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An open letter to YPFDJ

As the titled above states, I am writing directly to the very sharp, bright and truly nationalist YPFDJ. Upon doing so, I feel it’s important to connect with you and ensure that you understand the

As the titled above states, I am writing directly to the very sharp, bright and truly nationalist YPFDJ. Upon doing so, I feel it’s important to connect with you and ensure that you understand the current situation of our country and I hope that your understanding of the current situation will enhance your nationalism and make you start to question not only about the motive of those in power in Asmara but also why so many Eritrean’s at this time are suffering, why there is shortage of almost everything in Eritrea, why parents are risking the lives of their children to leave Eritrea, why the once promising country is being labelled as ‘an open air giant prison’ and ‘the North Korea of Africa’…..the atrocities and suffering is clear indication that there is something wrong. So why not question it?

Before I go into any of the above, let me give you a little bit of a background about myself. I am not a member of YPFDJ and never have been. However, I am the product of the current regime that is in power now.

I was born in Sahel in the 1980s to Tegadelti parents and through out my early years, I have known nothing but the struggles that Eritreans faced in liberating our one and only Eritrea. I was and still am a nationalist and in and out Eritrean.

My loyalty to the government had no boundaries and when I finished my studies in late 1990’s, I went to Sawa to give back to the country that have given me everything….so in the midst of the war with Ethiopia in 1998-2000, I went to Sawa to carry out  my duties, and I did.

In my eyes, the government of Eritrea (PFDJ) were my parents, brothers, sisters and friends and they could do no wrong. I could not see anything wrong with them and I turned into a lioness if I hear someone disrespecting the ‘great IA’.

Now one may ask, what changed someone with that kind of dedication and devotion to become so bitter towards the regime that gave birth to you, that took care of you, that educated you, that instilled love about your country into every living cells in your body? It’s because I opened my eyes. I realised that the government that I idolised and thrived to be a part of was in fact a dictatorial regime that knows no boundary when it comes to clinging to the power that was bestowed upon them by the very people that they are betraying now.

These are our facts. No matter how many fancy articles are written by the supporters of the regime, the truth remains that there are still a large number of prisoners who have been locked up with out trial for over a decade now including ministers, generals and journalist. How does YPFDJ not question that?

There is still shortage of food, electricity, water, medicine for the general public in Eritrea. These are the necessity one needs in order to continue to live, how does YPFDJ not question this?

There is the national service real life saga that has a never-ending time limit and constricts every Eritrean youth of leading a normal life of marriage, kids, work and personal development. How does YPFDJ not question that?

Eritreans are leaving the country risking all, their lives, their children, even the safety of those they leave behind. How does YPFDJ not question that?

The shutting of all independent newspapers in the country and  the non existent of freedom of speech. How does YPFDJ not question that?

In March 1994, the Provisional Government of Eritrea established a Constitutional Commission to draft a new constitution. The drafting authority was the transitional National Assembly, a body consisting of 75 members of the EPLF central committee and 75 representatives elected by regional assemblies. After 27 months, the resulting constitution was introduced to the National Assembly in 1997. Although the constitution has been ratified, it has yet to be fully implemented, and general elections have not been held, despite the ratification of an election law in 2002. How does YPFDJ not question that?

The Eritrean constitution calls for legislative, executive, and judicial branches. According to the constitution, a 150-seat unicameral legislature, the National Assembly, decides internal and external policy, approves the budget, and elects the president of the country. However, the National Assembly has not met since 2002, and many of its members are either in prison or have fled the country. Legislative as well as executive functions are now exercised by President Isaias Afwerki.

How does YPFDJ not question that?

The tragedies of human trafficking have been going on for over four years now. Reaching its peak in the last two years? Although the Eritreans that end up in these situations are directly kidnapped by Bedouin smugglers, money exchanges and transactions have been done in Asmara. How does a capable and competent government not question that? How does YPFDJ not question that?

Disowning a mass of perished Eritreans in the Mediterranean Sea calling them I

Illegal African Immigrants, How does YPFDJ not question that?

One thing YPFDJ needs to ask itself is are you serving an individual or a nation?

You are obedient to a tyrant, a dictator and a man that betrayed his comrades and continue to subject them to harsh condition and imprisonment with out trial. A self elected man that refuses to listen to the cries of it’s own people.

You can serve our Eritrea from the right side of the history. That will be the most noble and humble work that you do for your country as well as your people. TAKE A STAND, TAKE THE RIGHT STAND.


