Arbeshto Strategy Chosen for another Eritrean Fenkil
Arbeshto, which its equivalent cognate in Italian is “rovesciato” and the English equivalent is “bicycle kick,” can be used as a strategy because of its surprising nature of doing or using backward double kicks to

Arbeshto, which its equivalent cognate in Italian is “rovesciato” and the English equivalent is “bicycle kick,” can be used as a strategy because of its surprising nature of doing or using backward double kicks to score an unexpected goal. The purpose of Arbeshto is to execute an overhead shot or kick that catches the defense and the gate-keeper off guard. And, the effectiveness of Arbeshto is in penetrating into good scoring positions and having to shoot a precise overhead kick to score a goal.
In the absence of a good scoring position or when the defense of the enemy team keeps kicking back the ball way out of its defense line denying penetration deep into attack territory, it is time to learn and practice Arbeshto to score a bicycle kick goal. The Eritrean opposition needs to train how to shoot a goal-scoring Arbeshto besides knowing well the goal line, the goal area, and above all how/where to score.
The game played is between the tyrant’s team and the opposition team. The tyrant’s team excels in penetrating deep into the opposition’s goal area and shooting scoring-goals, while the opposition team never got the ball near the tyrant’s team defense area. Those within the opposition who believe that Arbeshto strategy is the only answer to the tyranny question in Eritrea, also believe that that strategy will help to strengthen the people’s power to make positive changes. As it is known, because of tyrant’s adventurous regional intervention to weaken or destabilize governments that challenge his hegemony in the region, Isayas depends on well-organized and strong defenses. That is why he always succeeds in penetrating the opposition defense lines easily and infiltrates the deeper areas to disrupt all plans including their defense strategies, tactical and operational strategies.
After years of attempts and failing to score with straight shots, the opposition is now convinced that the only possibility for scoring a surprising goal is to try Arbeshto and score a fast and surprising bicycle kick goal. The opposition knows that its exercising caution is necessary because Isayas may keep the goal net on move in order to dodge the scoring kicked ball from falling into the goal.
Isayas Plays Three-card Monte, a Find-Me Trick Game
From day one Isayas focused on externalizing the Eritrean problems in order to entrench himself in power and to impose a one man rule. When the UN’s Commission Inquiry on Human Rights on Eritrea accused him of crimes against humanity and other gross human rights violations, he jumped out of Higdef to jumpstart EPLF. And, when Isayas sensed the people’s accusation for all their sufferings and his leadership failure to address their problems, in his 2017 interview he tried to come clean by jumping out of both Higdef and EPLF to become a blamer, explaining that no one obeyed him thereby criticizing the whole party, army, officials, and the whole people including the toddlers and the elderly.
Isayas in his 2017 interview neutralized everything. Indeed, the interview was a head-turner to most of his diehards pressing them to look for someone around who could help to make sense out of what was being said by Isayas. The diehards were expecting Isayas to put the issues related to mining wealth and developments in Adi Halow into words. Indeed, the diehards expected to see the big picture, in spite of the pains suffered, and no matter of the size of the positive changes and improvements so long the nation and the people are thriving on the challenges faced together as a people. But due to Isayas’s failure to do so, the diehards were unable to see the big picture. As a result, many felt self-inflected fatigue and seen to question in mumble if Isayas was unprepared or whether they were two Isayas[es] and that the one who was interviewed was the unknown to them.
