Great pointers for those of us who are glued to our devices and the digital social media,even though,like any other product people tend to consume information which satisfies their palates regardless of its origin,example,I tell a 22 y/o patient ,we are going to test you for the covid-19 for surgical clearance, with confused look in his face he asks,is that std (sexually transmitted disease)? just a reminder,we are the epicenter.
k.tewolde May 2, 2020
Great pointers for those of us who are glued to our devices and the digital social media,even though,like any other product people tend to consume information which satisfies their palates regardless of its origin,example,I tell a 22 y/o patient ,we are going to test you for the covid-19 for surgical clearance, with confused look in his face he asks,is that std (sexually transmitted disease)? just a reminder,we are the epicenter.