I am very sorry to see that Eritreans were turtured and killed in the Sinai Desert by the smugglers and handed to the Egypitian soldiers. This is not the first time we trajedy of our history. It has been perpetual in our history. How did we loose the vast land from the Persian gulf to the East Mediteranian Sea? Yes we have been foolish never learned from our past history. History is repeating what happened in the past to our forfathers in that area. They made us ignorant to our own history not learned from it.
To me as far as I know it is not new because I know the mentality of brutals from the past history. This is not the end, until they will finish us with no trace to claim our own history. How did we lost the Egyptian land and history without brutality of those they claim Egyptians now in Egypt? This anwer I leave to Eritreans and Ethiopians dig out the information
Kiflemariam Gebretsadik October 30, 2011
I am very sorry to see that Eritreans were turtured and killed in the Sinai Desert by the smugglers and handed to the Egypitian soldiers. This is not the first time we trajedy of our history. It has been perpetual in our history. How did we loose the vast land from the Persian gulf to the East Mediteranian Sea? Yes we have been foolish never learned from our past history. History is repeating what happened in the past to our forfathers in that area. They made us ignorant to our own history not learned from it.
To me as far as I know it is not new because I know the mentality of brutals from the past history. This is not the end, until they will finish us with no trace to claim our own history. How did we lost the Egyptian land and history without brutality of those they claim Egyptians now in Egypt? This anwer I leave to Eritreans and Ethiopians dig out the information
MIKAL November 9, 2011
Gemal February 17, 2013
you dont have any knowlg, in eritrea was Arab scholl,