That is right Mussa: what is new here in? They have been like this , since the British left Suadan a better place?
ህዝቢ ሱዳን ንልዕሊ ሰላሳ ዓመታት ተጸብዩ እዩ። ግና ኣሽንኳይ እዞም ናይ ሓሶት “ዓረብ ኢና” ዝብሉ ፣ እቶም ጎይቶቶም ዓረብ ውን መንግስቲ ከም ጀለብያ ሰሙን ሰሙን እንተቐየሩ ዝሓሸ ፖለቲካ ክሃንጹ ብቕዓት የብሎምን። ፖለቲካ ዓረብ ተሓጺቡ ኣይጸርን እዩ።
እንተደሊኹም የመን ፣ ሊብያ ግብጺ ስዑድያ ዒራቅ ሶርያ ኣልጀርያ ቱኒስያ ሶማል ረኣዩ። ምስ ዓረብን ከደምቱን ብማዕዶ ጥራይ ..።
Congratulations to people of the Sudan.
The 3 tools that many dictators used to cling to power, namely fear, information control & dissent control; have now been destroyed by the social media and mass youth protest. Two sit-tight dictators A. Bouteflika & Bashir have been booted out of office by the people in a span of a week. People in Africa are now beginning to realize that they have enormous power to wield the hammer on stubborn/corrupt/deceptive/notorious dictators who have outlived their time. The Tsunami that swept these two dictators is coming to Eritrea soon as well whether EDF makes the move or not.
Halafi April 11, 2019
That is right Mussa: what is new here in? They have been like this , since the British left Suadan a better place?
ህዝቢ ሱዳን ንልዕሊ ሰላሳ ዓመታት ተጸብዩ እዩ። ግና ኣሽንኳይ እዞም ናይ ሓሶት “ዓረብ ኢና” ዝብሉ ፣ እቶም ጎይቶቶም ዓረብ ውን መንግስቲ ከም ጀለብያ ሰሙን ሰሙን እንተቐየሩ ዝሓሸ ፖለቲካ ክሃንጹ ብቕዓት የብሎምን። ፖለቲካ ዓረብ ተሓጺቡ ኣይጸርን እዩ።
እንተደሊኹም የመን ፣ ሊብያ ግብጺ ስዑድያ ዒራቅ ሶርያ ኣልጀርያ ቱኒስያ ሶማል ረኣዩ። ምስ ዓረብን ከደምቱን ብማዕዶ ጥራይ ..።
Weldetensea April 12, 2019
Natka giber misom kitiwedader aytikilin ika, bealti jelebia adeka dihirit gedifka zihdmkas demom afsisom nizemxiewo lewoti kitekonaxib menyibluka. Kolasi.
Temesgen April 11, 2019
Congratulations to people of the Sudan.
The 3 tools that many dictators used to cling to power, namely fear, information control & dissent control; have now been destroyed by the social media and mass youth protest. Two sit-tight dictators A. Bouteflika & Bashir have been booted out of office by the people in a span of a week. People in Africa are now beginning to realize that they have enormous power to wield the hammer on stubborn/corrupt/deceptive/notorious dictators who have outlived their time. The Tsunami that swept these two dictators is coming to Eritrea soon as well whether EDF makes the move or not.
ቀሺ ማርስ April 12, 2019
ሰላማት ኣሰናታት
ከምዞም ኩቡራትን ሑፉራትን ህዝቢ ሱዳን፡ ጊዜኹም`ዩ ይበለና፡ እዚ ሰይጣን ናይ ዓድና፡ ክግልበጥ ጥራሕ ዘይኮነስ፡ ኣንከራሪዉ ክጸድፍ፡ ኣብቲ ተሓቢኡሉ ዘሎ ዲጋ ክጥሕል ክሰጥም። ወተሃደራት ሱዳን ምስጋና ይግቦኦም`ዩ፡ ትርግታ ህዝቦም ፈሊጦም ይኣክል ዘድመጹ ኣብ ጎኒ ህዝቦም ኮይኖ። ካብዞም መኮንናት ህግደፍ ከ ማዓስ ኮን ይኸውን ምስ ህዝቦም ዝውግኑ፧ ይኣኽለኩም ምኽዳም ንዕሉል ገበነኛ፡ መረረ ህዝብኹም ረአዩን ኣስተባህሉን እሞ ምስ ህዝብኹም ወግኑ።