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Denigrating ‘Fa’: Exculpating ELF crimes

Just recently Sryyet Addis, the alleged liquidation by ELF leaders of the 200-300 Christian-highlanders from Addis Abeba universities, one of the most controversial yet less talked about topics from the ghedli era, has been a

Just recently Sryyet Addis, the alleged liquidation by ELF leaders of the 200-300 Christian-highlanders from Addis Abeba universities, one of the most controversial yet less talked about topics from the ghedli era, has been a hot-button issue as Awate staff posted an article entitled Sryyet Addis: Blatant Lie?.  The article was part of a three-part series wherein Awate team tried to present possible pieces of exculpatory evidence, such as the claimed first-hand testimony of Gebremedhin, in an effort to surmise the allegation of the manifesto Nihnan Elamanan, a watershed in the Eritrean politics, which among other things claimed the killing of the recruits. Consequently this last article ensued a huge debate, albeit civilly, among some readers, and between some of us readers and the staff of Awate. One of the sticky points was the disparaging comment mouthed off by Awate editorial regarding the ‘Falul’- insurgents who called for pact of unity with Sabe, according to Yosief Ghebrehiwet, and misguided mutineers with ambition to bring their idols to power, according to Awate staff. I believe that there are at least two things that are wrong about the article, thus my rational motive to write this rejoinder. However, I would like to stress from the outset that I don’t intend to defend EPLF’s horrendous crimes, their propaganda and lies to divide the people, in any way at all.

One of the things that raised my eyebrows has been the overmuch zeal, fervor, and weight the Awate team has shown towards Gebremedhin’s article\book. Since the release of the article by Gebremedhin, Awate almost has proclaimed ‘Eureka!’. After the discovery they leapt out of their bathtub, just like Archimedes did, and run through the streets of cyberspace naked, as if the article provided all the missing info. Indeed Gebremedhin must be praised profusely for taking the initiative to write about his experience allowing us new generation to have a piece to read specially on the era between late 60s to late 70s. This is the history being obscured in the mists of time as the few surviving first hand witnesses, and most particularly, the then movers and shakers of the Eritreans politics, who have kept silent all along, have been making off one by one to meet their maker. As much as Gebremedhin’s effort deserves compliment, it also nudges us to bear in mind that it as well is, just like the many afore-contributed articles- one person’s outlook. One cannot help but notice, like the shortcoming in almost all testimonies and articles of the ghedli era, the emotional and extremely subjective views of the writer throughout the story as translated by Awate.

One of the things one automatically notices is Gebremedhin’s use of a third-person omniscient narration as if he has psychic talent of reading and understanding what the leaders, mutineers, splinters were contemplating. At times he gets to the minds of the people (leaders, nationalists, anarchists, splinters etc…) he talks about and tells us what they were thinking and at other times he leaves out information. To just keep to the Sryyet Addis incident, Gebremedhin in his article writes that after the dissenters intention was discovered, 17 members were picked up and were accompanied (securely guarded?) by 12 fighters in Debir Sala. While under detention, he further explains, the members knew that their intrigue was discovered, and planned to take arms forcibly from the guards, kill them and escape and surrender to the enemy. When they attempted that derring-do but failed to succeed, he writes, the news spread and the majority of Sryyet Addis members assigned in other places fled and surrendered to the enemy, and the rest joined Selfi Natsinet. What is interesting is that, of all the members of Sryyet Addis, none was caught and given due punishment by ELF leaders, according to the writer. They all somehow escaped he wants us to believe. Here he had either ‘inattentionally blinded’ himself then or is leaving out some pieces of information intentionally. A witness who knew the mind-set and intricacies of the mutineers should have known what had happened to those who did not manage to escape. I believe that his article should not be viewed and considered to have contained more important and unwavering evidence than all the other articles written before.

Furthermore, the article does not tell what kind of position he had; whether he had access to important documents or not; and whether he had interviewed important people allowing him the freedom of relating the story in that manner. Thus, it becomes very hard to take what he claims at face value just like all similar other pieces written by others before. At this juncture of our history we need much more objective writings with substantive sourcing so that we don’t fall into the pitfall of misleading people- an action EPLF\PFDJ have undertaken and abhorred by all of us.

