A Call for Action to Stop Human Rights Abuses in Eritrea – Petitioning Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon A Call for Action to Stop Human Rights Abuses in Eritrea October 22, 2015 3:59 pmassenna1504565Views SHARE A Call for Action to Stop Human Rights Abuses in Eritrea
Haddish Gebremariam October 23, 2015
Please help the ERITREAN people.
Berhane Seyoum October 23, 2015
Stop human rights abuse
salih October 24, 2015
Please guys every one who lives in the usa must go there for the sake of the rest of our people at least we can say you have done your duties !!!
Futsum teferi October 24, 2015
Help the innocent eritrean people, condomin the ruling regime under sadistic president issayas administration.
samson amanuel October 27, 2015
no to dictatorship