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A mass grave of Eritreans found in Sinai

A mass grave of Africans, mainly Eritreans and Sudanese was found at mountains of Sinai. These victims of Trafficking, Slavery, Torture and Rape were found by a team of investigating journalists of a major station,

A mass grave of Africans, mainly Eritreans and Sudanese was found at mountains of Sinai. These victims of Trafficking, Slavery, Torture and Rape were found by a team of investigating journalists of a major station, Channel 25. Disclaimer: THESE VIDEOS CONTAIN VERY DISTURBING GRAPHIC IMAGES THAT SOME OF OUR VIEWERS MAY FIND IT DISTURBING.



Review overview
  • Zekhtam Eritrawi October 29, 2011

    If it is of any help, has translated the report or documentary into English in an article form. What seems to be baffling the most is however, this kind of horrendous and horrifying gross human rights violation should be sent to the major news outlets such as CNN, BBC and Al-Jazzera to mention but a few so that, the world would know the dark side of 21st Century which is sadly eclipsed by the events in Libya and Syria.

    • maazza October 30, 2011

      Kbur Zekhtam Eritrawi,

      I think this gruesome phenomenon would very much interest the ‘Witness’ documentary program of Al Jazzera. We should write to Raggae Omar to draw his attention. I think if a website like Assenna, very deeply concerned and dedicated to human rights, writes to them, they might consider it even more seriously. We should strike while the iron is hot so that it will no be related when it is history and has claimed untold number of lives and organs! What a curse for our youth to face such horrific fates because they are forced to leave a home they love so they can have the opportunity to live as humans should and help their loved ones at home to live a decent life.

      • ahmed Saleh October 30, 2011

        Thank you, for that idea. I promise you , I will find their office to show them
        the information in my iPHONE and beg them to do something about it.

        • maazza October 30, 2011

          Thank you and God bless you Ahmed hawey!

  • Huluf October 29, 2011

    Fake Tegadaley,
    then why your president does not even acknwoledge or even protest on behalf of the Eritrean people? He is causing this, by chasing our youth

    • ahmed Saleh October 30, 2011

      Huluf hawey
      Ignore the ignorants, don’t waste your energy on those low lifes,count on those courageous and righteous ERITREAN brothers/sisters. They are doing purposely to interupt us from communicating and understand each
      other. We have to be carefull, they made have a plan to corrupt this forum. Keep in mind, we may quit anytime,
      you never know were life lead us. But we have responsibility to keep this FORUM alive for our young generation
      to keep in touch and debate. Thanks GOD most our young ERITREANS are pushing in education, I hope they
      will come out share us on opinions.

      • Huluf October 30, 2011


        I promise they will never meddle this forum but I want to hit where it pains….specially the coward words of “Abdi”..We are people who have been tried time after time but you are right and believe am aware we have some with a culture of opportunism. I have seen it live like many how quick some of the derg henchmen in Asmara quickly shifted to be hedgefite….As EPLF began to be drowned into Hedgefite they converged in interest and opportunism.\
        The torch is lit.

  • Huluf October 29, 2011

    why then this Dictator not protesting to protect his people ….you make me sick to defend the indefensible.

    • mehari October 30, 2011

      that is what shocking me? why the government didn’t protest to the Egyptian authorities at higher level? that could have made the Egyptian military council consider it.

      it is really shocking and disturbing to see such heinous and atrocious crimes happening to my innocent compatriots.

      May GOD bring the plight of Eritreans to an end.

      • ahmed Saleh October 30, 2011

        There is not government in Eritrea who represent the people,what they got is only a ruler.
        Do you know, when they start to build prisoners, it starts from 1993-1994 somewhere
        at that time. If you ask me why? I don’t know. So with that kind intention imagine yourself.
        PI came with the same SAHEL mentality to ASMARA, he can not differentiate civilian and GHEDLI life.
        At that time young tegadelti been victimized on their hand and they are repeating the same
        treatment to their baby brothers/sisters( They were babies when their big brothers left their sibling for GEDLI).

    • ahmed Saleh October 31, 2011

      The only solution is to find a way how to orgonize, be united and help our civic organizations
      to be strong and effective.

  • Huluf October 29, 2011

    Please stop your nonsense defense…just imagine every seconf and every minute and the hours of agony our brothers and sitsers have gone through……If you have children, please pray …because all this energy you are creating around your lies will one die come to teach you a lesson ….and you shall remember….
    There is no question the governoment did not secure these young people but to the contrary…how in the helll do these young men and women risk their lives to this extend if their life was bitter and endless misery…stop your nonsense while you enjoy life with your family ….Have some consciousness….What is love of a country if you can not feel for your fellow Eritreans….This is astounding…Please stop defending the indefensibile….This escape of our youth has hands of some of our military officers in Eritrea and every one knows it.

