትና ሓሪድካ
ኣይክትነብርን ኢኻ :::