Nasser ,the answer is crystal clear,like you said she demonstrated it by becoming the mouthpiece of the regime since its inception by holding comparatively speaking one of the most powerful position in its structure.Now can you picture the human rights abuse and loss of lives that went on under her watch and the things she could have done to stop it,let me make it clear,(TEGHADALAY/LIT) is forever he/she gives off light to others and melts away,her and people like her who serve the interest of a tyrant hung around siphoning the blood of their children and grandchildren like a vampire to the point they start looking alike as the Munster Family.
k.tewolde September 3, 2019
Nasser ,the answer is crystal clear,like you said she demonstrated it by becoming the mouthpiece of the regime since its inception by holding comparatively speaking one of the most powerful position in its structure.Now can you picture the human rights abuse and loss of lives that went on under her watch and the things she could have done to stop it,let me make it clear,(TEGHADALAY/LIT) is forever he/she gives off light to others and melts away,her and people like her who serve the interest of a tyrant hung around siphoning the blood of their children and grandchildren like a vampire to the point they start looking alike as the Munster Family.
Haben September 3, 2019
Well done Haw Nasir! a’Hbinkana
Woldegabriel September 3, 2019
Dear Nasser,
Very farsighted, matured and critical analysis.
Gezae September 5, 2019
He is incongruous person. Any how I hope he has undocked and cast off his every things.Thank you beloved and honored Minister Fosia Hashim