When a change comes, defiantly we may give apology to PFDJ supporters, but not to the die hard supporters who are rebelling against the protesters. These criminals their Photo should be exposed like Zelku in his comment suggested. As far as they against rule of law and justice, and appreciating the non elect Mafia regime, what are they doing in a very democratic democratic nation where respected a human right? They should to be deported to enjoy justice, if they mean there is in Eritrea.
Wake up man , Eritrea start to find her good children . Game is over . It is up to you to choose
whom you belong , it is not late to come on your consciousness if you love the people .
Bravotat Londoners we are always proud of you the victory is on the way just continue fighting against dictator self nominated president. Free Eritrea free Eritreans. God bless my be loved country eri
It was an impressive demonstration but I do hope to see a continuity of this civil movement till the mafia regime is ousted. Keep up and do not give up.
Zelku February 1, 2013
Their Picture and where they are located!
Truly,Truly i say to you February 1, 2013
When a change comes, defiantly we may give apology to PFDJ supporters, but not to the die hard supporters who are rebelling against the protesters. These criminals their Photo should be exposed like Zelku in his comment suggested. As far as they against rule of law and justice, and appreciating the non elect Mafia regime, what are they doing in a very democratic democratic nation where respected a human right? They should to be deported to enjoy justice, if they mean there is in Eritrea.
Hafash February 3, 2013
Our people’s voice is roaring everywhere! You are on the right side of history guys! God/Alah bless you!
Haben Shet Manta February 3, 2013
Ghena atum kedaat kitibeku ekum. ha ha ha……….long live nakfa lion PIA. Zikedeet mesmera disahatet beti zaymiher arer kulewa.
ahmed saleh February 3, 2013
Wake up man , Eritrea start to find her good children . Game is over . It is up to you to choose
whom you belong , it is not late to come on your consciousness if you love the people .
Wedigolfo February 3, 2013
Bravotat Londoners we are always proud of you the victory is on the way just continue fighting against dictator self nominated president. Free Eritrea free Eritreans. God bless my be loved country eri
tbrhane February 3, 2013
It was an impressive demonstration but I do hope to see a continuity of thr
tbrhane February 3, 2013
It was an impressive demonstration but I do hope to see a continuity of this civil movement till the mafia regime is ousted. Keep up and do not give up.
SABA February 3, 2013
I get more and more proud to be eritrean!!! Soooooooo great! WOW…
saner February 3, 2013
good job eritreans
salma a. February 4, 2013
WOW Londoners! we are proud of you! keep up the momentum!!!!!!!!!
down with eseyas!
long live the Eritrean people!