ATV: “ምስ ኣቶ ኣባይ ጸሃየ ካብ 1995 ንደሓር ተራኺብና ኣይንፈልጥን” ኣንባሳደር ሃይለ መንቆርዮስ November 12, 2019 2:07 amassenna234204Views SHARE
Woldegabriel November 12, 2019
Dear Elsa Chirum,
We should expect more defamation, misinformation and lies from the enemies of Eritrea. An immediate response like this one is quite essential eventhough most people are aware of the dubious long financial arm of higdef/weyane.
Dawit November 14, 2019
Comminig.. Soon.
Ar. Cinema Meqele.
Very.. New ..Eritrean Movie.
Call. And ordet. Tricket.