‘Al-Qaeda’ distributes Somalia aid near Mogadishu (BBC) – Eritrea Cabinet Approves Aid to Somalia (VOA)
A man claiming to be from al-Qaeda has distributed aid in Somalia, highlighting the group's links with al-Shabab militants. The man identified as US citizen Abu Abdulla Almuhajir and speaking with an American accent handed out

A man claiming to be from al-Qaeda has distributed aid in Somalia, highlighting the group’s links with al-Shabab militants.
The man identified as US citizen Abu Abdulla Almuhajir and speaking with an American accent handed out food, hijabs and Korans to people at a refugee camp near the capital, Mogadishu.
It is thought to be al-Qaeda’s first aid distribution in famine-hit Somalia.
It says some international agencies have a political agenda and have exaggerated the scale of the problems.
Some al-Shabab-controlled regions have been declared famine zones, because so many people are suffering severe malnutrition.
Mr Almuhajir was accompanied by al-Shabab spokesman Sheikh Ali Mohamud Rage, who said they were distributing food such as flour, rice, cooking oil, dates and milk to 4,000 people in the Ala-yasir camp, some 50km (30 miles) south-west of Mogadishu.
The UN says that some 750,000 people face starvation in Somalia.
They also said they were distributing $17,000 (£11,000) in cash and a fully-equipped ambulance.
Muslim solidarity
BBC Somali service head Yusuf Garaad Omar says al-Shabab has not previously hidden its association with al-Qaeda but this public aid distribution makes the links far more explicit.
The UN-backed government, which controls most of Mogadishu but little other territory, says hundreds of foreign fighters are helping al-Shabab in the country.
Mr Almuhajir said he had gone to Somalia with a message from al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri.
“We would like to take this opportunity to encourage Muslims around the world to come to the assistance of our Muslim brothers and sisters in Somalia,” he said.
On Thursday, two Spanish aid workers with medical charity Medecins Sans Frontieres were kidnapped by armed men from the Dadaab refugee camp in Kenya, where almost half a million Somalis have fled, seeking assistance.
It is feared that they may have been taken into Somalia.
Al-Shabab has reportedly denied any links to the abduction, which has led aid agencies to scale back their operation in Dadaab.
Eritrea Cabinet Approves Aid to Somalia (VOA)
An official says Eritrea’s Cabinet has approved a food aid package to Somalis affected by drought and famine. Some skeptics have questioned the timing as well as the size of the approved aid.
But Information Minister Ali Abdu says “it not about how much [aid] you give, it’s about how much love you give with what you give.”
“We are doing this with deep affection… because we stand along our Somali brothers and sisters [to] the bitter end,” said Abdu.
Experts say the Horn of Africa is experiencing its worst drought over a decade. The United Nations says more than 12 million people in the region are in urgent need of food aid. In Somalia, where the situation is the most serious, the U.N. says more than 3.2 million people are estimated to be on the brink of starvation.
Abdu said Asmara will continue to support efforts to help stabilize Somalia.
“We have been supporting the Somali people to [gain] their sovereignty and [to reinstitute] public and government institutions, the territorial integrity of Somalia,” said Abdu. “This is something that we have been striving for the last 20 years [and] we have been consistent. And now, it is proven that our approach is the best approach.”
Asmara has often stated that foreign intervention and “pointing fingers ” would not resolve the situation in Somalia.
“Why should people opt to exhaust all the wrong procedures before they embark upon the right one ?‘’ asked Ali Abdu adding that “if a fire is set ablaze somewhere, like what we see happening in Somalia, first and foremost people should try to extinguish it before arguing how it was ignited in the first place… whether it was with a match or a lighter.”
He further added that “There should be political dialogue among Somali people including in Somaliland and Puntland and other entities of Somalia,” said Abdu. “The world should realize that the only way is to leave Somali people to decide their destiny and their own fate.”
As the Eritrean regime doesn’t recognise the Transitional Government of Somalia, regardless the size and quantity, it is expected to distribute the ‘aid’ through Al-Shabab, the same group ‘Al-Qaeda’ is dealing with to distribute its ‘aid’. Therefore, the Monitoring Group, the body which has been mandated to monitor Eritrean government’s support to Al-Shabab, has to be more vigilant so that the PFDJ regime wont exploit the humaniterian situation to send the military assistance it has been denied to give to Al-Shabab, the Somali armed group accused of having links to Al-Qaeda.
abdi October 15, 2011
well done,who ever/ how ever, the main thing is that the ppl get help.
Good advice hope the UN read it.[aboy zey hmamom yehamu,gonay adgi r’eina nbelom]
Mad man October 16, 2011
Brother why Eritrea doesn’t sent some military hardware with the food to the Somalis and send food to the poor Ethiopians who need help as well since the regime is in the mood to help the needy. As you know the regime is training Ethiopian/Tigray fighters therefore they should show some compassion to the Ethiopians that they are helping equip
abdi October 16, 2011
Ethiopians have their own gov’t who watching them dying and buy tanks instead,so why Eritrea care about ppl their gov’t has forgot?but somalIans have all the reseaon to be helped because they forced to be in this situation not like Ethiopia the voluntarily hungry nation.
Almaz October 15, 2011
Aye beal Ali … TSBILELISI…..MIDRI KEDEN EYU…NEGERU ….You and your boss need to go to a rehabilitation center (ENDATSULULAT SEMBEL). You are expert only on one thing “Firing a gun”. You are in Somalia because it is a Warfield. We Eritreans knew this many years ago, and the world knows it well now. If you have the gut why don’t you let the Eritrean people talk freely, elect its own leaders, let journalists and intellectuals travel freely to conduct their studies, the world has no space to the speeches of twisted minds.