There was this innocent and trusting man who was expecting many encouraging and promising things from Isayas’s interview this time. This man, as a strong believer in Isayas, was one of those blind sloganeers of “Our secrets are our strength,” and as a strong believer in the slogan he volunteered or by choice chose to remain in the dark about the Eritrean problems denying all the pains and sufferings of the Eritrean people. However, this man never expected Isayas to go that far as a leader to dishonorably deny responsibility for the economic decline and absence of developments in Eritrea as well as the strained public services and infrastructure. This man went into screaming “my eyes” in disbelief and shock seeing Isayas making political scene, ploughing the reality in Eritrea and deflecting the journalists’ questions about taking responsibilities and accountabilities. Isayas’s failure to take responsibility triggered him the old saying that goes, ”If you hang out with chickens, you’re going to cluck and it you hang out with eagles, you’re going to fly.” This man then in vain tried to make efforts to adjust to the clucking of Isayas and the shock of seeing him blame the Eritrean youth, the youth that suffered back-breaking hard work and stomach wracking poverty to reconstruct the country for free. This man had to reassess his blind support for Isayas and was quick to elaborate the situation by offering the following analogy. On to analogizing the situation in order to teach himself and to raise the consciousness of others in similar situations like his, this man told a story of a family that had twin boys in 2001, after the Eritrean-Ethiopian border war. The country was politically charged those days with blames flying overhead, right and left. So also the twin boys, whose names were Shabia and Wayne, hated each other. Their father, Isayas, was concerned. In order to get rid of his enemy, the twin Shabia hatched a plot to kill Wayne by putting poison on the nipple that his twin brother Wayne used to feed on. But to the surprise of the plotter or conspirator, the twin Shabia came to know that his mother found his father Isayas dead when she got up at 4:00 o’clock in the morning to feed him and his twin brother. Sources in the neighborhood suggested poisoning was the cause of the death.
Despite the leadership infirmity of Isayas, his greatest strength is that he can hide his weaknesses by creating a climate of fear. In a cover up of weaknesses he also denies to open up to suggestions and advices for problem-solving, such as stopping the indefinite conscription policy. Because he refused to make changes to his conscription policy, he witnessed, as warned, losing the support of the youth. Again, when he refused to become less confrontational, he risked losing his reasonable and shrewd supporters. Finally, when he showed stunning refusal in his interview of 2017 to take responsibility for all failures that he caused, he risked demassifying his so-called mass support with most of his diehards now in shock and disarray. The diehards had hints but never believed that the tyrant’s rule was a total failure. Yet, some knew well about the failure but were holding onto it for the sake of their investments.
The regime’s mass supporters gave up on Isayas and appear to have stopped belt-tightening in order to help Isayas meet ends. Unlike the past, the Diaspora supporters now believe that Isayas is always good at creating hardship but a failure in finding solutions. Indeed, those dedicated supporters of the tyrant are stuck between a failed leadership and a nation with crippled public services, absence of development, and departures of skilled manpower. As a result, Eritreans inside Eritrea are in turmoil and exhausted with no sign of help on the way. The fear of failure and total isolation due to Isayas’s arrogance is eating away at the whole population of the country, who were waiting to be given a reason as to why they are in turmoil. Although now following the Isayas’s interview, they know that their turmoil will not fade away because Isayas did not consider it as his shortcomings, which means there is no one to take the blame for their past and present turmoil.
What continues to puzzle the world is that those pro-tyrant Eritreans who believed in the slogan “one body, on heart” had failed to feel the pains and sufferings of the Eritreans inside Eritrea. At a time of such calls, the demassified mass should now resort to Arbeshto strategies to score the needed goals by executing strong and quick shots abandoning the support for the tyrant. The loyalty should be for the land and the people. Accordingly, the slogan should be corrected as to read: We are the people, and the people are us. With such a change as the nation’s main slogan, the opposition and its justice seekers will join without doubt to reinforce all efforts by the demassified mass Diasporas to save the people and the nation.
Time to Pride on Being Indivisible Diasporas
The two sides of the Eritrean Diasporas know well that in a land of deprivation, people have no choice but to suffocate. Although some Diasporas invested in Eritrea because they believed in Isayas, some others knew it was risky to invest there and that the people were not the beneficiaries of the investments. Yet, both investors took chance, believing that their investments might partially help to solve the problems of the Eritrean people, at least through the third hand process. However, following Isayas’s interview of 2017, those who invested in support of Isayas obeying and complying with his terms, they never expected they would be fooled and betrayed by Isayas. And, those who distrusted Isayas but invested in support of the people never expected they would be humiliated by the people’s silence to Isayas decree of confiscating their investments. To the loyalists, siding with the people over the betrayer is justified now and forever. Thus, for all the Eritrean Diasporas, the right-doing of supporting the Eritrean people this time should be through finding each other and working together to help and provide the needed services to the poor and the poverty stricken people inside Eritrea.
