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  • helen2 June 12, 2016

    isias started the war to divert people’s attention. I hope the Ethiopians does not say anything about this news and keep ignoring him ( i wouldnt mind spanking him quietly).

    • Amaz June 12, 2016

      Well we shall see who the instigator. As far as me is concerned, no question it was the TPLF regime who launched the attack. They have all the excuse and twisted thinking for start this war. As for the mass we need to answer these — for what purpose, why now, when will it stop. Forget the human cost for Ethiopia. Sadly, Weyane got disposable population.

      Go Eritrea! unfortunately, victory comes w/ cost.


  • Bereket June 12, 2016

    Access from the

  • Sara G. June 12, 2016

    DIA the bandit is known for his ill deeds now he is thinking by opening war with TPLF he will regain the lost support of Eritrean people.

    • Amaz June 12, 2016


      Well we shall see who the instigator is. As far as me is concerned, no question it was the TPLF regime who launched the attack. They have all the excuse and twisted thinking to start this war. As for the mass we need to answer these — for what purpose, why now, when will it stop. Forget the human cost for Ethiopia. Sadly, Weyane got disposable population.

      Go Eritrea! unfortunately, victory comes w/ cost.


  • Berhe Tensea June 12, 2016

    This must be provoked by the dictatorial regime to divert the public away from the report of the COI.
    The dictator is trying to commit suicide, as this time around his hungry, abused, and slave like aghelglot will not fight unless to carry out unavoidable orders till they get the opportunity to flee.
    People are smart enough by now and they will not die for the sake of Iseyas’s propaganda,and survival methods.
    I hope no one is lost on this war.
    Dictators survive on war and fear, but for Eritrea it has been too many and costly and enough is enough.
    Death to the world’s worst criminals.

    • Amaz June 12, 2016

      Well we shall see who the instigator is. As far as me is concerned, no question it was the TPLF regime who launched the attack. They have all the excuse and twisted thinking to start this war. As for the mass we need to answer these — for what purpose, why now, when will it stop. Forget the human cost for Ethiopia. Sadly, Weyane got disposable population.

      Go Eritrea! unfortunately, victory comes w/ cost.


  • Goje June 12, 2016

    well said Keren,
    The fascist shifta Abeed regime is paying a price now for arming, training and sending the Ethiopian opposition forces recently through southern Ethiopia and fomenting the domestic rebellion in Welqait-Gonder region about four months ago.
    The Arab’s Abeed regime in Eritrea had been warned through the Ethiopian Prime Minister from the late Meles to the current PM Desalegn to keep its hands off Ethiopia but it would not heed the warnings.
    The Ethiopians were expected to take action and brilliantly they chose the right time when the UN said Eritrea is a 21st modern slavery. With the good for nothing backward Arabs and with the encouragement of Egypt with Saudi, Emirates and Qatari money building military bases right under the nose of Ethiopia, the government of Ethiopia needs to take action to protect its survival in the 21 st century from the ever infighting, slave minded and expanding savages across the sea.

  • AHMED SALEH !!! June 12, 2016

    Weyane loving guys don’t jump for judgement . We had observed warmongers
    threats to wage military confrontation against Eritrea . Your dream come
    true but regardless we will stand with our people to defend themselves .
    Eritreans for long time were squeezed between HGDF and WEYANE struggle for regional dominance . And nobody will win except to create chaos as
    usual as they keep doing in both countries .
    Ethiopians and Eritreans are tired of these two oppressive ruling parties
    performances .

    • hirgigo June 12, 2016

      It is a lost cause, can’t teach an old dog a new trick especially when the old dog happens to be
      an old Arab slave dog. The savage Arab soiled mind can’t clean itself and keeps barking as in the past.
      Once the dictator Arab slave Esayas is removed the alien and the savages Arab language will be thrown to the scrap yard
      and replaced by one or two of our own Eritrean languages which you burned them with your criminal ELF to please your Arab slave masters.

  • Truth June 12, 2016

    The news of war came today Sunday June 12 and I am replying now the same day and the Eritrean government has issued short press release, the same day and the tittle of the post say “after long silence” can you have a principled opposition? For god sake it is a war and any government handles it delicately and do you have to critisise ever action of the government wron or right?

  • Wedi medhin June 12, 2016

    This is a time for YPFDF to showup at Tserona before Weyane will push out BABA ISAIAS to Portsudan.

  • Haile Mandella June 12, 2016

    As waltz said “there is no gain out of war, while relative loss”. Peace for this region.

  • Alem June 12, 2016

    Very sad a war started….but this maybe the end of HGDEF’s ERA!

    • Amaz June 12, 2016

      I do not think so. To the contrary, it will strength HGDEF. In fact if it continue it will really bad for TPLF it will be cornered from all direction.

      Go Eritrea! unfortunately, victory comes w/ cost.

      Almaz #2

      • Senait June 13, 2016

        how is going to strength HGDEF, it is not 2000 people are tired of PFDJ. If war start no body will care to fight the people who are forced to carry guns will probably run to Ethiopia as they have done when they fought Djibouti.