Now the problem b/n houthi and suna is solved by separating from the north, what will be the mission of the coalition that saudi and egypt leads be? Does that mean qatar wins over the coaltion of terrorists that include the parasite hgdf? Hgdf jelia higi dima!!! Bkedemu bsuadi mifirirah eya atyato nera, titikem dima mesiluwa. Guda xibah kifelih eyu kem nay weyane.
amanuel January 31, 2018
Now the problem b/n houthi and suna is solved by separating from the north, what will be the mission of the coalition that saudi and egypt leads be? Does that mean qatar wins over the coaltion of terrorists that include the parasite hgdf? Hgdf jelia higi dima!!! Bkedemu bsuadi mifirirah eya atyato nera, titikem dima mesiluwa. Guda xibah kifelih eyu kem nay weyane.