  • Barentu October 29, 2011

    እዚኣ ጸሓፊኣ ዘይፈልጣ፤
    ነዊሕ እገብር ኣብ ኣዝማሪኖ ዘምበብክዋ:

    ቆልዑ ቱሩቡሊ እንዳጓየዩ፥
    ከም ከልቢ እንዳፈለሉ፥
    “ዓብድ! ዓብድ!” እንዳበሉ።
    ኤርትራዊ ሓሰበ ተዳሂሉ፥
    መውጽኢ እንተፈጠረሉ፥
    ቋንቋና ዓረብ እንተዝኸውን፥
    ምሓሸና ዶ?
    ካብ ሕስረትን ውርደትን?

    • W. AMANZGHI October 30, 2011

      Those incidents are the continuation of the violations of our dignity what are going on in our home land Eritrea, those brothers and sisters escaped from the worst situation unfortunately fall in wrong evil people, which is hard to beleve that is happening in our era by human beings. mesiluwom ember, They are in a better place right now than they were ever been before; All pains are gone; they are now at rest; Nothing troubles for them anymore. We those who feel the burden of Our sadness and our grief;. We have to cry, to mourn our loss, Before we get relief. We know we’ll reconnect with them at the end of life’s road; We’ll see them with cherished face again. that´s all what could I say. Please let unit to end our problems what we are waiting for?

  • Barentu October 29, 2011

    ኣየ ኣቀናጀውቲ ገድሊ፤

    ክትብሉ፥ “ሰውራ! ሰውራ!”
    ኩላ ሕልናኣ ዓዊራ፥
    ክትብሉ፥ “ገድሊ! ገድሊ!”
    ኩላ ከም ጊላ ክትበሊ፥
    ነዚ ክትብሉ ኢኹም፥
    ክንደይ ሰብ ዝለከምኩም?
    “ሓርነት” ኢልኩም፥
    ባርነት ዘልበስኩም፥
    ከመይ ገደል ይወትፍኩም።

  • sol October 29, 2011

    Is this why we have a state?Hundred of thousand died to no avail, after liberation we create a rogue nation which fight with every neighboring and country far away as Congo and Somalia.We close the only university in our country.We locked all the journalist for life.We maimed our disabled hero.We made disappear religious leaders and followers.We kill our Hero,ministers,generals and elders.we kill the Kunams and displace them from their land.We forced the youth to flee in mass, kill them in Shara,Sinai,and Egypt,and let them drawn in the deep sea, we starved the small children, we devoid education for the youth but enslave them in private farms and housing projects.
    All in all we failed our nation and also become a burden for the rest of the world.

    • Haben October 30, 2011

      Hi Abdi, Do you know what abdi means in Tigringa? ኣብዲ ማለት ብትግርኛ? ዘይሓስብን ዝይርድኦን ማለት ኢዩ፤፤
      Yor really deserve that not as nick name but as a real name.

      • ahmed Saleh October 30, 2011

        We have one low class & retarted person with the same name, anytime I see the name my expectation
        is differnt than yours. Would you please try to find a solution to avoid the confussion. I admire your stand
        to defend for the weaks and victims.

      • turana October 30, 2011

        True in fact there a saying from the Bible in ge’ez and a saying in tigrigna
        ወኢትትማከር ምስለ አብድ፤
        እስመ ኢይክል ዐቂበ ነገር ዘሰምዐ።

      • turana October 30, 2011

        True in fact there a saying from the Bible in ge’ez and a saying in tigrigna
        ወኢትትማከር ምስለ አብድ፤
        እስመ ኢይክል ዐቂበ ነገር ዘሰምዐ።

        • Barentu October 30, 2011

          2. The Hgdef regime has its part but the entire blame rests in the entire Ghedli or Sewra business. Sadly, it is going on. What are the sources of our identity crisis that gave rise to hating our own past, languages, heritage and identity? There lies our core problem. The removal of Hgdef will solve little. This peoblem will continue as long as we keep on hiding our illness. The Tigrinia adage says it all: Haba’e quslu: Haba’e fewsu:
          Like an ostrich that hides its head in the sand,’s title says:

          ‘”Neither Muslim nor Christian could do this”…. obviously they have not heard of PFDJ’

          Asmarino, shame on you! What are you trying to cover up? What do you mean? If you want the whole truth, all the criminals here are Arab moslems and all the victims are asylum seeking poor christians. What the hell are trying to imply by the title you gave to the documentary? I have much more great respect to this Egyptian tv journalist lady. Unlike most of the coward Egyptian media including many Eritrean web sites that had been ignoring these stories.
          You are only adding insult to injury. Shame on you. What a coward statement! Either speak up or shut up!