The second point that raised my eyebrows was that in its endeavor to disproof Nehnan Elamanan through the article of Gebremedhin, Awate made a big mistake of denigrating the ‘falul’ victims. In fact that was when the debate flared. Awate team thinks that ‘Falul’ movement was ‘a rebellion by a mish-mash of small groups which included the rebellious reform-minded youth; the insubordinate troublemakers; the anarchists; and those who were misguided and misdirected by their political idols whom they wanted to bring to power’(emphasis mine). Awate did not have to go to that length of badmouthing the deceased- ‘falulawiyan’. They are heroes for some of us. I could not help but wonder if Awate team would ever write such denigrating comment about the ELM (Harakat), which was attacked at Ela Tsaeda by the decision of the ELF supreme council decision in 1965, or other groups who were liquidated by the decisions of ELF leaders as they demanded for reform.

By and large, I believe that exposing Isayas’ deception and betrayal cannot and will not exalt ELF leaders from the crimes they committed. Trying to do so is just like blowing a sucker punch on the faces of Eritreans, especially on the surviving ELF fighters who know the inns and out of ELF leaders. Isayas and his co. are criminals of no match, but so are also those ELF leaders who directly or indirectly were involved in purging different fighters in the ghedli time. Awate failed to read the sensibilities of its readers. When I read the article I hoped against hope that Awate was playing the advocate of the devil. But when I further read the replies it wrote to readers’ comments, I was flabbergasted. When one professes on reconciliation, they should employ statements that reconcile us. We should be careful not to let our emotions betray us.

What is fishy is that Awate has not clearly and undoubtedly explained if sryyet addis has indeed happened. I would really love to hear from Awate if they believe or know whether the incident took place or not. One point worth making here is that the number of the fighter victims of the incident is just secondary. Whether they were only 2 or 3 victims, or 100 or 300 is one thing, and believing if it happened or not is something else. Awate has a clear stand on ‘falul’ but does not seem to have one on Sryyet Addis.

Last but not least, people who were in the ELF leadership owe it to the people of Eritrea and should know that it is their historic duty to write about the history of ELF in general and such incidents in particular. It is only when as many people who were first hand witnesses as possible record it in writing that we would be able to be closer to the truth. Articles like Ghebremedhin’s won’t be enough to exculpate ELF leadership, or EPLF’s for that matter, from the alleged killings they had committed. And highlighting the others’ crimes won’t also clear the other from its horrendous atrocities. Killings by leaders of both fronts are black spots in our history. Indeed presenting valid and acceptable evidence to keep the record straight should be everyone’s task.


Review overview
  • Kokhob Selam April 3, 2012

    Ah, it is strange to read such type of article, I can see still some people are talking of one side due to their tendency only. I would like only to say that if all sites are like Awate, we could have been free of all backwardness and invite every one to read once again the article in Awate.

    the above article confirms me that PFDJ didn’t come just from Mars and it is really the result of some people who are small dictators. by that, cleaning the garbage in Asmara alone is not enough as we should work hard in each self and clean our minds which is corrupted and contaminated with narrow ideas of the past. I expect Assena to be the leading site which will not allow extremists to play and propagate against the mass, the mass who has started the real journey toward democracy for the first time in our history though this congress.

    • Cambo April 3, 2012

      Assenna has never been and it will never be a website like Awate website that criminals who committed genocide on the Kunama people are praised.
      Assenna is not like Awate website where a murderer like Abdela Idris and his crimes are cleaned.
      Assenna website is clean of any bias. it has never stopped exposing all crimes of Hgdef. You better look for your face in the mirror before you accuse others.

      • aforhmed saleh April 3, 2012

        Take it easy. Anything said in Awate stayed there , if you want to
        respond you are free to do it in their forum. And here in Assenna whatever we say stays in here. We have bigger problem to consider, no need for you intentional commotions between opposition websites.