The people in turmoil should not wait until they find the right way to see what and where had gone wrong and who betrayed them. Since the two sides of the Eritrean Diasporas cannot undo the harm caused by their silence or lack of efforts to end the abuses of the tyrant, now the coalition of the two can compensate the victims by declaring “enough is enough.” Ensuring those in turmoil that what had happened will never happen again by imposing on those who hijacked the revolution the needed terms of conditions to surrender to the will of the people. Yes, the people can do what has not yet been done with the help of the Eritrean Diasporas and the organized opposition.
The Eritrean people, once again, should be reminded that their land was liberated 25 years ago but yet the revolution remained incomplete because the Eritrean person has been denied all rights including free press, freedom of expression, rights of electing representatives and also the members of their government. Because free election has never occurred in Eritrea since winning its independence, the people feel like they have been deprived of their rights to shape the country according to their ambitions and the promised democracy as well as to participate in matters that concern them and not wait passively. Again, the Arbeshto strategies can help to force granting back all those rights now not later, if the Diasporas work together. Because the regime has so far been producing the reverse of what the people asked for, ways of reversing actions should be found. Mistakes should not be allowed to continue and all those who have erred on the people should be asked to resign. If it is found that a rule by bottlenecking is suffocating and afflicting the whole population of the nation, it is good decision to resort to breaking the bottleneck so as the abuser(s) to come to an end.
The slogan “We are the people, the people are us,” as a unifying and decisive factor that gets the people to work together, obligates all to believe in each other. The primary focus now is to break the bottlenecks and the strains in order to restore the rights and freedom back to the people. Here, the Arbeshto strategy necessitates alliances of all pro-people forces to take hybrid approaches of infiltrating the inflators and de-entrenching them from all strategic positions.
Those who were wrongly driven by “Isu NiHna, NiHna Isu,” before their spirit got in disarray following Isayas’s interview of 2017, they used to infiltrate the Eritrean opposition and justice seekers in order to keep them at bay, checking their movements by interfering in their plans and bringing their agendas under control. With the help of the decamping pro-tyrant infiltrators, the pro-people forces will have to build up by forming alliances to take hybrid approaches of counter-infiltrating the remaining supporters of Isu and de-entrenching them thereby denying them functioning to protect the interest of Isu.
Thanks to the tyrant himself who subdued and weakened his infiltrators without the need for the pro-people forces to take their first step to fight-back the infiltrators. Now, knowing that the tyrant has betrayed all those who were on his side, those who voluntarily succumbed to Isayas to become his dedicated infiltrators should be welcomed with open arms to join the pro-people forces. Since all those who were on the tyrant side are already in shock by Isayas’s thunderbolt statements denying accountability and responsibility by his saying that there is no one responsible for those people in turmoil and for all the pains that he caused in Eritrea, those people still feel they were betrayed by Isayas and that all their support for him was in vain. Therefore, to those who feel they were betrayed, the other door of communication and trust building should immediately be open for the right relationship to be built and in order for the communicating and relationship building factors to take effect.
Repeated diagnostic analysis of Isayas’s personality showed symptoms of weakness, as the tyrant gets temperamental when he responds [uncomfortably and angrily] to all questions about crimes committed against Eritreans and the violation of human rights in Eritrea as well as questions about implementation of the approved constitution or his one man rule. As a result, he started to evade the embarrassing questions and the anger of the Eritrean people by resorting to techniques of isolation and seclusion in Adi Halo. The tyrant’s weaknesses are creating chaos in Eritrea and unless the pro-people forces take measures to take control as soon as possible, the country might slip into unexpected total chaos. The chaos created by the tyrant is similar to those periods of the Ethiopian colonizers when they were forced to slacken their grip on power thereby paving the way for the rising Eritrean nationalists to take over. Therefore, the chaos created by the tyrant is an opportunity for the pro-people forces to engage the Eritrean people inside Eritrea and prepare them to be ready for a peaceful transition. The people should know that the self-inflicted tyrant has already weakened his strengths and incapacitated those on his side and, as such, there is no need to strike at his weak spots or side including his family members and investments for the rule of law will take care of them. Just, it is time to let the people know that they have waited patiently to emerge victorious at long last. Yes, at long last the people have the right to know what have gone wrong, review the promises of their Great Revolution, know where the deviations from the promises of the Revolution are, identify the needed activities and services, and take the corrective measures.
