A Norwegian MP shows a keen interest on the plight of Africans in Sinai
Since the Egyptian 25online.tv exposed the gruesome realities that face African asylum seekers in Sinai, Eritrean members of different Facebook groups have been sending appeals of help to various news media, organizations and personalities worldwide

Since the Egyptian 25online.tv exposed the gruesome realities that face African asylum seekers in Sinai, Eritrean members of different Facebook groups have been sending appeals of help to various news media, organizations and personalities worldwide making them aware of the situation and asking them to pressure the Egyptian Government to stop the theft of human organs. Among those that I personally contacted was, Peter Gitmark, a member of the Foreign and Defense Committee of the Norwegian parliament and a member of the ‘Høyre’ party which is the biggest opposition party in Norway. I wrote him a message on 31.10.2011 while he was on a trip to the USA. He replied immediately indicating that he will follow up the matter. On 08.11.2011 he sent me a message, which I have the permission to share. Here is the translation.
“ I just came back from an official trip to the USA. I took up the issue with the State Department. They told me they are following up the matter closely. I requested them to be crystal clear on their message. Thanks for the information. This has to be followed continuously. We can not accept such gross violations of human rights.”
Peter Gitmark and his party ‘Høyre’ show solidarity with the Eritrean people’s struggle for democracy. Thank you Peter, Thank you Høyre.
Dr. Mohamed Kheir
This is the original message:
08.11.2011 13:04
Fra: Gitmark Peter Skovholt (email withheld)
Til :
Jeg kom akkurat hjem fra en jobbreise i USA. Her tok jeg opp dette spørsmålet med State Departement. De sa at de følger situasjonen nøye. Jeg ba dem være krystallklare.
Takk for informasjonen! Dette må følges kontinuerlig. Vi kan ikke akseptere at slike grusomme menneskerettighetsbrudd blir begått.
Vi snakkes og alt godt,
Peter S Gitmark
Zekhtam Eritrawi November 10, 2011
Dr. Mohamed Kheir,
Arguably the Sinai gruesome incident is the darkest panorama in the otherwise unending saga of Eritrea’s tumultuous history. What seems to make Sinai and its macabre story so chillingly unique is that, it gives you an eerie feeling as you come out of a movie house when the reeling film projector finishes a horror story. It sure is understatement if not an out right travesty as I try a sort of comparison with a smoke-screen when our brothers and sisters are being hunted by vampires where the high tech vampires are not hiding from the Sun. It would probably give us a semblance of a comfort as we try to get to the bottom of the predicament but for now what seems to be the most viable solution is to make their story known to the world as you’re leading the way in shouldering a responsibility where your place in the annals of history is inscribed for posterity is to find an inspiration and a strength in dire moments as well. Isaac Newton once said, if I have seen further than others, it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants. God bless.
Fanko November 10, 2011
Thank you Eritreans in Norway,
I urge all Eritreans in Australia, United Kingdom, United States, Canada, Germany, Sweden … need to follow this good start in Norway. We need to do our best because our name, image and sense of humanity, not only as Eritreans or Africans but also as human beings is in question.
Hgdef or no Hgdef, Eritrea or no Eritrea, this is very humiliating and degrading in this day and age.
Amanuel ; Birmingham November 11, 2011
well done. this is what we want. thanks
HZGDF November 11, 2011
Every country knows the plight of Eritreans, even USA, the hypocrite, but they dont care about Eritreans. if you need justice arm yourself and toppled the dictator, cowards. do not wait for third country to bring freedom and justice in your face. We di men zimotelkin ekin ab wexae kof elkin teraeterae tibla. hAye meda wureda.
sol November 11, 2011
The Sinai tragedy has clearly shown the face of PFDJ not only to average citizens even to nations which they do not know what is going inside Eritrea.The whole world has shown sympathy and even the biggest media try to highlight the suffering of these innocent people except PFDJ or the government of Eritrea if we call him a government, just ignored as these are some African victims.This government was out crying the suffering of Somalis or others but where is the action wen its own victims and citizens slaughtered while alive and their vital parts stolen and sold in middle east in thousands.If there is any Eritrean who support this mafia,PFDJ,financially or morally, he is worse than the Beduions who carried the organ theft and time will come they will be tried along their masters.
sol November 11, 2011
I was listening to assenna interview of a citizen from Kartoum regarding the current situation , he give as a clear picture why the youth take desperate measure inspire of all news about the Sinai tragedy- he said that these youth so frustrated who are really disturbed and hopeless to the extent of dying there instead of staying in Eritrea.In short the father of all crimes is PFDJ who made this nation a failed state not only oppressing but also taking away the hope of the youth by denying him education, to move from one place to other,killing the job by controlling all business,construction and farming using the youth as a means of slave. This is tge reason why the youth taking the risk and choosing dying only once instead of being slave for life.In addition the PFDJ is also part of human trafficking using its officers and Rashidas, getting hundred of thousands dollar from this business.
CRYFREEDOM November 11, 2011
well done ertreans in norway continue working toghether the end of mad dog isayas is coming soon .no more sinai no more killing no more torture no more slavery we must say all toghether! GOD BLESS ALL ERITREANS
Mohamed Kheir November 12, 2011
I post this not to get a personal credit for it, but first to thank all those who support and stand with us at times of need; and second to show that every step we do counts. The real credit goes to all those: who are engaged, who sent an appeal, amessage a word, who voiced their concern. Every step, every effort, every voice counts