      • Kokhob Selam April 4, 2012

        I can see between your sentences that you have a big problem and but allow me to remind you all who had the same thinking were supporters of PFDJ and are lost in the middle.

        look, we are not going to allow again corrupted people to administrate Eritrea. don’t try to play the highland lowland game that is expired.

        • Cambo April 4, 2012

          You wrote: “don’t try to play the highland lowland game that is expired.”
          How can I? I had never used the name/alias Ali Salim and I never posted in Awate.

          • Kokhob Selam April 4, 2012

            The people who post in awate are either learning from the great men or the great men are teaching. if you are not wide minded and you are not for truth, it is difficult to continue posting in Awate. you should update your self and come out with new progressive
            Ideas to deal with those men over there.

  • Thinker April 3, 2012

    it seems to me people still are not aware awate is an Islamist website. Awate team is a stealth sectarian team.

    • asha April 4, 2012

      it make sense, becuse most of the writers and editors have moslim names.
      keep thinking, i am proud of you deep thinker.

      if thinking lead you to this conclusion i suggest you stop thinking 🙂

      • Kokhob Selam April 4, 2012


        first Muslims are part of the society love it or not. regarding Awate site I don’t think you have a mind to think or your mind is converting every one who write in Awate to Islam. Like that wonderful Aklilu,Amanuel and all are no more Christian just becosue they stand for truth. you need to born again to think properly.

  • Fair and Square April 3, 2012

    THE Meddler Through Different Color,
    Under the tittle “He And His Objectives’ Feb 13, 2012 by Awate Team at the meddler Salih Gadi, Ali Salim or Mohammed Al Jeberti distorts the the events of the Eritrean armed struggle 1967-1972. This meddler could not convince and divide the diverse Eritrean society through his venem of christain-muslim, highland- lowland writing, now he resorted to scratch the would by distorting the armed struggle era events. EPLF was formed of Ubelin, EPLF 1, EPLF 2. He says fighters were killed in Kassala Sudan by their fellow comrades because they were giving theseves (capitulate) to the Ethiopian government. Once a meddler is always a meddler and no one will be influenced by your garbbage.
    This writer has unerstood the meddler’s intention and will be exposed soon.

  • Zemenu April 3, 2012

    ENDC is a criminal initity when it encludes Like the butcher HAYOTI other Shabia Jebha butchers are living in north America Europe Australia mark my they will be challanged they think we forgot

  • Yohannes April 3, 2012

    I read Gadi Comments about the martyrs who were Killed in Menase 167 their dead bodies hanged by the notrous torserawit in Keren. I bet Gadi is not going to comment about the martys they corpses desplayed in jira fiyori Keren 1976?????

  • Dawit April 4, 2012

    By virtue of its perceived superiority, Awate website believes that it is a web site of a certain class that deserves a favored treatment , and social status. It’s a web site for elitists. Unlike the old days, it has lost its fame. Just like Asmarino, Awate also seems to have stopped to be a one stop shopping place for information. Eritreans are now talking about assenna, because of its timely information coverage. Needless to say, Assenna’s meteoric rise as an information hub can be attributed to its constant reporting of fresh information in both languages-English+Tigrina.

  • Mr. T April 4, 2012

    Really “asha”,

    It is not the writers that matter most but the ownership of the website. This taliban’s website ( is run by two people both with a tendency of very dangerous and historical hatred against Christian (Highland) Eritrea. They both have continued to allow and encourage every Islamic extremist you can think of in order to denigrate and belittle the contribution of Highland Eritreans during our revolutionary struggle. The criminal Saleh Gadi and the Tigrayan bodyguard, Saleh Younis, have recruited the type of Ali Salem, Mohammed Ahmed and many anonymous jihadists under the pen name of “Sheik Moktar” to divide Eritreans along the lines of religion and ethnicity. The renowned thug, Saleh Gadi, and the Tigrayan original, Saleh Younis, have even told us that all the heinous crimes of the ELF’s crimes against the Christian highlanders are “FALSE”.