          • Tsahaye October 30, 2011


            There are some statement that I really agree with you, but I am sorry to say I disagree with you that we have an identity crisis. No doubt that we have myriad problems that are mostly internal problems in nature. Our choice to separate from the beast that had forced us to join him does not amount to identity crisis. Our problems have always been the result of tribalism, religion and to some extent regionalism. These problems trace their roots to the nineteen forties, and they were made worse during the era of gedli. One thing that you brought up is the statement from website, It has been quite some time since the owner has succumbed and sold his soul to the woyane regime. By stating that infamous statement in his website, he is alleging that the PFDJ regime is a “Christian sect” that kills people for harvest of human organs. This is the most disgusting statement from a renowned and disgusting OOSUB.

          • Haqqi Nezareb October 30, 2011


            The majority of the hard-core PFDJ supporters do have an identity-crisis. Barentu you are right on this point.

          • Haqi tezareb October 30, 2011

            Did Abdi commit this crime? Why are you talking about Abdi? This crime was committed by the evil Arab Beduines in the land of Moslem Arabs? This is not their first crime, they have been doing this the last ten years, even more …
            You are so insecure, you are blaming a young PFDJ Abdi. This is not his crime. The people who did all the organ harvesting, selling and killing of the Eritreans was done by the Arabs!
            Blame the freaking Arabs.
            The evils in the PFDJ have many jails and many people are dying in their jails but this is an a Moslem-Arab crime. Blame the freaking Arabs! You are all a bunch of cowards … Speak up the truth!

          • Haqi tezareb October 30, 2011

            Compare the story below to your current shame in your identity, languages, heritage, and your shameful deaths in the hands of the freaking Arabs. The coward Arabs despise you so much they are harvesting your organs alive.
            Compare to your Habesha ancestors who defended themeselves from the savage Arabs for centuries and centuries.
            Read, the young Zerai Deres. Does this ring a bell in your lazy minds?
            On May 21, 1937, in Rome, Italy was celebrating its fourth anniversary of the proclamation of the Italian Empire. The celebratory parade was attended by Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini and King Victor Emmanuel III. Thousands of subjects from Italy’s African colonies marched during the parade. Among them was a young Eritrean man named Zerai Deres. He was carrying the sword to salute the King, the Führer, and Il Duce, at the grandstand. As the parade marched past the Vittorio Emanuele monument, Zerai Deres looked up and saw the golden Lion of Judah, the symbol of the ancient monarchy, to which his ancestors had long owed allegiance, erected as a war booty in the heart of Rome. The shock was too great for him, and he drew his sword and with it he slew five fascist guards[1], as well as wounding others, before he himself was killed[2] on the spot in a hail of gunshots.

          • Huluf October 31, 2011

            Haqi Tezerab,

            I am not sure what you mean did Abdi kill them? Neither did Issayas nor Hidgef…And no body accused him of doing so…It was a direct rebuttal to his continued and blind support to DIA that we try to prove his thinking is demerited right here with this sad incident…I hate to digress into uncessary argument you are blaming the “freaking Arabs” instead of criminals who to be Arabs…..oh! It is also courageous Arabs who are telling the world look at the young jounalist and those brave men escorting her….they carry guns…and forget insecurity I grow up with people that carried guns all their life….How in the hell do you assume Abdi he is a YPFDJ any way…unless you know him in that case tell us. He is an Eritrean period at least (If he is not …is destracting then that is his waste of time)…I do not doubt he means real…but he is plain wrong and deluded….We saw a criminal and cowardice act in that desert to our brethern and sistern for that matter to anyone.

            People like Abdi are the ones who are used on Eri TV confusing the EDA whilst they expect opposition. What do you think the new york movie was for….not for the attendees but for the people back home….It is people like Abdi that need to debated vehmently.