KINDEYENAI DEA EMRI KEYHILIWEKUM EMBER … if the world is fair, you should have gone into garbage before Kazaffi, or Mubarek…. The world in the 21 century is striving to be run by rule of law and democracy not by the rule of the jungle (Rule of ERAERO) that you are practicing for the last 40years or so.
Michael October 15, 2011
“A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed “, No matter how rich or how intelligent you are,
friendship is the most important term to keep peace on Earth. That’s what the Eritrean government is doing. It is a good lesson to the Super power (USA) and to the poor government (Ethiopia).
A real friend is a one who is there for you when you need him, it helps you when you have a problem, it keeps your secrets, shares things with you, bares you with all your qualities and defects. Of course, you have to treat all your friends the way you want to be treated and you always have to tell your friend the true, this is the only way to keep a real friend.
A person must look at himself inside and outside as like a mirror, not in one deceptive way, you have to reflect your personality without misrepresenting it. The friendship is based on confidence and spirit of sacrifice.
I think no one could live without friendship, no matter how rich or how intelligent you are.
Friendship is the most important term to keep peace on Earth. Without it nobody could live happily on the planet. In our days, very often there is a negative form of friendship manifestation. A real friend always is next to you, when the rest of the world is against you
Ahmed Saleh October 15, 2011
You said it right,” A friend in need is a friend in deed”. Is wrong to politices this sad situation
in Somalia. In fact we have to look humaniterian organizations with credible record and start
donate whatever we can to help those Somalians and Eritreans refugees in Sudan, Ehiopia
and other places. It is rewarding to give assistance for those in need.
Zigeremo October 15, 2011
Funny, while Eritreans are suffering at home, the GOE is helpping Somolians? Zeyhanik tokulas korbet begie tekedinu yilmin.
tesfay October 15, 2011
this is a lame diplomacy. let them feed their own people first,
Abrhaley E't'iDne October 15, 2011
Eritrea giving aid ???? Isayas is sending arms and ammunitions to alshebab by mixing it with few food. Nice coverup MR arms dealer.
abdi October 16, 2011
You comment should be addressed to ur lords(USA) not to Ass enna.
Baree October 16, 2011
You know this is a sham….he will be dealt soon messing with Al Shebab is not going to help DIA.
Abrhaley E't'iDne October 16, 2011
abdi.. you are dullision and incohorent in all you say or write. What is going on with all pfdjistas ?
abdi October 16, 2011
Its not new accusation from the unionists, if somebody challenged your ill will.
zemen beraki October 16, 2011
If Isayas is sincere he should let the Eritrean people work as they desire and move whereever they want so that they can improve their livelihood. The Eritrean people are living in a total blackout in their own country, food is scarce, there is lack of transportation, denial of movement. lack of security. On the other hand PFDJ thugs have it nice in hotes and villas. This is the regime that’s trying to help the Somali people. Instead he should have stopped arming the terrprist groups and help the people in building a sustainable peace. We should know that Isayas before he fought two three wars against Meles was against al itihad. It is only after he quarrelled with meles that he shifted his allegiance. This is his habbit. If conditions change drastically and Alshabab comes to terms with the Somali government Isayas will automaticaly be the archenemey of alshabab and create another one on his own image. Ahmed sherif is a good example. We should know that Isayas is a chameleon.
ተ.መድኅን October 16, 2011
ህዝቢ’ዩ ሓሚቑሎም’ምበር ንሳቶም ፍጹም ካብቲ ዘለውዎ ኩነታት ሰተት ኣይብሉን ኢዮም።ኩሉ ዝፈጸምዎ ክሳብ ህጂ ስልጣኖም ዘጣጥህሉ መንገዲ ኢዩ።ሎሚ ንህዝቢ ሶማል ክንሕግዝ እንተበሉ ዝወጣወጦም ዘሎ ንምዝሕል ዝተባህለ ጥፉሽ ፖለቲካ’ምበር ሓልዮምሉ ኣይኮኑን።እቲ ሕማቕን ግሱሩጥን ክፉእ ፖለቲካዊ ኣከያይዳኦም ህዝቢ ከይነቅሕ፡ህዝቢ ከይሓብር ብዱላን ካሮትን ዞኣይነቱ ስለዘመሃድሩዎ ከኣ እነሆ ምዉት ስሮኣቶም ንህዝቢ ኤርትራ ኣኽፊኡዎ ይርከብ።ሎሚ ንሶማል ምሕጋዝ ንዝጠመየ ምዕንጋል ኣይኮነን፡ዝድለ ዘሎ ሎሚ ሽም ሃገርን ክብረት ህዝብን ከመይ ገይርካ ናብ ቦት ኡ ትመልስ’ዩ።እዚ ከኣ ህግደፍ ክሳብ ዘሎ ኣይክፍጸምን’ዩ።
addis October 16, 2011
‘Al-Qaeda’ distributes Somalia aid near Mogadishu (BBC)
– Eritrea Cabinet Approves Aid to Somalia (VOA)
This are two different articles why you put them together what are you trying to accomplish. It is your time you may do what ever but Eritrea will never forget and forgive.
Sawel October 16, 2011
dear Addis
you have said Eritrea will never forget and forgive, this is funny do you think you or PIA are Eritrea. first of all you need to learn before you write comment like this. Eritrea means the people of Eritrea when they are free with out fear. in the coming Eritrea when HGDEF are gone, we don’t need people like you with treats, because every Eritrean is free to express his opinion, even if you don’t like it so to bee Eritrean you need to swallow the treat you have put on this article. please tray to be intelligent not a fool.
yasin October 16, 2011
That is funny. Eritrea giving aid? Eritrea first need to feed its own people. Hisur tefash politics ziblukum kemzi eyuuu.