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Assenna is Back !!

Dear followers congratulates its readers and followers that it is back online after the temporary interruption caused by the cowardice PFDJ cyber attack. obviously owes its readers and followers an apology for the

Dear followers congratulates its readers and followers that it is back online after the temporary interruption caused by the cowardice PFDJ cyber attack. obviously owes its readers and followers an apology for the inconvenience the interruption might have caused. At the same time, it wishes to indicate that this cowardice act of the PFDJ and its mercenaries signifies that the final stage of its demise has come. The truth can never get buried! The voice of reason will prevail! demo.archive.assenna.comes out stronger from this episode, and will keep hitting the dictatorial regime harder than ever until it is gone for good!!


ኣብ ውሽጢ ኤርትራን ወጻእን እትርከቡ ክቡራት ተኸታተልቲ ኣሰና!

ነዘን ዝሓለፋ ሒደት መዓልታት ማዕጾ ኣሰና ኳሕኵሕኩም ክትምለሱ ብምቕናይኩም ዝተሰመዓና ጓሂ ካብቲ ደሃይና ስኢንኩም ዝተሻቀልኩሞ ዝተዓጻጸፈ እዩ። ይኹንምበር፡ ዝለመድኩሞ እንግዶት ሓቂ ተኾሊፉኩም ብምቕናዩ፡ ይቕሬታ ንሓተኩም!!

ብድምጺ ሓቂ ዝተዳህለ ዲክታተርያዊ ስርዓት ህግደፍን ሃሱሳቱን ኣብ ልዕሊ መርበብ ሓበሬታኹም ኣሰና ዳት ኮም ከቢድ ናይ ሳይበር መጥቃዕቲ ብምስዓብ ንሳልስቲ ‘ኳ እንተፈላለዩና፡ በዚ ናይ ጃጀውትን ፈራሓትን ድኹም ስጉምቲ፡ ንሶምን ስርዓቶምን ካብ ገጽ መሬት ተሓኺኾም ንሓዋሩ ዝጠፍኡሉ ዕለት ካብ ግምትና ንላዕሊ ቀሪቡ ከምዘሎ፡ ሕልናኦም ዓሪቡ፡ መዓልቲ ውድቀቶም ምቝጻር ጀሚሮም ከምዘለዉ እዮም ኣበሲሮምና።

ዮሃና፡ ውጹዓት ኤርትራውያን!

ድምጺ ሓቂ ከቶ ኣይትቕበርን።

እንሃትልኩም ኣሰና፡ ተመስሊሳትኩም ሰሲና!

ነቲ ሽግ ሓርነት ኣድሚቓቶ ከም በርቂ፡

ነጎዳ ወሲኻትሉ ናይ ውጹዓት ድምጺ!

ኣይምብርከኽን እምቢ ንውልቀ ምልኪ

ኣብ ነፍሲ ወከፍ ልቢ ይብጻሕ ድምጺ ሓቂ

ትብለኩም ኣላ፡ ከም ኣመላ፡

እዝንኹም ክፈቱዎ ንዛንታ ዕላላ!


ካብ ግዳያት ሲናይ ደሃይ ስቓይ ኣሕዋት

ካብ ካርሽሊ ኣስመራ ናይ እሱራት ኣውያት

ካብ ዋዕላ ጉባኤ ዓወት ምስ ብስራት

መስመር ከይሓልፈኩም ናይ ሃገር ሃለዋት

ዜና ከትምጽኣልኩም ብዕለት ብሰዓት፡

ተዳልያ ‘ላ ካብ ትማል ንላዕሊ

ደም ኒሓ ፈልሑ ክትቀጽዕ በዳሊ

ነቲ ውጹዕ ህዝቢ ተስፋ ከተስንቖ

ሒቕታኣ ሰጊራ መላኺ ክትሓንቆ!

ከቶ ኣይትንምብርከኽን በዚ መኻን ፈትነ

ዓወት’ዩ ወደባ ክትፈድየሉ ሕነ

ነቲ ዝተጠልመ ነቲ ዝተጨቆነ

ተመስሊሳትኩም ሰሲና!

