President Isais for the sake of the suffering of Eritreans welcome this peace process. You will make millions of peace loving people crown you as a hero. Be a hero. :Learn from the N. Korean leader. If he is willing to talk to President Trump. You can certainly talk to PM Abye Ahmed of Ethiopia.
This good news and big headache for the dictator as use it as a scaring tactic to confuse zombies, and to avoid implementation of the constitution, although the border crisis was no problem for running the country by rule of law rather than by one man .
EPRDF executives dropped a nuclear bomb on HGDEF door.
Now that the infamous boarder excuse is going to be dealt with once and for all, what will be the new propaganda ploy to hold hostage Eritrean youth with endless military service? what will be the reason for suspending the constitution?, democratization?, speedy economic development?,infinite imprisonment of its own fighters and its citizens…..etc . A heck of brain storming and soul searching to do before responding to this shocking news.
If this is true and the news is all over the place and may be true then –
Eritrea beaten at its own game, again. How Ethiopians played their card to the most. If one has to write a book on the last 25 chapter regarding Eritrea some of the opportunity costs would be
1-Lost land
2-Lost generations
3-Lost faith
4-Faith based sections of society showed their true colors
5=Dead last – in educational progress
6-Eritreas split like no other time in history
Now what – Eritrean government caught with their pants down
I am hopeful Peace will come however!.
Hopeful June 5, 2018
President Isais for the sake of the suffering of Eritreans welcome this peace process. You will make millions of peace loving people crown you as a hero. Be a hero. :Learn from the N. Korean leader. If he is willing to talk to President Trump. You can certainly talk to PM Abye Ahmed of Ethiopia.
መድሃኔ ተኽለማርያም June 5, 2018
ዘሕጉስ ዜና ንጥቕሚ ክልቲኡ ኣህዛብ ከኣ’ዩ፡ ኣምላኽ ይተሓወሶ፡ ሰላም!!!!!
Berhe Tensea June 6, 2018
This good news and big headache for the dictator as use it as a scaring tactic to confuse zombies, and to avoid implementation of the constitution, although the border crisis was no problem for running the country by rule of law rather than by one man .
Death to the Sokotan python and puppets..
ናትና ንግበር June 6, 2018
መንግስቲ ኢትዮጵያ ናይ ሰላም ጻውዒትን ተግባራዊ ንክኸውን ንዝገበርዎ ውሳኔን ልቦና ዝመልኦ ስጉምቲ ስለዝኾነ ህዝቢ ኤርትራን ኢትዮጵያን ሃንጎፋይ ኢሉ ከምዝቕበሎ ኣብ ናይ ሕቶ ምልክት ዝኣቱ ጉዳይ ኣይኮነን። ምልካዊ ስርዓት ኤርትራን ሰዓብቱ ድማ ሳላ ጸኒዕና ዝመከትና ንመንግስቲ ኢትዮጵያ ኣምበርኪኽናያ ኢሎም ከምዝፍክሩን ጓይላ ከምዝገብሩን ፍሉጥ ዋላ እንተኾነ ንልቦና ዝመልኦ ናይ መንግስቲ ኢትዮጵያ ስጉምቲ ብምምስጋን ብትሕትና ግብራዊ ክሳብ ዝኸውን ብትዕግስቲ ምጽባይ ከድልየና ኢዩ። ምልካዊ ስርዓት ኤርትራ ሓንቲ ካብተን ዓበይቲ ኣብ ስልጣን ንኽቕጽል ዘመኽንየለን ዝነበር ጉዳያት ትእለ ስለዘላ ሕጂ ዘምጽኦ ሓዲሽ ምኸንያት ክህሉ ስለዝኽእል ሕዝቢ ኤርትራ ንዝመጸእ ናይ ምልካዊ ስርዓት ኤርትራ ምስምስ ሓቢሩ ብትብዓትን ቆራጽነትን ክገጥሞ ኣለዎ፣ ናይ ዝሓለፈ ይኣክል።
ዘልኣለማዊ ዝኽሪ ንስውኣትና።
ክብርን ሞጎስን ንጀጋኑ ኣካለ ስንኩላን ኤርትራውያን።
ውድቀት ንመታለልን ዓማጽን ምልካዊ ስርዓት ኢሳያስ።
RAHWA June 6, 2018
Outdated communist rule of PFDJ must be over .
Leave your power peacefully if you are smart enough !! go secure your pension . If not , remember what happend to your friend mad Ghadafi !!
abe June 6, 2018
EPRDF executives dropped a nuclear bomb on HGDEF door.