          • Abdi November 1, 2011

            I AM NOT Y/PFDJ so please understand that Im an ordinary Eritrean,but i trust ISAYAS for the job because he’s proved he is the best,
            as for prisoners, everywhere there are prisons and prisoners and i believe every gov’t does arrests,executions if he feels the it in the UK, US or anywhere in the world under terrorism,security acts etc.
            if you remember albashir shot 26 generals when he first came on power,so it wasn’t invented by ISAYAS it was there ages before him., however i believe the imprisionment of the so called G-15 was agreed for by the rest of the cabinet members too.i think the issue must be huge that made him/them put their comrades in prison.(susas alata),moreover some of the prisoner’s bro/sis are still working for PFDJ,if it wasn’t something against the country before it being against ISAYAS those closer ones to the prisoners would
            have protested by any mean or left the country!!
            this is my point of view regarding the prisoner’s issue,however i do agree, they should appear in court for the sake of justice.

          • Abdi November 1, 2011

            the second issue is the national services which is the main reason why our young bro/sis leaving the country.
            in my opinion the N.S is good for the nation and the students too, i don’t see any problem with that other than being unlimited.
            As we all know,we don’t have regular soldiers.
            In one hand, its hard to blame the gov’t for keeping them for unlimited period due to the “no peace no war” situation on the border, its also hard for the gov’t to predict what will happen tomorrow,and its not fair on these young students to be held hostages indefinitely, in the another.So klti’eu woyn khoynu,
            so my view in this issue is neutral,however i take the students side,for the reason that the gov’t had enough time since 2000 to have regular national solders.mesleni

          • Huluf November 1, 2011

            Abdi Abadi,

            The day they stop the continued service HIGDEF knows it will have problem in it’s hands….this is deliberately devised to control the youth and force the brave Eritreans focus on their daily bread which is hard to get….this has been tactics of Stalin and it failed ruining a country.
            Stop lieing to yourself and oozing horrible energy to your kids and your family.

          • ahmed Saleh November 1, 2011

            You are loosing your consciousness. The whole scenario is the question of right and wrong.
            We can not achieve peace unless we bring an end to the suppression. And people are the great
            potential to influence development of society. Keep in mind leaders go on their time.

          • Abdi November 1, 2011

            Im one of the many ppl you talking about and the truth is the majority are with ISAYAS,thus why he is in power if eritreans were in such suffer as assena rumors, you wouldn’t have seen ISAYAS where he is now,but all the rumors are fabricated,and everything they fabricate doesn’t last long bbefore it exposed,lies won’t get you anywhere.let me ask you a question, why you don’t have as many supporters as he does?if he was a killer as you describing him are would all these eritreans support him?don’t you think you are insulting our fellow eritreas intelligence by saying this?
            Ahmed “eza shekhsein golulak rasak mafi ahbish-hu”
            means if two people tell you that your head is missing,check if its there, or majority win.

            “haqi hizu zqales yEwet”

          • Huluf November 1, 2011

            No one from the cabinet decides who gets arrested….Yes governoments shoudl ensure citizens pay taxes and accountable to the law….but even our traditional law give you a day in court….G-15 and many others did not.

            You do not care for any soul even your own Eritrean…I just can see how deep you lie to yourself not to me. You compare what Bahir did and did not with our hard earned struggle of 100 years struggle….Then what is the purpose of sacrifice for any nation if it is going to belong to one man.

            Stop lying and deluding yourselves….if not you continue to earn this energy for you and your family….something will happen in your life that will ponder you this moment…It is the law of nature.

          • Haqqi Nezareb October 30, 2011


            This is what the honorable Haile Drue said to one of the local nesws paper in 2001, ” We members of the G15 are endogenous Eritreans with no identity-crisis”. I completely agree with him.

          • Negash October 31, 2011

            Yes, I don’t see any inferiority complex in the Erirtrean society yet! But pay attention, DIA aims to reach this goal – That is his target since the beginning of his participation in the struggle for free Eritrea

          • Maazza November 1, 2011


            I am not trying to defend anyone, but, could the title mean that no one who believes and professes to be Christian or Muslim could do such atrocities. That those who do that are neither Muslim’s or Christians in real fact. They are less than the wildest of animals, let alone humans who believe in God. At least my interpretation is that.

            Sometimes, we expend a lot of anger and wrath which all of us have accumulated thanks to the unbearable situation in our country focusing on an undeserving issue. Asmarino as far as I can see is doing a lot of service to the cause of the Eritrean people. Is it perfect? No, as nothing is. Is a consciousness developing information website where many distinguished Eritrean men and women write? YES. I would very much hesitate to use a strong language such as shame on you when addressing Asmarino because I consider what it is doing as a great service to the cause of the voiceless of our country. On the other hand, I confess I know Asmarino from its onset only as regards the information disseminated there and am totally ignorant about the information behind it all. I visit and read most of the contribution by various writers and feel proud.

