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ASSENNA NEWS: ዝርርብ ምስ ገዲም ተጋዳላይ ዳዊት ፍስሃየ – ብዛዕባ ሓድሽ ምዕባለታት ኤርትራን ኢትዮጵያን – Monday, July 23, 2018

Review overview
  • Wedi MAAY murakuut July 23, 2018

    Wedi MAAY murakuut
    JULY 23, 2018
    This scenario was the product of European Union way of curbing the influx of African refugees. and it was drafted and agreed upon months before it was made public. that is why it was spreading fast and caught Woyane by surprise It involves money and ultimatum.All they have to tell Isias was do you know where Gadaffis is ? So remember Europe is intimidated by influx of Black refugees. This was drafted when Desalgn was in power. He was made to resign part of the strategy and Dr Abbey was elected to execute what was agreed upon close doors simply because he represnted the Oromos. Woyanne were already terrorized by the uprising of the Oromo youth. all they had to do was to flee to Mekelle. The next sad move will be deporting thousands of Eritrean refugees from Europe and Israel to Eritrea.

  • Wedi MAAY murakuut July 23, 2018

    This scenario was the product of European Union way of curbing the influx of African refugees. and it was drafted and agreed upon months before it was made public. that is why it was spreading fast and caught Woyane by surprise It involves money and ultimatum.All they have to tell Isias was do you know where Gadaffis is ? So remember Europe is intimidated by influx of Black refugees. This was drafted when Desalgn was in power. He was made to resign part of the strategy and Dr Abbey was elected to execute what was agreed upon close doors simply because he represnted the Oromos. Woyanne were already terrorized by the uprising of the Oromo youth. all they had to do was to flee to Mekelle. The next sad move will be deporting thousands of Eritrean refugees from Europe and Israel to Eritrea.