ህ.ተ.ሓ.ኤ the icon struggle of Eritrean people should have been started in 1991. Too late but now, better than nothing. Any true Eritrean who want sacred liberty has option which way to fight back. Her is the alternative to join. I am glad having armed struggle inside as the last option against brutal regime. No other way.
Armed Forces of Eritrea! This is the time to free yourselves from being the guards of brutal dictator Isaias and prove that you are the sons and daughters of the people of Eritrea.
This is your opportune time to join the popular uprising and save your people from genocide.
This is the time for you to block the betrayal of Isaias and his motive of destroying the independence of Eritrea and declaring it as part of Ethiopia.
This is the time for you to make sure that the lives of so many patriots who gave their lives for the independence of Eritrea was not and is not in vain.
Victory to the people of Eritrea
ሕጂ ግርም። this is the only way out of our misery and out from the monstrous hgdf. Lot of people spilled blood in vain and death for democracy and justice is honourable death. It is better to die fighting for freedom than in hgdef prisons. They need a full all types of support from joining the movement to moral and financial support . Enough to making excuse dear patriots .
The fight was always there,many people paid for it with their precious lives early and still are,fact is the assailants were the privileged few and the masses were the victims,no! not anymore,they said ENOUGH! they are taking their fight into its highest form,the only form the enemy can understand and they coined their tool perfectly which fits its purpose,like Danillo said,I wish It was consummated in 1991,never too late,I think it run its intended course,like the plump succulent Georgia peach it is ready to be sliced and devoured.Lets keep pushing together,OUR VICTORY IS IMMINENT.
I thought Asseñna has a board of Directors. Was this information cleared by the board. It would be catastrophic to proclaim the establishment of an armed struggle inside Eritrea when the evil dictator is being suffocated by the concerted YEAKLE movement. I assume there could be YEAKEL missions inside Eritrea (suicide or otherwise), but you don’t boast about it. For heavens sake, please be wise.
The cruelest, the most brutal dictator the world has ever seen. The ultmate fate of dictators is known, that time has come now for this devil.
May 24, 2019 we should celebrate on the grave yard of this most brutal killer.
Danilo April 13, 2019
ኤኮ! ተባዕታይ ወረ እንሀሎ
ደጊም ብስራት ሞት ሰይጣን ዓዲ ሃሎ
ሓቀይ’ዶ ? ዝጠምረና ንቅሎ ብተሎ-ተሎ
ሕጂ ግርም! ኣይበልናንዶ ንጸምበር ብተሎ
ብዘይ ዕጢይጢይ ሕጂ እዩ እቲ ኑቅሎ።
hagos April 13, 2019
ፎርሳ !!! ከም ተመን ዕዳጋ ኢደይ ኢድካ !!! ጠፋዕ !!! ጠፋዕ !!! ድርብይ !!!! ንተምቤን ገጹ!!!! ዘለኣለማዊ ራህዋ ንህዝቢ !!!
Gezae April 13, 2019
Dawn for Eritrea April 13, 2019
Gezae, Sorry your paycheck is not coming anymore. Your employer, HEGDEF, will be gone for good.
Hagherawi April 13, 2019
ኩቡራት ኣሰና ፣
ካብ 03 ቡዙሕ ምጥንቃቅ የዲሊ።
ኣዚ ኣረመናዊ ስርዓት ፥ ብሓይሊ ብረት ዝኣምን ብምዃኑ ፥ ብዘይ ደም ምፍሳስ ክእለይ እዪ እልካ ምሕሳብ ኣይካኣሊን።
ግን ፣ ኣብዚ ዘለናዮ ጊዜ ፣ ዝኾነ ኣመኽኒዩ ፥ ንእትዮጵያ ክዕድም ይደሊ ስለ ዘሎ ፣ ቡዙሕ ምጥንቃቅ የድሊ ።
ነዚ ኣረመን ሰብኣይን ብጾቱን ንምኽራጅ ፥ ሓድሽ ግንባር ምምስራት ኣየድልን። እቲ ዕማም ሓደ ተባዕ ፥ ሚስጢራዊ ጉጂለ ክገብሮ ዝኽእል እዪ።
ሰላም ዝነጽጉ ስለ ዘሎዉና ፥ ኑዑ ፣ ብመሰረት ዝተገብረ ስምሚኣት ፣ ተሓባበሩና ፣ ክብሎም እዩ። ስለዚ ንጠንቀቅ።
እንታይ ኣገባብ ቃልሲ ንኽተል ፥ ቡዙሕ ክሕሰበሉ ዘለዎ ጉዳይ እዩ። ለውጢ ንምፍሻል ፥ ኣብ ኩሉ እድ ክህሉዎ ስለ ዝኽእል ምጥንቃቅ የድሊ።
ገለ ክገብር ዝኽእል ኣካል እንተልዩ ፥ ብሚስጢር ምስራሕ እቲ ዝሓሸ ምርጫ እዩ።
Um suleyman April 13, 2019
That is true
Danilo April 13, 2019
ህ.ተ.ሓ.ኤ the icon struggle of Eritrean people should have been started in 1991. Too late but now, better than nothing. Any true Eritrean who want sacred liberty has option which way to fight back. Her is the alternative to join. I am glad having armed struggle inside as the last option against brutal regime. No other way.
Amare Resom April 13, 2019
Armed Forces of Eritrea! This is the time to free yourselves from being the guards of brutal dictator Isaias and prove that you are the sons and daughters of the people of Eritrea.
This is your opportune time to join the popular uprising and save your people from genocide.
This is the time for you to block the betrayal of Isaias and his motive of destroying the independence of Eritrea and declaring it as part of Ethiopia.
This is the time for you to make sure that the lives of so many patriots who gave their lives for the independence of Eritrea was not and is not in vain.
Victory to the people of Eritrea
Tes April 13, 2019
ሕጂ ግርም። this is the only way out of our misery and out from the monstrous hgdf. Lot of people spilled blood in vain and death for democracy and justice is honourable death. It is better to die fighting for freedom than in hgdef prisons. They need a full all types of support from joining the movement to moral and financial support . Enough to making excuse dear patriots .
k.tewolde April 13, 2019
The fight was always there,many people paid for it with their precious lives early and still are,fact is the assailants were the privileged few and the masses were the victims,no! not anymore,they said ENOUGH! they are taking their fight into its highest form,the only form the enemy can understand and they coined their tool perfectly which fits its purpose,like Danillo said,I wish It was consummated in 1991,never too late,I think it run its intended course,like the plump succulent Georgia peach it is ready to be sliced and devoured.Lets keep pushing together,OUR VICTORY IS IMMINENT.
Woldegabriel April 13, 2019
I thought Asseñna has a board of Directors. Was this information cleared by the board. It would be catastrophic to proclaim the establishment of an armed struggle inside Eritrea when the evil dictator is being suffocated by the concerted YEAKLE movement. I assume there could be YEAKEL missions inside Eritrea (suicide or otherwise), but you don’t boast about it. For heavens sake, please be wise.
Thomas April 13, 2019
The cruelest, the most brutal dictator the world has ever seen. The ultmate fate of dictators is known, that time has come now for this devil.
May 24, 2019 we should celebrate on the grave yard of this most brutal killer.