    The goal and mission of the taliban’s website are clearly defined. They are to empower every jihadist and religious extremist so that they can change the face of Eritrea to their liking: to create an Islamic nation to be exact. Do you get it?

    • ahmed saleh April 4, 2012


      • Mr. T April 4, 2012

        ahmed saleh,

        This time I am giving you the opportunity of being ignored because respecting this great website is more important to me than to have a chit-chat with a hyperventilating thug.

    • Thinker April 4, 2012

      good point bro. The awate team’s dream is social engineering of Eritrea to
      Curve out an Islamic state as a gift to their Arab idols and the umma. They are not struggling against tyranny like the rest of the nationalist Eritreans. the extreme propaganda campaign to minimize and sugar coat the kiadal ama crime, highlight the crimes of isayas , the incessant campaign to impose Arabic language and identity on Eritreans, the hate filled campaign on tigrinya settlements on gash barka, the celebration of what they call ‘diplomatic victory’ of a bunch of jihadists of the Eritrean Islamic movement..etc betrays the fact they are nothing but closet Islamists in business suites.

      • asha April 5, 2012

        Mr t and thinker,
        i am 100% sure that you are not against moslims writing and also equally i am sure you not haters but i am hundred percent sure that you lack love and a working brain.

        first correction the owners of the websites are actually highlanders and to the tigrean refrence i am sure like most highlanders they have tigrean blood in them too.

        second they told you elf crime against christians is false and that makes you angry ? you want it to be true ? i wounder why. btw i can understand why that makes you angry becuse when stupid people deny eplf/pfdj crime against the moslims it makes me angry too.

        third i know i admire ali salim and mohammed ahmed salh gadi i have yet to see as articulate as this people really it makes me so proud to be eritrean and a reader of awate. the team and the writers are way suprior than you and people who think like you.

  • Kokhob Selam April 4, 2012

    some guys are trying hard to create differences between Asena and Awate. They may have differences but in our new journey differences are accepted but it should not be exploited by some reactionaries. PFDJ is facing great tragic daily form both sides. both are ours.

    • ahmed saleh April 4, 2012

      It is irony to see corrupted people with tendencies of religious and regional hatred
      to come out in this forum to preach their beliefs with no shame at all. This kind of
      stupid mentality had played negative role in the past. In this crucial moment I couldn’t find a reason to understand to the purpose of all these poisonous political approach. When somebody shine a light into the dark corners of Eritrean past politics, I advise our youth to have a courage to make clear your disapproval . You are the backbone of this political movement , stay focused and vigilant to protect from their dirty backward sentiments.

  • Cambo April 4, 2012

    To kokhob who is accussing me of being PFDJ supporter, may he read YGs to clean his mind:
    ደገፍቲ ጀብሃ ዘርእይዎ ተገራጫዊ ሓሳባት ኣብ ኩሉ ጎሊሑ ይርአ እዩ :: ብንቕሓት ንሕሉፍ ታሪኽ ሻዕብያ ክፍትሹን ዓስከሬናታ ክጋልሁን ንዕዘብ : ክግበር ዜግብኦ እዩ :: ግና ‘ኸ ብተመሳሳሊ ንታሪኽ ጀብሃ ክንገልህ ምስ ‘ንፍትን – ማለት ኣብ ልዕሊ ፋሉል : ስርየት ኣዲስ : መንፈረ : ራስያን ኩሎም ቅድምን ድሕርን ዋዕላ ኣዶብሓ ዝተፈጸሙ ጭፍጨፋታት ምስ እተልዕለሎም : ኣዝዮም ይንድሩ :: ንኢሰያስ ብዝገበሮም ጌጋታትን ዝፈጸሞም ገበናትን እርይ ቁጽር ኣቢሎም ክነቕፍዎ ባህ ይብሎም : እዚ ‘ውን ክግበር ዝግብኦ እዩ : ግና ‘ኸ ነቶም ዘይምዕቡላት : ዘይደሞክራሲያውያን : ፈላለይትን ጨፍጨፍትን መራሕቶም ዝምልከት ዝኾነ ዓይነት ኣሉታዊ ነቐፌታ ክሰምዕዎ ኣይድልዩን ጥራይ ዘይኮነስ : ነዞም መራሕቲ ኮሓሒሎም ሂወት ክሶኽዕሎም ህርዱግ ይብሉ ::
    ህዝቢ ኩናማ ኣብ ትሕቲ ሻዕብያ ዘጋጠሞ ምግላልን ግፍዕታትን ከይሰልከዩ የዘኻኽሩና : እዚ ‘ውን ክግበር ዝግብኦ እዩ : ግና ‘ኸ ኣብ ልዕሊ ህዝቢ ኩናማ ዝተፈጸመ ናይ ምግላልን ምግፋዕን በደል ነዊሕ ታሪኽ ዘለዎ ሙዃኑ : ብጀብሃ ብዙሓት ዓድታት ኩናማ ከምዘይነበራን ናብ ሓሙክሽቲ ከምዝተቐየራን : ብዙሓት ደቒ ኩናማ ‘ውን ከምዝተቐትሉን ከብቶም ከምዝተራሰያን እንተ ኣልዒልካሎም ርእሶም ይሓሙን ይቑጥዑኻን ::