ዮሃና! እንሃትልኩም ኣሰና

Review overview
  • solomon araya berhe December 7, 2011

    well come back radio assenna …….waaaaaaaw i m happier than ever ..keep it up again and again..make anti PFDJ Amaniel Eyassu …smerrrrrrrrr the same as anti virus to ur web site assenna .com ..never kneel down deki ere kuhlo …..long live Wedi Eyassu and ur workmates….

  • sol December 7, 2011

    The regime is attempting to nullify the sanction , one of the means is attacking websites which shows the evil deed of the regime.PFDJ successfully disrupted aware and assenna, while made an attempt on asmarino but failed.This is illegal in a free world and any body involves in this act should face the consequence.Opposition web sites should also be vigilance in upgrading and protecting their websites.

    • ahmed saleh December 7, 2011

      Hi my brothers and sisters in ASSENA family, it is nice to see you back.
      It is stupid and shame to see those PFDJ gangs could not be freed from their dirty sinister acts. No one can silence or stop Eritrean people once they stand up for their rights. They may try to harass and manupulate us , but we ready to show them our courage and unity to stand firm on our stance for political reform. Our principle is to fight and voice for mistreatment our people who are in need of our support, period.
      Hawna Ammaniel and colleagues, job well done. Thanks!

  • Tsahaye December 7, 2011

    If it was not so hilarious, Amanuel Eyasu and the awate webmaster would have been called the marketing geniuses. Instead of asking people for donation without creating an episode that blames the PFDJ for their week long holiday vacation, they have come up with this creative idea to agitate the feeling of the unsuspecting “Joe” and make him a little bit generous in donating. How was it possible that the PFDJ decided to attack both websites (assenna and awate) at the same time? How was it possible that they both were targeted at the same time, both took equal days of absenteeism, and they both are now back at the same time? What do these clowns think we are? Why was spared from PFDJ’s cyber attack? I have a word for the conjurors and clowns: Eritreans are a lot smarter than you think. You cannot garner people’s support, whether it is financial or political, by falsification. Your Awassa conference was a theatrical fiasco, the sanction against Eritrea was “watered down” and did not materialized as every traitor had hoped for. Now, “bad boys what are you gonna do?” The barbaric woyane regime is not going to cuddle you for long because it does not have an incentive do so. Reject any politics based on religious extremism and ethnic secessionism. Condemn woyane’s occupation of Eritrea’s land and join the voices of reason.

    • Beraki Yohannes December 7, 2011

      miskinay tsehaye,

      Why should waste your time visiting to peoples web site?

      And you have a god to say that about goodness of pfdj here in assena. probably try to preach on which is the right site to take and serve your idea. Otherwise, you are absolutely in a wrong website.

      • Tsahaye December 7, 2011


        Leaving aside your exclusionary idea, is better served by accommodating people of different perspectives than making it an exclusive club for individuals of your type…people who think the same and and talk same. Learn how to accept the opposite views. is not yours, it is a public website.

      • ahmed saleh December 8, 2011

        Abotatna entay yiblu Mesleka, tzemam si hade derfu , you
        better ignore them they are not listen to you.

    • HGDF December 7, 2011

      These people are funny.
      To answer your question Tsahaye “How was it possible that they both were targeted at the same time, both took equal days to come back?
      The Awate admin was writing a comment on facebook “Because they were sister websites”. Well in what sense? what makes them more sisterly than the other pro-weyane websites? May be because they get equal sum from the weyane fund. Poor blind readrs are fooled again when these smart guys tell them that the were attacked by PFDJ hackers. They will pour the hard earned money to help them against hackers. This is not the first time is doing this. Remember when he collected tens of thousands of dollars telling people he will win a court case against Sofia Tesfamariam to . No one asked what happened to the case and to the money. Because the blind followers of the websites are addicted to April fool like news and they are satisfied if the next day they get a new April Fool news.