      • selam October 31, 2011

        Abdi means Gebre in tigregna, like Gebremeskel. There is nothing wrong with that name.

        • Abdi November 1, 2011

          in fact i know what does it mean,but got confused when two of those who don’t agree with my opinion asked me if i know the meaning of Abdi in tigrina.gerhi lbu khea shmey tlagetselu zela ‘ymeselenn – Wey za gnaaaaay.anyway ab kahsakhi yewElna selam haftey.

  • truly, Truly i say to you October 29, 2011

    you are really funny guy! You said, “Instead of wailing and accusing PIA did this and did that,we should ask ourselves why they are abandoning their family and country?

    Are you serious that you don´t know why they abandoning? Then I better insist you to watch and listen the “TV Assenna front page ” just to get better reply, from the charismatic Eritrean Orthodox Abun, He rightly said it in Tigrina( ENTZEYTDEFANI MEN METSDEFENI? (እንተዘይትደፍኣኒ መን ምጽደፈኒ?)

    • Huluf October 31, 2011

      Truly holy cow untruly,

      He is asking a reason as to why they are leaving their country? It is for the same reason that you Abid, and me and those Komaros and Zemachs have left their country and are not returning it.

      The Ebud Abdi does not need Abadi….stay in your league….
      Wish you well!!

      • Abdi October 31, 2011

        finally,you admitted it, yes we all left to better our life,and bet you can prove otherwise,gn mesakin ze Hasebwo rekhibom.

        • Huluf November 1, 2011


          At least I am not judging them for leaving their home, because they had more reason to abandon a country they fought for unlike you and I who escaped to fight during the rebellion.
          You are Hadami, admit! stop lying to yourself…It will eat you soon, I hope you ….please do not ooze this energy to your kids if you have some.

          • Abdi November 1, 2011

            Hoy Hoy nefskha hkhekh ‘mber anes wetsieya eye 1995 wetsie.moliqatki ya zhawey.

        • Baraee November 1, 2011

          Abdi Ubud,

          No matter what you are hadami, you left a liberated eritrea, shame on you….and I remember Eritrea was on a good track until the demented dictator firend of the mad dog(Gadaffi) dragged us to war….so you left in 1995 shame on you….when Eritrea was basking on a path to inagurating Nakfa,…when our real heros not DIA were rushing the constituion when these veteran warriors were charter puluralistic governing systems for all….whenthey were about to converge for the fourth congress to delivet the promise of Hizbawignber 3rd congress. And you dared to ask why they left the possibility of container jails, wia, and as you admitted a dictator with equal right as Bashir did to your word not mine……what a shame for sure Abdi Ibud!!!!!!

  • Eden October 30, 2011


    Would you please ban this junky with no class what so ever Ebud (Abdi) guy from the forum? He is not only debasing the dignity of Eritreans, he needs to find his own league where Hatew-qetew is not the kind of stooped standard Assenna strives to set. Much obliged.

    • Barentu October 30, 2011

      Abdi has also a right to free speech. He has every right to defend his political opinion as long as he believes in it. He should never be banned. There are many in the opposition who are worse than Abdi. If you have a different opinion, express it.

  • ahmed Saleh October 30, 2011

    My good people forget the bad apple in our circle, it is not the right time for argument. We are in sorrow
    and grieve to hear this horrific news. Our soul is hurted and mind bothered and confused to hear and see
    the value of brothers/sisters life to be drawn to this unparalleled barbaric act. Death is natural, but my eyes
    fill with tears feeling the horror and agony they sustain at the last munute of their life. Remember they are
    our own youth who try their best to get work and help their family. They are children, brothers, sisters, cousins
    and friends of someones. The quality of civilized people is measured by the way how they treat the citizens in need not the other way.Our personallity of class and dignity is represented by our action of wisdom and dignity. Peace and justice work
    side by side.
    We must get orgonized and work hard to end this kind of danger. For long time we the minors whatever we address
    the needs of our people, we had been confronted with HGDF’s resistance just to defend IA, now with our brave and humble
    youth in diaspora are obliged to fight harder to save our youth and establish stability and justice for our mother ERITREA.
    I pray for those victims soul. May ALLah BLESS THEIR SOUL. My condolsence to their family, ZEN’AT YEHABKUM.

    • ahmed Saleh October 30, 2011

      when I said minors, I mean the ones who confront the HGDF’wian THEN.

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