    • ahmed saleh April 4, 2012

      You remember there was a time when we had misundestanding in this forum. The problem initiated from misleading remarks to bluntly attacks based on hatred and religious bias. That is why some commentators used to critisize you. It is shame to waste our energy arguing about the past though when at presenet there is an urgent demand how to overcome our people’s difficult life situations. I urge you to stop this ElF–EPLF stuff, it does’t belong in here dump it in the garbage for good please. Leave the truth of the past to the researchers.

      • Cambo April 4, 2012

        It has become your second nature attacking me of “hatred and religious bias” for my comments several times. I am not surpsrised now. I will always stand for justice and fairness whether the criminal is Issias, Abdela Idris, the Arab Bedeuine or doctor in Sinai.
        I will continue to expose any reporting bias to ward anyone whether the victim is an ethnic Kunama, G15 or Fallul or Sryet Addis. You will read my comments here often: fair and clear.

        • ahmed saleh April 4, 2012

          My point is what ever old destructive thinking we notice, it is
          our responsibilty to shield our youth from these negative
          social radicalism.If you enjoy to campaign again and again about the past no one can stop you. But you are not wellcome to use as a tool to bring suspicion on this forum at present time of movement for UNITY and DEMOCRACY.
          Eritreans are on their worst miserable life at this minute and
          they need our help. Be honest to yourself my friend.

          • Cambo April 4, 2012

            I have never waivered and never will from searching justice for all Eritrean victims. My friend, you are the last person to preach me of the need of “UNITY and DEMOCRACY”; I have been doing this for long.
            Rest assured, I will continue to expose any injustice to ward anyone whether the victim is an ethnic Kunama, G15, Fallul, Sryet Addis or an enslaved Eritrean.

        • Kokhob Selam April 4, 2012

          Cambo, you just read all what you are writing and you will know that how much your mind is exposed to us. you hate to see united Eritrea. the people who hate to see prosperous Eritrea are the people who have bad history. if so our people will forgive you… just work with new advanced ideas of revolutionaries. come out of haters and revenge of any type.

    • Kokhob Selam April 4, 2012


      can some one clean his mind by collecting garages from dust bins and put them in his head?

  • kabbire April 5, 2012

    brother Salih Ghadi is getting very old sniffing the garbage bins, when will he grow up and stop talking about shabia? 32 years is too long?
    lets do some salat for him

    stop making fun of our history, you r little boy to understand our mighty Qiada al Ama/jebha which kept documents of all the dead in Madrasa wooden tablets in the 1960s. Oops, Ipads i mean.
    now, u know why we have no records about Sryyete Addis

    • Kokhob Selam April 5, 2012


      your boss was in Ama, and Jebha. he is the alpha omega of all the crime. he start is in Jebha and finish it in PFDJ.