Review overview
  • Concerned Eritrawi November 14, 2013

    Hi Feruz,
    Great job, no one is better qualified to write this article as you are the product of Sewra

  • sammy November 14, 2013

    Clear and direct message. Well done and I hope this will help to open their eyes!!!

  • Comment November 14, 2013


    This time, we need UNITY so as to see the well being of Eritrea and its people. Lets thing for the people who are suffering in Eritrea. Compare Eritrea to other countries in the world and I don’t think there is country on this earth which can keep its young people for 20 years for the mere reason of national service.

    The YPFDJ had better and bright future of most Eritreans living in Eritrea. The country where the YPFDJ are living at paved the way for them to get better education and facilities. So, please take some time to contemplate and think of the Eritreans suffering in our country. The people of Eritrea doesn’t deserve these.

    The people of Eritrea deserve like the citizens of other countries in the world!!!

    This is the time to think of UNITY and ask our selves like the ones our sister Feruz mentioned in hear explanatory article.

    Unity, Peace and Prosperity to the people of Eritrea.

  • Awet November 14, 2013

    Well said!
    Indeed they need to open their eyes. By the way the regime supporters are getting punch on all corners, they have decided to stay silent.

    Is out of service?

  • ambabi November 14, 2013

    good job no doubt that this young PFDJ ask such questions and start thinking. although it takes some time but surely each of them share the same feeling and they are not happy at all with the government. Therefore, they are waiting for the right moment to come. The right moment is when we all organize and reach in one deal and form a wide sub government here in diaspora. I think I feel like we are heading towards it. Young PFDJ needs a leadership now as they were formed through a leadership (though it was in capable). Kids needs parents, so fare this kids are without parents you know what I am saying ?, and they know it very well. So new parents we are waiting for you to come in one and without any kind of influence.

  • Sorobeti November 14, 2013


    EPLF/PFDJ has started to put people in underground prisons since the early seventieth and continued to so in the first days of the so called independence and get worst after the defeat in the last war with Ethiopia and when the G 15 dared to ask DIA for reformation of the organization.

  • Seb Qedem November 14, 2013

    Feruz London! Thanks. This is the only “civilized” way to approach people, not with tons of tserfi! I for myself did not “open my eyes ” by myself. They were opened for me and I consider myself lucky! I wish all my old EPLF -Massorganization brothers and sisters will soon have this luck! Thanks again, Feruz.

  • tesfaldet November 14, 2013

    you are talking nonsense when the SAUDI POLICE are kiking your stinking AGAME ASS lol report that to your folowers dont cray to ypfdj THEY dont have time for you

  • tesfaldet November 14, 2013

    it is good to be AN ERITREAN this time in SAUDIARABIA because the SAUDIS know what will happen if they do this to ERITREANS & the world dont like ABEGER LAZY AGAMES exept THE U S A that shows stinking is very bad

    • Awet November 14, 2013

      You are such an idiot full of hates. Agame/Ethiopia is one of African’s success. People like you won’t open your eyes, because simply you are selfish. Why don’t you ask why musicians, politicians, pilots and many ordinary Etitreans are leaving the country?

    • tekeste November 14, 2013

      You make no sense at all. You need to seek medical advice.

    • ERITRAWIT November 14, 2013

      What a Devil man are you? after you seen the video and comment so ugly devil mind, please put u self or u member of u family if u feel something but as far as I know who ever support this Devil man Isaias non-of u have any feeling to any one. what a wrong name did you family gave you stinking mouth!!!!!!!

    • MightyEmbasoyra November 14, 2013

      my 6 yr old son is way smarter than you.

  • Nuredin November 14, 2013

    Dear Feruz I loved the way you put it. I was a supporter of the regime till the event of Lapaduza. When I heared the PFDJ supporters mad guayla in those horrible days I started to ask my self almost the same questions you mentioned and came to my sense.I was late to open my eyes abut not too late.
    As it is commented all supporters are asking these questions and I hope they will open their eyes as I did.

    • Elssa November 15, 2013

      Welcome to your people Nuredin

    • Eritreawit November 16, 2013

      Wellcome Nuredin,

      How hard is it to figure out what the dictatorial goverment is doing, people jaild 10+ years no one knows where they are and why? every one want to leave their home land? now there is no electricity and water to The capital city of the nation. Open your eyes blind supporters otherwise people will think you have something to hide.

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