THANK YOU Manual .this is a true fact what the ERITREAN people have been dealing with this BUTCHER OF ERITREA for the last 50 years since 1970…THE REAL SAD PART, HE is not even ERITREAN.. I HOPE ALL ERITREANS WILL LISTEN THIS ARTICLE AND TRY TO UNITED AND DO SOME THING to get out of this endless misery .
jommy February 25, 2018
THANK YOU Manual .this is a true fact what the ERITREAN people have been dealing with this BUTCHER OF ERITREA for the last 50 years since 1970…THE REAL SAD PART, HE is not even ERITREAN.. I HOPE ALL ERITREANS WILL LISTEN THIS ARTICLE AND TRY TO UNITED AND DO SOME THING to get out of this endless misery .