      • Tsahaye December 7, 2011


        I could not have said it better and thank you for answering my question. By now, Eritreans know that accountable is an alien word to these people. The guy you have mentioned in your comment is believed to have robbed so many in the name of “defense fund” and nobody has uttered a word to him to this day why he decided to betray their trust. He is believed to have used the money for his personal purposes while writing a fictional book about himself. Another guy (Daniel Tewelde) who was elected at last year’s meeting was kicked out of the ENCDC leadership in the most dehumanizing manner and was barred not to participate in the conference by a bunch of lawless hooligans. One would expect those who accuse the PFDJ regime day in and day out…the pseudo-democrats… to call for the impeachment of the criminals, but they have chosen to remain silent for reasons which are only known to them. The hashewiye still goes on.

  • kahsai December 7, 2011

    Dear Assenna,

    First and foremost, I would like to congratulate you for your hard work to restore the service as most of us were saddened by the DDoS attack which caused us to miss the most popular and loved website for almost a week. Whoever does the attack, Assenna will continue to expose the evil and dangerous acts of PFDJ and will continue to tell the truth until Eritrea is free of the dictatorial regim. I advice assenna to install a trong firewall to prevent from future attacks.

    Any attaempt to attack Assenna is a sign of desperation and it shows the fall of PFDJ is near.

    Victory to the suffering Eritrean people.

  • amanuel sahle December 7, 2011

    Happy to visit the site once again after three days of irritating search. Do you know that in todays world cyber war is as easy as a conventional war. Even global financial institutions can be targetted causing confusion and consternation in global business.
    Anyway I wish you all the best

  • December 7, 2011

    Dear Assena, welcome back, this is just a small hiccup! They can’s stop you from the good job.

    Your website is now the most respected and valued news outlet by many Eritreans. It has become and proven itself to be serious, credible news and views outlet and most of all free of any cheap propaganda, Well done! we are proud of you. Please continue to refrain from any sensational news and keep your independence. I admire the commitment and hard work of our great websites who are fighting tyranny (such as Asmarino, assena and Awate) and others…. Unfortunately some of them allow themselves to be biased and serve a very narrow agenda of some quarters of the Eritrean Society or in some cases they lower their services to a very destructive and divisive role. They intentionally or unintentionally help either in keeping alive the horrible dictatorship of PFDJ or help create new ones in waiting. This is disheartening to say the least. The media is a powerful tool to disseminate the ideals and culture of democracy and to balance and check the political parties and their leaders who aspire to lead our country in the future at the demise of the Dictator and his cronies.

    Thank you!

    Olive branch.

  • December 7, 2011

    In relation to the recent Waela, we are very disturbed by the recent development in the Commission and what had happened to Daniel Tewolde. We want to know the truth and the whole truth! So that we can learn and hopefully start to really keep an eye on our future dictators and remove them before they start to kill and hijack once again our hope and future.

    Please try to Interview both Daniel Tewolde and Ameha and others from the ex-commission. Let us know the truth and learn how to say no to the abuse on individuals so that we can start to say no to the abuse of the whole society. Having said that I must say I am for reconciliation! I do not like to see any body demonised or vilified but redeemed and corrected using the proper mechanism.

    Dear Assena, you will be credible only if you allow yourself to be the vehicle of truth by being impartial and giving the chance to both sides to tell us their part of the whole story.

    Thank you!

    Olive branch.

  • Yonas December 7, 2011

    Assenna “Butterfly” Spread your wings and continue to fly
    For you have become a voice to the voiceless
    Fly abandonedly into the space and to Eritrea
    Butterfly Butterfly keep flying until you reach Asmara
    Don’t let them interrupt you till you reach Massawa
    Land Butterfly Land everywhere flap your wings
    Reach out to all the people and to the open ears.

  • concerned Eeritreawi December 7, 2011

    Like any reasonable Ereitrawi I so concerned but I immediately suspected this could only be the hands of the cowardice. HGDEF is trying everything and so scared that they are trying anything at any price. I mean any price. Shame on the regime and its supporters. Please stop harassing the Eritrean people and Eritrean source of information etc.
    Please stop fighting and try to learn making peace for yourself, for the Eritrean people and with people around you. But in your screwed up head peace is not an option.
    God please bring peace to our people and our country.
    We are in dire need of peace

  • COMEBESHTATO December 7, 2011

    well come back assenna.