Now that the infamous boarder excuse is going to be dealt with once and for all, what will be the new propaganda ploy to hold hostage Eritrean youth with endless military service? what will be the reason for suspending the constitution?, democratization?, speedy economic development?,infinite imprisonment of its own fighters and its citizens…..etc . A heck of brain storming and soul searching to do before responding to this shocking news.
Mike June 6, 2018
If this is true and the news is all over the place and may be true then –
Eritrea beaten at its own game, again. How Ethiopians played their card to the most. If one has to write a book on the last 25 chapter regarding Eritrea some of the opportunity costs would be
1-Lost land
2-Lost generations
3-Lost faith
4-Faith based sections of society showed their true colors
5=Dead last – in educational progress
6-Eritreas split like no other time in history
Now what – Eritrean government caught with their pants down
I am hopeful Peace will come however!.
Yehualashet Sahile June 6, 2018
ይህስ የእ/ር እጅ ነዉ፡፡
የተዘጋ ነገር በሰዉ ከሆነ መክፈት የሚችለዉ ሰዉ ይመስል ነበር ምክንያቱም ዘጊዉ ሰዉ ስለሆነ ከፋች ሰዉ ነዉ ብለን እናስብ ይሖናል አሁን ግን በኤትርራና በኢትጵያ የነበረዉ ለ16 ዓመት ተዘጋዉ ዶሴ ዛሬ ተከፈተ ይህስ የእ/ር እጅ ንዉ በብዙ ጸሎት ቤቶች ሰላም እንደሚሆን እ/ር ተናግሮ ነበር ለብዙ ግዜ ነገር ግን ብዞዎቻችን ዝን ብሎ ቅዠት ነበር ብለን ይሆናል ነገር ግን የተናገረዉ እ/ር ስለሆነ ፍጻሜ እንደሚኖረዉ እርግጥ ነበር፡፡
አሁንም እኛ በማህበራዊ ሚድያ የምንጠቀም ሰዎች ለምንሰጠዉ አስተያየት እየተጠነቀቅን እንደዉም መልካም ነገር እንዲመጣ ማሰብ ያለብን ይማለኛል ድህንት የተባለ ችግር ህዝባችንን እያገላታዉ በረሀብ እና በእርዛት እየተንገላታ እኛ እን ሀገር ማሰብ ሲገባን ለህዝባችን ማሻሻያ ሳይሖን ነገር ግን ለህዝባች ችግር መፍጠር የሚያነሳሳ ሃብ ማቅረብ ሳይሆን ይህ የተጀመረዉ ሰላም እንዴት እንደሚቀጥል ሀሳብ በመስጠት ሰከላም ፈላጊዊን ህዛባችንን ማበረታታና ሰላም በበለጠ በማግኘት የሚገኘዉን አብሮነት እንዲናፍቅ ማረግ ይጠበቅብናል፡፡
መልካም ያሰቡትን የኢትዩጳ ጠቅላይ ሚኒስትር እ/ር ይባርካቸዉ ብለንም ልንጸ፤ልይላቸዉ ይገባል፡፡ እኛ እንደ ሀገር ለህዝባችን ጥቅም መልካሙን እያሰብን ፈጣሪን እንለምናለን እነርሱን ደግሞ አሁንም በበለጠ ልባቸዉን ለሰላም እያነሳሳ ፍጻሜ እነዲያገኝ የተጀመረዉ እንዲቀየጥል መመኘትና እነዲደረግ ማሰብ ይጠበቅብናል፡፡
ሁለቱ ሀገሮች ሰላማዊንሮ ቢኖሩ በተለይ በተሰብ የተበታታኑ እንዲገናኙ ቢደረግ እንዴት ደስ ይል መሰላችሁ፡፡ በተሰብ የተነፋፋቀ እርስ በእርስ ሲገናኝ ማለትም ባልና ሚስት አባትና እናትና ልጆች ወንድማማቾች እረ ስንቱ እኔ ብዙ ጉዋደኞች አሉኝ የተለያየን አብረን አድገን አብረን ተምረን ታዲያ መቼ ነዉ የምንገናኘዉ ስ፤ልዚህ እዘኑልንና እንገናኝበት፡፡
ታዲያ የተራራቀን የተረሳሳን የሚያገኛኝ ይህስ የእ/ር እጅ ካልሆነ የማን ይሖናል ቂምን ጥላቻን አስወግዲ ላመገኛኘት ተስፋን ሰንቆ የሚያስነሳ የእ/ር እጅ ካልሆነ የማን ሊሆን ይችላል፡፡ በእዉነትም ይህስ የእ/ር እጅ ነዉ፡፡