Voice of Asena – New York Demostration 25th September, 2011
Eritreans who are preparing to stage a grand demonstration tomorrow in New York to condemn the PFDJ regime and call the UN to press on its sanctions against the dictator have unleashed their initial strike
Eritreans who are preparing to stage a grand demonstration tomorrow in New York to condemn the PFDJ regime and call the UN to press on its sanctions against the dictator have unleashed their initial strike by organising a powerful protest today 25th September, in front of the hall booked by the PFDJ so that its leader Isaias Afewerki to hold a meeting of his supporters. Organisers and participants of the protest speak to Voice of Asena about the spirit of the demonstrators and the atmosphere around the PFDJ supporters who were passing by to attend the meeting.
michael tedla September 28, 2011
Assena you are the voice for the voiceless people of Eritrea My name is Michael Tesfai i live in Washington DC .I was at the United Nation to protest againist the crull self apppoited essayas and his maphia.Hiss days are near so the Eritrean peole will b e at last.This not my first time protesting as you know the first protest in Washington was year 2000 .When kidan established.This time is diffrent because yang generation are waken.As i so this happeninig i was pleased. Thank you Assena may God bless you.
Maazza September 30, 2011
Michale Tedla,
God bless you too for standing up for all of us!
ghenet gole denden October 2, 2011
Haberom kem ahiwatu…Amaniyel ,Thankess a lot..to hear the voice of voiceless peopel ,we are proud of you to hear the oppisition in newyork anty of the dictator ,, the voice is our voice mekalh naxinetin zitementelna We have now to think about where we go ,hagerana nabey tikeyd ala ,bamaet ashihat meswaety zimexet hager ,bedegafin hade seb ,emo wike melaky ,bzey beay saeri eko aytbukela zibl emnto hizu .ab mixinat hizibin hagerin bfilay meneseyat weledo zikeyd welke seb emo tiena zeyblu bnay hangol himama zisake seb kentake ,zeykone, hidiri siwatina mebxana ytigber do alo weys nemen elna kintmto ygbae ybil..bdefin waewaetan chawcawitan aykonetin hager mexiya ,bkindey sikyatin meswaetin zimexet hager bmtikaen bdrfin aezanan aentinan kenewiro aygidin ..hager nebarit eya.seb ghina aynebrin eyou tarikina ghina ,kidim bgignenet higi bcahwiahwta aynberzo…..zihalefe nizekir ..ghina hanity neger kezekakir ydely ..mealty wilke melaky abkyou nbat wixat ykerib kemzelo breyo ab NEW YORK trraeyou eyou ,silezi kem kedemina .AWET NHAFASH, ember nay wilke seb aykonetin…