In support of the herald efforts to carve unity out of division
Z. Hagos February 26, 2017
For sure, if this second Fenkil goes successful there will be no another dictator in Eritrea. Our people learned their lessons. Never again tyranny will occur to terrorize the people and to force the youth flee the country.
Indeed, Isaias has to peacefully resign. Him too, as a thinking person, has had to suffer a lot due to his inability to be open to suggestions and advices of the elderly and those qualified to give guidance. and directions. As soon as he sensed his inability he should have resigned to keep his clean history and good name. Poor Isaias, how is he going to correct his legacies? Well, simple and clear – at least now he should peacefully retire or go to exile.
k.tewolde February 26, 2017
Z.Hagos, ‘……keep his clean history and good name….’? hmmmm,A clean history results in clean outcome,from his debut in the Eritrean political scene if you have been following his foot prints there is a trace of dry blood- the blood of pure ,innocent Eritrean,your brother,my uncle,your nephew,my niece,our close friends………it is a history of a gruesome,murky, with a stench of decomposing body of a loved one,if he ever departs dead or alive,that’s what he is going to take with him.And all that is showing in his aging face and his victims are waiting for him upstairs in the company of the almighty Lord.
Z. Hagos February 26, 2017
Because of Isaias’s tainted history and the blood on his hand many of his supporters deserted him one by one. But this time, after denying responsibility in his interview for causing all pains of the Eritrean youth, mothers, the elderly and the babies he lost the remaining confidence in him. Now, isaias is on his own. No body cares if the UN comes and throw him into its prison for the rest of his life.
AHMED SALEH !!! February 26, 2017
People are tired to play the same game in same field with HGDF and opposition groups for the last ten
years for no avail . WIN OR LOSE , It is time to search for alternative political game in a new field with
new energy .
Z. Hagos February 26, 2017
Ahmed Saleh,
My Eritrean neighbor tells me that Keleta Kidane and Alem Goitem of Meskerem dot net have started to condemn Isaias after his interview. My neighbor adds that the only persons remaining on the side of Isaias from the opposition side are Mahmood Saleh and Semere Tesfai. Soon, these two will also drop their support for Isaias.
In the history of nations what Isaias did in his interview is considered losing reasons. He cannot deny ordering the crimes committed on the innocent Eritreans. He cannot deny confiscating the monies of the elderly and the poor people. He cannot also deny condemning the Eritrean youth to continued hardship and forced labor or slavery. Just it is time to have him checked for sound mind, and if found out of his mind Isaias must be put under house arrest immediately because he is flight risk or the Qatari Amir may interfere and try to save him.
AHMED SALEH !!! February 27, 2017
Z. Hagos
Some people write negative things to degrade the reputation of Alem Goitom
of meskerem , Saleh Johar of awate and Amanuel Iyassu of Assenna .
I have nothing to say but my respect and admiration for their efforts to keep the struggle alive by any means necessary .
meretse February 27, 2017
Thank you for writing such an interesting article. I enjoyed reading it and loved it much. That said, when it comes about the opposition I am very pessimistic. Almost all organizations had chosen deliberately to keep riding their rocking horses. In these case the youth and the justice seekers had no option but to march ahead without turning back their heads. It is overdue.
Although not related to the above article we might need to pay close attention to the current weather forecast. According to the forecast there is a heavy cloud on the horizon. Regardless the season we may or may not have a heavy rain which could cause unexpected flooding and land slide.
Lastly, I like your title selection and its relation with the whole article. Keep it up.