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ASSENNA NEWS: Daily Program – Opinions Meron Semedar and Weldeselassie Ogbe – June 28, 2018

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  • saba tesfayohannes kidane June 28, 2018

    as we all know there is no political space to give your opinion in your country’s affairs in Eritrea. In fact, the day of the announcement that the Eritrean President made it official that he will be sending delegation to gauge the current situation, you can see from the reaction of the people who were in attendance. They were caught off guard by the announcement and some started clapping their hands in uncertain manners. This tells me that decision was made by the only person who has been ruling Eritrea for the last 27 years and does not care about what the whole nation thinks about when making such a big announcement! True we all need peace and that peace can only be a reality with the demarcation of Eritrea’s sovereign territory and any talk of peace, forgiveness and etc should come after clearing the way that has been the biggest obstacle in the history of the two countries for many generation-which defining the international border between the two countries. And we all have to remember that nothing has changed in the internal politics of our country; people are still in prison for their religious beliefs or different political opinion than the party in power. So let us get this border problem out of the way since now we have a willing party in PM of Ethiopia who declared to do it without any precondition, let us not put a precondition that might be in the works by non-other than the pfdj leadership that clearly won’t like where this is going. because if the border is demarcated then, the next question is justice and political change in Eritrea.